IBM Cloud Docs
Integrating with IBM Cloud Monitoring

Integrating with IBM Cloud Monitoring

You can send alerts to IBM Cloud Monitoring and manage them through the Events view section.

As of 28 March 2024 the IBM Log Analysis and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker services are deprecated and will no longer be supported as of 30 March 2025. Customers will need to migrate to IBM Cloud Logs, which replaces these two services, prior to 30 March 2025. IBM Cloud Logs will become generally available during the summer of 2024 in Frankfurt and Madrid with day-one support for EU-managed controls. The service will continue its worldwide multizone region (MZR) roll-out through 3Q2024. For information about IBM Cloud Logs, see the IBM Cloud Logs documentation.

Configuring an alert

When you configure an alert you can have that alert sent to IBM Cloud Monitoring.

  1. When configuring your alert, click Sysdig icon.

  2. Select if you want the alert to be sent when the condition exists (Presence) or does not exist (Absence).

  3. Indicate the logging criteria when an alert should be sent. For example, when 100 lines matching in the view are logged in an hour. A graph will help you determine the number of log lines matching your specified criteria.

  4. Select if the alert should be sent at the end of the selected period or immediately when the number of lines are logged.

  5. Optionally you can specify a Custom schedule with alerting limited to a specified timezone, days of the week, or timeframe. To configure a Custom schedule:

    1. Select on for Custom schedule.
    2. Select the Timezone for the log entries.
    3. Select the days of the week when alerts should be generated.
    4. Optionally specify a time range for the selected days. A graph will help you determine the number of log entries for the timezone and time range.
  6. Configure the Monitoring instance details.

    Specify the API key. Set this field to the API token. For more information on how to get the token, see Working with tokens.

    Specify the Monitoring (Sysdig) instance URL. Set this field to the endpoint where the instance is available. For more information, see Monitoring endpoints. For example,

    You might need to manually enter the appropriate URL for your instance. Your instance URL might not be included in the provided list. Specifying the incorrect URL will result in your data flowing to the wrong instance and you will not see your data where intended.

    Specify the Severity. Valid values are Info, Low, Medium, or High.

  7. Optional: You can click Test to test that your alert configuration is correct.

  8. Click Save Alert.

    The alert definition must be saved for alerts to be sent to IBM Cloud Monitoring.

Managing alerts

You get a custom event when an alert is triggered.

You can view the events by filtering by name or level in the Events section of the IBM Cloud Monitoring instance.


To view alerts, a user must have permissions to navigate to the web UI. Learn more.