IBM Cloud Docs
Preparing apps for actions

Preparing apps for actions

IBM Cloud® Functions is deprecated. Existing Functions entities such as actions, triggers, or sequences will continue to run, but as of 28 December 2023, you can’t create new Functions entities. Existing Functions entities are supported until October 2024. Any Functions entities that still exist on that date will be deleted. For more information, see Deprecation overview.

Whether you bring an app with you, or you write a script specifically to respond to an event, your code must meet certain requirements before you create an action from it.

Each programming language has specific requirements to run, but most have the following general requirements:

  • The expected name for the entry point into the code is main by default. If your entry point is not main, a custom name can be specified when the action is created, so take note of that name.

  • Input parameters into your app and output results from your app must be formatted into a specific structure that can be passed between entities. The structure depends on your code language. For example, with Python apps, the input parameters must be a dictionary and the result of your app must be structured as a dictionary. Because you can also pass parameters in a structured object to your action. In JSON, for example, you might structure your code to expect an input parameter with JSON values from certain fields, like name and place.

    JSON input example

    {"name": "Dorothy", "place": "Kansas"}

    JavaScript example

    function main(params) {
        return {payload:  'Hello, ' + + ' from ' +};
  • If your app contains multiple files, they must be combined into one single file to be used in an action. You can either rewrite your code into one file or you can package the files and dependencies into a single archive file. If your runtime is not supported, you can package your app in a Docker image.

    Code compilation is not required, but if possible for your runtime, compiling your code in advance can improve performance.

Preparing JavaScript apps

Before you create an action, get your JavaScript code ready. Confirm that your code is structured properly, then decide whether it needs packaged.

Structuring JavaScript code

  • The expected name for the entry point function is main. If the function in your code is not main, take note of the name to specify it when the action is created.
  • The input parameters are passed as a JSON object.
  • The result of a successful activation is also a JSON object but is returned differently depending on whether the action is synchronous or asynchronous.


    function main() {
        return {payload: 'Hello world'};

Example with multiple functions

    function main() {
        return { payload: helper() }

    function helper() {
        return new Date();

Structuring JavaScript code with synchronous behavior

The JavaScript activation is synchronous when the main function either exits without executing a return statement or exits by executing a return statement that returns any value except a promise.

Example of synchronous code

// each path results in a synchronous activation
function main(params) {
    if (params.payload == 0) {
    } else if (params.payload == 1) {
        return {payload: 'Hello, World!'};
    } else if (params.payload == 2) {
        return {error: 'payload must be 0 or 1'};

Structuring JavaScript code with asynchronous behavior

JavaScript functions can continue to run in a callback function even after a return. The JavaScript activation is asynchronous if the main function exits by returning a promise. In this case, the system assumes that the action is still running until the promise is fulfilled or rejected. JavaScript functions that run asynchronously can return the activation result after the main function returns by returning a promise in your action.

Start by instantiating a new promise object and passing a callback function. The callback takes two arguments, resolve and reject, which are both functions. All your asynchronous code goes inside that callback. The action handler can have any name that conforms to the conventional signature of accepting an object and returning an object (or a Promise of an object).

In the following example, you can see how to fulfill a promise by calling the resolve function.

function main(args) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            resolve({ done: true });
        }, 2000);

This example shows how to reject a promise by calling the reject function.

function main(args) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            reject({ done: true });
        }, 2000);

In the examples, the following details are executed.

  • The main function returns a promise. The promise indicates that the activation isn't completed yet but is expected to in the future.
  • The setTimeout() JavaScript function waits for 2 seconds before it calls the promise's callback function, which represents the asynchronous code.
  • The promise's callback accepts the arguments resolve and reject, which are both functions.
    • The call to resolve() fulfills the promise and indicates that the activation completes normally.
    • A call to reject() can be used to reject the promise and signal that the activation completes abnormally.

Structuring JavaScript code with synchronous and asynchronous behavior

An action can be synchronous on some inputs and asynchronous on others, as shown in the following example.

function main(params) {
    if (params.payload) {
        // asynchronous activation
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          setTimeout(function() {
            resolve({ done: true });
          }, 2000);
        }  else {
        // synchronous activation
        return {done: true};

Example: Calling an external API with JavaScript

The following example invokes the external API for the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) service, which provides a unique image of our universe every day.

let rp = require('request-promise')

function main(params) {
    const options = {
        uri: "",
        json: true
    return rp(options)
    .then(res => {
        return { response: res }

A call is made to the NASA APOD API, and fields are extracted from the JSON result.

Next, create, and invoke the action to test it. The following example object is returned.

    "copyright": "Eric Houck",
    "date": "2018-03-28",
    "explanation": "Does an alignment like this occur only once in a blue moon? ...",
    "hdurl": "",
    "media_type": "image",
    "service_version": "v1",
    "title": "Blue Moon Tree",
    "url": ""

Packaging JavaScript code with the webpack module

Before you begin, review the packages that are included with the JavaScript runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app. The following steps assume that you are running the commands on a Linux-based distribution on a processor with AMD64-based architecture.

