IBM Cloud Docs
Private Path service roles and responsibilities

Private Path service roles and responsibilities

The beta release of IBM Cloud Private Path services is only available to allowlisted users. Contact your IBM Support representative if you are interested in getting early access to this beta offering.

Private Path service is an orchestration service. The roles and responsibilities for Private Path connectivity are shared between the Provider and Consumer, not IBM Cloud.

As you consume IBM Cloud services, be aware of your roles and responsibilities. For more information, see Understanding your responsibilities when using Virtual Private Cloud.

The following table describes the roles and responsibilities shared betwen the Provider and Consumer in a Private Path service.

Roles and Responsibilities
Task Provider Consumer
Configure your Private Path network load balancer (NLB) Use the same VPC region for the Private Path NLB and the Private Path service. Create at least one subnet in your selected VPC. You should also create your virtual server instances prior to creating a Private Path NLB to ensure it is fully operational. None
Verify your service Always verify connectivity to your Private Path service before you publish. This action cannot be undone. None
Publish your Private Path service After you verify successful connectivity to your Private Path service, you should then publish your service for deployment to consumers. None
Create a Virtual Private Endpoint gateway None You must create an endpoint gateway to connect to a Private Path service.
Request connection to a service None Use the connection information communicated by your service provider to request access to their service. Check your IBM Cloud account for updates on your request's approval or denial.
Permit connection to a service Either configure an access policy or manually review connection requests for your Private Path service. None
Provide connection information Communicate connection information to your consumers, such as the CRN, applicable ports, and information on how to create a VPE gateway, so that they can connect to your service. None