IBM Cloud Docs
DNS Services CLI reference

DNS Services CLI reference

Follow these instructions to use the IBM CloudĀ® DNS Services command line interface (CLI).

Before you begin

Complete these steps to use the DNS Services CLI, which is implemented as an IBM Cloud CLI plug-in. This plug-in provides you with the means to manage your service instance and its associated resources through a command line user interface.

  1. Install the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Install or update the cloud-dns-services plug-in to the IBM Cloud CLI.

    To install the plug-in, enter the following command.

    ibmcloud plugin install cloud-dns-services

    To update:

    ibmcloud plugin update cloud-dns-services

    To view installed plug-ins and versions

    ibmcloud plugin list


Manage DNS Services instances by using the following instance commands.

ibmcloud dns instances

List all DNS Services instances.

   ibmcloud dns instances [--output FORMAT]

Command option

Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns instance-target

Set the context service instance to operate.

   ibmcloud dns instance-target [INSTANCE] [--unset]

Command options

The name or ID of a DNS Services instance. If it is present, set the context instance to operate; if not, show the current context instance.
Unset context instance.

ibmcloud dns instance-create

Create a DNS Services instance.

Use ibmcloud target -g RESOURCE_GROUP to set the target resource group before you create a DNS Services instance. Use ibmcloud resource groups to view the list of available resource groups.

   ibmcloud dns instance-create INSTANCE_NAME PLAN [-g, --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The name of the DNS Services instance.
The name or ID of a service plan.
-g, --resource-group
The name or ID of a resource group.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns instance-update

Update a DNS Services instance.

   ibmcloud dns instance-update INSTANCE [--name NAME] [--plan PLAN] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The name or ID of a DNS Services instance.
The DNS Services instance name.
The name or ID of a DNS Services plan. Use ibmcloud dns plans to get available plans.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns instance-delete

Delete a DNS Services instance.

   ibmcloud dns instance-delete INSTANCE [--force]Ā 

Command options

The name or ID of a DNS Services instance.
Delete an instance without prompting for confirmation.

ibmcloud dns instance

Show details of a DNS Services instance.

   ibmcloud dns instance INSTANCE [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The name or ID of a DNS Services instance.
Specify output format, only JSON is supported.

ibmcloud dns plans

List all DNS Services instances.

   ibmcloud dns plans


Manage DNS zones by using the following zone commands.

ibmcloud dns zone-create

Create a DNS zone.

   ibmcloud dns zone-create ZONE_NAME [-d, --description DESC] [-l, --label LABEL] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The name of the DNS zone.
-d, --description
The text that describes the purpose of a DNS zone.
-l, --label
The label of a DNS zone.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns zone

Get the DNS zone details.

   ibmcloud dns zone ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns zone-update

Update a DNS zone's description and label.

   ibmcloud dns zone-update ZONE_ID [-d, --description DESC] [-l, --label LABEL] [--instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
-d, --description
The text that describes the purpose of a DNS zone.
-l, --label
The label of a DNS zone.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns zone-delete

Delete a DNS zone.

   ibmcloud dns zone-delete ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f,--force]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
-f, --force
Delete a zone without prompting for confirmation.

ibmcloud dns zones

List all DNS zones for a service instance.

   ibmcloud dns zones [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

Permitted networks

Manage permitted networks by using the following permitted-network commands.

ibmcloud dns permitted-network-add

Add a permitted network for a DNS zone.

   ibmcloud dns permitted-network-add ZONE_ID --vpc-crn VPC_CRN [--type TYPE] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
The permitted network type. Valid values: vpc.
The CRN of the VPC instance.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns permitted-network

Get the permitted network details.

   ibmcloud dns permitted-network ZONE_ID PERMITTED_NETWORK_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
The ID of the permitted network.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns permitted-network-remove

Remove a permitted network.

   ibmcloud dns permitted-network-remove ZONE_ID PERMITTED_NETWORK_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f,--force]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
The ID of the permitted network.
--instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
-f, --force
Remove a permitted network without prompting for confirmation.

ibmcloud dns permitted-networks

List permitted networks for a zone.

   ibmcloud dns permitted-networks ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

Resource records

Manage how the resource record performs using the following resource-record commands.

ibmcloud dns resource-record-create

Create a resource record for a DNS zone.

   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID (-r, --record-content @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID --type A --name NAME --ipv4 IP_ADDRESS [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID --type AAAA --name NAME --ipv6 IP_ADDRESS [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID --type CNAME --name NAME --cname CNAME [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID --type PTR --name NAME --ptrdname PTRDNAME [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID --type TXT --name NAME --text TEXT [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID --type MX --name NAME --exchange EXCHANGE --preference PREFERENCE [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-create DNS_ZONE_ID --type SRV --name NAME --service SERVICE --protocol PROTOCOL --priority PRIORITY --weight WEIGHT --port PORT --target TARGET  [--ttl TTL]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
Resource record name.
Resource record type.
IPv4 address.
IPv6 address.
Canonical name.
Hostname of the relevant A or AAAA record.
Human readable text.
Hostname of Exchange server.
Preference of the MX record.
The symbolic name of the wanted service, beginning with an underscore _.
The symbolic name of the wanted protocol.
Port number of the target server.
Weight of distributing queries among multiple target servers.
Priority of the SRV record.
Hostname of the target server.
Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.
-r, --record-content
The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a DNS Resource Record. See Required fields for -r --record-content for more detail.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

Required fields for -r --record-content

The required field in JSON data is type.

