IBM Cloud Docs
Tracking Object Lock events

Tracking Object Lock events

Object Lock preserves electronic records and maintains data integrity by ensuring that individual object versions are stored in a WORM (Write-Once-Read-Many), non-erasable and non-rewritable manner. This policy is enforced until a specified date or the removal of any legal holds.

Why use Object Lock?

Object Lock helps customers govern data preservation and retention requirements by enforcing data immutability for their backup, disaster recovery, and cyber resiliency workloads.

Object Lock ensures that data cannot be deleted by anyone and there is no way to suspend retention on an object. Read the documentation carefully before locking objects with a retention period.

When using Object Lock, it is your responsibility to ensure compliance with any regulations that you (your organization) may be subject to when it comes to preservation and storage of data for long term retention.

When using Object Lock, you are responsible for ensuring that your IBM Cloud Account is kept in good standing per IBM Cloud policies and guidelines for as long as the data is subject to a retention period. Refer to IBM Cloud Service terms for more information.


There are two ways use Object Lock to protect data: retention periods and legal holds.

  • A retention period defines a timeframe during which an object is unable to be modified or deleted.
  • A legal hold also prevents an object from being altered, but only remains in place until it is explicitly lifted.

It is possible to make use of any combination of these parameters - an object version can have one, both, or neither.

Retain Until Date (Retention Period)

If you need to protect an object version for a fixed amount of time, you need to specify a Retain Until Date which determines the period in which it cannot be altered. The object version can be be deleted after this date is passed (assuming there are no legal holds on the object version).

The retention period for new objects can be inherited from the default value set on the bucket, or it can be explicitly defined when writing the object by specifying a Retain Until Date.

When you use bucket default settings, you don’t specify a Retain Until Date. Instead, you specify a duration, in either days or years, for which every object version placed in the bucket should be protected. When you place an object in the bucket, a Retain Until Date is calculated for the object version by adding the specified duration to the time of the object write.

If your request to place an object version in a bucket contains an explicit retention mode and Retain Until Date, those settings override any bucket default settings for that object version.

Like all other Object Lock settings, the Retain Until Date applies to individual object versions. Different versions of a single object can have different retention modes and periods.

Imagine an object that is 60 days into a 90-day retention period, and you overwrite that object with the same name and a two year retention period. The operation will succeed and a new version of the object with a two year retention period is created. Meanwhile, after 30 more days the original version is eligible for deletion.

Extending a retention period

To extend the retention period of an object, simply send a request to set a new, longer, retention period. The old value will be overwritten with the new, assuming the requester has the cloud-object-storage.object.put_object_lock_retention and cloud-object-storage.object.put_object_lock_retention_version actions.

Getting started with Object Lock

To get started, there are some some prerequisites:

  • You'll need the Writer or Manager platform role on a bucket, or a custom role with the appropriate actions (such as cloud-object-storage.bucket.put_object_lock_configuration) assigned.
  • Object Versioning must be enabled
  • You will need to use Standard pricing plan, see pricing for details.
  • You will need to pick a region where Object Lock is supported, refer to Integrated Services for details.
  • A maximum default retention period of 100 years (or 36500 days) is supported.
  • When using the console, it is also possible to set a Retain Until Date in months, in addition to days or years.

The retention period for an object cannot be decreased. If you are using default retention for validation testing please use a lower duration (such as 1 day) as the default retention, increasing it to your desired setting as needed.

Creating and setting up your new bucket for use with Object Lock

  1. Navigate to your desired Object Storage instance and use Create Bucket with Customize your bucket option
  2. Enter the required bucket configuration details per your use case requirements
  3. Navigate to the Object Versioning section and set it to Enabled
  4. Look for Immutability, and under Object Lock click Add
  5. Set Object Lock to Enabled
  6. Optionally, set a default retention period.
  7. Click on Save
  8. Proceed with rest of the configuration settings and click Create bucket

Enabling Object Lock on an existing bucket:

A bucket can be set for Object Lock use as follows:

  1. Navigate to your bucket Configuration section
  2. Click on Object Versioning
  3. At the Object Versioning section click on Edit, set the configuration option to Enabled and Save
  4. Navigate to Object Lock section, click on Add
  5. Set Object Lock to Enabled
  6. Optionally, set a default retention period.
  7. Click on Save

Adding a Retain Until Date or Legal Hold to an object

  1. Navigate to the bucket with the target object
  2. Toggle Display Versions
  3. Go to the details of the target version
  4. Add a retention period and/or toggle on a legal hold.

