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Auditing events for account management

Auditing events for account management

As a security officer, auditor, or manager, you can use the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service to track how users and applications interact with an IBM Cloud® account.

As of 28 March 2024 the IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker services are deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs, which replaces these two services, prior to 30 March 2025. IBM Cloud Logs will become generally available during the summer of 2024 in Frankfurt and Madrid with day-one support for EU-managed controls. The service will continue its worldwide multizone region (MZR) roll-out through 3Q2024. For information about IBM Cloud Logs, see the IBM Cloud Logs documentation.

The IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service records user-initiated activities that change the state of a service in IBM Cloud. To get started, see IBM Cloud Activity Tracker.

Events for managing accounts

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 1. Actions that generate account management events
Action Description
billing.account.create An event is generated when you create an account after the account ID is assigned to the account.
billing.account.update An event is generated when you update information about the account. An event is generated when you verify the account, that is, an event is generated when the account becomes active.
billing.account-subscription.create An event is generated when you create a Subscription account.

Events for managing account usage reports

These events are generated when a user looks at usage information in the account. For example, the user can look at usage data through the Manage > Billing and usage > Usage section, or request an export of the data. Also, users can request usage information through the CLI or by making direct API calls.

Events for managing single account usage reports

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 2. Actions that generate account management events
Action Description An event is generated when a user views the account level summary usage page that is displayed by default. An event is generated when a user requests a summary export of the data in csv format from the account level summary usage page. An event is generated when a user views the usage data that is displayed after the user configures a time frame, a resource group, or both in the default account level summary usage page. This event is also generated when a user views the instances usage data page. An event is generated when a user requests an instances export of the data in csv format from the account level summary usage page.

Events for managing enterprise usage reports

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 3. Actions that generate account management events
Action Description An event is generated when a user views the enterprise account level summary usage page that is displayed by default. An event is generated when a user requests a summary export of the data in csv format from the enterprise account level summary usage page. An event is generated when a user requests an instances export of the data in csv format from the enterprise account level summary usage page.

Events for managing catalogs

The following tables list the actions that generate an event:

Events for managing private catalogs

Table 4. Actions that generate catalog management events
Action Description An event is generated when you view a catalog.
globalcatalog-collection.instance.update An event is generated when you update a catalog.
globalcatalog-collection.instances.list An event is generated when you get a list of the catalogs in an account.

Events for managing products in a private catalog

Table 5. Actions that generate events for products in a private catalog
Action Description
globalcatalog-collection.offerings.list An event is generated when you get a list of the products in a catalog. An event is generated when you view a product in a catalog.
globalcatalog-collection.offering.create An event is generated when you create a product.
globalcatalog-collection.offering.update An event is generated when you update a product.
globalcatalog-collection.offering.delete An event is generated when you delete a product.

Events for managing catalog settings at the account level

Table 6. Actions that generate events related to catalog management settings
Action Description An event is generated when you view the account settings.
globalcatalog-collection.account-settings.update An event is generated when you update the account settings.

Events for managing catalog settings in enterprise accounts

Table 7. Actions that generate events related to catalog management settings in enterprise accounts
Action Description An event is generated when you view the enterprise settings.
globalcatalog-collection.enterprise-settings.update An event is generated when you update the enterprise settings.
globalcatalog-collection.enterprise-settings.list An event is generated when you get a list of the enterprises in an account and their corresponding settings.

Events for managing software licenses and entitlements

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 8. Actions that generate events related to licenses and entitlements
Action Description
entitlement.entitlement.create An event is generated when an initiator binds a license to an account.
entitlement.entitlement.delete An event is generated when an initiator deletes an entitlement.
entitlement.entitlement.delete_purge An event is generated when an initiator purges an entitlement.
entitlement.entitlement.update An event is generated when an initiator updates an entitlement.
entitlement.entitlement.check An event is generated when an initiator uses an entitlement to pull an image from the governed IBM Container Registry.
entitlement.entitlement.invalidate An event is generated when an entitlement's license is not valid anymore.