Resource record type. Valid values: A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR, TXT, MX, SRV.

  • For type A, AAAA: Extra required fields are name, rdata.
    • name: Resource record name.
    • rdata: Content of the resource record.
      • ip: IPv4/IPv6 address
  • Extra optional fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "name": "testA",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "type": "A",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā  "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "ip": ""
        Ā Ā Ā  "name": "testAAAA",
        Ā Ā Ā  "type": "AAAA",
        Ā Ā Ā  "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "ip": "2001:0db8:0012:0001:3c5e:7354:0000:5db1"
        Ā Ā Ā  }
  • For type CNAME: Extra required fields are name, rdata.
    • name: Resource record name.
    • rdata: The content of the type-CNAME resource record.
      • cname: Canonical name.
  • Extra optional fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live in second. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

        Ā Ā Ā Ā "name": "testCNAME",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "type": "CNAME",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "cname": ""
  • For type PTR: Extra required fields are name, rdata.
    • name: Resource record name.
    • rdata: The content of type-PTR resource record.
      • ptrdname: Hostname of the relevant A or AAAA record.
  • Extra option fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live in second. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

            "name": "",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "type": "PTR",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "ptrdname": ""
        Ā Ā Ā Ā }
  • For type TXT: Extra required fields are name, rdata.
    • name: Resource record name.
    • rdata: The content of type-TXT resource record.
      • text: Human readable text.
  • Extra optional fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

            "name": "testTXT",
            "rdata": {
            Ā Ā Ā  "text": "text information"
  • For type MX: Extra required fields are name, rdata.
    • name: Resource record name.
    • rdata: The content of type-MX resource record.
      • exchange: Hostname of Exchange server.
      • preference: Preference of the MX record
  • Extra optional fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

        Ā Ā  "name": "testMX",
        Ā Ā  "type": "MX",
        Ā Ā  "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "preference": 10,
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "exchange": ""
        Ā Ā Ā  }
  • For type SRV: Extra required fields are name, rdata, service, protocol.
    • name: Resource record name.
    • rdata: The content of type-SRV resource record.
      • priority: Priority of the SRV record.
      • weight: Weight of distributing queries among multiple target servers.
      • port: Port number of the target server.
      • target: Hostname of the target server.
    • service: The symbolic name of the wanted service, starting with an underscore _.
    • protocol: The symbolic name of the wanted protocol.
  • Extra option fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

            "type": "SRV",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "name": "testSRV",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "priority": 100,
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "weight": 100,
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "port": 8000,
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "target": ""
        Ā Ā Ā Ā },
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "service": "_sip",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "protocol": "udp"

ibmcloud dns resource-record-update

Update a resource record for a DNS zone.

   dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID (-r, --record-content @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID --name NAME --ipv4 IP_ADDRESS [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID --name NAME --ipv6 IP_ADDRESS [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID --name NAME --cname CNAME [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID --name NAME --text TEXT [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID --name NAME --exchange EXCHANGE --preference PREFERENCE [--ttl TTL]
   ibmcloud dns resource-record-update DNS_ZONE_ID RESOURCE_RECORD_ID --name NAME --priority PRIORITY --weight WEIGHT --port PORT --target TARGET  [--service SERVICE] [--protocol PROTOCOL] [--ttl TTL]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
The ID of the record.
Resource record name.
Resource record type.
IPv4 address.
IPv6 address.
Canonical name.
Hostname of the relevant A or AAAA record.
Human readable text.
Hostname of Exchange server.
Preference of the MX record.
The symbolic name of the wanted service, starting with an underscore _.
The symbolic name of the wanted protocol.
Port number of the target server.
Weight of distributing queries among multiple target servers.
Priority of the SRV record.
Hostname of the target server.
Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.
-r, --record-content
The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a DNS Resource Record. See Required fields for -r, --record-content for more detail.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If the name is not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify output format, only JSON is supported.

Required fields for -r, --record-content

The required field in JSON data is name. Resource record name.

PTR records do not need this field.

  • For type A, AAAA: Extra required fields are rdata.
    • rdata: Content of the resource record.
      • ip: IPv4/IPv6 address
  • Extra option fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "name": "testA",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā  "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "ip": ""
        Ā Ā Ā  "name": "testAAAA",
        Ā Ā Ā  "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "ip": "2001:0db8:0012:0001:3c5e:7354:0000:5db1"
        Ā Ā Ā  }
  • For type CNAME: Extra required fields are rdata.
    • rdata: The content of type-PTR resource record.
    • cname: Canonical name
  • Extra option fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

        Ā Ā Ā Ā "name": "testCNAME",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "cname": ""
  • For type PTR: Extra option fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

            "ttl": 360,
  • For type TXT: Extra required fields are rdata.
    • rdata: The content of type-TXT resource record.
    • text: Human readable text.
  • Extra optional fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

            "name": "testTXT",
            "rdata": {
            Ā Ā Ā  "text": "text information"
  • For type MX: Extra required fields are rdata.
    • rdata: The content of type-MX resource record.
      • exchange: Hostname of Exchange server.
      • preference: Preference of the MX record
  • Extra optional fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

            "name": "testMX",
            "content": "",
            "priority": 10
  • For type SRV: Extra required fields are rdata, service, protocol.
    • rdata: The content of type-SRV resource record.
      • priority: Priority of the SRV record
      • weight: Weight of distributing queries among multiple target servers.
      • port: Port number of the target server.
      • target: Hostname of the target server.
    • service: The symbolic name of the wanted service, start with an underscore _.
    • protocol: The symbolic name of the wanted protocol.
  • Extra option fields are ttl.
    • ttl: Time to live, in seconds. The default value is 900. Valid values: 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 43200.