Using Object Lock for business continuity and disaster recovery

Object Lock can be used to provide continuity of service in the event of a ransomware attack, as protected data is unable to be modified or destroyed.

Consistency and data integrity

While IBM Cloud Object Storage provides strong consistency for all data IO operations, bucket configuration is eventually consistent. After enabling, modifying, or deleting a default retention period on a bucket it may take a few moments for the configuration to propagate across the system. Operations on objects, such as adding a legal hold, are immediately consistent.

Usage and accounting

Locked objects (and their versions) contribute usage just like any other data and you will be responsible for the usage costs for as long as object remains locked with a retention period.


Object Lock can be used in combination with several object storage features as per your use case requirements.


Enabling versioning is a prerequisite for enabling Object Lock. If a bucket is created using the x-amz-bucket-object-lock-enabled header, versioning will automatically be enabled.

Deleting a versioned object creates a delete marker. The object may appear to be deleted, but if the object is protected it is impossible to delete the protected version. Delete markers themselves are not protected.


Object Lock cannot be used on the source bucket for replication, only on the destination. Objects will be assigned the default retention period.

Key Management Systems

Protected objects will be encrypted using the root key of the bucket. When Object Lock is enabled on a bucket, the root key hosted by Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services is protected from deletion as long as an associated bucket has Object Lock enabled. This prevents crypto shredding of protected objects.

Lifecycle configurations

It is possible to enable lifecycle policies that archive locked objects, but naturally not those that expire objects under retention or legal hold (unprotected objects in the bucket can still be expired).

Immutable Object Storage

Object Lock is an alternative to the retention policies available when using Immutable Object Storage. As Object Lock requires versioning to be enabled, and Immutable Object Storage is not compatible with versioning, it is impossible to have both WORM solutions enabled on the same bucket. It is possible to have a mix of buckets in a Service Instance, each using either Immutable Object Storage or Object Lock.

Object Tagging

There are no restrictions on adding or modifying tags on a protected object.

Other interactions

There should be no adverse interactions when using Object Lock with other Object Storage features, such as setting CORS policies, setting IP firewalls or condition based restrictions, bucket quotas, or Code Engine.

IAM actions

There are new IAM actions associated with Object Lock.

IAM Actions
IAM Action Role
cloud-object-storage.bucket.get_object_lock_configuration Manager, Writer, Reader
cloud-object-storage.bucket.put_object_lock_configuration Manager, Writer
cloud-object-storage.object.get_object_lock_retention Manager, Writer, Reader
cloud-object-storage.object.put_object_lock_retention Manager, Writer
cloud-object-storage.object.get_object_lock_retention_version Manager, Writer, Reader
cloud-object-storage.object.put_object_lock_retention_version Manager, Writer
cloud-object-storage.object.get_object_lock_legal_hold Manager, Writer, Reader
cloud-object-storage.object.put_object_lock_legal_hold Manager, Writer
cloud-object-storage.object.get_object_lock_legal_hold_version Manager, Writer, Reader
cloud-object-storage.object.put_object_lock_legal_hold_version Manager, Writer

Be advised that users with the Writer role are capable of making objects un-deletable for many years (possibly thousand of years). Be careful, and consider crafting custom roles that do not allow most users to set a Retain Until Date.

Activity Tracker events

Object Lock generates additional events.

