IBM Cloud Docs
Applying feature codes

Applying feature codes

You can apply feature codes to take advantage of IBM Cloud® resources or capabilities. Feature codes are typically provided for online courses and certain events, such as educational sessions or conference workshops.

Are you looking for details about adding subscription credit to your account? See Managing subscriptions for more information.

You must have the Editor role or higher for all account management services to apply a feature code. The resources or capabilities that are provided vary depending on the particular code but include one or more of the following items in general:

  • Increase the memory quota to a number of GB that is specified by the code
  • Add one organization with a memory quota that is specified by the code
  • Add an unlimited number of organizations
  • Upload an additional number of SSL certificates, as specified by the code
  • Use premium service plans
  • Convert a Lite account to a trial account, which provides access to more services but only within a limited trial period

Complete the following steps to apply a feature code to your existing account:

If you don't have an account yet, you can add your feature code when you register for a new account by clicking Register with a code instead of entering your credit card information.

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, go to Manage > Account, and select Account settings.
  2. Click Apply code.
  3. Enter the feature code, which is typically a random alphanumeric value such as a1b2c3def456.
  4. Click Apply.