Sample JSON data:

        Ā Ā Ā Ā "name": "testSRV"
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "rdata": {
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "priority": 100,
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "weight": 100,
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "port": 8000,
        Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  "target": ""
        Ā Ā Ā Ā },
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "service": "_sip",
        Ā Ā Ā Ā "protocol": "udp"

ibmcloud dns resource-record

Get a resource record details for a DNS zone.

   ibmcloud dns resource-record ZONE_ID RECORD_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
The ID of resource record.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If the name is not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output FORMAT
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

ibmcloud dns resource-record-delete

Delete a resource record for a DNS zone.

   ibmcloud dns resource-record-delete ZONE_ID RECORD_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f,--force]

Command options

ZONE_ID : The ID of the DNS zone.

The ID of resource record.
-i, --instance INSTANCE
Instance name or ID. If the name is not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
-f, --force
Delete resource record without prompting for confirmation.

ibmcloud dns resource-records

List all resource records for a DNS zone.

   ibmcloud dns resource-records ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
Page number of paginated results (default 1).
Number of resource records per page. Min: 50. Max: 1000 (default 200).
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.

Command example

List resource records with pagination:

ibmcloud dns resource-records ZONE_ID --per-page 1000 --page 1

Example command to list resource records with pagination

ibmcloud dns resource-records ZONE_ID --per-page 1000 --page 1

ibmcloud dns resource-records-import

Import resource records from BIND zone file.

ibmcloud dns resource-records-import DNS_ZONE_ID (--file FILE) [-i, --instance INSTANCE_NAME | INSTANCE_ID] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
BIND zone fileĀ to import. Support type: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, PTR, SRV, TXT.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Import resource records from BIND zone file dns_records.cfg in zone f1d596fc-7e86-4b99-b912-9508167e9e56 for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns resource-records-import f1d596fc-7e86-4b99-b912-9508167e9e56 --file dns_records.cfg -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns resource-records-export

Export resource records to BIND zone file.

ibmcloud dns resource-records-export DNS_ZONE_ID [--file FILE] [-i, --instance INSTANCE_NAME | INSTANCE_ID] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone.
The BIND zone file that saves the exported resource records.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Export resource records in zone f1d596fc-7e86-4b99-b912-9508167e9e56 to zone file dns_records.cfg for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns resource-records-export f1d596fc-7e86-4b99-b912-9508167e9e56 --file dns_records.cfg -i "dns-demo"

Global load balancer

Manage global load balancers by using the following glb commands.

ibmcloud dns glb-create

Create a global load balancer in a zone.

ibmcloud dns glb-create DNS_ZONE_ID --name NAME --default-pools POOL_LIST --fallback-pool POOL_ID [--description DESCRIPTION] [--enabled true|false] [--ttl TTL] [--az-pools AZPOOLS1 --az-pools AZPOOLS2] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-create DNS_ZONE_ID (-j, --json @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options


The ID of the DNS zone. Required.


The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a global load balancer. Required.

  • The required fields in JSON data are name, fallback_pool, default_pools:
    • name: The DNS hostname to associate with your load balancer.
    • fallback_pool: The pool ID to use when all other pools are detected as unhealthy.
    • default_pools: A list of pool IDs ordered by their failover priority.
  • The optional fields are description, ttl, az_pools, enabled:
    • description: The descriptive text of the load balancer.
    • ttl: Time to live (TTL) of the DNS entry for the IP address returned by this load balancer.
    • az_pools: A mapping of region and country codes to a list of pool IDs (ordered by their failover priority) for the region.
    • enabled: Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false. The values on and off are deprecated.

Sample JSON data:

  "name": "glb01",
  "description": "Global load balancer 01",
  "enabled": false,
  "ttl": 300,
  "default_pools": ["cc1deb57-0eb4-45cb-94ce-a3c71c189d12"],
  "fallback_pool": "cc1deb57-0eb4-45cb-94ce-a3c71c189d12",
  "az_pools": [
      "availability_zone": "us-south-1",
      "pools": [
      "availability_zone": "us-south-2",
      "pools": [

The DNS hostname to associate with your load balancer.


The pool ID to use when all other pools are detected as unhealthy.


A list of pool IDs ordered by their failover priority.


The descriptive text of the load balancer.


Time to live (TTL) of the DNS entry for the IP address returned by this load balancer.


A mapping of region and country codes to a list of pool IDs (ordered by their failover priority) for the region.


Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false.

-i, --instance

Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.


Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Create a global load balancer in the zone

ibmcloud dns glb-create --json @glb.json -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-update

Update a global load balancer in a zone.

ibmcloud dns glb-update DNS_ZONE_ID GLB_ID (-j, --json @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-update DNS_ZONE_ID GLB_ID [--name NAME] [--default-pools POOL_LIST] [--fallback-pool POOL_ID] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--enabled true|false] [--ttl TTL] [--az-pools AZPOOLS1 --az-pools AZPOOLS2] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options


The ID of the DNS zone. Required.


