IBM Cloud Docs
Limits when sending logs

Limits when sending logs

There are limits when you send send logs to an IBM® Log Analysis instance.

As of 28 March 2024 the IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker services are deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs, which replaces these two services, prior to 30 March 2025. For information about IBM Cloud Logs, see the IBM Cloud Logs documentation.

Body size
Maximum size of 10 MB at ingestion.
Message size
Maximum size of 16 KB at ingestion. After 16K, the ingested data is truncated.
Metadata size
Maximum size of 32 KB.
Hostname length
Maximum size of 256 characters.
App name length
Maximum size of 512 characters.
Log Level
Maximum size of 80 characters.
Maximum size of 80 characters.
Depth of nested fields
The maximum number of nested fields that are parsed at ingestion is 3.
Number of unique fields
A maximum of 500 fields are indexed per day.