IBM Cloud Docs
Deploying OpenShift Data Foundation on Classic clusters

Deploying OpenShift Data Foundation on Classic clusters

OpenShift Data Foundation is a highly available storage solution that you can use to manage persistent storage for your containerized workloads in Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud® clusters.

Installing OpenShift Data Foundation from OperatorHub is not supported on IBM Cloud clusters. To install ODF, complete the following steps to deploy the cluster add-on.

Planning your setup

Before you install ODF in your cluster, you must make sure that the following prerequisite conditions are met:

To install OpenShift Data Foundation on classic clusters, you must enable VRF in your account.

  1. Install or update the oc CLI
  2. If you don't have virtual route forwarding (VRF) enabled in your account, enable VRF.
    1. After you have enabled VRF, enable Service endpoints.
  3. Review the SDS worker node flavors. In the tables for each metro area section, SDS flavors are in the Bare Metal tabs and end with .ssd.
  4. Create a classic cluster with a minimum of one worker node per zone across three zones. Choose worker nodes of flavor type mb4c.32x384.3.8tb.ssd or mb4c.20x64.2x1.9tb.ssd that have the required local disks for ODF.
  5. Prepare your classic cluster.

Optional: Setting up an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance

If you want to set up IBM Cloud Object Storage as the default backing store in your storage cluster, create an instance of IBM Cloud Object Storage. Then, create a set of HMAC credentials and a Kubernetes secret that uses your Object Storage HMAC credentials. If you don't specify IBM Cloud Object Storage credentials during installation, then the default backing store in your storage cluster is created by using the PVs in your cluster. You can set up additional backing stores after deploying ODF, but you can't change the default backing store.

Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. Create an openshift-storage namespace in your cluster. The driver pods are deployed to this namespace. Copy the following YAML and save it as os-namespace.yaml on your local machine.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      labels: "true"
      name: openshift-storage
  2. Create the openshift-storage namespace by using the YAML file that you saved.
    oc create -f os-namespace.yaml
  3. Verify that the namespace is created.
    oc get namespaces | grep storage
  4. Create an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance.
    ibmcloud resource service-instance-create noobaa-store cloud-object-storage standard global
  5. Create HMAC credentials. Make a note of your credentials.
    ibmcloud resource service-key-create cos-cred-rw Writer --instance-name noobaa-store --parameters '{"HMAC": true}'
  6. Create the Kubernetes secret named ibm-cloud-cos-creds in the openshift-storage namespace that uses your Object Storage HMAC credentials. When you run the command, specify your Object Storage HMAC access key ID and secret access key. Note that your secret must be named ibm-cloud-cos-creds.
    oc -n 'openshift-storage' create secret generic 'ibm-cloud-cos-creds' --type=Opaque --from-literal=IBM_COS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id> --from-literal=IBM_COS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_access_key>
  7. Verify that your secret is created.
    oc get secrets -A | grep cos

Optional: Setting up encryption by using Hyper Protect Crypto Services

If you want to set up encryption, create an instance of Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect. Then, create a root key, and a Kubernetes secret that uses your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect credentials.

Your API key for Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect must have the following minimum required permissions:
Reader Plus
If you are using cluster wide encryption and storage class encryption, your API key must have the following required permissions:
Reader Plus
  1. Create an Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect service instance.

  2. Create root key

  3. After creating your instance and root key, make a note of your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance name, instance ID, root key ID, and public endpoint.

  4. Create a service ID, API key, and access policy that allows access to either Hyper Protect Crypto Services and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud or Key Protect and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud. Make a note of the API that you create.

Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. List your namespaces to determine whether you have an openshift-storage namespace. If you don't have an openshift-storage namespace, create it.
    oc get namespaces | grep openshift-storage
    1. Create an openshift-storage namespace in your cluster. The driver pods are deployed to this namespace. Copy the following YAML and save it as os-namespace.yaml on your local machine.
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: openshift-storage
    2. Create the openshift-storage namespace by using the YAML file that you saved.
      oc create -f os-namespace.yaml
    3. Verify that the namespace is created.
      oc get namespaces | grep storage
  2. Encode both the ID of your root key and the API key of the service ID that you created to base64.
    printf "ROOT-KEY-ID" | base64
    printf "SERVICE-ID-API-KEY" | base64
  3. Create the Kubernetes secret in the openshift-storage namespace that uses your Hyper Protect Crypto Services credentials.
    1. Save the following secret as a YAML file called ibm-hpcs-secret.yaml.
      apiVersion: v1
        IBM_KP_CUSTOMER_ROOT_KEY: AaAAAaZAAAAy11AAAyAAkaAaQtAAk0AAA2AzY5AjYaaa67aa # your base64 encoded root key ID
        IBM_KP_SERVICE_API_KEY: AAAaaajAAAAAncmAAaaaaAAAAdAAId1AtVjBJRU1aAAaAeTh1aEw=AaaaA # your base64 encoded API
      kind: Secret
        name: ibm-hpcs-secret
        namespace: openshift-storage
      type: Opaque
    2. Create the secret in your cluster.
      oc apply -f ibm-hpcs-secret.yaml
  4. Verify that your secret is created.
    oc get secrets -A | grep ibm-hpcs-secret

