IBM Cloud Docs
Controlling access to resources by using tags

Controlling access to resources by using tags

This tutorial guides you through the steps to centrally manage access to the resources in your account at scale. By completing this tutorial, you learn how to create an access management tag, add the tag to selected resources, and define a policy to assign access to resources based on the tags on those resources.

Access management tags are metadata that are added to resources to help organize access control relationships. They create flexible and easy to administer resource groupings. When you use tags to control access to your resources, your team's projects can grow without requiring updates to IAM policies.

Let's assume you are the lead of a project for your team that needs an IBM Cloud® Object Storage instance for storing sensitive, project-specific data for analytics. You only want the members of this project to have access to the service instance and work with the project data.

This tutorial applies to IAM-enabled resources only. You need to have an administrator role on the tagging service to create and delete access management tags. To attach and detach access management tags, you need at least an administrator role on the resources to which the tag is added.

Before you begin

If you are new to using IAM, check out the following resources to learn more about the features, concepts, and components of the access management system:

Create an access management tag

Create an access management tag that you will attach to your Object Storage.

  1. Go to Manage > Account in the IBM Cloud console, and select Tags.
  2. Click Access management tags.
  3. Enter the name of your tag project:analysis, and click Create tags. See Tagging rules for syntax and limitations.

Because tags are visible account-wide, avoid using personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, email address, or other identifying or proprietary information.

Attach your access management tag to a resource

Now that you created your tag, you can add it to your resource.

  1. Click the Navigation Menu icon Navigation Menu icon > Resource List to access the list of resources in your account.
  2. Find your IBM Cloud® Object Storage instance and click the Actions icon Actions icon > Add tags.
  3. Type project:analysis and press Enter.

Create an access group

You'll define the level of access that users have to your Object Storage based on the tags that you previously created. See the following examples for each access level:

  • With reader role, users can list and download objects in buckets.
  • With writer role, users can create and delete buckets.
  • With manager role, users can control all aspects of data storage, like adding a retention policy and bucket firewall.

First, create an access group to streamline the task of assigning access to multiple users:

  1. Click Manage > Access (IAM) in the IBM Cloud console, and select Access groups.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a unique name to identify your access group, an optional description, and click Create.

Assign a policy

Next, assign a policy to the group:

  1. Click Access > Assign access.
  2. Select All Identity and Access enabled services as the service.
  3. Scope the access to Specific resources > Access management tags to grant access based on the attached access management tag.
  4. Type project:analysis or select it from the list of options.
  5. Select the resource group access.
  6. Select all roles that apply. To view a list of all actions that are mapped to a specific role, click the numbers listed next to each role.
  7. Click Review.
  8. Click Add to add your policy configuration to your policy summary.
  9. Click Assign.

Add users to your access group

Then, add users to your access group:

  1. Click Users > Add users.
  2. Select the members of the project from the list, and click Add to group.

After you create the access policy, access to other resources can be granted or revoked by attaching and detaching the same access management tag to those resources.

Next steps

To learn how you can perform the same actions by using CLI and API commands, see Working with tags.