  • cloud-object-storage.bucket-object-lock.create
  • cloud-object-storage.object-object-lock-legal-hold.create
  • cloud-object-storage.object-object-lock-retention.create

For cloud-object-storage.bucket-object-lock.create events, the following fields provide extra information:

Field Description
requestData.object_lock_configuration.enabled Indicates that Object Lock is enabled on the bucket
requestData.object_lock_configuration.defaultRetention.mode Indicates COMPLIANCE mode is active - GOVERNANCE mode is not yet supported.
object_lock_configuration.defaultRetention.years The default retention period in years.
object_lock_configuration.defaultRetention.days The default retention period in days.

Only object_lock_configuration.defaultRetention.years or object_lock_configuration.defaultRetention.days will be present, but not both at the same time.

For operations on protected objects, the following fields may be present:

Field Description
requestData.object_lock_protection.legal_hold Indicates that a legal hold is in force on the object version.
requestData.object_lock_protection.retention.mode Indicates COMPLIANCE mode is active on the object version - GOVERNANCE mode is not yet supported.
requestData.object_lock_protection.retention.retain_until_date Indicates the date that object version is eligible for deletion. After this date the object is no longer delete protected based on a retention date.

REST API examples

The following examples are shown using cURL for ease of use. Environment variables are used to represent user specific elements such as $BUCKET, $TOKEN, and $REGION. Note that $REGION would also include any network type specifications, so sending a request to a bucket in us-south using the private network would require setting the variable to

Enable object lock on a bucket

The Object Lock configuration is provided as XML in the body of the request. New requests will overwrite any existing replication rules that are present on the bucket.

An Object Lock configuration must include one rule.

Header Type Description
Content-MD5 String Required: The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 hash of the payload, which is used as an integrity check to ensure that the payload wasn't altered in transit.

The body of the request must contain an XML block with the following schema:

Element Type Children Ancestor Constraint
ObjectLockConfiguration Container ObjectLockEnabled, Rule None Required Limit 1.
ObjectLockEnabled String None ObjectLockConfiguration Required The only valid value is Enabled (case-sensitive).
Rule Container DefaultRetention ObjectLockConfiguration Limit 1
DefaultRetention Container Days, Mode, Years Rule Limit 1.
Days Integer None DefaultRetention The number of days that you want to specify for the default retention period. Cannot be combined with Years.
Mode String None DefaultRetention Only COMPLIANCE is supported at this time (case-sensitive).
Years Integer None DefaultRetention The number of years that you want to specify for the default retention period. Cannot be combined with Days.

This example will retain any new objects for at least 30 days.

curl -X "PUT" "https://$BUCKET.s3.$" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer $TOKEN' \
     -H 'Content-MD5: exuBoz2kFBykNwqu64JZuA==' \
     -H 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'<ObjectLockConfiguration xmlns="">

A successful request returns a 200 response.

View Object Lock configuration for a bucket

curl -X "GET" "https://$BUCKET.s3.$" \
     -H 'Authorization: bearer $TOKEN'

This returns an XML response body with the appropriate schema:

<ObjectLockConfiguration xmlns="">

Add or extend a retention period for an object

The Object Lock configuration is provided as XML in the body of the request. New requests will overwrite any existing replication rules that are present on the object, provided the RetainUntilDate is farther in the future than the current value.

Header Type Description
Content-MD5 String Required: The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 hash of the payload, which is used as an integrity check to ensure that the payload wasn't altered in transit.

Optionally, you can specify the version for which to apply the RetainUntilDate.

Optional query parameters

Parameter Required? Type Description
versionID Optional string Version ID.

The body of the request must contain an XML block with the following schema:

Element Type Children Ancestor Constraint
Retention Container Mode, RetainUntilDate None Required Limit 1.
Mode String None Retention Required Only COMPLIANCE is supported at this time (case-sensitive).
RetainUntilDate String None Retention Required The date after which an object is eligible for deletion in ISO8601 Date-Time Format.

This example will retain any new objects for at least until March 12, 2023.

curl -X "PUT" "https://$BUCKET.s3.$" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \
     -H 'Content-MD5: fT0hYstki6zUvEh7abhcTA==' \
     -H 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'<Retention>

A successful request returns a 200 response.

If the RetainUntilDate values is not beyond any existing value, the operation will fail with a 403 Access Denied.

