Managing classic infrastructure VLANs (ibmcloud sl vlan)
Virtual local area networks (VLANs) are used by IBM Cloud® to isolate broadcast traffic on the public and private networks. VLANs are assigned as needed to fulfill other offerings.
Use the following commands from the IBM Cloud Command Line Interface to manage classic infrastructure VLANs.
ibmcloud sl vlan cancel
Cancel a VLAN
ibmcloud sl vlan cancel IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl vlan cancel 12345678 -f This command cancels vlan with ID 12345678 without asking for confirmation.
ibmcloud sl vlan cancel IDENTIFIER [flags]
Command options:
- --f, force
- Force operation without confirmation
ibmcloud sl vlan create
Create a new VLAN
ibmcloud sl vlan create [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl vlan create -t public -d dal09 -n myvlan This command creates a public vlan located in datacenter dal09 named "myvlan". ibmcloud sl vlan create -r bcr01a.dal09 -n myvlan This command creates a vlan on router bcr01a.dal09 named "myvlan".
ibmcloud sl vlan create [flags]
Command options:
- --d, datacenter
- The short name of the datacenter
- --f, force
- Force operation without confirmation
- --n, name
- The name of the VLAN
- --r, router
- The hostname of the router
- --t, vlan-type
- The type of the VLAN, either public or private
ibmcloud sl vlan detail
Get details about a VLAN
ibmcloud sl vlan detail IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl vlan detail 12345678 --no-vs --no-hardware This command shows details of vlan with ID 12345678, and not list virtual server or hardware server.
ibmcloud sl vlan detail IDENTIFIER [flags]
Command options:
- --no-hardware
- Hide hardware listing
- --no-vs
- Hide virtual server listing
ibmcloud sl vlan edit
Edit the details about a VLAN
ibmcloud sl vlan edit IDENTIFIER [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl vlan edit 12345678 -n myvlan-rename This command updates vlan with ID 12345678 and gives it a new name "myvlan-rename".
ibmcloud sl vlan edit IDENTIFIER [flags]
Command options:
- --n, name
- The name of the VLAN
ibmcloud sl vlan list
List all the VLANs on your account
ibmcloud sl vlan list [OPTIONS]
ibmcloud sl vlan list -d dal09 --sortby number This commands lists all vlans on current account filtering by datacenter equals to dal09, and sort them by vlan number.
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ibmcloud sl vlan list [flags]
Command options:
- --d, datacenter
- Filter by datacenter shortname
- --name
- Filter by VLAN name
- --n, number
- Filter by VLAN number
- --order
- Filter by ID of the order that purchased the VLAN
- --sortby
- Column to sort by. Options are: id,number,name,firewall,datacenter,hardware,virtual_servers,public_ips
ibmcloud sl vlan options
List all the options for creating VLAN
ibmcloud sl vlan options