Using the AWS CLI
The official command-line interface for AWS is compatible with the IBM Cloud® Object Storage S3 API.
Written in Python, it can be installed from the Python Package Index via pip install awscli
. By default, access keys are sourced from ~/.aws/credentials
, but can also be set as environment variables.
These examples were generated by using version 1.14.2 of the CLI. To check the version installed, run aws --version
Configure the CLI to connect to Object Storage
To configure the AWS CLI, type aws configure
. Provide your HMAC credentials and a default region name. The "region name" used
by AWS S3 corresponds to the code (LocationConstraint
) that Object Storage uses to define a storage class.
A list of valid codes for LocationConstraint
can be referenced in the Storage Classes guide.
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: {Access Key ID}
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: {Secret Access Key}
Default region name [None]: {Provisioning Code}
Default output format [None]: json
This creates two files:
aws_access_key_id = {Access Key ID}
aws_secret_access_key = {Secret Access Key}
region = {Provisioning Code}
output = json
You can also use environment variables to set HMAC credentials:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="{Access Key ID}"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="{Secret Access Key}"
The IBM COS endpoint must be sourced by using the --endpoint-url
option, and can't be set in the credentials file.
High-level syntax commands
Simple use cases can be accomplished by using aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 <command>
. For more information about endpoints, see Endpoints and storage locations.
Objects are managed by using familiar shell commands, such as ls
, mv
, cp
, and rm
. Buckets can be created by using mb
and deleted by using rb
List all buckets within a service instance
aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 ls
2016-09-09 12:48 s3://bucket-1
2016-09-16 21:29 s3://bucket-2
List objects within a bucket
aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 ls s3://bucket-1
2016-09-28 15:36 837 s3://bucket-1/c1ca2-filename-00001
2016-09-09 12:49 533 s3://bucket-1/c9872-filename-00002
2016-09-28 15:36 14476 s3://bucket-1/98837-filename-00003
2016-09-29 16:24 20950 s3://bucket-1/abfc4-filename-00004
Make a new bucket
Note: Personally Identifiable Information (PII): When naming buckets or objects, do not use any information that can identify any user (natural person) by name, location, or any other means.
If the default region in the ~/.aws/config
file corresponds the same location as the chosen endpoint, then bucket creation is straightforward.
aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 mb s3://bucket-1
make_bucket: s3://bucket-1/
Add an object to a bucket
aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 cp large-dataset.tar.gz s3://bucket-1
upload: ./large-dataset.tar.gz to s3://bucket-1/large-dataset.tar.gz
You can also set a new object key that is different from the file name:
aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 cp large-dataset.tar.gz s3://bucket-1/large-dataset-for-project-x
upload: ./large-dataset.tar.gz to s3://bucket-1/large-dataset-for-project-x
Copying an object from one bucket to another within the same region:
$ aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 cp s3://bucket-1/new-file s3://bucket-2/
copy: s3://bucket-1/new-file to s3://bucket-2/new-file
Delete an object from a bucket
aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 rm s3://mybucket/argparse-1.2.1.tar.gz
delete: s3://mybucket/argparse-1.2.1.tar.gz
Remove a bucket
aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 rb s3://bucket-1
remove_bucket: s3://bucket-1/
Create pre-signed URLs
The CLI can create pre-signed URLs. These URLs allow for temporary public access to objects without changing any existing access controls.
$ aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 presign s3://bucket-1/new-file
It's also possible to set a time-to-live for the URL in seconds (default is 3600):
$ aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3 presign s3://bucket-1/new-file --expires-in 600
Low-level syntax commands
The AWS CLI also allows direct API calls that provide the same responses as direct HTTP requests by using the s3api
Listing buckets:
$ aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3api list-buckets
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "{storage-account-uuid}",
"ID": "{storage-account-uuid}"
"Buckets": [
"CreationDate": "2016-09-09T12:48:52.442Z",
"Name": "bucket-1"
"CreationDate": "2016-09-16T21:29:00.912Z",
"Name": "bucket-2"
Listing objects within a bucket
$ aws --endpoint-url {endpoint} s3api list-objects --bucket bucket-1
"Contents": [
"LastModified": "2016-09-28T15:36:56.807Z",
"ETag": "\"13d567d518c650414c50a81805fff7f2\"",
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Key": "c1ca2-filename-00001",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "{storage-account-uuid}",
"ID": "{storage-account-uuid}"
"Size": 837
"LastModified": "2016-09-09T12:49:58.018Z",
"ETag": "\"3ca744fa96cb95e92081708887f63de5\"",
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Key": "c9872-filename-00002",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "{storage-account-uuid}",
"ID": "{storage-account-uuid}"
"Size": 533
"LastModified": "2016-09-28T15:36:17.573Z",
"ETag": "\"a54ed08bcb07c28f89f4b14ff54ce5b7\"",
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Key": "98837-filename-00003",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "{storage-account-uuid}",
"ID": "{storage-account-uuid}"
"Size": 14476
"LastModified": "2016-10-06T14:46:26.923Z",
"ETag": "\"2bcc8ee6bc1e4b8cd2f9a1d61d817ed2\"",
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Key": "abfc4-filename-00004",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "{storage-account-uuid}",
"ID": "{storage-account-uuid}"
"Size": 20950
Configure a Static Website
aws --endpoint-url=https://<endpoint> s3 website s3://<bucketname>/ --index-document index.html --error-document error.html
Next Steps
The detailed description of the RESTful API for IBM Cloud Object Storage can be found in the S3 Compatibility API Documentation or the Configuration API Documentation.