Add or remove a legal hold for an object

The Object Lock configuration is provided as XML in the body of the request. New requests will overwrite any existing replication rules that are present on the object, provided the RetainUntilDate is farther in the future than the current value.

Header Type Description
Content-MD5 String Required: The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 hash of the payload, which is used as an integrity check to ensure that the payload wasn't altered in transit.

The body of the request must contain an XML block with the following schema:

Element Type Children Ancestor Constraint
legal-hold Container Status None Limit 1.
Status String None legal-hold Supported values are ON or OFF (case-sensitive)

This example will retain any new objects for at least until March 12, 2023.

curl -X "PUT" "https://$BUCKET.s3.$$VERSION_ID" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \
     -H 'Content-MD5: FMh6GxizXUBRaiDuB0vtgQ==' \
     -H 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'<legal-hold>

A successful request returns a 200 response.

SDK examples

The following examples make use of the IBM COS SDKs for Python, Node.js, and Go, as well as a Terraform script, although the implementation of object versioning should be fully compatible with any S3-compatible library or tool that allows for the setting of custom endpoints. Using third-party tools requires HMAC credentials to calculate AWS V4 signatures.


Enabling Object Lock using the IBM COS SDK for Python can be done using the low-level client syntax.

Using a client:

import ibm_boto3
from ibm_botocore.client import Config
from ibm_botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time

# Create new bucket with Object Lock enabled.
def create_bucket_with_objectlock(bucket_name):
        print("Bucket: {0} created with objectlock enabled".format(bucket_name))

def objectlock_configuration_on_bucket(bucket_name):

    # Putting default retenion on the COS bucket.
    default_retention_rule = {'DefaultRetention': {'Mode': 'COMPLIANCE', 'Years': 1}}
    object_lock_config = {'ObjectLockEnabled': 'Enabled', 'Rule': default_retention_rule}
    cos_cli.put_object_lock_configuration(Bucket=bucket_name, ObjectLockConfiguration=object_lock_config)
    # Reading the objectlock configuration set on the bucket.
    response = cos_cli.get_object_lock_configuration(Bucket=bucket_name)
    print("Objectlock Configuration for {0} =>".format(bucket_name))

def upload_object(bucket_name,object_name,object_content):
        print("Object: {0} uploaded!".format(object_name))

def objectlock_retention(bucket_name,object_name):
        # Put objectlock retenion on the  object uploaded to the bucket.
        date =
        retention_rule = {'Mode': 'COMPLIANCE', 'RetainUntilDate': date}
        cos_cli.put_object_retention(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_name, Retention=retention_rule)

        # Get objectlock retention of the above object.
        response = cos_cli.get_object_retention(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_name)
        print("Objectlock Retention for {0}=>".format(object_name))

def objectlock_legal-hold(bucket_name,object_name):
        # Setting the objectlock legal-hold status to ON.
        cos_cli.put_object_legal_hold(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_name, legal-hold={'Status': 'ON'})
        # Get objectlock retention of the above object.
        response = cos_cli.get_object_legal_hold(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=object_name)
        print("Objectlock legal-hold for {0}=>".format(object_name))

COS_ENDPOINT = "" #Current list avaiable at -> Ex:
COS_API_KEY_ID = "" #API Key of the cos instance created Ex: W00YixxxxxxxxxxMB-odB-2ySfTrFBIQQWanc--P3byk
COS_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_CRN = "" #API key of cos instance example: xxxd12V2QHXbjaM99G9tWyYDgF_0gYdlQ8aWALIQxXx4

# Create client connection
cos_cli = ibm_boto3.client("s3",
new_bucket_name = "create-example-python12345" # bucket name should be unique gloablly, or else it will throw an error.
new_text_file_name = "cos_object.txt"
new_text_file_contents = "This is a test file from Python code sample!!!"

