IBM Cloud Docs
Activity Tracker events

Activity Tracker events

Use the IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker service to track how users and applications interact with IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS).

This feature is not currently supported in Object Storage for Satellite. Learn more.

The IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service records user-initiated activities that change the state of a service in IBM Cloud. For more information, see IBM Cloud Activity Tracker.

By default, COS events that report on global actions such as creation of a bucket are collected automatically. You can monitor global actions through the Activity Tracker instance that is located in the Frankfurt location.

In IBM Cloud Object Storage, you can also monitor management events and COS data events.

  • Collection of these events in your account is optional.
  • You must configure each bucket to enable management events, or data events, or both.
  • Each action that a user performs on a COS resource has a unique ID that is included in the event in the responseData.requestId field.

You can use this service to investigate abnormal activity and critical actions, and to comply with regulatory audit requirements. In addition, you can be alerted about actions as they happen. The events that are collected comply with the Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) standard.

For guidance on how to use IBM Cloud® Activity Tracker with Object Storage see Tracking events on your IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets . Below we list all of the events that are available.

Management events

Management events are classified in the following categories:

  • Global events
  • Resource configuration events
  • Bucket events
  • Object events

Global events

The following table lists the COS actions that generate a global event. You can monitor this events through the Activity Tracker instance that is available in the Frankfurt location.

Table 1. Object Storage actions that generate global events
Action Description
cloud-object-storage.instance.list List the buckets in the service instance
cloud-object-storage.bucket.create Create a bucket in the service instance
cloud-object-storage.bucket.delete Delete a bucket in the service instance

Resource configuration events

The following table lists the COS resource configuration events:

Table 2. Resource Configuration events
Action Description Read the resource configuration for the bucket
cloud-object-storage.resource-configuration.update Update the resource configuration for the bucket

Bucket events

The following table lists the COS bucket events:

Table 3. Bucket events
Action Description Get the CORS configuration
cloud-object-storage.bucket-cors.create Create the CORS configuration
cloud-object-storage.bucket-cors.delete Delete the CORS configuration Get the bucket lifecycle configuration
cloud-object-storage.bucket-lifecycle.create Create the bucket lifecycle configuration
cloud-object-storage.bucket-lifecycle.delete Delete the bucket lifecycle configuration Get the bucket ACLA list that statelessly manages inbound and outbound traffic for a subnet through the use of rules. An access control list helps provide security at the subnet level.
cloud-object-storage.bucket-acl.create Create the bucket ACLA list that statelessly manages inbound and outbound traffic for a subnet through the use of rules. An access control list helps provide security at the subnet level. Get the bucket CRN Get the bucket location Get the bucket retention
cloud-object-storage.bucket-retention.create Create the bucket retention
cloud-object-storage.bucket-key-state.update Updating a Key Protect root encryption key
cloud-object-storage.bucket-public-access-block.create Add a public ACL block configuration Read a public ACL block configuration
cloud-object-storage.bucket-public-access-block.delete Delete a public ACL block configuration

For cloud-object-storage.bucket-key-state.update events, the following fields include extra information:

Table 3a. Additional fields for bucket-key-state.update events
Field Description
requestData.eventType The type of lifecycle event that occurred, such as deletion, rotation, and so on
requestData.requestedKeyState The the requested state of the key (enabled or disabled).
requestData.requestKeyVersion The requested version of the key.
requestData.bucketLocation The location of the bucket that uses the key.
responseData.eventID The unique identifier associated with the key lifecycle event.
responseData.adopterKeyState The current state the key (enabled or disabled).
responseData.adopterKeyVersion The current version of the key.

Object events

The following table lists the COS object events:

Table 4. Object events
Action Description Get the CORS configuration Get the object ACL
cloud-object-storage.object-acl.create Create the object ACL
cloud-object-storage.object-retention-legal-hold.list List the legal holds on the object
cloud-object-storage.object-retention-legal-hold.update Add or remove object legal hold
cloud-object-storage.object-retention.update Extend the retention time Get when the object will expire

Data Events

Data events are classified in the following categories:

  • Bucket access events
  • Object access events
  • Multipart events
  • Bucket versioning events

Bucket access events

The following table lists the COS bucket access events:

Table 5. Bucket access events
Action Description
cloud-object-storage.bucket.list List the objects in the bucket Get the metadata for the bucket

Object access events

The following table lists the COS object access events:

Table 6. Object access events
Action Description Get the metadata for the object Read the object
cloud-object-storage.object.create Create the object
cloud-object-storage.object.delete Delete the object
cloud-object-storage.objects.delete Delete multiple objects
cloud-object-storage.object-batch.delete Delete an object in a batch Read the source object to copy
cloud-object-storage.object-copy.create Create the target object from the copy Read the source object to restore
cloud-object-storage.object-restore.create Create the target object from the restore

If versioning is enabled for a bucket, then target.versionId will be present for operations that make use of object versions.

