IBM Cloud Docs
IBM Cloud services that generate platform logs

IBM Cloud services that generate platform logs

List of IBM Cloud® services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

As of 28 March 2024 the IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker services are deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs, which replaces these two services, prior to 30 March 2025. IBM Cloud Logs will become generally available during the summer of 2024 in Frankfurt and Madrid with day-one support for EU-managed controls. The service will continue its worldwide multizone region (MZR) roll-out through 3Q2024. For information about IBM Cloud Logs, see the IBM Cloud Logs documentation.

You can define only 1 instance per region where IBM Log Analysis is supported with the flag Platform logs.

Analytics services

The following table lists services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 1. List of analytics services
Service Description More info
IBM Planning Analytics as a Service IBM Planning Analytics as a Service is a fully-managed and collaborative service that provides enterprise-level budgeting, planning, modeling, and reporting solutions. More info

You can monitor logs through the Log Analysis instance that is configured to receive platform services logs in the location where the service is running.

To see the list of IBM Log Analysis locations where these services send logs, see Security services.

Compute serverless services

The following table lists services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 2. List of serverless compute services
Service Description More info
IBM Cloud® Code Engine Code Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform that runs your containerized workloads, including web apps, micro-services, event-driven functions, or batch jobs More info.

Container services

The following table lists services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 3. List of container services
Service Description More info
IBM Cloud Container Registry You can use IBM Cloud Container Registry to provide a multi-tenant private image registry that you can use to store and share your container images with users in your IBM Cloud account. More info
IBM Cloud® Kubernetes Service You can use the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service service to deploy highly available apps in Docker containers that run in Kubernetes clusters. More info
Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud® With Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud, you can deploy apps on highly available clusters that come installed with the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud Container Platform software installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. More info
IBM Cloud Satellite® With IBM Cloud Satellite, you can bring your own compute infrastructure to run IBM Cloud services and consistently deploy, manage, and control your app workloads. More info

To see the list of IBM Log Analysis locations where these services send logs, see Container services.

Database services

The following table lists services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 4. List of database services
Service Description More info
IBM Cloudant IBM Cloudant is a document-oriented database as a service (DBaaS). It stores data as documents in JSON format. More info
IBM Cloud Databases for Elasticsearch IBM Cloud Databases for Elasticsearch is a managed Elasticsearch service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
IBM Cloud® Databases for EnterpriseDB Databases for EnterpriseDB is a database engine that optimizes the built-in features of PostgreSQL. More info
IBM Cloud Databases for etcd IBM Cloud Databases for etcd is a managed etcd service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
Databases for MongoDB Databases for MongoDB is a managed MongoDB service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
IBM Cloud® Databases for MySQL databases-for-mysql-group IBM Cloud® Databases for MySQL is a serverless, cloud database service that is fully integrated into the IBM Cloud environment.
IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL IBM Cloud Databases for PostgreSQL is a managed PostgreSQL service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
IBM Cloud Messages for RabbitMQ IBM Cloud Messages for RabbitMQ is a managed RabbitMQ service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
IBM Cloud Databases for Redis IBM Cloud Databases for Redis is a managed service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
IBM® Db2® on Cloud IBM® Db2® on Cloud is a managed Db2 service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
IBM Db2 Warehouse on Cloud IBM Db2 Warehouse on Cloud is a managed Db2 Warehouse service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info
Watson Query Watson Query is a data management service that is hosted in the IBM Cloud and integrated with other IBM Cloud services. More info

You can monitor logs through the Log Analysis instance that is configured to receive platform services logs in the location where the service is running.

To see the list of IBM Log Analysis locations where these services send logs, see Database services.

Developer tools

The following table lists services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 5. List of Developer tools services
Service Description More info
IBM Cloud® Event Notifications Event Notifications is a routing service that tells you about critical events that occur in your IBM Cloud® account. You can filter and route event notifications from IBM Cloud services like Monitoring, Security and Compliance Center, and Secrets Manager to communication channels like email, SMS, push notifications, webhook, slack, and Microsoft™ Teams. More info

To see the list of IBM Log Analysis locations where these services send logs, see Developer tools.

Integration services

The following table lists services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 6. List of integration Cloud services
Service Description More info
MQ on Cloud MQ on IBM Cloud enables you to quickly and easily deploy queue managers in the cloud and connect your applications to them, for reliable data transfer between different parts of your enterprise application landscape. More info

To see the list of IBM Log Analysis locations where these services send logs, see Integration services.

VPC services

The following table lists Cloud services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 7. List of IBM Cloud VPC services
Service Description More info Message IDs
Dedicated host You can create a dedicated host to carve out a single-tenant compute node, free from users outside of your organization. More info Message IDs
Flow Log Collector This service is used to collect and store information regarding the Internet Protocol (IP) traffic going to and from network interfaces within your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Viewing flow log objects Message IDs
VPN Use this service to connect private networks in a secure fashion. You can use VPN to set up an IPsec site-to-site tunnel between your VPC and your on-premise private network or another VPC. More info

Classic Infrastructure services

The following table lists Cloud services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 8. List of Classic Infrastructure services
Service Description More info Message IDs
IBM Cloud® Load Balancer Use this service to improve availability of business-critical applications by distributing traffic among multiple application server instances, and by forwarding traffic to healthy instances only. More info

Security services

The following table lists Cloud services that send logs to IBM Log Analysis:

Table 9. List of security Cloud services
Service Description More info
IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager With IBM Cloud Secrets Manager, you can create, lease, and centrally manage secrets that are used in IBM Cloud services or your custom-built applications. More info

You can monitor logs through the Log Analysis instance that is configured to receive platform services logs in the location where the service is running.

To see the list of IBM Log Analysis locations where these services send logs, see Security services.