IBM Cloud Docs
Deploying OpenShift Data Foundation on VPC clusters

Deploying OpenShift Data Foundation on VPC clusters

OpenShift Data Foundation is a highly available storage solution that you can use to manage persistent storage for your containerized workloads in Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud® clusters.

Installing OpenShift Data Foundation from OperatorHub is not supported on IBM Cloud clusters. To install ODF, complete the following steps to deploy the cluster add-on.

Minimum required permissions
Administrator platform access role
Manager service access role for the cluster in IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.


Review the following prerequisites.

  1. Install or update the CLI.

  2. Create a VPC cluster with at least 3 worker nodes. For high availability, create a cluster with at least one worker node per zone across three zones. Each worker node must have a minimum of 16 CPUs and 64 GB RAM. Make sure each of your subnets have a public gateway attached.

    You can deploy OpenShift Data Foundation on 3 worker nodes of 16 CPUs and 32 GB RAM, but you must taint your worker nodes to run only ODF pods. You can't run any additional app workloads or system pods on your ODF nodes when you use this setup.

  3. Cluster versions 4.15 and later: Your cluster must have public internet access.

    1. Disable outbound traffic protection in your cluster.
      ibmcloud oc vpc outbound-traffic-protection disable --cluster CLUSTER
    2. Edit OperatorHub and change disableAllDefaultSources to false.
      oc edit operatorhub cluster -n openshift-marketplace
      disableAllDefaultSources: "false"
    3. Make sure that pods in the openshift-marketplace project are running before continuing.
      oc get po -n openshift-marketplace

Optional: Setting up an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance

Complete the following steps to create an IBM Cloud Object Storage instance which you can use as the default backing store in your ODF deployment. If you don't want to set up IBM Cloud Object Storage, you can skip this step and install the add-on.

If you want to set up IBM Cloud Object Storage as the default backing store in your storage cluster, create an instance of IBM Cloud Object Storage. Then, create a set of HMAC credentials and a Kubernetes secret that uses your Object Storage HMAC credentials. If you don't specify IBM Cloud Object Storage credentials during installation, then the default backing store in your storage cluster is created by using the PVs in your cluster. You can set up additional backing stores after deploying ODF, but you can't change the default backing store.

Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. Create an openshift-storage namespace in your cluster. The driver pods are deployed to this namespace. Copy the following YAML and save it as os-namespace.yaml on your local machine.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      labels: "true"
      name: openshift-storage
  2. Create the openshift-storage namespace by using the YAML file that you saved.
    oc create -f os-namespace.yaml
  3. Verify that the namespace is created.
    oc get namespaces | grep storage
  4. Create an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance.
    ibmcloud resource service-instance-create noobaa-store cloud-object-storage standard global
  5. Create HMAC credentials. Make a note of your credentials.
    ibmcloud resource service-key-create cos-cred-rw Writer --instance-name noobaa-store --parameters '{"HMAC": true}'
  6. Create the Kubernetes secret named ibm-cloud-cos-creds in the openshift-storage namespace that uses your Object Storage HMAC credentials. When you run the command, specify your Object Storage HMAC access key ID and secret access key. Note that your secret must be named ibm-cloud-cos-creds.
    oc -n 'openshift-storage' create secret generic 'ibm-cloud-cos-creds' --type=Opaque --from-literal=IBM_COS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id> --from-literal=IBM_COS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_access_key>
  7. Verify that your secret is created.
    oc get secrets -A | grep cos

Optional: Setting up encryption by using Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect

If you want to set up encryption, create an instance of Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect. Then, create a root key, and a Kubernetes secret that uses your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect credentials.

Your API key for Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect must have the following minimum required permissions:
Reader Plus
If you are using cluster wide encryption and storage class encryption, your API key must have the following required permissions:
Reader Plus
  1. Create an Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect service instance.

  2. Create a root key.

  3. After creating your instance and root key, make a note of your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance name, instance ID, root key ID, and public endpoint.