  1. Create a package.json file. Add webpack as a development dependency.

    "name": "my-action",
    "main": "dist/bundle.js",
    "scripts": {
        "prebuild": "NODE_ENV=development npm install",
        "build": "webpack --config webpack.config.js ",
        "deploy": "ibmcloud fn action update my-action dist/bundle.js --kind nodejs:20",
        "clean": "rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json dist"
    "dependencies": {
        "left-pad": "1.1.3"
    "devDependencies": {
        "webpack": "^5.72.0",
        "webpack-cli": "^4.9.2"
  2. Save the following webpack configuration code in a file named webpack.config.js.

    var path = require('path');
    module.exports = {
        entry: './index.js',
        output: {
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
        filename: 'bundle.js'
        target: 'node'
  3. Prepare your app code. In this example, which you can save as a file that is named index.js, the variable global.main is set as the main function of the app.


    function myAction(args) {
        const leftPad = require("left-pad")
        const lines = args.lines || [];
        return { padded: => leftPad(l, 30, ".")) }
    global.main = myAction;
  4. Install all dependencies locally.

    npm install
    npm run prebuild

    While most npm packages install JavaScript sources on npm install, some packages also install and compile platform-dependent binary file artifacts. Because this environment is Linux AMD64-based, the npm install must be executed on a similar platform. Otherwise the action invocations might not succeed.

  5. Build the webpack bundle locally.

    npm run build

    The file dist/bundle.js is created and deploys as the action source code.

    To avoid compatibility issues, you can use the runtime to build the webpack. Use the following command in the source directory to run steps 4 and 5 inside the container.

    docker run --rm -it --entrypoint "/bin/bash" -v $PWD:/nodejsAction ibmfunctions/action-nodejs-v20:1.0.0 -c "npm run prebuild && npm run build"
  6. Create the action by using the npm script or the ibmcloud fn action update CLI.

    • Run the following npm script.

      npm run deploy
    • Or run the following IBM Cloud CLI command.

      ibmcloud fn action update my-action dist/bundle.js --kind nodejs:20

    The bundle file that is built by webpack supports only JavaScript dependencies. Action invocations might fail if the bundle has other dependencies because these dependencies are not included with the file bundle.js.

  7. You can clean up the generated artifacts package-lock.json, node_modules and dist by using one of the following options.

    npm run clean


    docker run --rm -it --entrypoint "/bin/bash" -v $PWD:/nodejsAction ibmfunctions/action-nodejs-v20:1.0.0 -c "npm run clean"

Packaging JavaScript code as NPM files

As an alternative to writing all your action code in a single JavaScript source file, you can package your code as a npm package in a compressed file.

Before you begin, review the packages that are included with the JavaScript runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app. The following steps assume that you are running the commands on a Linux-based distribution on a processor with AMD64-based architecture.

  1. In the root directory, create the package.json and my-action.js file.

    Example package.json

        "name": "my-action",
        "main": "my-action.js",
        "dependencies" : {
        "left-pad" : "1.1.3"


    function myAction(args) {
        const leftPad = require("left-pad")
        const lines = args.lines || [];
        return { padded: => leftPad(l, 30, ".")) }
    exports.main = myAction;
  2. Install all dependencies locally.

    npm install <dependency>

    While most npm packages install JavaScript sources on npm install, some packages also install and compile platform-dependent binary file artifacts. Because this environment is Linux AMD64-based, the npm install must be executed on a similar platform. Otherwise the action invocations might not succeed.

  3. Create an archive that contains all files, including all dependencies.

    zip -r *

    Windows users Using the Windows Explorer action for creating the compressed file results in an incorrect file structure. Cloud Functions archive actions must have package.json at the root of the archive, but Windows Explorer places it inside a nested folder. Use the zip command instead.

NPM libraries with native dependencies

Node.js libraries can depend on native modules that are compiled during installation for the local runtime by using the npm install command. IBM Cloud runtimes are based on a Linux AMD64 platform, which requires that the native modules are compiled for that platform. If you are not using a Linux AMD64-based operating system, you can use the nodejs runtime Docker container to install the dependencies.

Zipped actions for Cloud Functions are limited to 48MB. If your zipped action exceeds this limit, you must create a custom docker image for your action.

  1. Run the following command to fetch the Node.js modules, compile the native dependencies and Create the zipped action code, including the node_modules directory.

    docker run --rm -it --entrypoint "/bin/bash" -v $PWD:/nodejsAction ibmfunctions/action-nodejs-v20:1.0.0 -c "npm install && zip -r *"
  2. Create the action by using the Cloud Functions CLI.

    ibmcloud fn action create my-action --kind nodejs:20

Using ES6 module in your action

If you want to use new ES6 modules in your Actions you will have to create a wrapper function to import the new modules. This wrapper consists of a global variable for your module you want to import and a function which imports the module as a promise.

To load extra more use promise chaining to load further ES6 modules. Add the variable name (let module_name) and the import code to add another ES6 module (.then( () => return import('other_module').then( module => module_name = module.<obj_to_load>))).

  1. Create the my-action.js file with the following content.

        let uuidv5;
        function main(params) {
            const MY_NAMESPACE = '1b671a64-40d5-491e-99b0-da01ff1f3341';
            console.log( "uuidv5 =  " + uuidv5)
            const triggerID = uuidv5('Hello, World!', MY_NAMESPACE);
            console.log("----> uuid module successfully loaded and trigger calculated  = ", triggerID)
            return { message: 'Hello World with id = ' + triggerID };
        function main_wrapper(params) {
            return import('uuid').then(module => uuidv5 = module.v5)
            //.then( () =>   return import('xxxxx').then( module => global_var_yy = module.<obj_to_load>))
            .then( () => {
                return main( params )
  2. Create the action and set the main action to main_wrapper.

    ibmcloud fn action create my-action my-action.js --main main_wrapper

    If you are creating a action with the Cloud Functions UI you must rename the main_wrapper function to main and the main function to something else, as the entry function in the UI is always main.

