IBM Cloud Docs
Why can't I install a new strongSwan Helm chart release?

Why can't I install a new strongSwan Helm chart release?

Classic infrastructure

You modify your strongSwan Helm chart and try to install your new release by running helm install vpn iks-charts/strongswan -f config.yaml. However, you see the following error:

Error: release vpn failed: deployments.extensions "vpn-strongswan" already exists

This error indicates that the previous release of the strongSwan chart was not completely uninstalled.

Delete and re-install the Helm chart.

  1. Delete the previous chart release.
    helm uninstall vpn -n <project>
  2. Delete the deployment for the previous release. Deletion of the deployment and associated pod takes up to 1 minute.
    oc delete deploy vpn-strongswan
  3. Verify that the deployment has been deleted. The deployment vpn-strongswan does not appear in the list.
    oc get deployments
  4. Re-install the updated strongSwan Helm chart with a new release name.
    helm install vpn iks-charts/strongswan -f config.yaml