The ID of the global load balancer. Required.


The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a global load balancer. Required.

  • The optional fields are name, fallback_pool, default_pools, description, ttl, az_pools, enabled:
    • name: The DNS hostname to associate with your load balancer.
    • fallback_pool: The pool ID to use when all other pools are detected as unhealthy.
    • default_pools: A list of pool IDs ordered by their failover priority.
    • description: The descriptive text of the load balancer.
    • ttl: Time to live (TTL) of the DNS entry for the IP address returned by this load balancer.
    • az_pools: A mapping of region and country codes to a list of pool IDs (ordered by their failover priority) for the region.
    • enabled: Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false. The values on, off are deprecated.

Sample JSON data:

  "name": "glb01",
  "description": "Global load balancer 01",
  "enabled": false,
  "ttl": 300,
  "default_pools": ["cc1deb57-0eb4-45cb-94ce-a3c71c189d12"],
  "fallback_pool": "cc1deb57-0eb4-45cb-94ce-a3c71c189d12",
  "az_pools": [
      "availability_zone": "us-south-1",
      "pools": [
      "availability_zone": "us-south-2",
      "pools": [

The DNS hostname to associate with your load balancer.


The pool ID to use when all other pools are detected as unhealthy.


A list of pool IDs ordered by their failover priority.


The descriptive text of the load balancer.


Time to live (TTL) of the DNS entry for the IP address returned by this load balancer.


A mapping of region and country codes to a list of pool IDs (ordered by their failover priority) for the region.


Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false.

-i, --instance

Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.


Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Update global load balancer 699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252 in zone

ibmcloud dns glb-update 699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252 --json @glb.json -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb

Show a global load balancer in a zone.

ibmcloud dns glb DNS_DOMAIN_ID GLB_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone. Required.
The ID of a global load balancer. Required.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Show global load balancer 699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252 in zone

ibmcloud dns glb 699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252 -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-delete

Delete a global load balancer in a DNS domain.

ibmcloud dns glb-delete DNS_DOMAIN_ID GLB_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f,--force]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone. Required.
The ID of a global load balancer. Required.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
-f, --force
Delete load balancer without prompting for confirmation.


Delete global load balancer 699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252 in zone

ibmcloud dns glb-delete 699d98642c564d2e855e9661899b7252 -f -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glbs

List all load balancers for the zone.

ibmcloud dns glbs DNS_ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the DNS zone. Required.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


List load balancers for zone

ibmcloud dns glbs -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-create

Create a GLB pool for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-create (-j, --json @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-create --name NAME --origins ORIGIN1 --origins ORIGIN2 [--description DESCRIPTION] [--enabled true|false] [--healthy-origins-threshold THRESHOLD] [--monitor MONITOR_ID] [--notification-channel CHANNEL] [--healthcheck-region REGION] [--healthcheck-subnets SUBNETS] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options


The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a global load balancer pool. Required.

  • The required fields in JSON data are name, origins:

    • name: The name of the load balancer pool.
    • origins: The list of origins within this pool.
  • The optional fields are description, healthy_origins_threshold, enabled, monitor, notification_channel, healthcheck_region, healthcheck_subnets:

    • description: The descriptive text of the load balancer pool.
    • healthy_origins_threshold: The minimum number of origins that must be healthy for this pool to serve traffic.
    • enabled: Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false.
    • monitor: The ID of the load balancer monitor that is to be associated to this pool.
    • notification_channel: The notification channel.
    • healthcheck_region: Health check region of VSIs. Valid values: us-south, us-east, eu-gb, eu-du, au-syd, jp-tok, br-sao, ca-tor.
    • healthcheck_subnets: A list of health check subnet IDs of VSIs.

    When you create a pool by attaching a monitor, DNS Services takes one address from the health check subnet. Ensure that this health check subnet has sufficient IP addresses available.

Sample JSON data:

  "name": "us-pool",
  "description": "application server pool in US",
  "origins": [
      "name": "us-app-dal10",
      "description": "dallas origin 10",
      "address": "",
      "enabled": true
      "name": "us-app-dal12",
      "description": "dallas origin 12",
      "address": "",
      "enabled": true
  "healthy_origins_threshold": 1,
  "monitor": "f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc",
  "enabled": true,
  "notification_channel": "",
  "healthcheck_region": "us-south",
  "healthcheck_subnets": ["0716-a4c0c123-594c-4ef4-ace3-a08858540b5e"]

The name of the load balancer pool.


The descriptive text of the load balancer pool.


The minimum number of origins that must be healthy for this pool to serve traffic.


Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false.


The ID of the load balancer monitor that is to be associated to this pool.


The notification channel.


Health check region of VSIs. Valid values: us-south, us-east, eu-gb, eu-du, au-syd, jp-tok.


A list of health check subnet IDs of VSIs.

-i, --instance

Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.


Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Create a GLB pool for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-create --json @glb-pool.json -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-update

Update the details of a GLB pool.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-update GLB_POOL_ID [--name NAME] [--enable-origin ORIGIN_NAME --enable-origin ORIGIN_NAME ...] [--disable-origin ORIGIN_NAME --disable-origin ORIGIN_NAME ...] [--add-origin ORIGIN_PARAMETER --add-origin ORIGIN_PARAMETER ...] [--remove-origin ORIGIN_NAME --remove-origin ORIGIN_NAME ...]  [--description DESCRIPTION] [--enabled true|false] [--healthy-origins-threshold THRESHOLD] [-detach-monitor] [--attach-monitor MONITOR_ID] [--healthcheck-region REGION] [--healthcheck-subnets SUBNETS] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-update GLB_POOL_ID (-j, --json @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options


The ID of the global load balancer pool. Required.


The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a GLB pool. Required.

  • The optional fields are name, origins, description, healthy_origins_threshold, enabled, monitor, notification_channel, healthcheck_region, healthcheck_subnets:
    • name: The name of the load balancer pool.
    • origins: The list of origins within this pool.
    • description: The descriptive text of the load balancer pool.
    • healthy_origins_threshold: The minimum number of origins that must be healthy for this pool to serve traffic.
    • enabled: Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false.
    • monitor: The ID of the load balancer monitor that is to be associated to this pool.
    • notification_channel: The notification channel.
    • healthcheck_region: Health check region of VSIs. Valid values: us-south, us-east, eu-gb, eu-du, au-syd, jp-tok, br-sao, ca-tor.
    • healthcheck_subnets: A list of health check subnet IDs of VSIs.

Sample JSON data:

  "name": "us-pool",
  "description": "application server pool in US",
  "origins": [
      "name": "us-app-dal10",
      "description": "dallas origin 10",
      "address": "",
      "enabled": true
      "name": "us-app-dal12",
      "description": "dallas origin 12",
      "address": "",
      "enabled": true
  "healthy_origins_threshold": 1,
  "monitor": "f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc",
  "enabled": true,
  "notification_channel": "",
  "healthcheck_region": "us-south",
  "healthcheck_subnets": ["0716-a4c0c123-594c-4ef4-ace3-a08858540b5e"]

The name of the load balancer pool.


The descriptive text of the load balancer pool.


Enable the origin within the pool. The value can be ORIGIN_NAME or ORIGIN_ADDRESS.


Disable the origin within the pool. The value can be ORIGIN_NAME or ORIGIN_ADDRESS.


Add an origin into the pool. ORIGIN_NAME and ORIGIN_ADDRESS are required. For example, --add-origin name=example,address=,enabled=true,description=origin_description.


Remove an origin from the Pool. The value can be ORIGIN_NAME or ORIGIN_ADDRESS.


Detach monitor from origin pool.


Attach monitor to origin pool.


The minimum number of origins that must be healthy for this pool to serve traffic.


Determines whether or not the load balancer pool is enabled. Valid values: true, false.


Health check region of VSIs. Valid values: us-south, us-east, eu-gb, eu-du, au-syd, jp-tok, br-sao, ca-tor.


A list of health check subnet IDs of VSIs.

-i, --instance

Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.


Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Update a GLB pool 17b5962d775c646f3f9725cbc7a53df4 for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-update 17b5962d775c646f3f9725cbc7a53df4 --json @glb-pool.json -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-pool

Show the details of a GLB pool.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool GLB_POOL_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the global load balancer pool. Required.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Show the details of the GLB pool 17b5962d775c646f3f9725cbc7a53df4.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool 17b5962d775c646f3f9725cbc7a53df4 -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-delete

Delete a GLB pool.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-delete GLB_POOL_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f,--force]

Command options

The ID of the global load balancer pool. Required.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
-f, --force
Delete load balancer pool without prompting for confirmation.


Delete GLB pool 17b5962d775c646f3f9725cbc7a53df4.

ibmcloud dns glb-pool-delete 17b5962d775c646f3f9725cbc7a53df4 -f -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-pools

List all GLB pools for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns glb-pools [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


List all GLB pools for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns glb-pools -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-create

Create a GLB monitor for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-create (-j, --json @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-create --name NAME --type TCP [--port PORT] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--interval INTERVAL] [--retries RETRY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-create --name NAME --type (HTTP|HTTPS) --path PATH [--port PORT] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--method GET|HEAD] [--headers HEADER1 --headers HEADER2...] [--interval INTERVAL] [--retries RETRY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--allow-insecure true|false] [--expected-body BODY] [--expected-codes CODE] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options


The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a GLB monitor. Required.

  • The required fields in JSON data are name, type.
    • name: The name of the load balancer monitor.
    • type: The protocol to use for the health check. Valid values: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP.
  • The optional fields are description, timeout, retries, interval.
    • description: The descriptive text of the load balancer monitor.
    • timeout: The timeout (in seconds) before the health check is marked as failed. Valid values: 1-10.
    • retries: The number of retries to attempt when a timeout occurs before the origin is marked as unhealthy. Valid values: 0-3.
    • interval: The interval between each health check. Valid values: 60-3600.
  • For TCP-type health checks. Extra required fields are port.
    • port: The TCP port to use for the health check.
  • For HTTP/HTTPS-type health checks. Extra required fields are expected_codes.
    • expected_codes: The expected HTTP response code or code range of the health checks. Valid values: 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 2xx.
  • Extra option fields are port, expected_body, method, path, header, allow_insecure.
    • port: The port number that the health check connects to.
    • expected_body: A case-insensitive substring to look for in the response body.
    • method: The method to use for the health check that is applicable to HTTP/HTTPS based checks. Valid values: GET, HEAD.
    • path: The endpoint path to health check against.
    • header: The HTTP request headers to send in the health check.
    • allow_insecure: Do not validate the certificate when monitor use HTTPS. Valid values: true, false.

