IBM Cloud Docs
Why can't I add non-root user access to persistent storage?

Why can't I add non-root user access to persistent storage?

Classic infrastructure

After you add non-root user access to persistent storage or deploy a Helm chart with a non-root user ID specified, the user can't write to the mounted storage.

Your app deployment or Helm chart configuration specifies the security context for the pod's fsGroup (group ID) and runAsUser (user ID). Generally, a pod's default security context sets runAsNonRoot so that the pod can't run as the root user. Because the fsGroup setting is not designed for shared storage such as NFS file storage, the fsGroup setting is not supported, and the runAsUser setting is automatically set to 2020. These default settings don't allow other non-root users to write to the mounted storage.

To allow a non-root user read and write access to a file storage device, you must allocate a supplemental group ID in a storage class, refer to this storage class in the PVC, and set the pod's security context with a runAsUser value that is automatically added to the supplemental group ID. When you grant the supplemental group ID read and write access to the file storage, any non-root user that belongs to the group ID, including your pod, is granted access to the file storage.

You can use one of the provided gid storage classes or create your own storage class to define your own supplemental group ID.

Allocating a supplemental group ID for a non-root user of a file storage device is supported for single zone clusters only, and can't be used in multizone clusters.

  1. Select one of the provided gid storage classes to assign the default group ID 65531 to your non-root user that you want to read and write to your file storage. If you want to assign a custom group ID, create a YAML file for a customized storage class. In your customized storage class YAML file, include the gidAllocate: "true" parameter and define the group ID in the gidFixed parameter.

    Example storage classes for assigning the default group ID 65531.

    • ibmc-file-bronze-gid
    • ibmc-file-silver-gid
    • ibmc-file-gold-gid

    Example customized storage class to specify a different group ID.

    kind: StorageClass
      name: ibmc-file-bronze-gid-custom
      labels: "true"
      type: "Endurance"
      iopsPerGB: "2"
      sizeRange: "[1-12000]Gi"
      mountOptions: nfsvers=4.1,hard
      billingType: "hourly"
      reclaimPolicy: "Delete"
      classVersion: "2"
      gidAllocate: "true"
      gidFixed: "65165"

    To create the storage class in your cluster, run kubectl apply -f storageclass.yaml.

  2. Create a YAML file for your PVC that uses the storage class that you created.

    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    apiVersion: v1
    name: gid-pvc
      billingType: "monthly"
      - ReadWriteMany
        storage: 20Gi
    storageClassName: ibmc-file-bronze-gid
  3. Create the PVC in your cluster.

    kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
  4. Wait a few minutes for the file storage to be provisioned and the PVC to change to a Bound status. Note that if you created the PVC in a multizone cluster, the PVC remains in a pending state.

    kubectl get pvc

    Example output

    NAME      STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS           AGE
    gid-pvc   Bound    pvc-5e4acab4-9b6f-4278-b53c-22e1d3ffa123   20Gi       RWX            ibmc-file-bronze-gid   2m54s
  5. Create a YAML file for your deployment that mounts the PVC that you created. In the spec.template.spec.securityContext.runAsUser field, specify the non-root user ID that you want to use. This user ID is automatically added to the supplemental group ID that is defined in the storage class to gain read and write access to the file storage.

    Example for creating an node-hello deployment.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: gid-deployment
        app: gid
          app: gid
            app: gid
          - image:
            name: gid-container
            - name: gid-vol
              mountPath: /myvol
            runAsUser: 2020
          - name: gid-vol
              claimName: gid-pvc
  6. Create the deployment in your cluster.

    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  7. Verify that your pod is in a Running status.

    kubectl get pods

    Example output

    NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    gid-deployment-5dc86db4c4-5hbts   2/2     Running   0          69s
  8. Log in to your pod.

    kubectl exec <pod_name> -it -- bash

Verifying the read and write permissions for the non-root user

  1. List the user ID and group IDs for the current user inside the pod. The setup is correct if your non-root user ID is listed as uid and the supplemental group ID that you defined in your storage class is listed under groups.


    Example output

    uid=2020 gid=0(root) groups=0(root), 65531
  2. List the permissions for your volume mount directory that you defined in your deployment. The setup is correct if the supplemental group ID that you defined in your storage class is listed with read and write permissions in your volume mount directory.

    ls -l /<volume_mount_path>

    Example output

    drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody 65531 4096 Dec 11 07:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root   root  4096 Dec 11 07:30 ..
  3. Create a file in your mount directory.

    echo "Able to write to file storage with my non-root user." > /myvol/gidtest.txt
  4. List the permissions for the files in your volume mount directory.

    ls -al /mnt/nfsvol/

    Example output

    drwxrwxr-x 2 nobody      65531 4096 Dec 11 07:40 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root        root  4096 Dec 11 07:30 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 2020   4294967294   42 Dec 11 07:40 gidtest.txt .

    In your CLI output, the non-root user ID is listed with read and write access to the file that you created.

  5. Exit your pod.


If you need to change the ownership of the mount path from nobody, see App fails when a non-root user owns the NFS file storage mount path.