IBM Cloud Docs
Storage class reference

Storage class reference

Review the storage class for IBM Cloud Object Storage.

The resiliency endpoint is automatically set based on the location that your cluster is in. For more information, see Endpoints and storage locations. For pricing information, see the pricing documentation.

To view more information about these classes, you can run the get sc command in your cluster.

oc get sc STORAGE-CLASS -o yaml

IBM Cloud Object Storage Helm chart storage classes

Standard classes.
The first column contains a feature of the storage class. The second column contains a brief description of the feature.
Feature Description
Classes ibmc-s3fs-standard-cross-region, ibmc-s3fs-standard-perf-cross-region, ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional, ibmc-s3fs-standard-perf-regional
volumeBindingMode Immediate
reclaimPolicy Delete
Chunk size Storage classes without perf: 16 MB. Storage classes with perf: 52 MB
Kernel cache Enabled
Billing type Monthly
Vault classes.
The first column contains a feature of the storage class. The second column contains a brief description of the feature.
Feature Description
Classes ibmc-s3fs-vault-cross-region, ibmc-s3fs-vault-regional
Volume binding mode Immediate
Reclaim policy Delete
Chunk size 16 MB
Kernel cache Disabled
Billing type Monthly
Cold classes.
The first column contains a feature of the storage class. The second column contains a brief description of the feature.
Feature Description
Classes ibmc-s3fs-cold-cross-region, ibmc-s3fs-cold-perf-cross-region, ibmc-s3fs-cold-regional, ibmc-s3fs-cold-perf-regional
volumeBindingMode Immediate
reclaimPolicy Delete
Chunk size 16 MB
Kernel cache Disabled
Billing type Monthly
Smart classes.
The first column contains a feature of the storage class. The second column contains a brief description of the feature.
Feature Description
Classes ibmc-s3fs-smart-cross-region, ibmc-s3fs-smart-perf-cross-region, ibmc-s3fs-smart-regional, ibmc-s3fs-smart-perf-regional
volumeBindingMode Immediate
reclaimPolicy Delete
Chunk size Storage classes without perf: 16 MB. Storage classes with perf: 52 MB
Kernel cache Disabled
Billing type Monthly