Preparing your cluster for an OpenShift Data Foundation installation

Before you install OpenShift Data Foundation, prepare your cluster.

Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. Log in to each worker node in your cluster by using the oc debug command and complete the following steps.

    • Log in to the worker node. Replace <worker_node_IP> with the name of your worker node. To get the names of your worker nodes, run the oc get nodes command.

      oc debug node/<node name> -- chroot /host rm -rvf /var/lib/rook /mnt/local-storage
    • For each disk partition, clear the xfs file system on the worker node. If you don't clear the file system, the OSD is not created.

      file -sL /dev/<partition>
      wipefs -a /dev/<partition>
    • Edit the /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf file and change the value of the EnableControllerAttachDetach parameter to true.

      nano /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf
    • Save and exit by using ctrl + X.

    • Restart the kubelet.

      systemctl restart kubelet
    • Log out of the worker node.

  2. Repeat the previous steps to wipe the file system for each worker node that you want to use in your ODF deployment.

Getting your device details

You can use automatic disk discovery to find available devices for ODF. However, if you want to manually specify storage devices for ODF, complete the following steps to retrieve your storage device details.

Before you install ODF, get the details of the local disks on your worker nodes.

  1. Log in to your cluster and get a list of available worker nodes. Make a note of the worker nodes that you want to use in your OCS deployment.

    oc get nodes
  2. Log in to each worker node that you want to use for your ODF.

    oc debug node/<node-name>
  3. After you deploy the debug pod on the worker node, run the following command to allow host binaries.

    chroot /host
  4. List the available disks on the worker node.

  5. Review the command output for available disks. You can use only unmounted disks for ODF deployments, such as sdc disks in the following example. Note the initial storage capacity of your ODF deployment is equal to the size of the disk that you specify as the osd-device-path. In this example, the sdc disk is unmounted and has two available partitions: sdc1 and sdc2.

    sda      8:0    0   931G  0 disk
    |-sda1   8:1    0   256M  0 part /boot
    |-sda2   8:2    0     1G  0 part
     -sda3   8:3    0 929.8G  0 part /
    sdb      8:16   0 744.7G  0 disk
     -sdb1   8:17   0 744.7G  0 part /disk1
    sdc      8:32   0 744.7G  0 disk
    |-sdc1   8:33   0  18.6G  0 part
     -sdc2   8:34   0 260.8G  0 part
  6. For each unmounted disk that you want to use in your deployment, find the disk ID. In the following example, the ID for the sdc1 partition is scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bc310a64c6c9-part1 and the ID for the sdc2 partition is scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bc310a64c6c9-part2.

    ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/

    Example output

    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Feb  9 04:15 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bbb603150cc6 -> ../../sda
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Feb  9 04:15 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bbb603150cc6-part1 -> ../../sda1
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Feb  9 04:15 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bbb603150cc6-part2 -> ../../sda2
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Feb  9 04:15 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bbb603150cc6-part3 -> ../../sda3
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Feb  9 04:15 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bbf306bc28a7 -> ../../sdb
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Feb  9 04:15 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bbf306bc28a7-part1 -> ../../sdb1
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  9 Feb  9 04:17 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bc310a64c6c9 -> ../../sdc
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Feb 11 03:14 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bc310a64c6c9-part1 -> ../../sdc1
    lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Feb 11 03:15 scsi-3600605b00d87b43027b3bc310a64c6c9-part2 -> ../../sdc2
  7. Repeat the previous steps for each worker node that you want to use for your OpenShift Data Foundation deployment.

  8. Install ODF in your cluster.

Installing the add-on from the CLI

You can install the add-on by using the ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable command.