  4. Create a service ID, API key, and access policy that allows access to either Hyper Protect Crypto Services and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud or Key Protect and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud. Make a note of the API that you create.

  5. Private clusters: Create a virtual private endpoint gateway that allows access to your KMS instance. Make sure to bind at least 1 IP address from each subnet in your VPC to the VPE.

Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. List your namespaces to determine whether you have an openshift-storage namespace. If you don't have an openshift-storage namespace, create it.
    oc get namespaces | grep openshift-storage
    1. Create an openshift-storage namespace in your cluster. The driver pods are deployed to this namespace. Copy the following YAML and save it as os-namespace.yaml on your local machine.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: openshift-storage
    2. Create the openshift-storage namespace by using the YAML file that you saved.
      oc create -f os-namespace.yaml
    3. Verify that the namespace is created.
      oc get namespaces | grep storage
  2. Encode both the ID of your root key and the API key of the service ID that you created to base64.
    printf "ROOT-KEY-ID" | base64
    printf "SERVICE-ID-API-KEY" | base64
  3. Create the Kubernetes secret in the openshift-storage namespace that uses your Hyper Protect Crypto Services credentials.
    1. Save the following secret as a YAML file called ibm-hpcs-secret.yaml.
      apiVersion: v1
        IBM_KP_CUSTOMER_ROOT_KEY: AaAAAaZAAAAy11AAAyAAkaAaQtAAk0AAA2AzY5AjYaaa67aa # your base64 encoded root key ID
        IBM_KP_SERVICE_API_KEY: AAAaaajAAAAAncmAAaaaaAAAAdAAId1AtVjBJRU1aAAaAeTh1aEw=AaaaA # your base64 encoded API
      kind: Secret
        name: ibm-hpcs-secret
        namespace: openshift-storage
      type: Opaque
    2. Create the secret in your cluster.
      oc apply -f ibm-hpcs-secret.yaml
  4. Verify that your secret is created.
    oc get secrets -A | grep ibm-hpcs-secret

Installing the OpenShift Data Foundation add-on from the console

To install ODF in your cluster, complete the following steps.

  1. Before you enable the add-on, review the change log for the latest version information.

  2. Review the parameter reference.

  3. From the Red Hat OpenShift clusters console, select the cluster where you want to install the add-on.

  4. On the cluster Overview page, on the OpenShift Data Foundation card, click Install. The Install ODF panel opens.

  5. In the Install ODF panel, enter the configuration parameters that you want to use for your ODF deployment.

  6. Select either Essentials or Advanced as your billing plan. For more information about billing type, see Feature support by billing type.

  7. For VPC clusters, select Remote provisioning to dynamically provision volumes for ODF by using the Block Storage for VPC.

  8. In the OSD storage class name field, enter the name of the Block Storage for VPC ODF storage class that you want to use to provision storage volumes. For multizone clusters, use a storage class with the VolumeBindingMode of WaitForFirstConsumer. See the Storage Class Reference for more information.

  9. In the OSD pod size field, enter the size of the volume that you want to provision. Enter at least 512Gi.

  10. In the Worker nodes field, enter the node names of the worker nodes where you want to deploy ODF. You must enter at least 3 worker node names. To find your node names, run the oc get nodes command in your cluster. Node names must be comma-separated with no spaces between names. For example:,, this field blank to deploy ODF on all worker nodes.

  11. In the Number of OSD disks required field, enter the number of OSD disks (app storage) to provision on each worker node.

  12. If you want to encrypt the OSD volumes (cluster wide encryption) used by the ODF system pods, select Enable cluster encryption.