# *** Main Program ***
def main():
       create_bucket_with_objectlock(new_bucket_name) # Create a new cos bucket with object lock enabled.
       objectlock_configuration_on_bucket(new_bucket_name) # Put objectlock configuration(i.e. default retention) on COS bucket and get the configuration.
       upload_object(new_bucket_name,new_text_file_name,new_text_file_contents) # Upload an object to cos bucket.
       objectlock_retention(new_bucket_name,new_text_file_name) # Put objectlock retention(i.e. retain until date) on the object and get the configured retention.
       objectlock_legal-hold(new_bucket_name,new_text_file_name)  # Put objectlock legal-hold on the object and get the legal-hold status.

if __name__ == "__main__":


Enabling versioning using the IBM COS SDK for Node.js:

'use strict';

// Required libraries
const ibm = require('ibm-cos-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');

function logError(e) {
    console.log(`ERROR: ${e.code} - ${e.message}\n`);

function logDone() {

const COS_ENDPOINT = "";   //Choose endpoint from Ex:
const COS_API_KEY_ID = "";  // API key of cos instance example: xxxd12V2QHXbjaM99G9tWyYDgF_0gYdlQ8aWALIQxXx4
const COS_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_CRN = ""; // example: crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a <CREDENTIAL_ID_AS_GENERATED>:<SERVICE_ID_AS_GENERATED>::

// Client Creation.
var config = {
    endpoint: COS_ENDPOINT,
    apiKeyId: COS_API_KEY_ID,
    ibmAuthEndpoint: COS_AUTH_ENDPOINT,
    serviceInstanceId: COS_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_CRN,
    signatureVersion: 'iam'

var cos = new ibm.S3(config);

// Create new bucket with objectlock enabled.
function createBucket(bucketName) {
    console.log(`Creating new bucket: ${bucketName}`);
    return cos.createBucket({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        ObjectLockEnabledForBucket: true,
        CreateBucketConfiguration: {
            LocationConstraint: ''
    .then((() => {
        console.log(`Bucket: ${bucketName} created!`);
    .catch((e) => {
        console.error(`ERROR: ${e.code} - ${e.message}\n`);

// Create new text file and upload the object to COS bucket.
function createTextFile(bucketName, itemName, fileText) {
    console.log(`Creating new item: ${itemName}`);
    return cos.putObject({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        Key: itemName,
        Body: fileText
    .then(() => {
        console.log(`Item: ${itemName} created!`);

function putObjectLockConfigurationonBucket(bucketName) {
    console.log(`Putting Objectlock Configuration on : ${bucketName}`);
    // Putting objectlock configuration
    var defaultRetention = {Mode: 'COMPLIANCE', Days: 1}
    var objectLockRule = {DefaultRetention : defaultRetention}
    var param = {ObjectLockEnabled: 'Enabled', Rule: objectLockRule}
    return cos.putObjectLockConfiguration({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        ObjectLockConfiguration: param
    .then(() => {
        console.log(`Object lock Configurtion added!!`);

function getObjectLockConfigurationonBucket(bucketName) {
    console.log(`Getting Objectlock Configuration for : ${bucketName}`);
    // Getting objectlock configuration
    return cos.getObjectLockConfiguration({
        Bucket: bucketName,
    .then((data) => {
        console.log(`objectlock configuration`);
        console.log( JSON.stringify(data.ObjectLockConfiguration, null, "    ") );

function putObjectLockRetention(bucketName,keyName) {
    console.log(`Putting Objectlock Retention on : ${keyName}`);
    var inFiveSecond = (new Date( + (1000 * 5)))
    var rule = {Mode: 'COMPLIANCE', RetainUntilDate: inFiveSecond}
     // Putting objectlock retention
    return cos.putObjectRetention({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        Key: keyName,
        Retention: rule
    .then(() => {
        console.log(`Object lock Retention added!!`);

function getObjectLockRetention(bucketName,keyName) {
    console.log(`Getting Objectlock Retention for : ${keyName}`);
    // Getting objectlock retention
    return cos.getObjectRetention({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        Key: keyName
    .then((data) => {
        console.log(`Objectlock retention for : ${keyName} `);
        console.log( JSON.stringify(data.Retention, null, "    ") );