If you want to use an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance as your default backing store, make sure that you created the service instance, and created the Kubernetes secret in your cluster. When you create the ODF CRD in your cluster, ODF looks for a secret named ibm-cloud-cos-creds to set up the default backing store that uses your Object Storage HMAC credentials.

  1. Review the parameter reference. When you enable the add-on, you can override the default values by specifying the --param "key=value" option for each parameter that you want to override.

  2. Before you enable the add-on, review the change log for the latest version information. Note that the add-on supports n+1 cluster versions. For example, you can deploy version 4.10.0 of the add-on to an OCP 4.9 or 4.11 cluster. If you have a cluster version other than the default, you must specify the --version option when you enable the add-on.

    1. Review the add-on options for the version of the add-on that you want to deploy.
    ibmcloud oc cluster addon options --addon openshift-data-foundation --version 4.15.0

    For the best performance, it's recommended to include the resourceProfile option specified as performance. This option helps obtain enhanced performance levels based on the availability of resources during deployment. For more information on the resourceProfile option, see Performance profiles in the Red Hat OpenShift ODF documentation

    Note that the default storage classes for monStorageClassName and osdStorageClassName are Block Storage for VPC storage classes.

    Example add-on options for version 4.15.0

    Add-on Options
    Option                            Default Value
    osdStorageClassName               ibmc-vpc-block-metro-10iops-tier
    ocsUpgrade                        false
    billingType                       advanced
    autoDiscoverDevices               false
    hpcsBaseUrl                       <Please provide the KMS Base (public) URL>
    taintNodes                        false
    enableNFS                         false
    resourceProfile                   performance
    useCephRBDAsDefaultStorageClass   false
    clusterEncryption                 false
    hpcsEncryption                    false
    hpcsSecretName                    <Please provide the KMS secret name>
    encryptionInTransit               false
    disableNoobaaLB                   false
    osdSize                           512Gi
    numOfOsd                          1
    ignoreNoobaa                      true
    addSingleReplicaPool              false
    prepareForDisasterRecovery        false
    workerPool                        -
    odfDeploy                         true
    osdDevicePaths                    <Please provide IDs of the disks to be used for OSD pods if using local disks or standard classic cluster>
    workerNodes                       all
    hpcsServiceName                   <Please provide the KMS Service instance name>
    hpcsInstanceId                    <Please provide the KMS Service instance ID>
    hpcsTokenUrl                      <Please provide the KMS token URL>
  3. Enable the openshift-data-foundation add-on. If you want to deploy the ODF add-on only, you can specify the "odfDeploy=false" option. If you want to override any of the default parameters, specify the --param "key=value" option for each parameter you want to override. If you don't want to create your storage cluster when you enable the add-on, you can enable the add-on first, then create your storage cluster later by creating a CRD.

    Example command for enabling the add-on and automatically discovering local volumes, enabling the performance resource profile option, and enabling encryption with Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect.

    ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable openshift-data-foundation -c <cluster-name> --version VERSION --param "odfDeploy=true"  --param "resourceProfile=performance" --param "osdSize=250" --param "autoDiscoverDevices=true" --param "hpcsTokenUrl=" --param "hpcsEncryption=true" --param "hpcsBaseUrl=<hpcs-instance-public-endpoint>" --param "hpcsInstanceId=<hpcs-instance-id>" --param "hpcsServiceName=<hpcs-instance-name>" --param "hpcsSecretName=<hpcs-secret-name>"
  4. Verify the add-on is in a Ready state.

    ibmcloud oc cluster addon ls -c <cluster_name>
  5. Verify that the ibm-ocs-operator-controller-manager-***** pod is running in the kube-system namespace.

    oc get pods -A | grep ibm-ocs-operator-controller-manager
  6. If you enabled the add-on and set the odfDeploy=false option, follow the steps to create an ODF custom resource.

Installing the OpenShift Data Foundation add-on from the console

To install ODF in your cluster, complete the following steps.

Version 4.11 is currently available for new clusters only. You can't upgrade a 4.10 deployment to 4.11. However, you can continue using ODF version 4.10.