  13. If you want to enable encryption for the application volumes (app storage), select Enable volume encryption.

    1. In the Instance name field, enter a unique name for your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance.
    2. In the Instance type field, enter the type of encryption instance.
    3. In the Instance ID field, enter your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance ID. For example: d11a1a43-aa0a-40a3-aaa9-5aaa63147aaa.
    4. In the Secret name field, enter the name of the secret that you created using your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect credentials. For example: ibm-hpcs-secret.
    5. In the Base URL field, enter the public endpoint of your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance. For example:
    6. In the Token URL field, enter
  14. After you enter the parameters that you want to use, click Install

  15. Wait a few minutes for the add-on deployment to complete. When the deployment is complete, the add-on status is Normal - Addon Ready.

  16. Verify your installation. Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  17. Run the following command to verify the ODF pods are running.

    oc get pods -n openshift-storage
Next steps
Deploy an app that uses ODF.

Installing the add-on from the CLI

You can install the add-on by using the ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable command.

  1. Review the VPC parameter reference. When you enable the add-on, you can override the default values by specifying the --param "key=value" option for each parameter that you want to override.

  2. Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  3. List the openshift-data-foundation add-on versions. Make a note of the default version and determine the version that you want to install.

    ibmcloud ks cluster addon versions
  4. Before you enable the add-on, review the change log for the latest version information. Note that the add-on supports n+1 cluster versions. For example, you can deploy version 4.10.0 of the add-on to an OCP 4.9 or 4.11 cluster. If you have a cluster version other than the default, you must specify the --version option when you enable the add-on.

  5. Review the add-on options.

    ibmcloud oc cluster addon options --addon openshift-data-foundation --version 4.12.0

    Example add-on options for version 4.12.0

    Add-on Options
    Option                Default Value
    clusterEncryption     false
    hpcsTokenUrl          <Please provide the KMS token URL>
    osdDevicePaths        <Please provide IDs of the disks to be used for OSD pods if using local disks or standard classic cluster>
    ocsUpgrade            false
    autoDiscoverDevices   false
    hpcsServiceName       <Please provide the KMS Service instance name>
    hpcsSecretName        <Please provide the KMS secret name>
    osdSize               250Gi
    osdStorageClassName   ibmc-vpc-block-metro-10iops-tier
    billingType           advanced
    hpcsInstanceId        <Please provide the KMS Service instance ID>
    hpcsBaseUrl           <Please provide the KMS Base (public) URL>
    odfDeploy             true
    numOfOsd              1
    workerNodes           all
    hpcsEncryption        false
    ignoreNoobaa          false
  6. Enable the openshift-data-foundation add-on. If you want to override any of the default parameters, specify the --param "key=value" option for each parameter you want to override. If you don't want to create your storage cluster when you enable the add-on, you can enable the add-on first, then create your storage cluster later by creating a CRD.

    Example command to deploy add-on version 4.10 with the default storage cluster settings and encryption with Hyper Protect Crypto Services enabled.

    ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable openshift-data-foundation -c <cluster-name> --version 4.12.0 --param "odfDeploy=true" --param "hpcsTokenUrl=" --param "hpcsEncryption=true" --param "hpcsBaseUrl=<hpcs-instance-public-endpoint>" --param "hpcsInstanceId=<hpcs-instance-id>" --param "hpcsServiceName=<hpcs-instance-name>" --param "hpcsSecretName=<hpcs-secret-name>"

    Example command for deploying the ODF add-on only.

    ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable openshift-data-foundation -c <cluster_name> --version <version> --param "odfDeploy=false"

    Example command for deploying the ODF and creating a storage cluster with the default configuration parameters.

    ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable openshift-data-foundation -c <cluster_name> --version <version> 

    Example command for deploying the ODF and creating a storage cluster while overriding the osdSize parameter.

    ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable openshift-data-foundation -c <cluster_name> --version <version> --param "osdSize=500Gi"
  7. Verify the add-on is in a Ready state.

    oc get storagecluster -n openshift-storage

    Example output:

    NAME                 AGE   PHASE   EXTERNAL   CREATED AT             VERSION
    ocs-storagecluster   53m   Ready              2023-03-10T12:20:52Z   4.11.0
  8. Verify that the ibm-ocs-operator-controller-manager-***** pod is running in the kube-system namespace.

    oc get pods -A | grep ibm-ocs-operator-controller-manager
  9. If you enabled the add-on with odfDeploy set to false, follow the steps to create an ODF custom resource.

