IBM Cloud Docs
Transit Gateway CLI

Transit Gateway CLI

The IBM Cloud® Transit Gateway command line provides an interface into the Transit Gateway service. You can use the CLI to create and manage gateways and connections and list available locations for gateways.

Before you begin

Follow these instructions to use the Transit Gateway Command Line Interface, which is implemented as an IBM Cloud CLI plug-in.

  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Install the tg-cli/tg CLI plug-in to the IBM Cloud CLI.

    To install:

    ibmcloud plugin install tg

If you are going to use the CLI with a Virtual Private Endpoint (VPE), you must set the following variable:


ibmcloud plugin show tg

Show Transit Gateway CLI plug-in information.

ibmcloud plugin show tg

ibmcloud tg --help

Get help on Transit Gateway commands.

ibmcloud tg -h|--help

Transit gateways

This section provides information about CLI commands for gateway functions.

ibmcloud tg gateway

Retrieve details about a specific gateway.

ibmcloud tg gateway|gw GATEWAY_ID [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway you want details for.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Request details for gateway.

ibmcloud tg gw $gateway

ibmcloud tg gateways

List transit gateways.

ibmcloud tg gateways|gws [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.

Other commands require a gateway ID. Save the ID as an environment variable so you can use it later, for example:


ibmcloud tg gateway-create

Create a transit gateway.

ibmcloud tg gateway-create|gwc --name NAME --location LOCATION [--routing ROUTING] [--resource-group-id RES_GROUP_ID] [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

Name for the new gateway.
Location of the gateway (see possible values by using ibmcloud tg locations)
Gateway routing of resources (global | local). Select global to connect resources across regions. The default value is local.
Optional: Gateway resource group ID. Uses default resource group, if not specified.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Create a gateway that is named myGateway in us-south with local routing and that uses default resource group.

ibmcloud tg gwc --name myGateway --location us-south

ibmcloud tg gateway-delete

Delete an existing gateway.

ibmcloud tg gateway-delete|gwd GATEWAY_ID [-f, --force] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway you want to delete.
--force | -f
Optional: Force the delete without confirmation.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Delete gateway with no confirmation.

ibmcloud tg gwd $gateway -f

ibmcloud tg gateway-update

Update properties on an existing gateway.

ibmcloud tg gateway-update|gwu GATEWAY_ID [--name NAME] [--routing ROUTING] [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway you want to update.
Optional: New name of the gateway.
Optional: Gateway routing of resources (global | local). Select global to connect resources across regions. Changing routing from global to local requires all existing connections to be local.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Update the gateway with a routing value of global.

ibmcloud tg gwu $gateway --routing global


This section provides information about CLI commands for connection functions.

ibmcloud tg connection

Retrieve details about a specific connection.

ibmcloud tg connection|c GATEWAY_ID CONNECTION_ID [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway the connection is on.
ID of the connection you want details for.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Request details for a specific connection ID.

ibmcloud tg c $gateway $connection

ibmcloud tg connections

List connections on the transit gateway.

ibmcloud tg connections|cs GATEWAY_ID [--all-pages] [--limit NUMERIC_VALUE] [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway you want connections for.
--all-pages (Select availability at this time)
Lists all connections regardless of whether a --limit size is specified.
--limit (Select availability at this time)
The maximum number of resources to return per page. The default limit is 100. Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 500
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


List the connections on the gateway.

ibmcloud tg cs $gateway

Other commands require a connection ID. Save the ID as an environment variable so you can use it later, for example:


ibmcloud tg connection-create

Create a connection on the transit gateway.

ibmcloud tg connection-create|cc GATEWAY_ID --name NAME --network-type NETWORK_TYPE --network-id NETWORK_ID --network-account-id NETWORK_ACCOUNT_ID [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options


ID of the gateway that the new connection is on.


Name for the new connection.


Network type of the connection. Values are classic, vpc, directlink, or power_virtual_server.


ID of the network connection. For classic, do not set a value. Use the CRN for all other network types. For example, to find the CRN of a VPC:

ibmcloud is vpc VPC_ID --json

ID of the IBM Cloud account to use for creating a classic connection. Only used with classic type, when the account of the connection is different than the gateway's account.


Optional: Default prefix filter of the connection (permit | deny).

--output json

Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.

--help | -h

Optional: Get help on this command.


