IBM Cloud Docs
Why can't I view or list specific keys?

Why can't I view or list specific keys?

When you call the Hyper Protect Crypto Services key management service API, you're unable to list specific keys that you have access to.

You call GET api/v2/keys to list the keys that are available in your service instance.

You can see a list of keys, but you can't find a specific key that is stored in the instance. You verify with your administrator that you're assigned the applicable level of access to keys that you're unable to view. You also verify with your administrator that the key belongs to the service instance that you're targeting.

The service instance contains a large number of keys, and the specific keys that you're looking for aren't returned by default when you call GET api/v2/keys to list keys.

Check with an administrator to understand the total number of keys that are stored in the instance. By default, GET api/v2/keys returns the first 200 keys. If the service instance contains more than 200 keys, you need to use the offset and limit parameters to list another subset of keys.

For example, if you want to list keys 201 - 210 that are available in a service instance, you use ../keys?offset=200&limit=10 to skip the first 200 keys.