    When you create a zipped action, follow the previous guide and specify the entry point with exports.main = main_wrapper

  3. Invoke your action.

    ibmcloud fn action invoke my-action

How do I package my Python app for deployment in Cloud Functions

Structuring Python code

Python apps must consume a dictionary and produce a dictionary. The expected name for the entry point method is main. If the function in your code is not main, take note of the name to specify it when the action is created.


def main(args):
	name = args.get("name", "stranger")
	greeting = "Hello " + name + "!"
	return {"greeting": greeting}

Packaging multiple Python files into an archive

When to use this method

Your app uses multiple Python files, but does not require any dependencies or packages outside of the packages that are included with the base Python runtime. You can create a compressed file that includes your Python files and deploy the compressed file when you create your action.

Example command

ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> <> --kind python:3.11

For more information, see Packaging multiple Python files into a compressed file.

Packaging Python code with a local virtual environment in a compressed file

When to use this method

If your app requires dependencies that are not included with the base Cloud Functions Python runtime, you can install those dependencies into a virtualenv folder and then compress into a compressed file to deploy in Cloud Functions. Your compressed file must be smaller than the maximum codeSize as described in the Action Limits.

Example command

ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> <> --kind python:3.11

For more information, see Packaging Python code with a local virtual environment in a compressed file.

Packaging Python code with a Docker virtual environment in a compressed file

When to use this method

If your app requires dependencies that are not included with the base Cloud Functions Python runtime, you can install those dependencies into a virtualenv folder by using the Python environment inside the Cloud Functions Python runtime image. You can then compress the folder into a compressed file to deploy in Cloud Functions. Your compressed file must be smaller than the maximum codeSize as described in the Action Limits.

Example command

You can use the compressed file to create an action. Replace <file_path> with the file path to your compressed file.

ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> <> --kind python:3.11

For more information, see Packaging Python code with a Docker virtual environment in a compressed file.

Packaging large Python dependencies in a custom Docker image

When to use this method

Your app requires dependencies that are not included with the base Cloud Functions Python runtime. You can specify a base Cloud Functions image in your Dockerfile and also specify the dependencies to install when you build your Docker image. You can then specify your custom Docker image when you deploy your app in Cloud Functions. Note that only public Docker images are supported.

Example command

ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> <> --docker <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>

If your app code is larger than the maximum codeSize described in the Action Limits, you can combine this method with Packaging multiple Python files into a compressed file.

For more information, see Packaging large Python dependencies in a custom Docker image.

Packaging your app within a custom Docker image

When to use this method

Your app requires dependencies that are not included with the base Cloud Functions Python runtime and your app code, even when it is compressed into a .zip file, is still larger than the maximum codeSize as described in the Action Limits. If so, you can install those dependencies into a custom Docker image and include your app code in the action/exec folder of the Docker skeleton. You can then specify your custom Docker image when you deploy your app in Cloud Functions. During deployment, you do not need to specify for your app code. Note that only public Docker images are supported.

Example command

ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> --docker <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>

Packaging Python code

The following sections provide tutorials for how to package your Python app for deployment with Cloud Functions.

Before you begin

Review How do I package my Python app for deployment in Cloud Functions?.

Packaging multiple Python files into a compressed file

Package Python code and dependent modules in a compressed file. In this example, the source file that contains the entry point is and the helper modules are in a file called

Before you begin, review the packages that are included with the Python runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app.

  1. Create a test directory on your desktop.

  2. Save the following code as a file called in your test directory.

    from helper import helper
    def main(args):
    return helper(args)
  3. Save the following code as a file called in your test directory. This code accepts a name parameter and returns a greeting. If no name is specified, the name that is returned is stranger.

    def helper(dict):
        if 'name' in dict:
          name = dict['name']
          name = "stranger"
        greeting = "Hello from, " + name + "!"
        return {"greeting": greeting}
  4. To package your app as a compressed file, cd to your test directory and run the following command. In this example, the archive is called

    zip -r
  5. You can use then use the compressed file to create an action called hello. Replace <file_path> with the file path to your compressed file.

    ibmcloud fn action create hello <file_path>/test/ --kind python:3.11
  6. Test the action.

    ibmcloud fn action invoke hello --result

    Example output

    "greeting": "Hello from, stranger!"
  7. Test the action again and specify the name parameter. Replace the <your_name> parameter with your name.

    ibmcloud fn action invoke hello --result --param name <your_name>

    Example output

    "greeting": "Hello from, <your_name>!"

Packaging Python code with a local virtual environment in a compressed file

You can package Python dependencies by using a virtual environment, virtualenv. With the virtual environment, you can link additional packages that can be installed by using pip.

The setup of the local Python environment has a major impact on the compressed action file that is created. Some configurations (for example, non-default installation paths or mixed Python installations) can make the compressed action file fail during execution.

To minimize these dependencies on your local environment, use the Packaging Python code with a Docker virtual environment in a compressed file approach. This approach creates the compressed action file, but also leverages the Python environment inside the Cloud Functions Python runtime image itself so that both the generated action compressed file and the later execution environment fully match.

Before you begin

  • The following steps assume that you are running the commands on a Linux-based distribution on a processor with AMD64-based architecture.

  • Review the packages that are included with the Python runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app.

  • Make sure that the locally installed Python version to create the compressed action file (for example, Python 3.11.x) matches the Cloud Functions kind that is chosen to later create the action (--kind python:3.11).

  • Install the virtualenv Python package.

    pip install virtualenv

To package your app:

  1. Create a directory that you can use to create your virtual environment. In this example, a jokes directory is created on the desktop. After you create the jokes directory, cd to it.

    cd desktop; mkdir jokes; cd jokes
  2. From the jokes directory, create a virtual environment named virtualenv.

