IBM Cloud Docs
Why does my Block Storage persistent volume show a limited connectivity status?

Why does my Block Storage persistent volume show a limited connectivity status?

Classic infrastructure

When you describe your Block Storage for Classic persistent volume (PV), you see a label similar to the following example.

Labels: limited

The Block Storage for Classic driver looks for 2 target ports when you mount a PVC to a PV. If 2 target ports can't be found when mounting the volume, the limited label is added to the PV.

If your PV shows a limited connectivity status, then only 1 target port was available at mount time. Usually, this situation is due to maintenance impacts.

  1. Review that IBM Cloud status console for potential maintenance impacts. Do not reload or restart your deployments if your PVs have limited connectivity.

  2. If there is no ongoing maintenance, or if the issue persists, contact support. Open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs..

You can also set up monitoring alerts for limited connected PVs. For more information, see Setting up monitoring for limited connectivity PVs.