Sample JSON data:


  "name": "glbmonitor",
  "description": "Health monitor of web service",
  "type": "HTTPS",
  "method": "GET",
  "path": "/health",
  "headers": [
      "name": "Host",
      "value": [""]
      "name": "X-App-ID",
  "port": 443,
  "timeout": 5,
  "retries": 2,
  "interval": 90,
  "allow_insecure": false,
  "expected_codes": "2xx",
  "expected_body": "alive"

For TCP:

  "name": "glbmonitor",
  "description": "Health monitor of TCP",
  "type": "TCP",
  "port": 80,
  "timeout": 5,
  "retries": 2,
  "interval": 90

The name of the load balancer monitor.


The protocol to use for the health check. Valid values: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP.


The descriptive text of the load balancer monitor.


The timeout (in seconds) before the health check is marked as failed. Valid values: 1-10.


The number of retries to attempt when a timeout occurs before the origin is marked as unhealthy. Valid values: 0-3.


The interval between each health check. Valid values: 60-3600.


The port number that the health check connects to.


The expected HTTP response code or code range of the health check. Valid values: 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 2xx.


A case-insensitive substring to look for in the response body.


The method to use for the health check that is applicable to HTTP/HTTPS-based checks. Valid values: GET, HEAD.


The endpoint path to health check against.


The HTTP request headers to send in the health check.


Do not validate the certificate when monitor uses HTTPS. Valid values: on, off.

-i, --instance

Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.


Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Create a GLB monitors in instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-create --json @glb-monitor.json -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-update

Update a GLB monitor for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-update GLB_MON_ID (-j, --json @JSON_FILE | JSON_STRING) [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-update GLB_MON_ID [--name NAME] [--type TCP] [--port PORT] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--interval INTERVAL] [--retries RETRY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-update GLB_MON_ID [--name NAME] [--type HTTP|HTTPS] [--expected-codes CODE] [--path PATH] [--port PORT] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--method GET|HEAD] [--headers HEADER1 --headers HEADER2...] [--interval INTERVAL] [--retries RETRY] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--allow-insecure true|false] [--expected-body BODY] [--expected-codes CODE] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options


The ID of a global load balancer monitor. Required. --json

The JSON file or JSON string that is used to describe a GLB monitor. Required.

  • The optional fields are name, type, description, timeout, retries, interval.
    • name: The name of the load balancer monitor.
    • type: The protocol to use for the health check. Valid values: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP.
    • description: The descriptive text of the load balancer monitor.
    • timeout: The timeout (in seconds) before the health check is marked as failed. Valid values: 1-10.
    • retries: The number of retries to attempt when a timeout occurs before the origin is marked as unhealthy. Valid values: 0-3.
    • interval: The interval between each health check. Valid values: 60-3600.
  • For TCP-type health check. Extra option fields are port.
    • port: The TCP port to use for the health check.
  • For HTTP/HTTPS-type health check. Extra option fields are expected_codes, port, expected_body, method, path, header, allow_insecure.
    • expected_codes: The expected HTTP response code or code range of the health check. Valid values: 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 2xx.
    • port: The port number that the health check connects to.
    • expected_body: A case-insensitive substring to look for in the response body.
    • method: The method to use for the health check that is applicable to HTTP/HTTPS-based checks. Valid values: GET, HEAD.
    • path: The endpoint path to health check against.
    • header: The HTTP request headers to send in the health check.
    • allow_insecure: Do not validate the certificate when monitor use HTTPS. Valid values: on, off.

Sample JSON data:


  "name": "glbmonitor",
  "description": "Health monitor of web service",
  "type": "HTTPS",
  "method": "GET",
  "path": "/health",
  "headers": [
      "name": "Host",
      "value": [""]
      "name": "X-App-ID",
  "port": 443,
  "timeout": 5,
  "retries": 2,
  "interval": 90,
  "allow_insecure": false,
  "expected_codes": "2xx",
  "expected_body": "alive"

For TCP:

  "name": "glbmonitor",
  "description": "Health monitor of TCP",
  "type": "TCP",
  "port": 80,
  "timeout": 5,
  "retries": 2,
  "interval": 90

The name of the load balancer monitor.


The protocol to use for the health check. Valid values: HTTP, HTTPS, TCP.


The descriptive text of the load balancer monitor.


The timeout (in seconds) before the health check is marked as failed. Valid values: 1-10.


The number of retries to attempt when a timeout occurs before the origin is marked as unhealthy. Valid values: 0-3.


The interval between each health check. Valid values: 60-3600.


The port number that the health check connects to.


The expected HTTP response code or code range of the health check. Valid values: 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 2xx.


A case-insensitive substring to look for in the response body.


The method to use for the health check that is applicable to HTTP/HTTPS-based checks. Valid values: GET, HEAD.


The endpoint path to health check against.


The HTTP request headers to send in the health check.


Do not validate the certificate when monitor uses HTTPS. Valid values: on, off.

-i, --instance

Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.


Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Update GLB monitors f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc in instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-update f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc --json @glb-monitor.json -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor

Show the details of a global load balancer monitor.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor GLB_MON_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of a global load balancer monitor. Required.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Show the details of the GLB monitor f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-delete

Delete the GLB monitor for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-delete GLB_MON_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f,--force]

Command options

The ID of a global load balancer monitor. Required.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
-f, --force
Delete load balancer monitor without prompting for confirmation.


Delete the GLB monitor f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitor-delete f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc -f -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns glb-monitors

List GLB monitors for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitors [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


List all GLB monitors for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns glb-monitors -i "dns-demo"

Custom resolver

Manage custom resolvers by using the following custom resolver commands.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-create

Create a custom resolver for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-create --name NAME [--location LOCATION1] [--location LOCATION2] [-description DESCRIPTION] [-f, --force] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

-n, --name
The name of the custom resolver.
-d, --description
The descriptive text of the custom resolver.
-f, --force
Allow creating custom resolver with fewer than 2 locations.
The locations on which the custom resolver runs. The location subnet CRN is required. For example, --location subnet1,enableĀ  --location subnet2,disable.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Create a custom resolver for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-create --name "example" --location crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/01652b251c3ae2787110a995d8db0135::subnet:0716-b49ef064-0f89-4fb1-8212-135b12568f04,enable --description "demo" -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-update

Update a custom resolver for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-update RESOLVER_ID [--name NAME] [--enabled true|false] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
-n, --name
The name of the custom resolver.
-d, --description
The descriptive text of the custom resolver.
Determines whether or not to enable the custom resolver.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Update a custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-update f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc --name "example" --enabled true -description "demo" -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver

Get the custom resolver details for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver RESOLVER_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Get a custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolvers

List custom resolvers for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolvers [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


List custom resolvers for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolvers -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-delete

Delete a custom resolver for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-delete RESOLVER_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f, --force]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--f, --force
Delete custom resolver without prompting for confirmation.


Delete a custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-delete f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-add

Add a custom resolver location for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-add RESOLVER_ID --subnet SUBNET_CRN [--enabled true|false] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
The CRN of the subnet.
Determines whether or not to enable the custom resolver location.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Add a location in the custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-add f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc --subnet crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/01652b251c3ae2787110a995d8db0135::subnet:0716-b49ef064-0f89-4fb1-8212-135b12568f04 --enabled true -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-update

Update the custom resolver location for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-update RESOLVER_ID LOCATION_ID [--subnet SUBNET_CRN] [--enabled true|false] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
The ID of the custom resolver location.
The CRN of the subnet.
Determines whether or not to enable the custom resolver location.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Update the location 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb in custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-update f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb --subnet crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/01652b251c3ae2787110a995d8db0135::subnet:0716-b49ef064-0f89-4fb1-8212-135b12568f04 --enabled true -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-delete

Delete the custom resolver location for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-delete RESOLVER_ID LOCATION_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f, --force]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
The ID of the custom resolver location.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--f, --force
Delete the custom resolver location without prompting for confirmation.


Delete the location 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb in custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-location-delete f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-create

Create a custom resolver forwarding rule for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-create RESOLVER_ID --type TYPE --match HOSTNAME --dns-svcs IPs [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
-t, --type
The type of the forwarding rule. Valid values: "zone".
-d, --description
The descriptive text of the custom resolver forwarding rule.
The matching zone or hostname.
The upstream DNS servers are forwarded to, for example: ip1, ip2.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Create a forwarding rule in a custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-create f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc --type zone --match "" --dns-svcs, --description "demo" -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-update

Update a custom resolver forwarding rule for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-update RESOLVER_ID RULE_ID [--match HOSTNAME] [--dns-svcs IPs] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
The ID of custom resolver forwarding rule.
-d, --description
The descriptive text of the custom resolver forwarding rule.
The matching zone or hostname.
The upstream DNS servers are forwarded to, for example: ip1,ip2.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Update the forwarding rule 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb in custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-update f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb --type zone --match "" --dns-svcs, --description "demo" -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule

Get the custom resolver forwarding rule details for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule RESOLVER_ID RULE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
The ID of custom resolver forwarding rule.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Get the forwarding rule 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb in custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rules

List custom resolver forwarding rules for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rules RESOLVER_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


List forwarding rules in a custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rules f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-delete

Delete a custom resolver forwarding rule for a service instance.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-delete RESOLVER_ID RULE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [-f, --force]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver.
The ID of the custom resolver forwarding rule.
-i, --instance
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
-f, --force
Delete the custom resolver forwarding rule without prompting for confirmation.


Delete the forwarding rule 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb in custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc for instance dns-demo.

ibmcloud dns custom-resolver-forwarding-rule-delete f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb -i "dns-demo"

Secondary zones

Manage secondary zones by using the following secondary zone commands.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-create

Create a secondary zone for given custom resolver.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-create RESOLVER_ID --name NAME --transfer-from ADDRESS1,ADDRESS2 [--description DESCRIPTION] [--enabled true|false] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver. Required.
--name value
The domain name of the secondary zone.
--transfer-from value
The source addresses of the secondary zone.
--description value
The description of the secondary zone.
--enabled value
Determines whether or not the secondary zone is enabled.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Create a secondary zone for custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-create f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc --name "" --transfer-from -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-update