    The virtual environment must be named virtualenv.

    virtualenv virtualenv

    Example output

    created virtual environment in 398ms
        creator CPython3Posix(dest=/action/Projects/python/virtualenv, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False)
        seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/root/.local/share/virtualenv)
            added seed packages: pip==21.2.4, setuptools==58.0.4, wheel==0.37.0
        activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator
  3. From your jokes directory, activate your virtualenv virtual environment.

    source virtualenv/bin/activate
  4. Ensure the Python version inside the virtual environment matches the version as specified with the --kind option when you create the action later on (for example, python:3.11). To check the actual version,

    python --version
  5. Install the pyjokes module.

    (virtualenv) $ pip install pyjokes

    Example output

        Collecting pyjokes
            Using cached pyjokes-0.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
        Installing collected packages: pyjokes
        Successfully installed pyjokes-0.6.0
  6. Stop the virtualenv virtual environment.

    (virtualenv) $ deactivate
  7. Copy the following code and save it into a file called in your jokes directory.

    import pyjokes
    def joke(params):
        return {"joke": pyjokes.get_joke()}
  8. From your jokes directory, create an archive of the virtualenv folder and your file. These files must be in the top level of your .zip file.

    zip -r virtualenv

    Example output

    adding: virtualenv (stored 0%)
    adding: (deflated 18%)
  9. Create an action called jokes that uses your file. You must also specify the entry point as jokes. You must also specify the --kind flag for the runtime.

    ibmcloud fn action create jokes </path/to/file/> --kind python:3.11 --main joke

    Example output

    ok: created action jokes
  10. Invoke the action to verify it is working. Include the --result flag to return the result in the command line.

    ibmcloud fn action invoke jokes --result

    Example output

    "joke": "A QA engineer walks into a bar. Runs into a bar. Crawls into a bar. Dances into a bar. Tiptoes into a bar. Rams a bar. Jumps into a bar."

You can use this method to extend the functionality of Cloud Functions actions by using other Python packages.

Packaging Python code with a Docker virtual environment in an archive

You can package Python dependencies by using a virtual environment, virtualenv. By using the virtual environment, you can link more packages that can be installed by using pip.

This approach is recommended when you want to add additional required python packages. It ensures that the generated compressed action file is compatible with the Python runtime used for later execution of the action.

Before you begin

  • Review the packages that are included with the Python runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app.
  • The following steps assume that you are running the commands on a Linux-based distribution on a processor with AMD64-based architecture.

Package your app by completing the following steps.

  1. Create a directory that you can use to create your virtual environment. In this example, a test directory is created on the desktop. After you create the test directory, cd to it.

    cd desktop; mkdir test; cd test
  2. Create a requirements.txt External link icon in your file in your test directory that contains the pip modules and versions to install.

    touch requirements.txt
  3. Use vim to edit the requirements.txt file. Enter the names of the pip modules and versions you want to install. In this example, pyjokes is the module that is used.

    vim requirements.txt

    Example requirements.txt

  4. Press ESC, then :wq to save and close your requirements.txt file.

    To keep the virtualenv to a minimum size, add only the modules that are not part of the selected runtime environment to the requirements.txt. For more information about the packages that are included in Python runtimes, see the Python runtime reference.

    • For python:3.11, use the Docker image ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.11.
    • For python:3.9, use the Docker image ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.9.
    • For python:3.7, use the Docker image ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.7.
    • For python:3.6, use the Docker image ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.6.


    docker pull ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.9:1.0.0

    Example output

    Using default tag: latest
    latest: Pulling from ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.9:1.0.0
  5. Create a virtual environment and install the additional Python packages.

    The virtual environment directory must be named virtualenv to create a virtualenv folder in the test directory.

    docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/tmp" --entrypoint "/bin/bash" ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.9:1.0.0 -c "cd /tmp && virtualenv virtualenv && source virtualenv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt"

    This command instantiates a container (docker run) based on the runtime image selected and mounts the current working directory ($PWD) as /tmp into the container (-v "$PWD:/tmp"). Inside the container, it then changes to the /tmp directory cd /tmp, creates and activates the virtualenv (virtualenv virtualenv && source virtualenv/bin/activate), and runs the pip install to add the selected packages. The container is deleted when the command completes (--rm). The directory structure of the created virtualenv and finally, the installed packages can be found in the folder virtualenv in your current directory.

    Example output

    created virtual environment in 3291ms
        creator CPython3Posix(dest=/tmp/virtualenv, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False)
        seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/root/.local/share/virtualenv)
            added seed packages: pip==21.3.1, setuptools==60.2.0, wheel==0.37.1
        activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator
    Collecting pyjokes
        Downloading pyjokes-0.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
    Installing collected packages: pyjokes
    Successfully installed pyjokes-0.6.0
  6. Save the following code as in your test directory. When you create actions with a compressed file, the source file that contains the entry point must be named

    import pyjokes
    def joke(params):
        return {"joke": pyjokes.get_joke()}
  7. To deploy this code as an action, you must create a compressed file of the virtualenv folder and the file.

