IBM Cloud Docs
Block Storage for VPC PVC creation fails after API key reset

Block Storage for VPC PVC creation fails after API key reset

Infrastructure provider: VPC

After you reset your API key, Block Storage for VPC PVC creation fails with an IAM permission error.

Resetting your API key means the credentials the Block Storage for VPC cluster add-on uses to provision volumes are no longer valid. After resetting your API key, you must reset the Block Storage for VPC controller to use the latest API key for volume provisioning.

After resetting your API key, you must re-create the Block Storage for VPC controller pod. To re-create the controller pod, delete it by running the following command:

  1. Get the Block Storage for VPC controller pod name.

    oc get pods -n kube-system | grep ibm-vpc-block-csi-controller  
  2. Delete the Block Storage for VPC controller pod.

    oc delete pod -n kube-system POD_NAME