  1. Before you enable the add-on, review the change log for the latest version information. Note that the add-on supports n+1 cluster versions.
  2. Review the parameter reference.
  3. From the Red Hat OpenShift clusters console, select the cluster where you want to install the add-on.
  4. On the cluster Overview page, on the OpenShift Data Foundation card, click Install. The Install ODF panel opens.
  5. In the Install ODF panel, enter the configuration parameters that you want to use for your ODF deployment.
  6. Select either Essentials or Advanced as your billing plan.
  7. For classic clusters, select Local storage to use local volumes on the worker nodes.
  8. If you want to automatically discover the available storage devices on your worker nodes and use them in ODF, select Local disk discovery.
  9. If you want to manually specify the storage devices on your worker nodes that you want to use in ODF, enter a comma-separated list of the disk IDs that you want to use. To find these disk IDs, see Gathering your device details.
  10. In the Worker nodes field, enter the node names of the worker nodes where you want to deploy ODF. You must enter at least 3 worker node names. To find you node names, run the oc get nodes command in your cluster. Leave this field blank to deploy ODF on all worker nodes. Node names must be comma-separated with no spaces between names. For example:,,
  11. In the Number of OSD disks required field, enter the number of OSD disks (app storage) to provision on each worker node.
  12. If you are re-enabling the add-on to upgrade the add-on version, select the Upgrade ODF option.
  13. If you want to encrypt the volumes used by the ODF system pods, select Enable cluster encryption.
  14. If you want to enable encryption on the OSD volumes (app storage), select Enable volume encryption.
    1. In the Instance name field, enter the name of your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance. For example: Hyper-Protect-Crypto-Services-eugb.
    2. In the Instance ID field, enter your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance ID. For example: d11a1a43-aa0a-40a3-aaa9-5aaa63147aaa.
    3. In the Secret name field, enter the name of the secret that you created using your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect credentials. For example: ibm-hpcs-secret.
    4. In the Base URL field, enter the public endpoint of your Hyper Protect Crypto Services or Key Protect instance. For example:
    5. In the Token URL field, enter

Creating your storage cluster

To deploy ODF in your classic cluster, you can create a custom resource definition to specify your storage device details.

If you want to use an IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance as your default backing store, make sure that you created the service instance, and created the Kubernetes secret in your cluster. When you create the ODF CRD in your cluster, ODF looks for a secret named ibm-cloud-cos-creds to set up the default backing store by using your Object Storage HMAC credentials.

  1. Create a custom resource called OcsCluster. Save and edit the following custom resource definition to include the device paths for the local disks that you retrieved earlier. If you don't specify the optional workerNodes parameter, then all worker nodes in your cluster are used for the ODF deployment. Be sure to include the /dev/disk/by-id/ path when you specify your storage devices.

    • If your worker node has raw disks with partitions, you need one partition for the OSD and one partition for the MON per worker node. As a best practice, and to maximize storage capacity on partitioned disks, you can specify the smaller partition or disk for the MON, and the larger partition or disk for the OSD. Note that the initial storage capacity of your ODF configuration is equal to the size of the disk that you specify as the osd-device-path when you create your configuration.
    • If you devices aren't partitioned, you must specify one raw disk for the MON and one for the OSD for each worker node that you want to use.

    Example custom resource for installing ODF on all worker nodes in a version 4.8 cluster by using automatic disk discovery.

    kind: OcsCluster
      name: ocscluster-classic
      osdStorageClassName: localblock
      osdSize: "1"
      autoDiscoverDevices: true

    Example custom resource for installing ODF on all worker nodes in a version 4.8 cluster with partitioned disks.

    kind: OcsCluster
      name: ocscluster # Kubernetes resource names can't contain capital letters or special characters. Specify a name for your resource that uses only lowercase letters, numbers, `-` or `.`
      osdStorageClassName: localblock
      osdSize: "1"
      numOfOsd: 1
      billingType: advanced
      ocsUpgrade: false
        - <device-by-id> # Example: /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0000000a00a00a00000a0aa000a00a0a0-part2
        - <device-by-id> # Example: /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-1111111a11a11a11111a1aa111a11a1a1-part2
        - <device-by-id> # Example: dev/disk/by-id/scsi-2222222a22a22a22222a2aa222a22a2a2-part2
  2. Save the file and create the OcsCluster custom resource to your cluster.

    oc create -f <ocs_cluster_filename>
  3. Verify that your OcsCluster custom resource is running.

    oc describe OcsCluster ocscluster
  4. Deploy an app that uses ODF


You can't use both the ibmcloud-block-storage-plugin and the ODF add-on at the same time. To install ODF, you must first edit the /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf file and change the value of the EnableControllerAttachDetach parameter to true which changes the default volume attachment behavior for the cluster. This means you can't dynamically provision volumes by using the ibmc-block-* storage classes. Instead, you must create volumes by using the ODF storage classes.