    Sometimes, the resulting compressed file is larger than the maximum codeSize as described in the Action Limits allowed by Cloud Functions. To reduce the size of the compressed file, select only the dependencies that you need, rather than selecting the entire virtualenv folder. The packages that you need can be found in the site-packages directory within the virtualenv folder. Note that you must also include the file from the bin directory of your virtualenv folder in your compressed file.

    zip -r virtualenv
  8. Create an action called pyjoke by using the file. Make sure to use the --kind corresponding to the runtime image used to create the compressed action file. Otherwise, the action fails to execute during invoke.

    ibmcloud fn action create pyjoke <file_path>/ --kind python:3.11
  9. Invoke the action to test that the pyjoke module is working.

    ibmcloud fn action invoke pyjoke --result

    Example output

        "joke": "A QA engineer walks into a bar. Runs into a bar. Crawls into a bar. Dances into a bar. Tiptoes into a bar. Rams a bar. Jumps into a bar."

Packaging large Python dependencies in a custom Docker image

Cloud Functions has a size limit for the app code, see maximum codeSize described in the Action Limits. However, you can install large packages and dependencies into a custom Docker image and deploy it with your app code when you create an action. You can then import the packages at run time.

In this example, install large Python packages such as matplotlib and seaborn to build a Cloud Functions web action that generates a PNG file of a joint plot with seaborn.

Before you begin

  • Review the packages that are included with the Python runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app.
  • The following steps assume that you are running the commands on a Linux-based distribution on a processor with AMD64-based architecture.

Only public Docker images are supported.

Package the app in a custom Docker image by completing the following steps.

  1. Create a directory that you can use to create your Dockerfile. In this example, a functions directory is created on the desktop. After you create the functions directory, cd to it.

    cd desktop; mkdir functions; cd functions
  2. Create a Dockerfile External link icon in your functions directory.

    touch Dockerfile
  3. Use vim to edit the Dockerfile file. Enter the names of the pip modules and versions you want to install. In this example, several additional Python modules are installed.

    vim Dockerfile
  4. Paste or enter the following text in your Dockerfile.

    FROM ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.9:1.0.0
    RUN pip install \
        --upgrade pip \
        matplotlib \
        seaborn \
        pandas \
  5. Press ESC, then :wq and Enter to save and close your Dockerfile.

  6. From your functions directory, you can run docker build to build a Docker image by using your Dockerfile.

    docker build -t <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name> .

    You can also run docker build commands with this format:

    docker build . -t <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>
  7. The image builds and installs the dependencies that you specified in your Dockerfile.

        [+] Building 0.1s (6/6) FINISHED
        => [internal] load build definition from                                                                                                                    0.0s
        => => transferring dockerfile: 40B                                                                                                                                        0.0s
        => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                                                                          0.0s
        => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                                                                            0.0s
        => [internal] load metadata for                                                                                           0.0s
        => [1/2] FROM                                                                                                             0.0s
        => CACHED [2/2] RUN pip install     --upgrade pip     matplotlib     seaborn     pandas     statsmodels                                                                   0.0s
        => exporting to image                                                                                                                                                     0.0s
        => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                                    0.0s
        => => writing image sha256:4a0d140e65fc379d8c25d18fce9aedd580203f768f43da011149993cd57565d4                                                                               0.0s
        => => naming to

  8. Push your image to Docker Hub.

    docker push <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>

    Be sure to log in to Docker Hub before you attempt to push your image.

  9. Save the following code as in your functions directory. This code generates a joint plot in seaborn that uses random data. You can then create a web action with Cloud Functions to return the plot to a Cloud Functions endpoint.

    # import modules
    import base64
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import seaborn as sns
    # optional: set seaborn style
    def main(args):
        #generate a jointplot from random data.
        x, y = np.random.randn(2, 300)
        g = (sns.jointplot(x,y, kind="hex", color="#9b59b6")
                .set_axis_labels("x", "y"))
        # save the plot as a .png so that it can be base64 encoded/decoded.
        # open, read, and encode the image.
        image = base64.b64encode(open("output.png", "rb").read())
        # decode the image into a string.
        data = image.decode('utf-8')
        # return the string as a JSON web request.
        return {
            'body': data,
            'statusCode': 200,
            'isBase64Encoded': 'true',
            'headers': {'Content-Type': 'image/png'}
  10. Create a web action called seaborn by using the custom Docker image that you created that contains the required Python dependencies to run a joint plot.

    ibmcloud fn action create seaborn --docker <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name> --web true

    Example output

    ok: created action seaborn
  11. Invoke the action to test it. Invoking the action returns the base64 string for the generated joint plot.

    ibmcloud fn action invoke seaborn --result

    Example output

        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "image/png"
        "isBase64Encoded": "true",
        "statusCode": 200
  12. Because this action is a web action, you can use the action get command to return the URL.

    ibmcloud fn action get seaborn --url

    Example output

    ok: got action seaborn<namespace_ID>/default/seaborn
  13. Copy and paste the URL into your browser to see the generated joint plot. Refresh the page to invoke the action and generate a new plot.

You can use this method of building custom Docker images to install large dependencies rather than packaging them with your app.

Preparing apps in Docker images

With Cloud Functions, you can write your app in any language and package it as a Docker image.

You can use images from public registries only, such as an image that is publicly available on Docker Hub. Private registries are not supported. For more information about some possible workarounds, see Large Applications on OpenWhisk and Large (Java) Applications on Apache OpenWhisk.

Before you begin

Creating a custom Docker image for your action

In a Dockerfile, you can specify a Cloud Functions base runtime image by using the FROM instruction. You can use the RUN instruction to specify dependencies and packages to install in your Docker image. For more information about creating a Dockerfile, see the Dockerfile reference.

You can see a list of ibmfunctions Docker base images on Docker Hub.

Cloud Functions limits app code to the maximum codeSize as described in the Action Limits.

  1. Create a test directory on your Desktop and cd to it.

    cd desktop; mkdir test; cd test
  2. Create a Dockerfile in your test directory and open it in vim.

    touch Dockerfile; vim Dockerfile
  3. Press the i key to edit your Dockerfile.

