IBM Cloud Docs
Web crawl

Web crawl

Add a web crawl collection to crawl a website, analyze its page content, and store meaningful information. Specify one or more base web page URLs and configure how many linked pages for the web crawl to follow. You can configure how often to synchronize with the website, so you control how up to date the data in your collection is.

Before creating a web crawl collection, contact the website owner to get permissions for crawling the website. Currently, the managed deployment of Discovery cannot crawl

IBM Cloud IBM Cloud only

This information applies only to managed deployments. For more information about connecting to a website from an installed deployment, see Web crawl.

What documents are crawled

You can connect to the following types of web content:

  • Public websites
  • Private company websites or other sites that require authentication
  • Websites that are behind a corporate firewall

During the initial crawl of the content, all website pages that match your search settings are crawled and added to the document index of your collection. The crawl starts on the web page that you specify in the Starting URLs field. If your collection is configured to follow links, the crawl follows links on the starting page that share the same subtree as the starting page. For example, if you specify, links with URLs that begin with are crawled. If you specify, links with URLs that begin with are crawled.

The crawl cannot access secure subdirectories. For example, if a subdirectory that you expect the crawl to access, such as, isn't being crawled, check whether you can access the subdirectory URL from a web browser directly. If you can't access it, the crawl can't access it.

During subsequent scheduled recrawls, a full recrawl is performed and any changes are reflected in your collection. Documents that were added to your collection from website pages that are later deleted from the external website are not deleted from the collection. However, starting with collections that were created after April 2022, when you remove a starting URL from the web crawl configuration, any associated documents are deleted. Deleted documents include indexed documents that were added to the collection based on the content of the web page at the starting URL and documents that were derived from web pages that the starting URL linked to. You cannot limit the number of indexed documents by changing other settings, such as changing the existing URL to include a path with a more limited scope than before or reducing the maximum number of links to follow to 0. Only by deleting the URL can you remove the indexed documents that are associated with it.

The web crawler can crawl web pages that use JavaScript to render content, but the crawler works best on individual pages, not entire websites. It cannot crawl sites that use dynamic URLs; if you can't see any content when you view the source code of a web page in your browser, then the service cannot crawl it.

If you want to crawl a group of URLs that includes some websites that require authentication and some that don't, consider creating a different collection for each authentication type. The connector does not support cookie-based crawling.

All Discovery data source connectors are read-only. Regardless of the permissions that are granted to the crawl account, Discovery never writes, updates, or deletes any content in the original data source.

The following table illustrates the objects that Discovery can crawl.

Table 1. Data sources crawling support
Objects that are crawled
Websites, website subdirectories

Prerequisite step for connecting to a website that is hosted behind a firewall

If you want to connect to a website that is hosted behind a firewall, configure the IBM Cloud Satellite® Connector outside Discovery first. For more information, see the Satellite Connector overview.

IBM® Secure Gateway for IBM Cloud® is being deprecated. Existing collections that use Secure Gateway can migrate to the IBM Cloud Satellite® Connector before the End of Support date. For more information, see the Secure Gateway deprecation dates and deprecation details.

Valuable content is often stored on your company's internal website. Typically, such intranet websites are accessible only from a computer that is connected to your office network or through a VPN connection. You can establish a persistent and more secure connection between the web crawler and this type of internal site by using the Satellite Connector.

To configure the Satellite Connector, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a Satellite connector. For more information, see Creating a Connector.
  2. Run a connector agent. For more information, see Running a Connector agent.
  3. Create and manage the Connector endpoints. For more information, see Creating and managing Connector endpoints.


Limitations when using the Satellite Connector are the following:

  • You can configure the Satellite Connector when creating a new Web crawl collection only (cannot modify after the collection is created).
  • If Connect to on-premises network is set to On in More connection settings, all seed URLs must be in the same domain.
  • If the seed URL uses SSL (https://), you can use basic authentication and absolute URLs.
  • If the seed URL uses HTTP (http://), the following limitations apply:
    • Basic authentication is not available when using the Satellite Connector.
    • If the crawled web page has an absolute URL, for example, http://<seed_url_domain>/sample.html, then the linked page is not crawled.

Connecting to the data source

To configure the web crawl collection, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation pane, choose Manage collections.

  2. Click New collection.

  3. Click the link next to the Need to connect to a data source? field, click Web crawl, and then click Next.

  4. Name the collection.

  5. If the language of the content on the website is not English, select the appropriate language.

    For a list of supported languages, see Language support.

  6. Optional: You can change the synchronization schedule.

    For more information, see Crawl schedule options.

  7. Specify the URL of the website that you want to crawl.

    • If the site you want to crawl requires a login, set Basic authentication to On, add the URL of the page to the Starting URL field, and then click Add.

      Add a username and password with access to the site, and then click Save credentials. You can specify only one set of credentials per collection.

      For example, you can specify as the starting URL and add your IBMid as the credentials.