Installing the add-on from Terraform

  1. Create a Terraform provider file. Save the file in your Terraform directory. For more information, see the Terraform IBM Cloud Provider documentation.

    Example Terraform provider file.

    terraform {
    required_providers {
        ibm = {
        source = "IBM-Cloud/ibm"
        version = "1.53.0"
    provider "ibm" {
    region = "us-south"
    ibmcloud_api_key = "<api-key>"
  2. Create a Terraform configuration file for the ODF add-on. Save the file in your Terraform directory.

    Example configuration file.

    ibmcloud_api_key = "" # Enter your API Key
    cluster = "" # Enter the Cluster ID
    region = "us-south" # Enter the region
    # For add-on deployment
    odfVersion = "4.12.0"
    # For CRD Creation and Management
    autoDiscoverDevices = "false"
    billingType = "advanced"
    clusterEncryption = "false"
    hpcsBaseUrl = null
    hpcsEncryption = "false"
    hpcsInstanceId = null
    hpcsSecretName = null
    hpcsServiceName = null
    hpcsTokenUrl = null
    ignoreNoobaa = "false"
    numOfOsd = "1"
    ocsUpgrade = "false"
    osdDevicePaths = null
    osdSize = "250Gi"
    osdStorageClassName = "ibmc-vpc-block-metro-10iops-tier"
    workerNodes = null
  3. In the CLI, navigate to your Terraform directory.

    cd <terraform_directory>
  4. Run the commands to initialize and plan your Terraform actions. Review the plan output to make sure the correct actions are performed.

    terraform init
    terraform plan
  5. Apply the Terraform files to create the cluster. Then, navigate to the IBM Cloud console to check that the cluster is provisioning.

    terraform apply

Creating your ODF custom resource

To create an ODF storage cluster in your VPC cluster by using dynamic provisioning for your storage volumes, you can create a custom resource to specify storage device details.

If you want to use an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance as your default backing store, make sure that you created the service instance, and created the Kubernetes secret in your cluster. When you create the ODF CRD in your cluster, ODF looks for a secret named ibm-cloud-cos-creds to set up the default backing store that uses your Object Storage HMAC credentials.

  1. Create a custom resource definition called OcsCluster. Save one of the following custom resource definition files on your local machine and edit it to include the name of the your storage class that you created earlier as the monStorageClassName and osdStorageClassName parameters. For more information about the OcsCluster parameters, see the parameter reference.

    Example custom resource definition for installing ODF on all worker nodes on a 4.8 cluster.

    kind: OcsCluster
      name: ocscluster-vpc # Kubernetes resource names can't contain capital letters or special characters. Enter a name for your resource that uses only lowercase letters, numbers, `-` or `.`
      osdStorageClassName: <osdStorageClassName> # Specify an ODF storage class with a waitForFirstConsumer volume binding mode
      osdSize: <osdSize> # The OSD size is the total storage capacity of your OCS storage cluster. Use at least 250Gi OSDs for production workloads.
      numOfOsd: 1
      billingType: advanced
      ocsUpgrade: false

    Example custom resource definition for installing ODF only on specified worker nodes on a 4.8 cluster.

    kind: OcsCluster
      name: ocscluster-vpc # Kubernetes resource names can't contain capital letters or special characters. Enter a name for your resource that uses only lowercase letters, numbers, `-` or `.`
      osdStorageClassName: <osdStorageClassName> # Specify an ODF storage class with a waitForFirstConsumer volume binding mode
      osdSize: <osdSize> # The OSD size is the total storage capacity of your OCS storage cluster. Use at least 250Gi OSDs for production workloads.
      numOfOsd: 1
      billingType: advanced
      ocsUpgrade: false
      workerNodes: # Specify the private IP addresses of the worker nodes where you want to install OCS.
        - <workerNodes> # To get a list worker nodes, run `oc get nodes`.
        - <workerNodes>
        - <workerNodes>
  2. Save the file and create the OcsCluster custom resource to your cluster.