function putObjectLocklegal-hold(bucketName,keyName) {
    console.log(`Putting Objectlock legal-hold status ON for  : ${keyName}`);
     // Putting objectlock legal-hold status
    return cos.putObjectlegal-hold({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        Key: keyName,
        legal-hold: {Status: 'ON'}
    .then(() => {
        console.log(`Object lock legal-hold added!!`);

function getObjectLocklegal-hold(bucketName,keyName) {
    console.log(`Getting Objectlock legal-hold for : ${keyName}`);
    // Getting objectlock legal-hold
    return cos.getObjectlegal-hold({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        Key: keyName
    .then((data) => {
        console.log(`Objectlock legal-hold for : ${keyName} `);
        console.log( JSON.stringify(, null, "    ") );

// Main app
function main() {
    try {
        var newBucketName = "jscosbucket350";
        var newTextFileName = "js_cos_bucket_file.txt";
        var newTextFileContents = "This is a test file from Node.js code sample!!!";

        createBucket(newBucketName) // Create a new cos bucket with object lock enabled.
        .then(() => putObjectLockConfigurationonBucket(newBucketName)) // Put objectlock configuration(i.e. default retention) on COS bucket.
        .then(() => getObjectLockConfigurationonBucket(newBucketName)) // Read objectlock configuration on COS bucket.
        .then(() => createTextFile(newBucketName, newTextFileName, newTextFileContents)) // Upload an object to cos bucket.
        .then(() => putObjectLockRetention(newBucketName, newTextFileName)) // Put objectlock retention(i.e. retain until date) on the object.
        .then(() => getObjectLockRetention(newBucketName, newTextFileName)) // Get the configured retention.
        .then(() => putObjectLocklegal-hold(newBucketName,newTextFileName)) // Put objectlock legal-hold on the object.
        .then(() => getObjectLocklegal-hold(newBucketName,newTextFileName)); // Get the legal-hold status.
    catch(ex) {



package main

import (


const (
	apiKey            = "<apiKey>"
	serviceInstanceID = "<serviceInstanceID>"
	authEndpoint      = ""
	serviceEndpoint   = "https://<endpoint>"

// Create new bucket with objectlock enabled.
func createBucket(bucketName string, client *s3.S3) {
	createBucketInput := new(s3.CreateBucketInput)
	createBucketInput.Bucket = aws.String(bucketName)
	createBucketInput.ObjectLockEnabledForBucket = aws.Bool(true)
	_, e := client.CreateBucket(createBucketInput)
	if e != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Bucket Created !!! ")

func uploadObject(bucketName string, client *s3.S3, fileName string, fileContent string) {
	putInput := &s3.PutObjectInput{
		Bucket: aws.String(bucketName),
		Key:    aws.String(fileName),
		Body:   bytes.NewReader([]byte(fileContent)),

	_, e := client.PutObject(putInput)
	if e != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Object Uploaded!!! ")

func objectLockConfiguration(bucketName string, client *s3.S3) {
	// Putting default retenion on the COS bucket.
	putObjectLockConfigurationInput := &s3.PutObjectLockConfigurationInput{
		Bucket: aws.String(bucketName),
		ObjectLockConfiguration: &s3.ObjectLockConfiguration{
			ObjectLockEnabled: aws.String(s3.ObjectLockEnabledEnabled),
			Rule: &s3.ObjectLockRule{
				DefaultRetention: &s3.DefaultRetention{
					Mode: aws.String("COMPLIANCE"),
					Days: aws.Int64(1),
	_, e := client.PutObjectLockConfiguration(putObjectLockConfigurationInput)

	// Reading the objectlock configuration set on the bucket.
	getObjectLockConfigurationInput := new(s3.GetObjectLockConfigurationInput)
	getObjectLockConfigurationInput.Bucket = aws.String(bucketName)
	response, e := client.GetObjectLockConfiguration(getObjectLockConfigurationInput)
	if e != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Object Lock Configuration =>", response.ObjectLockConfiguration)

func objectLockRetention(bucketName string, client *s3.S3, keyName string) {

	// Put objectlock retenion on the  object uploaded to the bucket.
	retention_date := time.Now().Local().Add(time.Second * 5)
	putObjectRetentionInput := &s3.PutObjectRetentionInput{
		Bucket: aws.String(bucketName),
		Key:    aws.String(keyName),
		Retention: &s3.ObjectLockRetention{
			Mode:            aws.String("COMPLIANCE"),
			RetainUntilDate: aws.Time(retention_date),
	_, e := client.PutObjectRetention(putObjectRetentionInput)