Update a secondary zone.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-update RESOLVER_ID SECONDARY_ZONE_ID [--transfer-from ADDRESS1,ADDRESS2] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--enabled true|false] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver. Required.
The ID of the secondary zone. Required.
--transfer-from value
The source addresses of the secondary zone.
--description value
The description of the secondary zone.
--enabled value
Determines whether or not the secondary zone is enabled.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Update a secondary zone e2aba136a93212e5a8dce0c2dbf6f2ee for custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-update f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc e2aba136a93212e5a8dce0c2dbf6f2ee --transfer-from -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone

Get the details of a secondary zone.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone RESOLVER_ID SECONDARY_ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE_NAME] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver. Required.
The ID of the secondary zone. Required.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Get a secondary zone e2aba136a93212e5a8dce0c2dbf6f2ee for custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc e2aba136a93212e5a8dce0c2dbf6f2ee -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns secondary-zones

List all secondary zones.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zones RESOLVER_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE_NAME] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver. Required.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


List all secondary zones for a custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zones f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-delete

Delete a secondary zone.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-delete RESOLVER_ID SECONDARY_ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE_NAME] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the custom resolver. Required.
The ID of the secondary zone. Required.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


Delete a secondary zone e2aba136a93212e5a8dce0c2dbf6f2ee for a custom resolver f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc.

ibmcloud dns secondary-zone-delete f1aba936b94213e5b8dca0c0dbf1f9cc e2aba136a93212e5a8dce0c2dbf6f2ee -i "dns-demo"

Cross-account access

Manage cross accounts by using the following cross-account access commands.

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-create

Create a linked zone.

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-create --owner-instance-id OWNER_INSTANCE_ID --owner-zone-id OWNER_ZONE_ID [--label LABEL] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

--owner-instance-id value
The ID of the owner's instance.
--owner-zone-id value
The ID of the owner's zone.
--label value
The label of the linked zone.
--description value
The description of the linked zone.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-create --owner-instance-id abe30019-1c08-42dc-9ad9-a0682af70054 --owner-zone-id 05855abe-3908-4cdc-bf0d-063e0b1c296d --description "linked zone example" --label "dev" -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-update

Update a linked zone.

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-update LINKED_ZONE_ID [--label LABEL] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the linked zone.
--label value
The label of the linked zone.
--description value
The description of the linked zone.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-update 5365b73c-ce6f-4d6f-ad9f-d9c131b26370 --description "linked zone example" --label "dev" -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zones

List all linked zones.

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zones [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zones -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone

Get details of the linked zone.

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone LINKED_ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the linked zone.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone 5365b73c-ce6f-4d6f-ad9f-d9c131b26370 -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-delete

Delete a linked zone.

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-delete LINKED_ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the linked zone.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target INSTANCE is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-delete 5365b73c-ce6f-4d6f-ad9f-d9c131b26370 -i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network-add

Create a permitted network for a linked zone

   ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network-add LINKED_ZONE_ID --vpc-crn VPC_CRN [--type TYPE] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the linked zone.
--type value
The permitted network type. Valid values: vpc.
--vpc-crn value
The CRN of the VPC instance.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network-add 5365b73c-ce6f-4d6f-ad9f-d9c131b26370 --vpc-crn  "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu-de:a/bcf1865e99742d38d2d5fc3fb80a5496::vpc:6e6cc326-04d1-4c99-a289-efb3ae4193d6" --i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network

Get a permitted network for a linked zone

   ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network LINKED_ZONE_ID PERMITTED_NETWORK_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the linked zone.
The ID of the permitted network.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network 5365b73c-ce6f-4d6f-ad9f-d9c131b26370 6e6cc326-04d1-4c99-a289-efb3ae4193d6  --i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network-remove

Remove a permitted network for a linked zone

   ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network-remove LINKED_ZONE_ID PERMITTED_NETWORK_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the linked zone.
The ID of the permitted network.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-network-remove 5365b73c-ce6f-4d6f-ad9f-d9c131b26370 6e6cc326-04d1-4c99-a289-efb3ae4193d6  --i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-networks

List the permitted networks for a linked zone

   ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-networks LINKED_ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the linked zone.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account linked-zone-permitted-networks 5365b73c-ce6f-4d6f-ad9f-d9c131b26370 --i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account access-request-update

Update the state of an access request.

   ibmcloud dns cross-account access-request-update ZONE_ID REQUEST_ID --action ACTION [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the owner's zone.
The ID of the access request.
--action value
The action applies to the access request. Valid values: "APPROVE", "REJECT", "REVOKE".
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account access-request-update 05855abe-3908-4cdc-bf0d-063e0b1c296d 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb --action "APPROVE" --i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account access-request

Get details of an access request.

   ibmcloud dns cross-account access-request ZONE_ID REQUEST_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the owner's zone.
The ID of the access request.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account access-request 05855abe-3908-4cdc-bf0d-063e0b1c296d 9a234ede-c2b6-4c39-bc27-d39ec139ecdb --i "dns-demo"

ibmcloud dns cross-account access-requests

List access requests in the owner's instance.

   ibmcloud dns cross-account access-requests ZONE_ID [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]

Command options

The ID of the owner's zone.
-i, --instance value
Instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by ibmcloud dns instance-target is used.
--output value
Specify the output format. Currently, json is the only supported format.


ibmcloud dns cross-account access-requests 05855abe-3908-4cdc-bf0d-063e0b1c296d --i "dns-demo"