IBM Cloud Docs
Logging in as a Virtual Server Instance Compute Resource Identity

Logging in as a Virtual Server Instance Compute Resource Identity

You can use a trusted profile to set up fine-grained authorization for applications that are running in compute resources. As a result, you aren't required to create service IDs or API keys for the compute resources. The IBM Cloud CLI supports logging in and authenticating to IBM Cloud by using a IBM Cloud Virtual Server Instance (VSI) for VPC compute resource.

For more information about managing trusted profiles and establishing trust with compute resources, see Establishing trust with compute resources.

Using the CLI to log in

To use the IBM Cloud CLI Virtual Server Instance for VPC compute resource identity login feature, you must enable the Instance Metadata service for VPC service on the VSI and link the instance to a trusted profile. For more information about enabling the Instance Metadata service, see About Instance Metadata for VPC. After it's enabled and the VSI is linked to a trusted profile, the CLI can use the Instance Identity token service to acquire a JSON web token and exchange it for an IAM token.

Certain IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service CLI commands are currently not supported when logged in as a VPC compute resource including ibmcloud ks cluster config.

Log in with the CLI

When you use the VPC VSI option to log in, you can optionally specify the trusted profile parameter to enter at login. If provided, the CLI uses this trusted profile to authenticate to IBM Cloud. Otherwise, the VSI's default linked trusted profile that is linked during instance provisioning is used.

You can log in as a VSI compute resource by using the CLI in any of the following ways:

  • Provide a trusted profile by parameter:

    1. Specify the --vpc-cri option with the ibmcloud login command.
    2. Specify the --profile option with the ibmcloud login command, and provide the ID or CRN of the trusted IAM profile that the instance is linked to.
    ibmcloud login --vpc-cri --profile <profile_id_or_crn_string>
  • Provide a trusted profile using the IBMCLOUD_CR_PROFILE environment variable.

    You can provide a trusted profile by setting the environment variable on your system. For example, set IBMCLOUD_CR_PROFILE=profile_id_or_crn, where profile_id_or_crn is the ID or CRN of the IAM trusted profile that the VSI is linked to. After the environment variable is set, you can simply specify ibmcloud login --vpc-cri from the CLI.

  • Use the Virtual Service Instance's default linked trusted profile:

    1. Specify the --vpc-cri option with the ibmcloud login command.
    ibmcloud login --vpc-cri

If your VPC instance metadata service is configured for secure access, override the default URL for the service before you log in by setting the environment variable IBMCLOUD_CR_VPC_URL=

If you want to log in as a VSI compute resource by using private endpoints for VPC, you must also provide the --vpc flag and set the API endpoint to In the example, the trusted profile was provided by setting the environment variable IBMCLOUD_CR_PROFILE=profile_id_or_crn:

  ibmcloud login --vpc-cri --vpc -a

For more information about logging in to the CLI with a private endpoint, see Logging in to the CLI with a private endpoint.

The resulting login session is valid for 60 minutes.