  4. Specify a Cloud Functions base image with the FROM argument in your Dockerfile.

  5. Install any packages and dependencies by specifying them RUN argument followed by the installation commands for your dependencies.

  6. Press ESC, then :wq and Enter to save and close your Dockerfile.

    Example Dockerfile for installing Python dependencies

    The following example uses ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.7 as a base image and installs the Python modules: matplotlib, pandas, and statsmodels.

    FROM ibmfunctions/action-python-v3.7
    RUN pip install \
        --upgrade pip \
        matplotlib \
        pandas \
  7. Build your custom Docker image.

    docker build -t <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>
  8. Push your image to Docker Hub.

    docker push <dockerhub_username>/<repo_name>:<tag_name>

    Be sure to log in to Docker Hub before you attempt to push your image.

Deploying an action with a custom Docker image

When you create your Cloud Functions action, you can combine your app file with a public Docker image to create a custom runtime environment. The action is invoked with the Docker image.

Run the action create command and include the --docker flag to specify a Docker image for your app to use.

ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> --docker <dockerhub_username>/<image_name> <app_file>

You can also deploy a compressed file with a Docker image to create an action. You can use the previous command and replace <app_file> with your compressed file. You can use this method to deploy large app files or incorporate large dependencies.

To see an example deployment of a custom Docker image with a Cloud Functions action, see Packaging large Python dependencies in a custom Docker image.

Preparing Go Apps

You can create Actions by using Golang.

Use a single file for quick testing or development purposes. For production apps, pre-compile your Go actions into an executable file for better performance. To deploy actions made up of multiple source files and including third-party libraries, package them as compressed file and deploy the file. When deploying a compressed file, specify the runtime by using the kind parameter (--kind=go:1.21)

Although you can create a compressed file on any Go platform by cross-compiling with GOOS=Linux and GOARCH=amd64, use the pre-compilation feature that is embedded in the runtime container image(docker run -i openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly ...). You can package multiple source files or vendor libraries.

The following steps assume that you are running the commands on a Linux-based distribution on a processor with AMD64-based architecture. You must install the ibmcloud cli to run the commands. Note that some examples also require Docker.

Structuring Go Apps

When you structure your Go code, note that the expected name for the entry point package is main. If the package in your code is not main, take note of the name to specify it when the action is created (--name <your name>). The package must also be public (start with an upper-case letter).

This example creates a simple Hello World action in Go.

    package main

    import "fmt"

    // Main is the function implementing the action
    func Main(params map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
        // parse the input JSON
        name, ok := params["name"].(string)
        if !ok {
            name = "World"
        msg := make(map[string]interface{})
        msg["body"] = "Hello " + name + "!"
        // can optionally log to stdout (or stderr)
        fmt.Println("hello Go action")
        // return the output JSON
        return msg

Actions that are written in Go can be deployed as source code or as pre-compiled executable files in a compressed format. If your actions require only one source file, you can edit its contents directly in the Functions action window in the IBM Cloud console if you create the action without pre-compiling it.

Use the following steps to create actions that use Go.

  1. Create the function that you want to deploy.
  2. (optional) If you have more than one file, package the files as a compressed file, otherwise skip this step (see the following examples)
  3. (optional) Compile the go/zip file by using the Docker image (docker run -i openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly -compile ...). This step returns a compressed file that contains the executable file.
  4. Create the action by using the ibmcloud cli.

These steps are used in each of the following examples.

Creating a simple Golang Action

You can create a simple action in Go by creating a file that contains a Go function.

  1. Create the Go file that contains the function. The default entry name is Main. You can change this name to any different public function name (Uppercase first character) if it is specified by using the --main parameter with the ibmcloud fn action create <action_name> <action_file> --main <function_name> command; for example, --main hello if the function is named Hello.


    package main
    import "fmt"
    // Main is the function implementing the action
        func Main(params map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
          // parse the input JSON
            name, ok := params["name"].(string)
            if !ok {
                name = "World"
            msg := make(map[string]interface{})
            msg["body"] = "Hello " + name + "!"
            // can optionally log to stdout (or stderr)
            fmt.Println("hello Go action")
            // return the output JSON
            return msg
  2. (optional) If you want to pre-compile the function to an executable file that is stored in a compressed format first,

    docker run -i openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly -compile main <main.go >

    < and > are bash input output redirects and are part of the command.

    Specify the generated compressed file ( as the file for the action create command.

  3. Create an action by using the Cloud Functions managed go:1.21 runtime. If your action is not called main, specify the function name with --name <your action name>.

    With the source code (main.go),

    ibmcloud fn action create simple-action main.go

    With the pre-compiled compressed file (,

    ibmcloud fn action create simple-action

    Alternatively if you want to pin the runtime image to a fixed runtime image version, use the --docker tag.

    ibmcloud fn action create simple-action main.go --docker openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly

    If you pin the action to a fixed runtime, it cannot change or receive security fixes.

Create a Golang action made up of multiple packages

You can create an action that includes multiple Go packages. Each package must include a go.mod file.

├── go.mod
├── hello
│   ├── go.mod
│   └── hello.go
└── main.go
  1. Create the following example files as shown in the following examples.


    package main
    import (
    func Main(args map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
        return hello.Hello(args)


    module action
    go 1.21
    replace hello => ./hello
    require hello v0.0.0


    package hello
    import (
    func Hello(args map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
        msg := make(map[string]interface{})
        greetings := "world"
        name, ok := args["name"].(string)
        if ok {
            greetings = name
        msg["msg"] = "Hello, " + greetings
        fmt.Printf("Hello, %s\n", greetings)
        return msg


    module hello
    go 1.19
  2. Compress the source code files into a compressed file that is called

    zip -r main.go go.mod hello/hello.go hello/go.mod

    This command compresses the files main.go go.mod hello/hello.go hello/go.mod into For more information about the zip command, use man zip.

