IBM Cloud Docs
Enabling platform metrics

Enabling platform metrics

You can configure 1 instance only of the IBM Cloud Monitoring service per region to collect platform metrics in that location.

  • Platform metrics are metrics that are exposed by enabled-monitoring services and the platform in IBM Cloud.
  • To monitor platform metrics for a service instance, provision the IBM Cloud Monitoring instance in the same region where the IBM Cloud service instance that you want to monitor is provisioned.

In a region, before you configure a monitoring instance to collect platform metrics, check with the account or service administrator if another monitoring instance has already been configured. You may not have permissions to see all monitoring instances in the region.

Enabling a monitoring instance through the UI

To enable platform metrics in a region, complete the following steps:

Step 1. Provision a monitoring instance

Provision an instance of IBM Cloud Monitoring in the region where the service that you wish to monitor is running.

For example, if you are monitoring an Event Streams instance in the London region, then you must create a monitoring instance in London.

Step 2. Set on the platform metrics flag

  1. From the IBM Cloud dashboard, go to the menu icon menu icon > Observability to access the Observability dashboard.

  2. Select Monitoring > Options > Edit platform.

  3. Select a region.

  4. Choose the monitoring instance that will collect metrics from enabled services on that location.

  5. Click Select.

The main Observability page opens.

Enabling a monitoring instance from the command line

To enable platform metrics in a region, the instance that you want to configure to receive platform metrics must have set on the default_receiver property.

Complete the following steps:

  1. [Pre-requisite] Install the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Log in to the region in the IBM Cloud where the monitoring instance is running. Run the following command: ibmcloud login

  3. Set the resource group where the monitoring instance is running. Run the following command: ibmcloud target

    By default, the default resource group is set.

  4. Get the instance name. Run the following command: ibmcloud resource service-instances

    ibmcloud resource service-instances
  5. Get the plan ID of the instance.

    Run the following command. Look for the entry for the monitoring instance. Then, copy the value of the field resource_plan_id. This value is needed to update the instance.

    ibmcloud resource service-instances --long --output JSON
  6. Set on the default_receiver property. Run the following command:

    ibmcloud resource service-instance-update InstanceName --service-plan-id PlanID -p '{"default_receiver": true}'

    Where PlanID is the resource plan ID of your monitoring instance.