IBM Cloud Docs
Quantum-safe cryptography in TLS

Quantum-safe cryptography in TLS

You can use a quantum safe enabled TLS connection to send requests to a IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud® service endpoint.

What is Quantum Safe Cryptography?

Quantum safe cryptography, also known as post quantum cryptography, is a new generation of the public-key cryptographic system that is undergoing NIST evaluation. These new quantum cryptographic algorithms are based on hard mathematical problems that based on current research, even large quantum computers cannot break.

When these quantum cryptographic algorithms are used for TLS communication, the security of the public key exchange between the client and server are expected to have higher security levels than the current RSA and ECC algorithms. However, NIST hast not standardized the algorithms and until then, Key Protect has adopted a hybrid method that combines both Quantum Safe and current ECC algorithms to protect in-transit data.

Why is Quantum Safe TLS important?

As quantum computing continues to evolve and advance, a large quantum computer will be able to run a "SHOR" algorithm that can break the current TLS communication algorithms (RSA/ECC) in a matter of minutes. While large quantum computers are not available today, any TLS data-in-transit that has been snooped and stored can be breached when these large quantum computers are made available. Data has a long shelf life so it is critical that Key Protect supports quantum safe cryptographic algorithms to secure TLS communications.

To keep your in-transit data resilient, Key Protect has introduced the ability to use a quantum safe enabled TLS connection to ensure that your data is secure during the key exchange process.

What are the considerations of Quantum Safe Cryptography?

Before configuring your service to send requests to Key Protect through a quantum safe enabled Key Protect service endpoint, please keep in mind the following considerations:

  • The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is in the process of standardizing quantum safe algorithms. NIST is currently evaluating candidate approaches to quantum safe cryptography and isn't expected to complete the standardization process until after 2023. Key Protect uses the Kyber algorithm, which is one of the third round candidates under evaluation. If NIST's research reveals that the Kyber algorithm is not quantum safe, the key exchange mechanism is still protected by the classic TLS algorithms when using the Kyber algorithm in hybrid mode.

  • Performance results may vary from traditional key algorithms. The quantum safe algorithm uses a larger key size compared to classic public key algorithms, therefore the network bandwidth requirements will be higher. Quantum safe algorithm performance can also be affected by network profile, CPU speed, and API call rates.

  • Quantum Safe TLS only protects data in transit, not at rest. The quantum safe algorithms utilized by Key Protect protect your data from breach as it travels to a Key Protect service endpoint. Imported root keys (including their associated payloads) are encrypted by TLS session keys. Data at rest encryption uses symmetric keys and AES 256 symmetric keys are safe from large quantum computer attacks.

  • Key Protect only supports Quantum Safe TLS for Linux Platforms. Key Protect will provide quantum safe TLS connection support to additional operating systems in the future.

  • Quantum Safe TLS is only supported through the Key Protect software development kit (SDK). Quantum safe TLS support will be added to the Key Protect command line interface (CLI) in the future. To find out more about accessing the Key Protect SDK, check out Setting up the SDK.

Using Quantum Safe TLS with Key Protect

You can choose between hybrid and non-hybrid quantum safe TLS connection modes when sending requests to Key Protect.

Quantum Safe Mode vs Hybrid Mode

Key Protect supports two modes that protect your keys during a TLS connection: Quantum Safe Mode and Hybrid mode.

  • Hybrid Mode: Hybrid mode uses a combination of a quantum safe algorithm and classic key exchange algorithms to protect your data while in transit. When you make a request using this mode, the classic elliptic algorithm and the quantum safe algorithm will be used in a key exchange mechanism to cryptographically protect your data as it makes its way to the Key Protect service.

    Hybrid mode supports the hybrid Kyber algorithm with the following parameter sets (key sizes):

    • p256_kyber512: combines kyber512 with ECDH using p_256 curve. It provides L1 security.
    • p384_kyber768: combines kyber768 with ECDH using p_384 curve. It provides L3 security.
    • p521_kyber1024: combines kyber1024 with ECDH using p_521 curve. It provides L5 security.

The hybrid algorithm is used based on guidance from the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project community. For more information about the algorithm and its associated key sizes, see Prototyping post-quantum and hybrid key exchange.

  • Quantum Safe Mode: Quantum safe mode uses a quantum safe algorithm to protect your data while in transit. When you make a request using this mode, the quantum safe algorithm will be used in a key exchange mechanism to cryptographically protect your data as it makes its way to the Key Protect service.

    Quantum Safe mode supports the Kyber algorithm with the following parameter sets (key sizes):

    • kyber512
    • kyber768
    • kyber1024

The Kyber algorithm is used based on recommendation from IBM Cloud. To find out more about the algorithm and its associated key sizes, see CRYSTALS-Kyber.

