IBM Cloud Docs
Managing users, roles, and privileges

Managing users, roles, and privileges

PostgreSQL uses a system of roles to manage database permissions. Roles are used to give a single user or a group of users a set of privileges. Determine roles, groups, and privileges across your deployment by using the psql command \du.

When you provision a new deployment in IBM Cloud, you are automatically given an admin user to access and manage PostgreSQL.

The admin user

When you provision a new deployment in IBM Cloud, you are automatically given an admin user to access and manage PostgreSQL. Once you set the admin password, use it to connect to your deployment.

When admin creates a resource in a database, like a table, admin owns that object. Resources that are created by admin are not accessible by other users, unless you expressly grant permissions to them.

The biggest difference between the admin user and any other users you add to your deployment is the pg_monitor and pg_signal_backend roles. The pg_monitor role provides a set of permissions that makes the admin user appropriate for monitoring the database server. The pg_signal_backend role provides the admin user the ability to send signals to cancel queries and connections that are initiated by other users. It is not able to send signals to processes owned by superusers.

You can also use the admin user to grant these two roles to other users on your deployment.

To expose the ability to cancel queries to other database users, grant the pg_signal_backend role from the admin user. Use a command like:

GRANT pg_signal_backend TO joe;

To allow the user joe to cancel backends, grant pg_signal_backend to all the users with the ibm-cloud-base-user role with a command like:

GRANT pg_signal_backend TO "ibm-cloud-base-user";

This privilege allows the user or users to terminate any connections to the database.

To set up a specific monitoring user, mary, use a command like:

GRANT pg_monitor TO mary;

Grant pg_signal_backend to all the users with the ibm-cloud-base-user role with a command like:

GRANT pg_monitor TO "ibm-cloud-base-user";

Setting the admin password in the UI

Set your admin password through the UI by selecting your instance from the Resource list in the IBM Cloud Dashboard. Then, select Settings. Next, in the Change database admin password section type a new password and click on Change password.

Setting the admin password in the CLI

Use the cdb user-password command from the Cloud Databases CLI plug-in to set the admin password.

For example, to set the admin password for a deployment named example-deployment, use the following command:

ibmcloud cdb user-password example-deployment admin <NEW_PASSWORD>

Setting the admin password in the API

The foundation endpoint that is shown on the Overview panel deployment details section of your service provides the base URL to access this deployment through the API. Use it with the Set specified user's password endpoint to set the admin password.

curl -X PATCH `https://api.{region}{id}/users/admin` \
-H `Authorization: Bearer <>` \
-H `Content-Type: application/json` \ 
-d `{"password":"newrootpasswordsupersecure21"}` \

Service credential users

Users that you create through the Service credentials panel are members of ibm-cloud-base-user. They are able to log in, create users, and create databases.

When a user in a group creates a resource in a database, like a table, all users that are in the same group have access to that resource. Resources that are created by any of the users in ibm-cloud-base-user are accessible to other users in ibm-cloud-base-user, including the admin user.

Users created through the CLI

Users that you create through the Cloud Databases CLI plug-in are also members of ibm-cloud-base-user. They are able to log in, create users, and create databases.

When a user creates a resource in a database, like a table, all users that are in the same group have access to that resource. Resources that are created by any of the users in ibm-cloud-base-user are accessible to other users in ibm-cloud-base-user, including the admin user.

Users that are created directly from the API and CLI do not appear in Service Credentials, but you can add them if you choose.

Users created through the API

Users that you create through the Cloud Databases API are also members of ibm-cloud-base-user. They are able to log in, create users, and create databases.

When a user creates a resource in a database, like a table, all users that are in the same group have access to that resource. Resources that are created by any of the users in ibm-cloud-base-user are accessible to other users in ibm-cloud-base-user, including the admin user.

Users that are created directly from the API and CLI do not appear in Service Credentials, but you can add them if you choose.

The read-only user

The ibm-cloud-base-user-ro manages privileges for users that are created to access read-only replicas. For more information, see Configuring read-only replicas.

The repl user

The repl user has Replication privileges and is used if you enable the wal2json plug-in on your deployment. While enabling wal2json, set the repl user's password, which allows the wal2json plug-in to use it.

Other ibm Users

If you run the \du command with your admin account, you might notice users that are named ibm, ibm-cloud-base-user, ibm-replication, and ibm-rewind.

The ibm-cloud-base-user is used as a template to manage group roles for other users. It is used to manage the users who are created through the CLI and API as well as enable the integration with the Service Credentials user creation on IBM Cloud. A user that is a member of ibm-cloud-base-user inherits the create role and create database attributes from ibm-cloud-base-user. The ibm-cloud-base-user is not able to log in.

The ibm account is the only superuser on your deployment. A superuser account is not available for you to us. This user is an internal administrative account that manages the stability of your deployment.

Users created with psql

You can bypass creating users through IBM Cloud entirely, and create users directly in PostgreSQL with psql. This allows you to use PostgreSQL's native role and user management. Users/roles created in psql must have all of their privileges set manually, as well as privileges to the objects that they create.

Users that are created directly in PostgreSQL do not appear in Service credentials, but you can add them if you choose.

Note that these users are not integrated with IAM controls, even if added to Service credentials.

Additional users and connection strings

Access to your Databases for PostgreSQL deployment is not limited to the admin user. Add users in the UI in Service credentials, with the Cloud Databases CLI plug-in, or the Cloud Databases API.

All users on your deployment can use the connection strings, including connection strings for either public or private endpoints.

When you create a user, it is assigned certain database roles and privileges. These privileges include the ability to log in, create databases, and create other users.

Creating users in the UI

  1. Go to the service dashboard for your service.
  2. Click Service credentials to open Service credentials.
  3. Click **New credential__.
  4. Choose a descriptive name for your new credential.
  5. **Optional__ Specify if the new credentials should use a public or private endpoint. Use either { "service-endpoints": "public" } / { "service-endpoints": "private" } in the Add inline configuration parameters field to generate connection strings using the specified endpoint. Use of the endpoint is not enforced, it just controls which hostnames are in the connection strings. Public endpoints are generated by default.
  6. Click **Add__ to provision the new credentials. A username and password, and an associated database user in the PostgreSQL database are auto-generated.

The new credentials appear in the table, and the connection strings are available as JSON in a click-to-copy field under View credentials.

Creating users from the CLI

If you manage your service through the IBM Cloud CLI and the cloud databases plug-in, you can create a new user with cdb user-create. For example, to create a new user for an "example-deployment", use the following command:

ibmcloud cdb user-create example-deployment <NEW_USER_NAME> <NEW_PASSWORD>

Once the task has finished, you can retrieve the new user's connection strings with the ibmcloud cdb deployment-connections command.

Creating users from the API

The Foundation endpoint that is shown on the Overview panel Deployment details of your service provides the base URL to access this deployment through the API. To create and manage users, use the base URL with the /users endpoint.

curl -X POST 'https://api.{region}{id}/users' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $APIKEY" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username":"jane_smith", "password":"newsupersecurepassword"}'

After the task finishes, retrieve the new user's connection strings from the /users/{userid}/connections endpoint.

Adding users to Service credentials

Creating a new user from the CLI or API doesn't automatically populate that user's connection strings into Service credentials. To add them, create a new credential with the existing user information.

Enter the username and password in the JSON field Add inline configuration parameters, or specify a file where the JSON information is stored. For example, putting {"existing_credentials":{"username":"Robert","password":"supersecure"}} in the field generates Service credentials with the username "Robert" and password "supersecure" filled into connection strings.

Generating credentials from an existing user does not check for or create that user.