Events for managing IAM account settings

Change to Activity Tracker events that report IAM account setting changes : With immediate effect, you can track changes to IAM account settings by monitoring the iam-identity.accountsettings.update event. This event is now generated by the IAM Identity service. Next time you change an IAM configuration setting, you will get an event with action iam-identity.accountsettings.migrate that informs you that IAM account settings are reported by the IAM Identity service in your account. If you monitor changes to IAM account settings, you might need to migrate your resources to monitor iam-identity.accountsettings.update events.

The following table lists the actions that are generated when an account setting that is controlled from the Manage > Access IAM > Settings dashboard is modified:

Table 9. Actions that generate events when the account settings are changed
Action Description
iam-identity.accountsettings.update An event is generated when an initiator modifies 1 or more of the following account settings: Multifactor authentication (MFA), Restrict API key creation, Restrict service ID creation, and Restrict IP address access.
iam-groups.account-settings.update An event is generated when an initiator modifies the account setting Public access group.
billing.account-traits.update An event is generated when an initiator modifies the account setting Restrict user list visibility.

The following table lists the requestData fields that report the configuration changes:

Table 10. Actions that generate events when the account settings are changed
Action Description
requestData.public_access_enabled Reports the boolean value that is set when the Public access group setting is modified.
requestData.request_body.old_mfa_traits Reports the original value for the Multifactor authentication (MFA) setting. Valid values are NONE, TOTP, TOTP4ALL, LEVEL1, LEVEL2, LEVEL3

This field is set to NONE when MFA is not enabled in the account, and all users log in by using a standard ID and password.

This field is set to TOTP when the account requires MFA for non-federated users only users with an IBMid. Users are required an ID, password, and a time-based one-time passcode to log in.

This field is set to TOTP4ALL when the account requires MFA for all users with an IBMid.

This field is set to LEVEL1 to enable MFA for all users (IBMid & supported IdPs) when you choose the method email-based MFA. Users must authenticate by using a security passcode that is sent via email.

This field is set to LEVEL2 to enable MFA for all users (IBMid & supported IdPs) when you choose the method TOTP MFA. Users authenticate by using a time-based one-time passcode (TOTP) that uses the current time of day as an authentication factor.

This field is set to LEVEL3 to enable MFA for all users (IBMid & supported IdPs) when you choose the method U2F MFA. Users authenticate by using a hardware security key that generates a six-digit numerical code.

requestData.request_body.new_mfa_traits Reports the new value for the Multifactor authentication (MFA) setting.
requestData.request_body.old_restrict_create_platform_apikey Reports the original value for the Restrict API key creation setting.
requestData.request_body.new_restrict_create_platform_apikey Reports the new value for the Restrict API key creation setting.
requestData.request_body.old_restrict_create_service_id Reports the original value for the Restrict service ID creation setting.
requestData.request_body.new_restrict_create_service_id Reports the new value for the Restrict service ID creation setting.
requestData.request_body.old_allowed_ip_addresses Reports the original value for the Restrict IP address access setting.
requestData.request_body.new_allowed_ip_addresses Reports the new value for the Restrict IP address access setting.
requestData.team_directory_enabled Reports the boolean value that is set when the Restrict user list visibility setting is modified.

The following table lists the deprecated actions that generate an event when an account setting that is controlled from the Manage > Access IAM > Settings dashboard is modified:

Table 11. Actions that generate events when the account settings are changed
Action Description
billing.account-traits.update An event is generated when an account setting is modified.
billing.account-mfa.set-on An event is generated when the Account Login setting sets on multifactor authentication in the account.
billing.account-mfa.set-off An event is generated when the Account Login setting sets off multifactor authentication in the account.

Events for managing organizations

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 12. Actions that generate events
Action Description
billing.account-org.create An event is generated when you add an organization to the account.