Quantum Safe Enabled Endpoints

IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud® has quantum safe enabled endpoints for 2 regions; US-South and EU-GB. See the following table to determine which quantum safe enabled endpoints to use when sending requests to the IBM® Key Protect for IBM Cloud® service.

Table 1. Lists quantum safe enabled public endpoints for interacting with Key Protect APIs over IBM Cloud's public network
Region Public endpoints
Table 2. Lists quantum safe enabled private endpoints for interacting with Key Protect APIs over IBM Cloud's private network
Region Private endpoints

The classic Key Protect service endpoints are not quantum safe enabled.

Configure Quantum Safe TLS with Key Protect via the SDK


Before setting up your application to work with the SDK, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Open Quantum Safe Software Stack (OQSSA) script. This script will build and install all necessary dependencies ( liboqs, openssl, and libcurl) into your HOME directory folder ( $HOME/opt/oqssa/).

  2. Make sure dependent packages required for building OQSSA are installed. You will need sudo permissions in order to install the dependency packages.

    • Debian (Ubuntu) dependencies: libtool automake autoconf cmake (3.5 or above) make openssl libssl-dev build-essential git wget golang (1.14 or above) patch perl diffutils

    If you are using a Debian distribution, copy the following code snippet to a file and execute it to verify that all necessary packages have been installed:

    echo "Starting prerequisites verification"
    packages="libtool automake autoconf cmake make openssl libssl-dev git wget build-essential golang patch perl diffutils"
    for REQUIRED_PKG in $packages
        PKG_STATUS=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Version},${Status}\n' $REQUIRED_PKG|grep "install ok installed")
        if [ "" = "$PKG_STATUS" ]
          echo "$REQUIRED_PKG is NOT installed"
          #sudo apt-get -y install $REQUIRED_PKG
          PKG_VER=$(echo $PKG_STATUS| cut -d',' -f 1)
          if [ "cmake" == $REQUIRED_PKG ]  && ! [[ $PKG_VER =~ $CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED ]]
            echo "$REQUIRED_PKG Version is: $PKG_VER. OQSSA requires cmake 3.5 and above."
    echo "Prerequisites verification completed"
    • RHEL (Centos/Fedora) dependencies: libtool automake autoconf cmake (3.5 or above) make openssl ncurses-devel gcc-c++ glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-enopenssl-devel git wget golang (1.14 or above) patch perl diffutils 'Developement Tools'

    If you are using a RHEL distribution, copy the following code snippet to a file and execute it to verify that all necessary packages have been installed:

    echo "Starting prerequisites verification"
    packages="git libtool automake autoconf cmake make openssl  ncurses-devel gcc-c++ openssl-devel wget glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-en sudo golang patch perl diffutils"
    for REQUIRED_PKG in $packages
        PKG_STATUS=$(rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION},%{INSTALLTIME}\n' $REQUIRED_PKG)
        if [[ "$PKG_STATUS" == *"not installed"* ]];
        echo "$REQUIRED_PKG is NOT installed"
        #sudo yum -y install $REQUIRED_PKG
          PKG_VER=$(echo $PKG_STATUS| cut -d',' -f 1)
          if [ "cmake" == $REQUIRED_PKG ]  && ! [[ $PKG_VER =~ $CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED ]]
            echo "$REQUIRED_PKG Version is: $PKG_VER. OQSSA requires cmake 3.5 and above."
    PKG_STATUS=$(yum grouplist Dev* |grep "Development Tools")
    if [ "" = "$PKG_STATUS" ]
        echo "Developement Tools is NOT installed"
    echo "Prerequisites verification completed"
  3. Once prerequisite packages are installed and verified, execute script to build and install OQSSA:

  4. Run the following command to set the Quantum library path:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/opt/oqssa/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Configuring the Key Protect SDK with your application

Once you have the prerequisites installed, follow these steps to configure the Key Protect SDK with your application:

  1. Navigate to the folder where the go client resides by running the following command:

        cd $HOME/keyprotect-go-client
  2. Set the Kyber algorithm in the initialization of the Key Protect client in your application code. If you do not specify an algorithm, your application will default to using the p384_kyber768 algorithm. Use the following code as an example of algorithm configuration:

    qscConfig := kp.ClientQSCConfig{
        AlgorithmID: kp.KP_QSC_ALGO_p384_KYBER768,
  3. Compile the Key Protect SDK by running the following command:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/opt/oqssa/lib PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/opt/oqssa/lib/pkgconfig go build –-tags quantum

Using Quantum Safe Key Protect endpoints via CURL


Before making a curl request to a Key Protect quantum safe enabled endpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Open Quantum Safe Software Stack (OQSSA) script. This script will build and install all necessary dependencies ( liboqs, openssl, and libcurl) into your HOME directory folder ( $HOME/opt/oqssa/).

