IBM Cloud Docs
Assigning access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing

Assigning access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing

Access to IBM Cloud® Metrics Routing configuration resources for users and applications in your account is controlled by IBM Cloud® Identity and Access Management (IAM). Every user or application that accesses the IBM Cloud Metrics Routing service in your account must be assigned an access policy with an IAM role. Review the following roles, actions, and more to help determine the best way to assign access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing.

You can assign access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing by using any of the following methods:

  • Access policies per user

  • Access groups

    Access groups are used to streamline access management by assigning access to a group once, then you can add or remove users as needed from the group to control their access.

    An access group can be created to organize a set of users, service IDs, and trusted profiles into a single entity that makes it easy for you to assign access. You can assign a single policy to the group instead of assigning the same access multiple times for an individual user or service ID.For more information, see Setting up access groups.

    To organize a set of users and service IDs into a single entity that makes it easy for you to manage IAM permissions, use access groups. You can assign a single policy to the group instead of assigning the same access multiple times per individual user or service ID.

  • Trusted profiles

    You can use trusted profiles to grant different IBM Cloud® identities access to resources in your account. Automatically grant federated users access to your account with conditions based on SAML attributes from your corporate directory. Or, use trusted profiles to set up fine-grained authorization for applications that are running in compute resources. This way, you aren't required to create service IDs or API keys for the compute resources. You can also establish trust with IBM Cloud services or service IDs in another account to grant cross-account access. For more information, see Creating trusted profiles.

If you have the IAM permission to create policies and authorizations, you can grant only the level of access that you have as a user of the target service. For example, if you have viewer access for the target service, you can assign only the viewer role for the authorization. If you attempt to assign a higher permission such as administrator, it might appear that permission is granted, however, only the highest level permission you have for the target service, that is viewer, will be assigned.

Assigning access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing in the console

There are two common ways to assign access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing in the console:

  • Access groups. You can manage access groups and their access from the Manage > Access (IAM) > Access groups page in the console. For more information, see Assigning access to a group in the console.

  • Access policies per user. You can manage access policies per user from the Manage > Access (IAM) > Users page in the console. For information about the steps to assign IAM access, see Managing access to resources.

Assigning access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing in the CLI

For step-by-step instructions for assigning, removing, and reviewing access, see Assigning access ro resources by using the CLI. The following example shows a command for assigning the Viewer role for IBM Cloud Metrics Routing:

Use metrics-router for the service name. Also, use quotations around role names that are more than one word.

ibmcloud iam user-policy-create USER@EXAMPLE.COM --service-name metrics-router --roles "Viewer"

Assigning access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing by using the API

For step-by-step instructions for assigning, removing, and reviewing access, see Assigning access to resources by using the API or the Create a policy API docs. Role cloud resource names (CRN) in the following table are used to assign access with the API.

Table 2. Role ID values for API use
Role name Role CRN
Viewer crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router::::serviceRole:Viewer
Operator crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router::::serviceRole:Operator
Editor crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router::::serviceRole:Editor
Administrator crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router::::serviceRole:Administrator

The following example is for assigning the Viewer role for IBM Cloud Metrics Routing:

Use metrics-router for the service name, and refer to the Role ID values table to ensure that you're using the correct value for the CRN.

curl -X POST '' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "access",
  "description": "Viewer role for IBM Cloud Metrics Routing",
  "subjects": [
      "attributes": [
          "name": "iam_id",
          "value": "IBMid-123453user"
      "role_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router::::serviceRole:Viewer"
      "attributes": [
          "name": "accountId",
          "value": "$ACCOUNT_ID"
          "name": "serviceName",
          "value": "metrics-router"
SubjectAttribute subjectAttribute = new SubjectAttribute.Builder()

PolicySubject policySubjects = new PolicySubject.Builder()

PolicyRole policyRoles = new PolicyRole.Builder()

ResourceAttribute accountIdResourceAttribute = new ResourceAttribute.Builder()

ResourceAttribute serviceNameResourceAttribute = new ResourceAttribute.Builder()

PolicyResource policyResources = new PolicyResource.Builder()

CreatePolicyOptions options = new CreatePolicyOptions.Builder()

Response<Policy> response = service.createPolicy(options).execute();
Policy policy = response.getResult();

const policySubjects = [
    attributes: [
        name: 'iam_id',
        value: 'IBMid-123453user',
const policyRoles = [
    role_id: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router::::serviceRole:Viewer',
const accountIdResourceAttribute = {
  name: 'accountId',
  value: 'ACCOUNT_ID',
  operator: 'stringEquals',
const serviceNameResourceAttribute = {
  name: 'serviceName',
  value: 'metrics-router',
  operator: 'stringEquals',
const policyResources = [
    attributes: [accountIdResourceAttribute, serviceNameResourceAttribute]
const params = {
  type: 'access',
  subjects: policySubjects,
  roles: policyRoles,
  resources: policyResources,

  .then(res => {
    examplePolicyId =;
    console.log(JSON.stringify(res.result, null, 2));
  .catch(err => {
policy_subjects = PolicySubject(
  attributes=[SubjectAttribute(name='iam_id', value='IBMid-123453user')])
policy_roles = PolicyRole(
account_id_resource_attribute = ResourceAttribute(
  name='accountId', value='ACCOUNT_ID')
service_name_resource_attribute = ResourceAttribute(
  name='serviceName', value='metrics-router')
policy_resources = PolicyResource(

policy = iam_policy_management_service.create_policy(

print(json.dumps(policy, indent=2))
subjectAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.SubjectAttribute{
  Name:  core.StringPtr("iam_id"),
  Value: core.StringPtr("IBMid-123453user"),
policySubjects := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicySubject{
  Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.SubjectAttribute{*subjectAttribute},
policyRoles := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicyRole{
  RoleID: core.StringPtr("crn:v1:bluemix:public:metrics-router::::serviceRole:Viewer"),
accountIDResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
  Name:     core.StringPtr("accountId"),
  Value:    core.StringPtr("ACCOUNT_ID"),
  Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
serviceNameResourceAttribute := &iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
  Name:     core.StringPtr("serviceName"),
  Value:    core.StringPtr("metrics-router"),
  Operator: core.StringPtr("stringEquals"),
policyResources := &iampolicymanagementv1.PolicyResource{
  Attributes: []iampolicymanagementv1.ResourceAttribute{
    *accountIDResourceAttribute, *serviceNameResourceAttribute}

options := iamPolicyManagementService.NewCreatePolicyOptions(

policy, response, err := iamPolicyManagementService.CreatePolicy(options)
if err != nil {
b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(policy, "", "  ")

Assigning access to IBM Cloud Metrics Routing by using Terraform

The following example is for assigning the Viewer role for IBM Cloud Metrics Routing:

Use metrics-router for the service name.

resource "ibm_iam_user_policy" "policy" {
  ibm_id = ""
  roles  = ["Viewer"]

  resources {
    service = "metrics-router"

For more information, see ibm_iam_user_policy.