Events for managing software instances

The following table lists the actions that generate an event for software instances:

Table 13. Actions that generate events for software instances
Action Description
globalcatalog-instance.offering-instance.create An event is generated when you create a software instance.
globalcatalog-instance.offering-instance.delete An event is generated when you delete a software instance.
globalcatalog-instance.offering-instance.list An event is generated when you list all software instances in an account. An event is generated when you retrieve a software instance.
globalcatalog-instance.offering-instance.retrieve_history An event is generated when you access the audit logs for a software instance.
globalcatalog-instance.offering-instance.update An event is generated when you install updates to a software instance.
globalcatalog-instance.dashboard.view An event is generated when you access the software instance details page.

Events for managing tags

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 14. Actions that generate events
Action Description
global-search-tagging.tag.create An event is generated when you create a tag. The tag type is included in the requestData object.
global-search-tagging.tag.delete An event is generated when you delete a tag in your account.
global-search-tagging.tags.delete An event is generated when you delete all the tags that are not attached to resources in your account.
<service-name>.tag.attach An event is generated when you associate a tag to a resource.
<service-name>.tag.detach An event is generated when you remove a tag from a resource.

When an access tag is created, you get an event with global-search-tagging.tag.create.

When an access tag is attached to a resource you get the event <service-name>.tag.attach.

Events for managing users

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 15. Actions that generate events
Action Description
user-management.user.invite An event is generated when you invite a user to the account.
user-management.user.resend-invite An event is generated when you resend a invite to a user for the account. An event is generated when you retrieve users from the account. An event is generated when you retrieve a user's information from the account. An event is generated when a user, that has received an email invitation to join an account, verifies the email address.
user-management.user.update An event is generated when log in configurations are modified for a user from the IBM Cloud UI.
user-management.user-realm.update An event is generated when you update a user's IBM ID.
user-management.user.delete An event is generated when you remove a user from the account. An event is generated when you retrieve the user's login configuration settings: User one-time passcode authentication ,Require MFA security questions at login, User-managed login or Setting up security questions
user-management.user-setting.update An event is generated when you update the user's login configuration settings: User one-time passcode authentication ,Require MFA security questions at login, User-managed login or Setting up security questions

Inviting a user to an account

Separate events are generated for this asynchronous activity: one showing a pending invitation and one showing the completion or failure of the invitation.

  • A pending invitation event would contain the following values for the action, outcome and message fields.
"action": "user-management.user.invite",
"outcome": "pending",
"message": "IAM User Management: invite user -pending"
  • A completed invitation event would contain the following values for the action, outcome and message fields.
"action": "user-management.user.invite",
"outcome": "success",
"message": "IAM User Management: invite user"

Deleting a user from an account

Separate events are generated for asynchronous delete users requests: one showing a pending deletion and one showing the completion or failure of the delete.

  • A pending delete user event would contain the following values for the action, outcome and message fields.
"action": "user-management.user.delete",
"outcome": "pending",
"message": " IAM User Management: delete user IBMid-Example -pending"

  • A completed delete user event would contain the following values for the action, outcome and message fields.
"action": "user-management.user.delete",
"outcome": "success",
"message": " IAM User Management: delete user IBMid-Example"

Events for carbon calculator

The following table lists the actions that generate an event:

Table 16. Actions that generate events
Action Description
carbon-calculator.carbon-emissions.list Request to get the carbon emissions for a given account. Request the list the services for which carbon emissions can be fetch.
carbon-calculator.locations.list Request the list of location from where carbon emissions can be fetch.

Where to look for the events

Events are available in the Frankfurt (eu-de) region.

To view these events, you must provision an instance of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service in the Frankfurt (eu-de) region. Then, you must open the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker UI.

Analyzing events

Catalog events

You can find the value unavailable in catalog events. This value indicates when an update is made, but specific details about the update aren't included.

User management events

This section explains events that are generated when you manage users from the Manage > Access IAM > Users dashboard.

When you analyze user management events, is set to the user ID of the user on which the action is requested.

Modify the status of a user

When you modify the status of a user by selecting a user, clicking Edit in the Details section, and changing the User status, you get the following event:

  • Event with action user-management.user.update that reports a request in the account to modify the user's properties.