    oc create -f <ocs-cluster-filename>.yaml
  3. Verify that your OcsCluster is running.

    oc describe ocscluster ocscluster-vpc

    Example output

    Name:         ocscluster-vpc
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:
    Kind:         OcsCluster
        Creation Timestamp:  2021-03-23T20:56:51Z
    Generation:  1
    Managed Fields:
      API Version:
      Fields Type:  FieldsV1
      Manager:      oc
      Operation:    Update
      Time:         2021-03-23T20:56:51Z
      API Version:
      Fields Type:  FieldsV1
      Manager:         manager
      Operation:       Update
      Time:            2021-04-09T23:12:02Z
    Resource Version:  11372332
    Self Link:         /apis/
    UID:               aa11a1a1-111f-aace-afac-1fa1afe1111a
      Billing Type:            hourly
      Mon Size:                20Gi
      Mon Storage Class Name:  ibmc-vpc-block-10iops-tier
      Num Of Osd:              1
      Ocs Upgrade:             false
      Osd Size:                250Gi
      Osd Storage Class Name:  ibmc-vpc-block-10iops-tier
      Storage Cluster Status:  
    Events:                    <none>
  4. Deploy an app that uses ODF.

Scaling ODF

You can scale your ODF configuration by increasing the numOfOsd setting. When you increase the number of OSDs, ODF provisions that number of disks of the same osdSize capacity in GB in each of the worker nodes in your ODF cluster. However, the total storage that is available to your applications is equal to the osdSize multiplied by the numOfOsd.

Table 1. OpenShift Data Foundation scaling.
Number of worker nodes Initial osdSize numOfOsd Storage capacity available to applications Total storage of provisioned disks
3 250Gi 1 250Gi 750Gi
3 250Gi 2 500Gi 1500Gi
3 250Gi 3 750Gi 2250Gi
3 250Gi 4 1000Gi 3000Gi

Scaling by increasing the numOfOsd

Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. Get the name of your OcsCluster custom resource.

    oc get ocscluster
  2. Save your OcsCluster custom resource YAML file to your local machine as ocscluster.yaml.

    oc get ocscluster ocscluster-vpc -o yaml
  3. Increase the numOfOsd parameter and reapply the ocscluster CRD to your cluster.

    oc apply -f ocscluster.yaml
  4. Verify that the additional OSDs are created.

    oc get pv

Expanding ODF by adding worker nodes to your VPC cluster

To increase the storage capacity in your storage cluster, add compatible worker nodes to your cluster.

  1. Expand the worker pool of the cluster that is used for OCS by adding worker nodes. Ensure that your worker nodes meet the requirements for ODF. If you deployed ODF on all the worker nodes in your cluster, the ODF drivers are installed on the new worker nodes when they are added to your cluster.

  2. If you deployed ODF on a subset of worker nodes in your cluster by specifying the private <workerNodes> parameters in your OcsCluster custom resource, you can add the node name of the new worker nodes to your ODF deployment by editing the custom resource definition.

    oc edit ocscluster ocscluster-vpc
  3. Save the OcsCluster custom resource file to reapply it to your cluster.


Review the following limitations for deploying ODF.

Kubernetes resource ID character limit: Kubernetes PVC names must be fewer than 63 characters. If you deploy ODF in a multizone VPC cluster and create your ODF storage cluster by using a metro retain storage class such as ibmc-vpc-block-metro-retain-10iops-tier, the corresponding ODF device set that is created by using this storage class fails. For more information see ODF device set creation fails because of the Kubernetes character limitation.

Storage class reference

ODF storage class reference