    If you are pre-compiling your code you might have to generate a go sum by running go mod tidy and adding it to your zip

  3. (Optional) If you want to pre-compile the code, you can compile your compressed source code with the Docker runtime image using -compile

    Compile the function to an executable file that is stored in a compressed format and uses the go runtime itself.

    docker run -i openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly -compile main < >

    < and > are bash input output redirects and are part of the command.

  4. Create the action. Note that the runtime must be specified as --kind=go:1.21.


    ibmcloud fn action create multiple-packag-action --kind=go:1.21

    With pre-compiled code (

    ibmcloud fn action create multiple-packag-action --kind=go:1.21

    Alternatively, if you want to pin the runtime image to a fixed runtime image version, use the --docker tag.

    ibmcloud fn action create multiple-packag-action --docker openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly

    If you pin the action to a fixed runtime, the runtime cannot change or receive security fixes.

Create an action by using external libraries with Go modules

You can create an action by using third-party libraries with Go modules. For more information about Go modules, see Go module doc.

If the action has not been pre-compiled, then the libraries are downloaded at the action execution time. If you pre-compile the action, then the libraries are already packaged into the binary and don't need to be downloaded during the action execution time.

├── go.mod
└── main.go
  1. Create the function.


    package main
    import (
    func init() {
        zerolog.TimeFieldFormat = ""
    // Main function for the action
    func Main(obj map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
        name, ok := obj["name"].(string)
        if !ok {
            name = "world"
        log.Debug().Str("name", name).Msg("Hello")
        msg := make(map[string]interface{})
        msg["module-main"] = "Hello, " + name + "!"
        return msg


    module action
    go 1.21
    require v1.19.0
  2. Compress the source code to a compressed file that is called

    zip -r main.go go.mod 

    This example compresses main.go and go.mod files to

    If you are pre-compiling your code you might have to generate a go sum by running go mod tidy and adding it to your zip

  3. If you want to pre-compile the code, use the compressed source code ( and compile it with the docker runtime image with the -compile command.

    1. Compile the function to an executable file that is stored in a compressed format (

      docker run -i openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly -compile main < >

      < and > are bash input output redirects and are part of the command.

    2. Specify the compressed file ( as the file for the action create command. The runtime kind must be specified when you use a compressed file; for example, --kind=go:1.19.

  4. Create the action. The runtime must be specified with --kind=go:1.21.


    ibmcloud fn action create module-action --kind=go:1.21

    With pre-compiled code (

    ibmcloud fn action create module-action --kind=go:1.21

    Alternatively if you want to pin the runtime image to a fixed runtime image version, use the --docker tag.

    ibmcloud fn action create module-action --docker openwhisk/action-golang-v1.21:nightly

    If you pin the action to a fixed runtime, the runtime cannot change or receive security fixes.

Preparing PHP apps

Before you create an action, get your PHP code ready.

Structuring PHP code

When you structure your code, note that the expected name for the entry point function is main. If the function in your code is not main, take note of the name to specify it when the action is created. PHP actions always consume an associative array and return an associative array.


function main(array $args) : array
    $name = $args["name"] ?? "stranger";
    $greeting = "Hello $name!";
    echo $greeting;
    return ["greeting" => $greeting];

Packaging PHP code

You can package PHP files or dependent packages in a compressed file.

Before you begin, review the packages that are included with the PHP runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app.

To package your app, run the following command.

zip -r <archive_name>.zip <file_1>.php <file_2>.php

For example, package the following code examples.

  1. Create the code examples.


        include 'helper.php';
        function main(array $args) : array
            $name = $args["name"] ?? "stranger";
            $help = help($name);
            return ["help" => $help];


        function help($name) {
            return "Hello " . $name . " the answer to life the universe and everything is 42";
  2. Compress the code examples.

    zip -r index.php helper.php 
  3. Create the action.

    ibmcloud fn action create packagePHP --kind=php:7.4

Packaging Composer modules

You can package extra Composer modules into your action

Before you begin, review the packages that are included with the php runtime to see whether a dependency of your app is already included with the runtime. If your dependency is not included, you must package it with your app. The following steps assume that you are running the commands on a Linux-based distribution on a processor with AMD64-based architecture.

  1. In the root directory, create a index.php and composer.json file.


    use Mpociot\ChuckNorrisJokes\JokeFactory;
    function main(array $args) : array
        $jokes = new JokeFactory();
        $joke = $jokes->getRandomJoke();
        return ["joke" => $joke];


        "require": {
            "mpociot/chuck-norris-jokes": "^1.0"
  2. Install all dependencies locally.

    composer install

    While most php packages install PHP sources on composer install, some packages also install and compile platform-dependent binary file artifacts. Because this environment is Linux AMD64-based, the php install must be executed on a similar platform. Otherwise the action invocations might not succeed.

  3. Create an archive that contains all files, including all dependencies.

    zip -r *

    Windows users Using the Windows Explorer action for creating the compressed file results in an incorrect file structure. Cloud Functions archive actions must have index.php and composer.json at the root of the archive, but Windows Explorer places it inside a nested folder. Use the zip command instead.

