IBM Cloud Docs
Using secrets integrations in your toolchains

Using secrets integrations in your toolchains

The secrets management capabilities that are provided in the toolchain setup and pipeline user interfaces enable selection of vaulted secrets by using secrets integrations for IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager, IBM® Key Protect, or HashiCorp Vault. By using the Secrets Picker dialog, a toolchain or pipeline editor can select named secrets from a bound secrets integration that is either configured by CRN (Cloud Resource Name) or by name, that is then resolved by reference at run time within the toolchain and pipeline. After a secret is chosen, a CRN or canonical secret reference is injected into the corresponding toolchain or pipeline secure property where the format is either crn:v1:...secret:<secret-guid> if it's a Secrets Manager integration that is configured by CRN, or alternatively {vault::integration-name.secret-name} if it's a vault integration that uses any of the supported providers and configured by name.

The canonical by name reference format currently does not resolve a secret that includes the period character in the secret name because this character is used to delimit each section of the canonical path.

Regardless of which type of secret reference is used, either by CRN or by name, the front-end user interface components and Secrets Picker dialog only use a secret reference. The resolved value of a by CRN or by name secret reference is never exposed to the front-end and is always dynamically resolved at run time within a toolchain and pipeline based on a permitted authorization being available (configured by using IAM Authorizations and Access policies).

Within IBM Cloud®, the dynamic process of resolving by CRN and by name secrets references in toolchains and pipelines is performed by using internal virtual private endpoints (VPE) to all IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager and IBM® Key Protect provider instances in all regions. This ensures all request and response data between toolchains, pipelines, and IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager and IBM® Key Protect provider instances is kept within the in-boundary private IBM Cloud network and does not travel over any public network channels.

In addition to manually selecting chosen secrets on a one-by-one basis from any bound secrets integrations in a toolchain, the option of using a Secret Hint is also available. This option enables a toolchain template to be predefined with suggested secrets names (also known as Hints) that are a short form secret reference. The format of a secret hint is {vault::secret-name} whereby no secret integration name is included. This provides flexibility to the toolchain author in that all required secret names can be prepopulated into a toolchain.yml and then these names are automatically resolved against whatever secrets integrations are configured for the toolchain.

As previously described, you can configure Secrets Manager to reference secrets by CRN. For more information, see Cloud Resource Names (CRN). This format allows for greater flexibility because you can reference secrets from an Secrets Manager instance in a different account if the correct authorization is in place. For more information, see Configuring Secrets Manager.

A Hint is a suggested default name that is automatically resolved against the first matching secret with the same name across any of the available by name secrets integrations that are bound to the toolchain.

DevSecOps pipeline secrets

The secrets that are used in both CI and CD are outlined as follows:

Table 1. DevSecOps Secrets
Secret Hint Information
IBM Cloud API Key ibmcloud-api-key Required: CI & CD Used to authenticate with IBM public cloud and perform a wide range of operations
GPG Private Key signing_key Required: CI only This is the certificate that is used to sign images built by the CI pipeline
IBM Private Worker Service API Key private-worker-service-api-key Required: CI only A Service ID API Key Used to run delivery pipeline workloads on a Tekton Private Worker Service
GitHub Access Token git-token Optional: CI & CD Used to authenticate with GitHub and provide access to the repositories
Artifactory API token artifactory-token Required: CI & CD Used to access images used by pipeline tasks
Slack webhook slack-webhook Optional: CI & CD This webhook is required if you choose to use the Slack tool integration to post toolchain status notifications
ServiceNow API Token servicenow-api-token Required: CD only Used to access Service Now for change management operations
HashiCorp Vault Role ID role-id Required: CI & CD Used to authenticate with the HashiCorp Vault server
HashiCorp Vault Secret ID secret-id Required: CI & CD Used to authenticate with the HashiCorp Vault server
IBM Cloud Object Storage Writer API Key cos-api-key Required: CI & CD Used to authenticate with the Object Storage service - This key must have writer permission
SonarQube password or authentication token sonarqube-password Optional: CI Used to authenticate with the SonarQube source code analyzer

If you are using a HashiCorp Vault server, ensure that the HashiCorp Vault tool integration uses the AppRole Auth Method method. When you use the AppRole authentication method, you need role-id and secret-id to successfully integrate the HashiCorp Vault server with the toolchain. Because role-id and secret-id are secrets in themselves, it is recommended to store them by using a IBM Key Protect tool integration so that they can be securely retrieved and applied in the toolchain workflow. All other toolchain secrets should be stored and retrieved by using the HashiCorp Vault tool integration.

If the pipeline environment property git-token is not set, ibmcloud-api-key is used to retrieve the Git Repos and Issue Tracking Access Token by default. However, if ibmcloud-api-key does not have access to git, git-token must be set.

Configuring the secrets stores

With IBM Cloud, you can choose from various secrets management and data protection offerings that help you protect your sensitive data and centralize your secrets. You can choose between the vault integrations depending on your requirements as explained in Managing IBM Cloud secrets. This documentation provides information about prerequisites and how to use a list of prescribed secret names that are otherwise known as hints. By using hints in a template, a toolchain can be automatically populated with preconfigured secrets without any need to manually select them from various vault integrations that are attached to the toolchain.

Use IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager to securely store and apply secrets like API keys, Image Signature, or HashiCorp Vault credentials that are part of your toolchain.

Secrets Manager tool integration form
Figure 1. IBM Secrets Manager Tool Integration

The templates also come with a HashiCorp Vault tool integration like the following example:

HashiCorp Vault Tool Integration form with required fields and example values
Figure 2. HashiCorp Vault Tool Integration

To use HashiCorp Vault, you must provide the following information:

A name for this tool integration. This name is displayed in the toolchain.
Server URL
The server URL for your HashiCorp Vault Instance. For example, https://<vault-service>.<org>.com:8200.
Integration URL
The URL that you want to navigate to when you click the HashiCorp Vault Integration tile.
Secrets Path
The mount path where your secrets are stored in your HashiCorp Vault Instance.
Authentication Method
The Authentication method for your HashiCorp Vault Instance. Use AppRole.
Role ID
Identifier that selects the AppRole against which the other credentials are evaluated.
Secret ID
Credential that is required by default for any login (with secret_id) and is intended to always be secret.

The templates also come with an IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud® tool integration:

Key Protect tool integration form with required fields and example values
Figure 3. IBM Key Protect tool integration

If you stored the role id and secret id in Key Protect in advance, then you can select the Key Protect instance that contains those secrets in the tool card as shown in Figure 2. After that is done, then you can click the key icons on the role id and secret id fields in the HashiCorp Vault tool card, and use the picker to apply the secrets to those fields.

Similarly, any other secrets that are used in the toolchain have a key icon that is attached to the text field. You can use the same picker control to apply the HashiCorp Vault secrets to all the remaining instances.