IBM Cloud Docs
Debugging network connections between pods

Debugging network connections between pods

Review the options and strategies for debugging connection issues between pods.

Check the health of your cluster components and networking pods

Follow these steps to check the health of your components. Networking issues might occur if your cluster components are not up to date or are not in a healthy state.

  1. Check that your cluster master and worker nodes run on a supported version and are in a healthy state. If the cluster master or workers do not run a supported version, make any necessary updates so that they run a supported version. If the status of any components is not Normal or Ready, review the cluster master health states, cluster states, worker node states, or steps to troubleshoot Critical or NotReady worker nodes for more information. Make sure any related issues are resolved before continuing.

    To check the cluster master version and health:

    ibmcloud ks cluster get -c <cluster-id>

    To check worker node versions and health:

    ibmcloud ks workers -c <cluster-id>
  2. For each worker node, verify that the Calico and cluster DNS pods are present and running in a healthy state.

    1. Run the command to get the details of your cluster's pods.

       kubectl get pods -A -o wide | grep -e calico -e coredns
    2. In the output, make sure that your cluster includes the following pods. Make sure that each pod's status is Running, and that the pods do not have too many restarts.

      • Exactly one calico-node pod per worker node.
      • At least one calico-typha pod per cluster. Larger clusters might have more than one.
      • Exactly one calico-kube-controllers pod per cluster.
      • At least one coredns pod per cluster. Most clusters have three coredns pods; larger clusters might have more.
      • Exactly one coredns-autoscaler pod.

      Example output

      NAMESPACE        NAME                               READY   STATUS     RESTARTS    AGE    IP              NODE           NOMINATED     READINESS GATES
      calico-system     calico-kube-controllers-1a1a1a1   1/1     Running   0             16h   <none>         <none>
      calico-system     calico-node-1a1a1a1               1/1     Running   0             16h    <none>         <none>
      calico-system     calico-node-1a1a1a1               1/1     Running   0             16h    <none>         <none>
      calico-system     calico-typha-1a1a1a1              1/1     Running   0             16h    <none>         <none>
      kube-system       coredns-867bfb84df-1a1a1a1        1/1     Running   0             16h    <none>         <none>
      kube-system       coredns-867bfb84df-1a1a1a1        1/1     Running   0             16h    <none>         <none>
      kube-system       coredns-867bfb84df-1a1a1a1        1/1     Running   0             16h    <none>         <none>
      kube-system       coredns-autoscaler-1a1a1a1        1/1     Running   0             16h    <none>         <none>
    3. If any of the listed pods are not present or are in an unhealthy state, go through the cluster and worker node trouble shooting documentation included in the previous steps. Make sure any issues with the pods in this step are resolved before moving on.

Debug with test pods

To determine the cause of networking issues on your pods, you can create a test pod on each of your worker nodes. Then, you can run tests and observe networking activity within the pod, which might reveal the source of the problem.

Setting up the pods

  1. Create a new privileged namespace for your test pods. Creating a new namespace prevents any custom policies or configurations in existing namespaces from affecting your test pods. In this example, the new namespace is called pod-network-test.

    Create the namespace.

    kubectl create ns pod-network-test
  2. Create and apply the following daemonset to create a test pod on each node.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: DaemonSet
        name: webserver-test
        app: webserver-test
      name: webserver-test
          name: webserver-test
            name: webserver-test
            app: webserver-test
          - operator: "Exists"
          - name: webserver
              privileged: true
              - name: ENABLE_ECHO_SERVER
                value: "true"
              - name: POD_NAME
          restartPolicy: Always
          terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1
  3. Apply the daemonset to deploy test pods on your worker nodes.

kubectl apply --namespace pod-network-test -f <daemonset-file>
  1. Verify that the pods start up successfully by listing all pods in the namespace.
    kubectl get pods --namespace pod-network-test -o wide

Running tests within the pods

Run curl, ping, and nc commands to test each pod's network connection and the dig command to test the cluster DNS. Review each output, then see Identifying issues to find what the outcomes might mean.