	// Get objectlock retention of the above object.
	getObjectRetentionInput := new(s3.GetObjectRetentionInput)
	getObjectRetentionInput.Bucket = aws.String(bucketName)
	getObjectRetentionInput.Key = aws.String(keyName)
	response, e := client.GetObjectRetention(getObjectRetentionInput)
	if e != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Object Lock Retention =>", response.Retention)

func objectLocklegal-hold(bucketName string, client *s3.S3, keyName string) {

	// Setting the objectlock legal-hold status to ON.
	putObjectlegal-holdInput := &s3.PutObjectlegal-holdInput{
		Bucket: aws.String(bucketName),
		Key:    aws.String(keyName),
		legal-hold: &s3.ObjectLocklegal-hold{
			Status: aws.String("ON"),
	_, e := client.PutObjectlegal-hold(putObjectlegal-holdInput)
	// Get objectlock retention of the above object.
	getObjectlegal-holdInput := new(s3.GetObjectlegal-holdInput)
	getObjectlegal-holdInput.Bucket = aws.String(bucketName)
	getObjectlegal-holdInput.Key = aws.String(keyName)
	response, e := client.GetObjectlegal-hold(getObjectlegal-holdInput)
	if e != nil {
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Object Lock legal-hold =>",

func main() {

	bucketName := "gocosbucket353"
	textFileName := "go_cos_bucket_file.txt"
	textFileContents := "This is a test file from Node.js code sample!!!"
	conf := aws.NewConfig().
			authEndpoint, apiKey, serviceInstanceID)).

	sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
	client := s3.New(sess, conf)
	createBucket(bucketName, client)                                 // Create a new cos bucket with object lock enabled.
	objectLockConfiguration(bucketName, client)                      // Put objectlock configuration(i.e. default retention) on COS bucket and get the configuration.
	uploadObject(bucketName, client, textFileName, textFileContents) // Upload an object to cos bucket.
	objectLockRetention(bucketName, client, textFileName)            // Put objectlock retention(i.e. retain until date) on the object and get the configured retention.
	objectLocklegal-hold(bucketName, client, textFileName)            // Put objectlock legal-hold on the object and get the legal-hold status.



// Create COS instance.
resource "ibm_resource_instance" "cos_instance" {
  name              = "cos-instance"
  resource_group_id =
  service           = "cloud-object-storage"
  plan              = "standard"
  location          = "global"

// Create a new bucket with objectlock and object versioning enabled.
resource "ibm_cos_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket_name           = var.bucket_name
  resource_instance_id  =
  region_location  = var.regional_loc
  storage_class          = var.standard_storage_class
  object_versioning {
    enable  = true
  object_lock = true

// Set object lock configuration on the bucket by providing the crn of the new COS bucket.
resource ibm_cos_bucket_objectlock_configuration "objectlock" {
 bucket_crn      = ibm_cos_bucket.bucket.crn
 bucket_location = var.regional_loc
   objectlockenabled = "Enabled"
        mode = "COMPLIANCE"
        days = 6

// Upload an object to the COS bucket with objectlock retention and objectlock legal-hold.
resource "ibm_cos_bucket_object" "object_object_lock" {
  bucket_crn      = ibm_cos_bucket.bucket.crn
  bucket_location = ibm_cos_bucket.bucket.region_location
  content         = "Hello World 2"
  key             = "plaintext5.txt"
  object_lock_mode              = "COMPLIANCE"
  object_lock_retain_until_date = "2023-02-15T18:00:00Z"
  object_lock_legal_hold_status = "ON"
  force_delete = true