IBM Cloud Docs
Configuring account settings

Configuring account settings

You can configure your account settings for IBM Cloud® Metrics Routing by using the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing UI, the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing CLI, the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing REST API, and Terraform scripts. Set these settings to define where and how metrics are collected, routed, and managed in your account.

When you configure or modify the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing account settings, consider the following information:

  • Before you disable public endpoints by setting --private-api-endpoint-only TRUE, make sure your account has access to the private endpoint. You can do this by running the command ibmcloud account show. If VRF Enabled is true and Service Endpoint Enabled is true then you have access to the private endpoint. If you do not have access to the private endpoint, you will be unable to re-enable the public endpoint since private endpoint access is required to re-enable the public endpoint.

For more information, see About account settings.

IAM permissions

Ensure you have the correct IAM permissions to configure IBM Cloud Metrics Routing settings.

Getting account settings using the UI

Do the following to view the account settings for IBM Cloud Metrics Routing by using the UI.

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account.

  2. Click the Menu icon Menu icon > Observability.

  3. Click Monitoring.

  4. Click Routing.

  5. Click the Settings tab.

On this page you can view the following settings:

  • Metadata location: Displays primary metadata region and backup metadata region.

  • Permitted target regions. Displays the targets regions where metrics can be sent.

  • Default targets: Displays the configured default targets.

  • Public endpoints: Displays if public endpoints are enabled. When disabled, the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing UI cannot be accessed.

  • Reports: Displays the configurations in JSON format.

Updating settings using the UI

  1. Log in to your IBM Cloud account.

  2. Click the Menu icon Menu icon > Observability.

  3. Click Monitoring.

  4. Click Routing.

  5. Click the Settings tab.

  6. Click Edit next to the setting to be changed. You can modify the following settings:

  • Metadata location: Select your desired primary metadata region and backup metadata region.

  • Permitted target regions: Select the region where targets can be created. If no regions are selected, then all regions can receive metrics.

  • Default targets: Select the target that will be used by default when routing rules do not exist or are not matched.

CLI prerequisites

Before you use the the CLI to manage IBM Cloud Metrics Routing account settings, Install the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing CLI.

Check that you have IAM permissions to read, update, or both the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing account settings.

Getting account settings using the CLI

Use this command to get the settings for the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing account configurations.

ibmcloud metrics-router setting get [--output FORMAT]

Command options

--output FORMAT
If JSON is specified, output will be returned in JSON format. If JSON is not specified, output will be returned in a tabular format.
help | --help | -h
List options available for the command.


The following is an example where no default or permitted targets have been set.

Primary metadata region:             us-east
Backup metadata region:              -
Default targets:                     []
Permitted target regions:            []
Private api endpoint only:           false

Updating settings using the CLI

Use this command to modify current account settings such as the default targets, permitted target regions, and the primary metadata region.

ibmcloud metrics-router setting update [--primary-metadata-region REGION] [--backup-metadata-region REGION] [--private-api-endpoint-only ( TRUE | FALSE )] [--default-targets TARGET] [--permitted-target-regions REGIONS] [--output FORMAT] [--force]

Command options

Specify the REGION where the metadata associated with route and target definitions is stored.
Specify the REGION where the metadata associated with route and target definitions is stored as a backup.
Specifies whether nor not a private endpoint can be used. If TRUE only a private endpoint can be used.
Is a list of target IDs. If no routing rules cause metrics to be sent to other targets, these targets will received the metrics. TARGETS is a comma-separated list of target IDs.
Is the list of regions that can be used to define a target. REGIONS is a comma-separated list of regions.
--output FORMAT
If JSON specified, output will be returned in JSON format. If JSON is not specified, output will be returned in a tabular format.
help | --help | -h
List options available for the command.

If the update is successful, the current settings will be displayed.

API prerequsites

To make API calls to manage settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Get an IAM access token. For more information, see Retrieving IAM access tokens.
  2. Identify the API endpoint in the region where you plan to configure or manage settings. For more information, see Endpoints.

Getting settings using the API

You can use the following cURL command to get existing settings information:

curl -X GET  ENDPOINT/api/v3/settings   -H "Authorization:  $ACCESS_TOKEN"


Is the API endpoint in the region where you plan to configure or manage a target. For more information, see Endpoints.

For example, you can use the following cURL request to get the account settings information:

curl -X GET   -H "Authorization:  $ACCESS_TOKEN"

A response similar to the following is returned:

  "default_targets": [
      "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router:us-south:a/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::target:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "name": "default-us-south-target",
      "target_type": "sysdig_monitor"
      "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router:au-syd:a/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa::target:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "name": "default-au-syd-south-target",
      "target_type": "sysdig_monitor"
  "permitted_target_regions": [
  "primary_metadata_region": "us-south",
  "private_api_endpoint_only": false


Is a list of target IDs. If no routing rules cause metrics to be sent to other targets, these targets will received the metrics.
Is the list of regions that can be used to define a target. A maximum of two permitted target regions are allowed.
Is the region where the metadata associated with route and target definitions is stored.
Is the region where the metadata associated with route and target definitions is stored as a backup.
Specifies whether nor not a private endpoint can be used. If true only a private endpoint can be used.

Updating settings using the API

When you update settings, consider the following information:

  • You must include the settings information in the data section of the request.

  • You must pass the data that is configured for each setting.

    Data that is configured and not included in an update request is deleted.

  • Update the data for the fields that need changing.

You can use the following cURL command to update settings:

curl -X PATCH   https://<ENDPOINT>/api/v3/settings
-H "Authorization: Bearer <IAM_TOKEN>"
-H 'accept: application/json'
-d '{
  "default_targets": [
      "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "permitted_target_regions": ["us-south", "us-east"],
  "primary_metadata_region": "us-south",
  "backup_metadata_region": "us-east",
  "private_api_endpoint_only": false


Is the API endpoint in the region where you plan to configure or manage a target. For more information, see Endpoints.
Is a list of target IDs. If no routing rules cause metrics to be sent to other targets, these targets will received the metrics.
Is the list of regions that can be used to define a target. A maximum of two permitted target regions can be specified.
Is the region where the metadata associated with route and target definitions is stored.
Is the region where the metadata associated with route and target definitions is stored for backup purposes.
Specifies whether or not a private endpoint can be used. If true only a private endpoint can be used.