For example, see the action field for the event user-management.user.update:

"action": "user-management.user.update",
"message": "User management service: update user"
"initiator": {
    "id": "IBMid-12345",
    "typeURI": "service/security/account/user",
    "name": "",
    "host": {
      "agent": "",
      "address": "...",
      "addressType": "IPv4"
    "credential": {
      "type": "token"
  "target": {
    "id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:user-management:global:a/account1234:::",
    "typeURI": "user-management/user",
    "name": "IBMid-12345",
    "host": {
      "address": ""

Restrict IP addresses

When you configure IP address restrictions from the IP address restrictions section, you get 1 event with action user-management.user-setting.update.

For example, see the requestData field for the event user-management.user-setting.update:

    "action": "user-management.user-setting.update",
    "message": "IAM User Management: update user-setting",
    "requestData": {
        "totalNumberChanges": 1,
        "update": [
                "ips_added": [
                        "address": "",
                        "addressType": "IPv4"
                        "address": "",
                        "addressType": "IPv4"
                        "address": "",
                        "addressType": "IPv4"
                        "address": "",
                        "addressType": "IPv4"
                "updateType": "allowed_ip_addresses changes"

Manage user's login

When you modify information about a user's login from the Manage > Access IAM > Users > User Details section, you get 1 event with action user-management.user-setting.update.

See the sample of the requestData field when the User-managed login property is disabled:

    "action": "user-management.user-setting.update",
    "message": "IAM User Management: update user-setting",
    "requestData": {
        "totalNumberChanges": 1,
        "update": [
                "initialValue": true,
                "newValue": false,
                "updateType": "self_manage update"

See the sample of the requestData field when the User one-time passcode authentication property is enabled. The requestData.2FA field is set to true.

    "action": "user-management.user-setting.update",
    "message": "IAM User Management: update user-setting",
    "requestData": {
        "totalNumberChanges": 1,
        "update": [
                "initialValue": false,
                "newValue": true,
                "updateType": "2FA update"

See the sample of the requestData field when the Require MFA security questions at login: property is enabled. The requestData.security_questions_setup field is set to true.

    "action": "user-management.user-setting.update",
    "message": "IAM User Management: update user-setting",
    "requestData": {
        "totalNumberChanges": 1,
        "update": [
                "initialValue": false,
                "newValue": true,
                "updateType": "security_questions_setup update"

User accepts an account invitation

When a user accepts an account invitation, you get the following event:

  • Event with action user-management.user-invitation.accept that reports which user accepted the account invitation.

See the sample of the responseData field when the user accepts the invitation:

    "action": "user-management.user-invitation.accept",
    "message": "IBM User Management: accept user invitation to account Joe Test's Account",
    "responseData": {
        "update": [
                "initialValue": "BSS-3f6af42016b440e087025542cbd9cb91",
                "newValue": "IBMid-663003Z105",
                "updateType": "IAM ID Update during Accept"

requestData fields

The following table lists requestData fields that you can find in events that are generated when user details are modified from the Users dashboard:

Table 17. User management requestData fields
Field Type Description
2FA Boolean Defines the MFA requirements for users in the account.
This field is set to true when MFA is enabled for users.
allowed_ip_addresses String List of IP addresses from where a user is allowed to access account resources.
ips_added String The new IP adresses that are added to the allowed_ip_addresses.
ips_removed String The IP adresses that are removed from the allowed_ip_addresses.
iam_id String Defines the IBM ID of the user whose settings are being modified.
initialValue String The original value for a specific user setting. Not applicable for allowed_ip_addresses.
newValue String The new value for a specific user setting. Not applicable for allowed_ip_addresses.
updateType String The specific user setting that is updated.
security_questions_setup Boolean Defines when a user requires security questions to log in to the account.
This field is set to true to indicate that questions are required.
self_manage Boolean Defines whether a user can configure his log in settings on how to log in to the account.
This field is set to true to allow a user to set password expiration, turn on security questions for login, and define allowed IP addresses for log in to IBM Cloud and from classic infrastructure API calls.
totalNumberChanges The number of settings updated.