  1. List your test pods and note the name and IP of each pod.

    kubectl get pods --namespace pod-network-test -o wide

    Example output

    NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP               NODE        NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    webserver-test-1a1a1   1/1     Running   0          68s   <none>           <none>
    webserver-test-1a1a1   1/1     Running   0          68s   <none>           <none>
  2. Run the exec command to log into one pod.

    kubectl exec -it --namespace pod-network-test <pod_name> -- sh
  3. Run the curl command on the pod and note the output. Specify the IP of the pod that you did not log into. This tests the network connection between pods on different nodes.

    curl <pod_ip>:8080

    Example successful output.

    Hostname: webserver-test-t546j
    Pod Information:
      node name:	env var NODE_NAME not set
      pod name:	webserver-test-t546j
      pod namespace:	env var POD_NAMESPACE not set
      pod IP:  	env var POD_IP not set
    Connection Information:
      remote address:
      remote port:	56042
      local address:
      local port:	8080
  4. Run the ping command on the pod and note the output. Specify the IP of the pod that you did not log into with the exec command. This tests the network connection between pods on different nodes.

    ping -c 5 <pod_ip>

    Example successful output.

    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=0.473 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=0.449 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=0.381 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=62 time=0.438 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=62 time=0.348 ms
    --- ping statistics ---
    5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4086ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.348/0.417/0.473/0.046 ms
  5. Run the nc command on the pod and note the output. Specify the IP of the pod that you did not log into with the exec command. This tests the network connection between pods on different nodes.

    nc -vzw 5 <pod_ip> 8080

    Example successful output.

    nc -vzw 5 8080 ( open
  6. Run the dig commands to test the DNS.

    dig +short kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local

    Example output
    dig +short

    Example output
  7. Run curl commands to test a full TCP or HTTPS connection to the service. This example tests the connection between the pod and the cluster master by retrieving the cluster's version information. Successfully retrieving the cluster version indicates a healthy connection.

    curl -k https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/version

    Example output

    "major": "1",
    "minor": "25",
    "gitVersion": "v1.25.14+bcb9a60",
    "gitCommit": "3bdfba0be09da2bfdef3b63e421e6a023bbb08e6",
    "gitTreeState": "clean",
    "buildDate": "2023-10-30T21:33:07Z",
    "goVersion": "go1.19.13 X:strictfipsruntime",
    "compiler": "gc",
    "platform": "linux/amd64"
  8. Log out of the pod.

  9. Repeat the earlier steps with the remaining pods.

Identifying issues

Review the outputs from the earlier section to help find the cause of your pod networking issues. This section lists some common causes that can be identified from the earlier section.

  • If the commands functioned normally on the test pods, but you still have networking issues in your application pods in your default namespace, there might be issues related specifically to your application.

    • You might have Calico or Kubernetes network security policies in place that restrict your networking traffic. If a networking policy is applied to a pod, all traffic that is not specifically allowed by that policy is dropped. For more information on networking policies, see the Kubernetes documentation.
    • If you are using Istio or Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh, there might be service configuration issues that drop or block traffic between pods. For more information, see the troubleshooting documentation for Istio and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh.
    • The issue might be related to bugs in the application rather than your cluster, and might require your own independent trouble shooting.
  • If the curl, ping, or nc commands failed for certain pods, identify which worker nodes those pods are on. If the issue exists on only some of your worker nodes, replace those worker nodes or see additional information on worker node trouble shooting.

  • If the DNS lookups from the dig commands failed, check that the cluster DNS is configured properly..

If you are still unable to resolve your pod networking issue, open a support case and include a detailed description of the problem, how you have tried to solve it, what kinds of tests you ran, and relevant logs for your pods and worker nodes. For more information on opening a support case and what information to include, see the general debugging guide.