Create a VPC connection that is named vpc-connection and uses vpcCRN="crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/3aa0a9999a1a46258064d84f7f447920::vpc:r134-f87014d5-87d2-46d1-9999-24683082f6bc"

ibmcloud tg cc $gateway --name vpc-connection --network-id $vpcCRN --network-type vpc

Create a Classic connection named classic-conn.

ibmcloud tg cc $gateway --name classic-conn --network-type classic

ibmcloud tg connection-delete

Delete an existing connection.

ibmcloud tg connection-delete|cd GATEWAY_ID CONNECTION_ID [-f, --force] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway of the connection that is being deleted.
ID of the connection that is being deleted.
--force | -f
Optional: Force the delete without confirmation.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Delete connection without confirmation.

ibmcloud tg cd $gateway $connection -f

ibmcloud tg connection-create-gre (Deprecated)

This command is deprecated. Use the tg-connection-gre-create command.

Create a Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel connection on the transit gateway.

ibmcloud tg connection-rcreate-gre|crgre GATEWAY_ID --name NAME --zone ZONE --local-gateway-ip LOCAL_GATEWAY_IP --local-tunnel-ip LOCAL_TUNNEL_IP --remote-gateway-ip REMOTE_GATEWAY_IP --remote-tunnel-ip REMOTE_TUNNEL_IP [--base-connection-id BASE_CONNECTION_ID] [--base-network-type BASE_NETWORK_TYPE] [--network-type NETWORK_TYPE] [--network-account-id NETWORK_ACCOUNT_ID] [--remote-bgp-asn REMOTE_BGP_ASN] [--default-prefix-filter DEFAULT_PREFIX_FILTER] [--output json]

Command options

GATEWAY_ID ID of the gateway where the new connection is bound.

Name of the new GRE connection.
Availability zone for the GRE tunnel. Example: us-south-1
Local gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Local tunnel IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Remote gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Remote tunnel IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Optional: ID of the classic network connection that is the underlay for the GRE tunnel. This option is for use only with the gre_tunnel network type.
Network type of the base connection (classic).
Optional: Network type of the GRE connection. The default value is gre_tunnel.
Optional: ID of account to connect to a classic connection. Use only with classic type when the account of the connection is different than gateway's account.
Optional: If the remote BGP ASN is not specified, one is generated.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Create a GRE tunnel connection that is named gre-connection and uses classic connection 9037f710-8dfb-4948-a2bd-847c8dde96d3 as the base connection.

ibmcloud tg connection-create-gre $gateway --name gre-connection --base-connection-id 9037f710-8dfb-9999-a2bd-847c8dde96d3  --zone us-south-2 --local-gateway-ip --local-tunnel-ip --remote-gateway-ip --remote-tunnel-ip

ibmcloud tg connection-approve

Approve a connection from another account as the network owner.

ibmcloud tg connection-approve|ca GATEWAY_ID CONNECTION_ID [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway the connection is on.
ID of the connection you are approving.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Approve the connection request.

ibmcloud tg ca $gateway $connection

ibmcloud tg connection-gre-create

Create a Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel or unbound GRE connection on the transit gateway.

ibmcloud tg connection-gre-create|cgrec GATEWAY_ID --name NAME --zone ZONE --local-gateway-ip LOCAL_GATEWAY_IP --local-tunnel-ip LOCAL_TUNNEL_IP --remote-gateway-ip REMOTE_GATEWAY_IP --remote-tunnel-ip REMOTE_TUNNEL_IP [--base-connection-id BASE_CONNECTION_ID] [--base-network-type BASE_NETWORK_TYPE] [--network-type NETWORK_TYPE] [--network-account-id NETWORK_ACCOUNT_ID] [--remote-bgp-asn REMOTE_BGP_ASN] [--default-prefix-filter DEFAULT_PREFIX_FILTER] [--output json]

Command options

ID of the gateway where the new connection is bound.
Name of the new GRE connection.
Availability zone for the GRE tunnel. Example: us-south-1
Local gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Local tunnel IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Remote gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Remote tunnel IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Optional: ID of the classic network connection that is the underlay for the GRE tunnel. This option is for use only with the gre_tunnel network type.
Optional: Network type of the base connection (classic).
Optional: Network type of the GRE connection. Values are gre_tunnel or unbound_gre_tunnel. The default value is gre_tunnel.
Optional: ID of account to connect to a classic connection. Use only with classic type when the account of the connection is different than gateway's account.
Optional: If the remote BGP ASN is not specified, one is generated.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Create a GRE tunnel connection that is named gre-connection and uses classic connection 9037f710-8dfb-4948-a2bd-847c8dde96d3 as the base connection.

ibmcloud tg connection-gre-create $gateway --name gre-connection --base-connection-id 9037f710-8dfb-9999-a2bd-847c8dde96d3  --zone us-south-2 --local-gateway-ip --local-tunnel-ip --remote-gateway-ip --remote-tunnel-ip

ibmcloud tg connection-reject

Reject a connection from another account as the network owner.

ibmcloud tg connection-reject|cr GATEWAY_ID CONNECTION_ID [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway the connection is on.
ID of the connection you are rejecting.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Reject the connection request.

ibmcloud tg cr $gateway $connection

ibmcloud tg connection-rgre-create

Create a redundant GRE connection on the transit gateway.