  2. Make sure dependent packages required for building OQSSA are installed. You will need sudo permissions in order to install the dependency packages.

    • Debian (Ubuntu) dependencies: libtool automake autoconf cmake (3.5 or above) make openssl libssl-dev build-essential git wget golang (1.14 or above) patch perl diffutils

    If you are using a Debian distribution, copy the following code snippet to a file and execute it to verify that all necessary packages have been installed:

    echo "Starting prerequisites verification"
    packages="libtool automake autoconf cmake make openssl libssl-dev git wget build-essential golang patch perl diffutils"
    for REQUIRED_PKG in $packages
        PKG_STATUS=$(dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Version},${Status}\n' $REQUIRED_PKG|grep "install ok installed")
        if [ "" = "$PKG_STATUS" ]
          echo "$REQUIRED_PKG is NOT installed"
          #sudo apt-get -y install $REQUIRED_PKG
          PKG_VER=$(echo $PKG_STATUS| cut -d',' -f 1)
          if [ "cmake" == $REQUIRED_PKG ]  && ! [[ $PKG_VER =~ $CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED ]]
            echo "$REQUIRED_PKG Version is: $PKG_VER. OQSSA requires cmake 3.5 and above."
    echo "Prerequisites verification completed"
    • RHEL (Centos/Fedora) dependencies: libtool automake autoconf cmake (3.5 or above) make openssl ncurses-devel gcc-c++ glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-enopenssl-devel git wget golang (1.14 or above) patch perl diffutils 'Developement Tools''

    If you are using a RHEL distribution, copy the following code snippet to a file and execute it to verify that all necessary packages have been installed:

    echo "Starting prerequisites verification"
    packages="git libtool automake autoconf cmake make openssl  ncurses-devel gcc-c++ openssl-devel wget glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-en sudo golang patch perl diffutils"
    for REQUIRED_PKG in $packages
        PKG_STATUS=$(rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION},%{INSTALLTIME}\n' $REQUIRED_PKG)
        if [[ "$PKG_STATUS" == *"not installed"* ]];
        echo "$REQUIRED_PKG is NOT installed"
        #sudo yum -y install $REQUIRED_PKG
          PKG_VER=$(echo $PKG_STATUS| cut -d',' -f 1)
          if [ "cmake" == $REQUIRED_PKG ]  && ! [[ $PKG_VER =~ $CMAKE_VER_REQUIRED ]]
            echo "$REQUIRED_PKG Version is: $PKG_VER. OQSSA requires cmake 3.5 and above."
    PKG_STATUS=$(yum grouplist Dev* |grep "Development Tools")
    if [ "" = "$PKG_STATUS" ]
        echo "Developement Tools is NOT installed"
    echo "Prerequisites verification completed"
  3. Once prerequisite packages are installed and verified, execute script to build and install OQSSA:


Making a CURL request to a quantum safe enabled endpoint

When making a call to the the a quantum safe enabled endpoint via curl request, you will need to suse specific to ensure that the request successfully goes through. The following table contains a list of flags that are required when making a quantum safe curl request.

Table 3. Describes the flags needed to make curl requests to the Key Protect service.
Flag Description
-tlsv1.3 This flag enforces that curl connects to a TLS v1.3 server.
--curves This flag will specify which quantum safe algorithm should be used in the
TLSv1.3 key exchange mechanism. If you do not specify an algorithm, the
flag will default to the p384_kyber768 algorithm.

You can use the following example request to retrieve a list of keys for your Key Protect instance via a quantum safe enabled endpoint.

$ curl --tlsv1.3 --curves <qsc_algorithm> -X GET \
    "https://qsc.<region>" \
    -H "accept: application/" \
    -H "authorization: Bearer <IAM_token>" \
    -H "bluemix-instance: <instance_ID>"

Replace the variables in your request according to the following table.

Table 4. Describes the variables needed to make a list keys request through a quantum safe endpoint.
Variable Description
qsc_algorithm Required. The kyber algorithm in the key size that will be used to protect your data in transit.

Acceptable algorithm + keysizes: kyber512, kyber768, kyber1024, p256_kyber512, p384_kyber768, and p521_kyber1024.
region Required. The region abbreviation, such as us-south or eu-gb, that represents the geographic area where your Key Protect instance resides.

For more information, see Regional service endpoints.
IAM_token Required. Your IBM Cloud access token. Include the full contents of the IAM token, including the Bearer value, in the curl request.

For more information, see Retrieving an access token.
instance_ID Required. The unique identifier that is assigned to your Key Protect service instance.

For more information, see Retrieving an instance ID.