Events for managing account usage reports

This section explains events that are generated when a user looks at the information that is provided through the Manage > Billing and usage > Usage section, or request an export of the data.

You can get events with reason.reasonCode = 404 that are generated when there is no usage data available for the request. The severity is set to normal.

requestData fields

The following table lists the fields that are available through the requestData field in the events with actions,, and

Table 18. Account usage summary requestData fields
Field Type Description Status
month String Indicates the month that the user selects to view usage data. Included always in the event

The following table lists the fields that are available through the requestData field in the events with actions

Table 19. Account usage requestData fields
Field Type Description Status
month String Indicates the month that the user selects to view usage data. Included always in the event
usage_report_type String Indicates the type of report.
Valid values are instances and rollup.
Included always in the event
sub_account_id String Indicates the sub-account ID. Optional
resource_group String Indicates the resource group. Optional
Included if the user filters data by resource group.
organization_id String Indicates the organization ID. Optional
daily Boolean Indicates the frequency of the report. Optional

The following table lists the fields that are available through the requestData field in the events with actions and

Table 20. Enterprise usage requestData fields
Field Type Description Status
month String Indicates the month that the user selects to view usage data. Included always in the event
children Boolean Indicates whether the usage is aggregated at account level. Included always in the event
enterprise_id String Indicates the ID of the enterprise. Included always in the event
account_id String Indicates the sub-account ID that is requested in the report. Optional
account_group_id String Indicates the account group when a user selects one. Optional
Included if the user filters data by selecting 1 account group.

The following table lists the fields that are available through the requestData field in the events with actions

Table 21. Enterprise instances usage requestData fields
Field Type Description Status
month String Indicates the month that the user selects to view usage data. Included always in the event
enterprise_id String Indicates the ID of the enterprise. Included always in the event
account_id String Indicates the the sub-account IDs that is requested in the report. Optional
account_group_id String Indicates the account group when a user selects one. Optional
Included if the user filters data by selecting 1 account group.

Account IAM settings events (Deprecated)

This section explains events that are generated when you configure the IAM account settings from the Access (IAM) > Settings dashboard.

Configuring MFA

When you set on MFA in your account by configuring the Account Login section in the Access (IAM) > Settings dashboard, you get 2 events:

  • Event with action billing.account-traits.update that reports the type of MFA that is configured in the account in the requestData.mfa field.
  • Event with action billing.account-mfa.set-on that indicates that MFA is enabled in the account.

When you set off MFA, you get the following 2 events:

  • Event with action billing.account-traits.update that reports the type of MFA that is configured in the account in the requestData.mfa field.
  • Event with action billing.account-mfa.set-off that indicates that MFA is disabled in the account.

For example, see the requestData field for the event billing.account-traits.update:

"action": "billing.account-traits.update",
"message": "Billing service: update account traits",
"requestData": {
    "mfa": "",
    "origin": "BSS"

Configuring user list visibility restriction

When you modify the User list visibility restriction IAM account setting in the Manage > Access (IAM) > Settings dashboard, you get 1 event with action billing.account-traits.update.

For example, see the requestData field for the event billing.account-traits.update:

"action": "billing.account-traits.update",
"message": "Billing service: update account traits",
"requestData": {
    "origin": "BSS",
    "team_directory_enabled": false

requestData fields

The following table lists requestData fields that you can find in events that are generated when the IAM account settings are modified from the Access (IAM) > Settings dashboard:

Table 22. Account IAM settings requestData fields
Field Type Description
team_directory_enabled Boolean Defines the status of the User list visibility restriction IAM account setting.
When it is set to true, users in your account can view other users from the Users page.
mfa String Defines the MFA method that is required for users to log in to the account.
Valid values are TOTP, and TOTP4ALL
This field is set to TOTP when the account requires MFA for non-federated users only. Users are required an ID, password, and a time-based one-time passcode to log in.
This field is set to TOTP4ALL when the account requires MFA for all users.
All users by requiring an ID, password, and a time-based one-time passcode.
When this field is empty, MFA is not enabled in the account, and all users log in by using a standard ID and password.