You must use a JSON file as input.

ibmcloud tg connection-rgre-create|crgrec JSON_FILE_PATH [--output json]

JSON file

    "gateway_id": "47f11b01-471c-47d0-9e84-550c88c94055",
    "name": "redundant_gre1",
    "network_type": "redundant_gre",
    "base_network_type": "classic",
    "network_account_id": "28e4d90ac7504be694471ee66e70d0d5",
    "network_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/123456::vpc:4727d842-f94f-4a2d-824a-9bc9b02c523b",
    "tunnels": [
          "local_gateway_ip": "",
          "local_tunnel_ip": "",
          "name": "gre1",
          "remote_bgp_asn": "65010",
          "remote_gateway_ip": "",
          "remote_tunnel_ip": "",
          "zone": {
             "name": "us-south-1"
       }, {
          "local_gateway_ip": "",
          "local_tunnel_ip": "",
          "name": "gre2",
          "remote_bgp_asn": "65010",
          "remote_gateway_ip": "",
          "remote_tunnel_ip": "",
          "zone": {
             "name": "us-south-1"

Command options

ID of the gateway that the new redundant GRE connection is on.
Name of the new redundant GRE connection.
Network type of the connection. Value is redundant_gre.

base_network_type The type of network to use. Options are classic and vpc.


ID of the IBM Cloud account to use for a cross-account classic network. Only used with classic type, when the account of the connection is different than the gateway's account. This option is not valid for the vpc base network type.


The CRN of the VPC network to use. This option is not valid for the classic base network type. For example, to find the CRN of a VPC:

ibmcloud is vpc VPC_ID --json

Information for the GRE tunnels.


Local gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection. This field is required for network type redundant_gre connections.

When using a vpc base network type, this IP address must comply with RFC 1918 and not be an IP address within the multicast range of to and cannot be in conflict with any existing networks that are connected to the transit gateway. Also, this IP address cannot be used as the local-gateway-ip for another GRE using the same underlay network.


Local tunnel IP address assigned to the Transit Gateway side of the tunnel. The local_tunnel_ip and remote_tunnel_ip addresses must be in the same /30 network. Neither can be the network nor broadcast addresses. This field is required for network type redundant_gre connections.


Name of the GRE tunnel.


Optional: If the remote BGP ASN is not specified, one is generated.


Remote gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.


Remote tunnel IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.


Availability zone for the GRE tunnel. Example: us-south-1

ibmcloud tg connection-update

Update properties on an existing connection.

ibmcloud tg connection-update|cu GATEWAY_ID CONNECTION_ID --name NAME [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway that the connection is being updated is on.
ID of the connection to update.
New name of the connection.
Optional: Default prefix filter of the connection (permit | deny).
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Update name of connection to MyConn2.

ibmcloud tg cu $gateway $connection --name MyConn2

ibmcloud tg redundant-gre-tunnel-add

Add a tunnel to a redundant GRE.

ibmcloud tg redundant-gre-tunnel-add|targre GATEWAY_ID REDUNDANT_GRE_ID --name NAME --zone ZONE --local-gateway-ip LOCAL_GATEWAY_IP --local-tunnel-ip  LOCAL_TUNNEL_IP --remote-gateway-ip REMOTE_GATEWAY_IP --remote-tunnel-ip REMOTE_TUNNEL_IP [--remote-bgp-asn REMOTE_BGP_ASN] [--output json]

Command options

ID of the gateway where the new connection is bound.
ID of the redundant GRE connection.
Name of the new GRE tunnel.
Availability zone for the GRE tunnel. Example: us-south-1
Local gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Local tunnel IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Remote gateway IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Remote tunnel IP address for the GRE tunnel connection.
Optional: If the remote BGP ASN is not specified, one is generated.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


ibmcloud tg redundant-gre-tunnel-add e47d6b9c-095f-4d31-aa47-5c89c2ded820 e4e37e31-8895-4594-be6b-61e8088b53c7 --name gre-tunnel3  --zone us-south-3 --local-gateway-ip --local-tunnel-ip -ibmcloud login -a -r us-south --sso -remote-gateway-ip --remote-tunnel-ip

ibmcloud tg redundant-gre-tunnel-remove

Remove a tunnel from a redundant GRE.

