IBM Cloud Docs
Why does binding a service to a cluster result in a same name error?

Why does binding a service to a cluster result in a same name error?

Virtual Private Cloud Classic infrastructure

When you run ibmcloud ks cluster service bind --cluster <cluster_name> --namespace <namespace> --service <service_instance_name>, you see the following message.

Multiple services with the same name were found.
Run 'ibmcloud service list' to view available Bluemix service instances...

Multiple service instances might have the same name in different regions.

Use the service GUID instead of the service instance name in the ibmcloud ks cluster service bind command.

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud region that includes the service instance to bind.

  2. Get the GUID for the service instance.

    ibmcloud service show <service_instance_name> --guid

    Example output

    Invoking 'cf service <service_instance_name> --guid'...
  3. Bind the service to the cluster again.

    ibmcloud ks cluster service bind --cluster <cluster_name> --namespace <namespace> --service <service_instance_GUID>