      If you want to start the crawl from a specific section of the site, specify it in the Starting URLs field. The domain name of the subsection must match the domain in the URL you specified earlier.

      For example, you might change the starting URL to

    • For any public web pages that you want to crawl, add the URL for the root page of the website to the Starting URLs field, and then click Add. You can add more than one starting page.

      The final forward slash (/) in the URL determines the subtree to crawl. If you specify, all URLs that begin with are crawled, for example. If you specify all URLs that begin with are crawled.

      By default, the number of consecutive links that the crawl follows from the starting URL is 2. To change the number of hops or to list website sections to exclude from the crawl, click the edit icon.

      • The maximum number of hops allowed is 20.

      • To specify URL paths to exclude, add the site path. For example, if the starting URL is, you can exclude by entering /pricing/.

        Any section of the web address that contains the site path you specify is excluded. For example, if you specify /licenses/, the page is excluded, among others.

      • If you want to restrict the crawl to a single page, add the URL to the Starting URLs field. For example, Click the edit icon to set the Maximum number of links to follow to 0.

    • If the website that you want to crawl uses JavaScript to customize the page content before it is displayed, you must take an extra step.

      After you enter the starting URL and click Add, edit the URL by clicking the edit icon Edit icon. Set the Execute JavaScript during crawl switcher to On, and then click Save.

      When JavaScript processing is enabled, it takes 3 to 4 times longer to crawl a page. Use it only on individual web pages where you know it is necessary because the page renders its content dynamically. If you see timeout messages or the crawl ends without adding content to the collection, decrease the number of web pages that are included in the crawl. For example, you can specify the exact page to crawl in the Starting URLs field, and set Maximum number of links to follow to 0.

    • To connect to a website that is hosted behind a firewall, set up the IBM Cloud Satellite Connector first.

      Specify the Satellite Connector details.

      To specify the details, complete the following steps:

      1. Expand More connection settings, and then set Connect to on-premises network to On.
      2. Select IBM Cloud Satellite® Connector as the connection type. By default, this option is selected.
      3. Specify the Satellite Connector Endpoint URL.

      Shows the Satellite Connector details
      Figure 1. Satellite Connector details

  8. Optional: Add another web address to the Starting URLs field.

    The number of starting URLs for a single collection must be less than 100. If you have a requirement to crawl a large number of websites, see I need to crawl lots of sites. What's my limit?.

    The number of web pages that are crawled is limited to 250,000, so the web crawler might not crawl all the specified websites.

    The number of child URLs per URL that are crawled is limited to 10,000. If the number of child URLs within any crawled URL exceeds 10,000, the crawler cannot process any of the content in the child URLs.

  9. If you want to limit the types of files to add to the collection, you can list the file extensions for file types to either include or exclude.

    If the URLs for your website pages do not end in .html, use the exclude filter instead of the include filter. You must add at least one file extension to exclude.

    For a list of supported file types, see Supported file types.

  10. If you want the web crawl to extract text from images on the site, expand More processing settings, and set Apply optical character recognition (OCR) to On.

    When OCR is enabled and your documents contain images, processing takes longer. For more information, see Optical character recognition.

  11. Click Finish.

The collection is created quickly. It takes more time for the data to be processed as it is added to the collection.

If you want to check the progress, go to the Activity page. From the navigation pane, click Manage collections, and then click to open the collection.

I need to crawl lots of sites. What's my limit?

The service can support a total of 500 crawler connections per Discovery service instance. All of the data sources except Web crawl use one crawler connection each. For Web crawl, one connection is required for every 5 starting URLs. If you add 10 starting URLS, for example, Discovery generates the extra crawler connection that is needed to support the extra 5 URLs. Therefore, the maximum number of starting URLs that you can use depends on the other data collections that are configured in your service instance. You can calculate the limit yourself.

To calculate the starting URL limit, complete the following steps:

  1. Calculate the number of other data source collections in the service instance, meaning this project and any other projects in the same Discovery instance.

    For example, you might have 2 IBM Cloud Object Store collections in one project and 2 Salesforce collections and 1 SharePoint Online collection in another project. In this example, the total number of other data source collections is 5.

  2. Subtract the number of other data source collections from the maximum allowed number of crawler connections, which is 500.

    For example, 500 - 5 = 495.

  3. Multiply the remainder by 5 to determine the total number of starting URLs that you can use.

    For example, 495 x 5 = 2,475.

To use the maximum-allowed number of starting URLs in the example, you would need 25 web crawl collections because each collection allows a maximum of 100 starting URLs to be configured. However, don't configure your instance to use the absolute maximum number allowed. If one or more additional data sources are added subsequently to a project in this service instance, it will impact the number of starting URLs that the instance can crawl successfully.

Troubleshooting crawler issues

A 403 Forbidden error is returned
The website that you want to crawl might block requests from all but a specific set of named entities. If possible, add the crawler to the allowlist for the site. The identifying header for the crawler is User-Agent: IBM-AppConnect/V1.