IBM Cloud Docs
VMware SDDC certified profiles for SAP HANA

VMware SDDC certified profiles for SAP HANA

Profiles list

The published names are subject to change.

The following table is an overview of the SAP-certified profiles with either:

  • Intel Bare Metal and VMware vSphere (ESXi), manual VMware setup and configuration
  • IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions Dedicated, automated VMware SDDC setup and configuration
SAP HANA servers
Profile CPU Cores CPU Threads (also known as. vCPU) Memory (RAM GB) SAPS (after VMware hypervisor 10%) SAP HANA Processing Type
BI.S3.H2.192 (VMware) 36 72 192 GB 70,965 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S3.H2.384 (VMware) 36 72 384 GB 71,487 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S3.H2.768 (VMware) 36 72 768 GB 71,667 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H2.192 (VMware) 32 64 192 GB 74,223 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H2.384 (VMware) 32 64 384 GB 76,617 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H2.768 (VMware) 40 80 768 GB 101,547 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H2.1500 (VMware) 56 112 1536 GB 132,498 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H2.3000 (VMware) 56 112 3072 GB 121,614 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H4.3000 (VMware) 112 224 3072 GB 257,373 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H4.6000 (VMware) 112 224 6144 GB 257,373 OLAP/OLTP
BI.S4.H8.6000 (VMware) 224 448 6144 GB 495,603 OLAP/OLTP

Understanding Bare Metal profile names

The Bare Metal profile names are contextual and sequential, below uses an SAP HANA certified server as an example:

Profile naming for SAP HANA
Profile name Naming convention component What it means
BI.S3.H8401 BI IBM Cloud) Infrastructure

Series 3 (processor generation)

  • S3 is Intel Skylake/Kaby Lake
  • 4 is Intel Cascade Lake
H HANA-certified server
8 8-socket server
4 4 TB RAM
01 Revision number (00 is launch, 01 is first revision, and so on)
A or B Available as appliances with preconfigured built-in disks (A) or as boot servers only (B)