ibmcloud tg redundant-gre-tunnel-remove|trrgre GATEWAY_ID REDUNDANT_GRE_ID TUNNEL_ID [--force | -f] [--help | -h]

Command options

ID of the gateway where the new connection is bound.
ID of the redundant GRE connection.
ID of the tunnel to be deleted.
--force | -f
Optional: Force the delete without confirmation.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


ibmcloud tg redundant-gre-tunnel-remove e47d6b9c-095f-4d31-aa47-5c89c2ded820 e4e37e31-8895-4594-be6b-61e8088b53c7 b97a5cf5-7ee4-4073-b719-f6df36dea08f


This section provides information about CLI commands for location functions.

ibmcloud tg locations

Use this command to list possible locations to create a gateway.

ibmcloud tg locations|locs [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.

ibmcloud tg location

Retrieves specific information for this location.

ibmcloud tg location|loc NAME [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

Name of the location you want details for.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Request details for location us-south.

ibmcloud tg location us-south

Connection prefix filters

This section provides information about CLI commands for connection prefix filter functions.

ibmcloud tg prefix-filter-create

Add prefix filter to connection.

ibmcloud tg prefix-filter-create GATEWAY_ID CONNECTION_ID --prefix PREFIX --action ACTION [--le LE] [--ge GE] [--before BEFORE] [--output json]

Command options

ID of the gateway the prefix filter is being applied to.
ID of the connection the prefix filter is being applied to.
Network prefix that the filter is applied to.
Action to take on the specified prefix (permit | deny).
Optional: Prefix filter that is applied to a subnet mask less than or equal to this value.
Optional: Prefix filter that is applied to a subnet mask greater than or equal to this value.
Optional: Identifier of the prefix filter this filter should be applied before. If empty, this filter is applied last.
Optional: Specify output format; Only json is supported.

Add prefix filter for to gateway 9f559c43-63f4-4da5-b312-b525a8dce185, connection 6c1bdc19-4adb-4760-8cdc-ef3b74b626f7 with the action permit.

ibmcloud tg pfc 9f559c43-63f4-4da5-b312-b525a8dce185 6c1bdc19-4adb-4760-8cdc-ef3b74b626f7 --prefix --action permit

ibmcloud tg prefix-filter-delete

Delete prefix filter from connection.

ibmcloud tg prefix-filter-delete GATEWAY_ID CONNECTION_ID FILTER_ID [-f, --force]

Command options

ID of the gateway that the prefix filter is deleted from.
ID of the connection that the prefix filter is deleted from.
ID of the prefix filter being deleted.
--force, -f
Force the deletion operation without confirmation.

Delete prefix filter ID b4dbe0a6-c52d-4128-cc32-6f53d86bc82b from gateway 9f559c43-63f4-4da5-b312-b525a8dce185 and connection 6c1bdc19-4adb-4760-8cdc-ef3b74b626f7

ibmcloud tg pfd 9f559c43-63f4-4da5-b312-b525a8dce185 6c1bdc19-4adb-4760-8cdc-ef3b74b626f7 b4dbe0a6-c52d-4128-cc32-6f53d86bc82b

Route reports

This section provides information about CLI commands for route report functions.

ibmcloud tg route-reports

Use this command to list route reports available on a gateway.

ibmcloud tg route-reports|rrs GATEWAY_ID [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway to list route reports for.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


List the route reports on the gateway.

ibmcloud tg rrs $gateway

Other commands require a route report ID. Save the ID as an environment variable so you can use it later, for example:


ibmcloud tg route-report

Retrieve details about a specific route report.

ibmcloud tg route-report|rr GATEWAY_ID REPORT_ID [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway the route report is from.
ID of the route report you want details for.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Request details for a route report.

ibmcloud tg rr $gateway $report

ibmcloud tg route-report-create

Create a route report.

ibmcloud tg route-report-create|rrc GATEWAY_ID [--output json] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway the route report is created for.
--output json
Optional: Specify whether you want the output displayed in JSON format.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Create a route report for a gateway.

ibmcloud tg rrc $gateway

ibmcloud tg route-report-delete

Delete an existing route report.

ibmcloud tg route-report-delete|rrd GATEWAY_ID REPORT_ID [-f, --force] [-h, --help]

Command options

ID of the gateway the report is for.
ID of the report you want to delete.
--force | -f
Optional: Force the delete without confirmation.
--help | -h
Optional: Get help on this command.


Delete route report with no confirmation.

ibmcloud tg rrd $gateway $report -f