For cloud-object-storage.object.delete and cloud-object-storage.object-batch.delete events, the following fields include extra information:

Table 6a. Additional fields for deletion events
Field Description
responseData.deleteMarker.created The object has been versioned and replaced with a delete marker.

Multipart events

The following table lists the COS multipart events:

Table 7. Multipart events
Action Description
cloud-object-storage.bucket-multipart.list List multipart uploads of objects in a bucket
cloud-object-storage.object-multipart.list List parts of an object
cloud-object-storage.object-multipart.start Initiate a multipart upload of an object
cloud-object-storage.object-multipart.create Create a part of a multipart upload of an object
cloud-object-storage.object-multipart.complete Complete a multipart upload of an object
cloud-object-storage.object-multipart.delete Abort an incomplete multipart upload of an object

Bucket versioning events

The following table lists the COS versioning events:

Table 8. Versioning events
Action Description
cloud-object-storage.bucket-versioning.create Enable versioning on a bucket Check versioning status of a bucket
cloud-object-storage.bucket-versioning.list List versions of objects in a bucket

For cloud-object-storage.bucket-versioning.create events, the following fields include extra information:

Table 8a. Additional fields for bucket-versioning.create events
Field Description
requestData.newValue.versioning.state The versioning state of the bucket (enabled or suspended).

Viewing events

You can view the Activity Tracker events that are associated with your Object Storage instance by using IBM Cloud Activity Tracker.

You can only provision 1 instance of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service per location.

To view events, you must identify the location where events are collected and available for monitoring. Then, you must access the web UI of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance in that location. For more information, see Launching the web UI through the IBM Cloud UI.

Management events

Object Storage global events are forwarded to the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service instance that is located in Frankfurt.

All other Object Storage management events are forwarded to the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance that is associated with the bucket.

To view events, you must access the web UI of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance in the location that is associated with the bucket.

Data events

Object Storage data events are forwarded to the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance that is associated with the bucket.

To view events, you must access the web UI of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker instance in the location that is associated with the bucket.

Analyzing events

Identifying the COS instance ID that generates the event

In the IBM Cloud, you can have 1 or more COS instances.

To quickly identify the COS instance ID in your account that has generated an event, check the field responseData.serviceInstanceId that is set in the responseData field.

Identifying the bucket location

To quickly identify the bucket location, check the field responseData.bucketLocation that is set in the responseData field.

Getting the unique ID of a request

Each action that a user performs on a COS resource has a unique ID.

To get the unique ID of a request to a COS resource, check the field responseData.requestId that is set in the responseData field.

Getting all events for a multipart upload operations

When you upload a large object by using multipart upload operations, each operation generates an event. In each event, the field responseData.uploadId is set to the same value.

To search for all events that are part of a multipart upload operation, you can search for a specific responseData.uploadId value.

Getting all events that are generated for a restore request

A request to restore an object from an archive generates multiple events in COS:

  1. A read action of the source object. This action generates an event with action
  2. A create action of the object into a bucket. This action generates an event with action cloud-object-storage.object-restore.create.

You can use the responseData.requestId field to identify the events that are generated when you restore an object.

Getting all events that are generated for copying an object from one bucket to another

A request to copy an object from one bucket to a different one generates multiple events in COS:

  1. A read action of the source object. This action generates an event with action
  2. A create action of the object into the new bucket. This action generates an event with action cloud-object-storage.object-copy.create.

To collect and monitor all events that report on a copy action across buckets, consider configuring each bucket to collect and forward events to the same Activity Tracker instance in your account.

  • If one bucket is not enabled to collect management and data events, you will not receive the event that reports any copy action on that bucket.
  • If you configure different Activity Tracker instances for each bucket, you will have one event in 1 instance and the other event in a different instance.

You can use the responseData.requestId field to identify the events that are generated when you copy an object from one bucket to another.

Getting the details of a firewall update

Updating a bucket's firewall will generate a cloud-object-storage.resource-configuration.update event.

To get the details of what was changed, check for fields requestData.allowedIp, requestData.deniedIp, and requestData.allowedNetworkTypes that appear in the requestData field.