  4. Create the Function

    ibmcloud fn action create chuckJoke --kind=php:7.4

Preparing Java apps

Before you create an action, get your Java code ready.

Structuring Java code

A Java action is a Java program with a method called main. main must have the following signature.

public static main(;
  • You must specify the name of the main class by using --main. An eligible main class is one that implements a static main method. If the class is not in the default package, use the Java fully qualified class name, for example, --main com.example.MyMain.
  • You can customize the method name of your Java action by specifying the fully qualified method name of your action, for example, --main com.example.MyMain#methodName.

Packaging Java code

Package your code by creating a .jar file.

Before you begin

You must have JDK 8 installed locally. This example uses the google-gson-2.9.0.jar.

If you are working with a JDK version other than JDK 8, you must specify --release 8 when you compile your code with the javac command.

To create a Java action, complete the following steps.

  1. Save the following code in a file named

    public class Hello {
        public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
            String name = "stranger";
            if (args.has("name"))
                name = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString();
            JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
            response.addProperty("greeting", "Hello, " + name + "!");
            return response;
  2. Download the gson-2.9.0.jar.

  3. Add the gson-2.9.0.jar to your ClASSPATH. This example uses gson-2.9.0.jar, which is saved in a test folder in the Desktop directory.

    export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/Users/Desktop/test/gson-2.9.0.jar
  4. Add the bin folder of your JDK to your CLASSPATH. This example uses openjdk-8.

    export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/bin
  5. Verify the JDK bin folder and gson-2.9.0.jar are in your CLASSPATH.

    echo $CLASSPATH

    Example output

  6. Navigate to the folder where your file is stored. In this example, the file is saved to the Desktop/test folder.

    cd Desktop/test
  7. Compile your file into a class file.

  8. Compress the class file into a .jar file named hello.jar.

    jar cvf hello.jar Hello.class

You can create an action with your hello.jar. Because the class file you created does not use the default name main, you must set the --main flag to Hello when you create your action. The --main flag must match your Java class. For more information, see Creating actions.

When you update your Java code, you must repeat these steps to recompile your code into a new .jar file.

Packaging Java code with Gradle

Instead of compiling from the command line, you can use a build a tool such as Gradle to fetch the libraries from a repository like Maven Central. You can use Gradle to fetch and build a final .jar archive that includes your code and all dependencies.

The following example uses Gradle to build a Java action that leverages the library that provides the functionality to generate a QR code image.

  1. Create a file that is named build.gradle and specify the dependencies.

    apply plugin: 'java'
    version = '1.0'
    repositories {
    configurations {
        compile.extendsFrom provided
    dependencies {
        provided ''
        compile ''
        compile ''
    jar {
        dependsOn configurations.runtime
    from {
            (configurations.runtime - configurations.provided).collect {
                it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
  2. Run the command gradle jar, which generates a .jar archive in the directory build/libs/.

For more information, read the Gradle documentation Declaring Dependencies.

Packaging Java code by using the Java runtime with Docker

Package your code with Docker by creating a .jar file inside the Java runtime.

Before you begin, you must have Docker installed locally.

You won´t need Java installed locally as everything is supplied by the Java runtime.

To create a Java action by using Docker, complete the following steps.

  1. Create file

    public class Hello {
        public static JsonObject main(JsonObject args) {
            String name = "stranger";
            if (args.has("name"))
                name = args.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString();
            JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
            response.addProperty("greeting", "Hello, " + name + "!");
            return response;
  2. Navigate to the folder that contains the file and run the Docker Java runtime container.

    docker run --rm -it  --entrypoint "/bin/bash" -v $PWD:/tmp openwhisk/java8action:nightly

    Use the nightly tag for the latest runtime version or a specific tag.

  3. Set up the container.

    1. Navigate to the /tmp folder that contains your action code mounted from the host system.

      cd /tmp
    2. Install curl to download the dependencies.

      apt update && apt install curl -y
    3. Download the gson dependency.

      curl -L -o gson-2.9.0.jar
    4. Export the path and add gson to it.

      export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$PWD/gson-2.9.0.jar
      export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/bin
  4. Compile the code

    1. Compile the Java code to a class
    2. Package the Java class to a deployable .jar file.
      jar cvf Hello.jar Hello.class
  5. Exit the runtime container.

  6. Create action called hello-java.

    ibmcloud fn action create hello-java Hello.jar --main Hello
  7. Invoke the action

    ibmcloud fn action invoke hello-java -b

Packaging Java code with Maven inside Docker

  1. Create a maven Project

  2. Navigate to the folder that contains the maven Project and run the Docker Java runtime container.

    docker run --rm -it  --entrypoint "/bin/bash" -v $PWD:/tmp openwhisk/java8action:nightly

    This command run the java runtime container and map the current directory inside the container to /tmp

    Use the nightly tag for the latest runtime version or a specific tag.

  3. Set up the container.

    Navigate to the /tmp folder that contains your action code mounted from the host system.

    cd /tmp
  4. Install curl and unzip to install Maven.

    apt update && apt install curl unzip -y
  5. Download Maven

    curl -L -o
  6. Extract Maven

  7. Add Maven to path

    export PATH=$PATH:/apache-maven-3.8.5/bin
  8. Test Maven installation

    mvn -v
  9. Package the action code with maven

    mvn package 
  10. Exit the runtime container.


    At this point, the current directory contains a traget directory containing the action .jar file.

  11. Create action called .

    ibmcloud fn action create <actionname> <Jar name>.jar --main <package name and class name seperated by dots>

    The main name is something similar to com.package.example.Hello.

  12. Invoke the action

    ibmcloud fn action invoke <actionname> -b