IBM Cloud Docs
Running a Connector agent

Running a Connector agent

After you create a Satellite Connector, complete the follow the steps to create an Agent and finalize your setup.


Reviewing the agent parameters

Configuration information is provided to the agent through the following environment variables. Any of these environment variables can either be set directly to a value or set to a path of a file that contains the value. The path value must be accessible from within the container and is therefore based on the mount point and not a local path on the host. See the following table for an example.

Table 1. Environment variables for configuration
Environment variable Required Description
SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_ID Yes The ID of the Satellite Connector that the agent is bound to. You can find your Connector ID in the Satellite console or by running the ibmcloud sat connector ls command.
SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_IAM_APIKEY Yes Your IAM API key. For security purposes, consider storing your IAM API key in a file and then providing the file for this value. Note: In Windows environments, you must escape the slash in the file path.
SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_TAGS No A user defined string that can be helpful to identify your agent. This string can be any value that you find useful. The value must be less than or equal to 256 characters and is truncated if over 256 characters. The following characters are removed: <>/{}%[]?,;@$&.
SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_DIRECT_LINK_INGRESS No The Satellite Tunnel Ingress server to direct the agent traffic to. Specifying an internal Ingress will ensure all traffic between the Agent and Tunnel server stays in your private network.
LOG_LEVEL No Set the level of logging detail you want to receive for your agent. You can specify one of fatal, error, warn, debug, info, or trace. The default level is info. Typically, the debug and trace levels are used only when debugging.

Running the agent on your container platform

Before you begin, review the Minimum requirements.

Step 1: Creating the local configuration files

There are several ways to pass agent configuration environment variable information to the container. The following example uses configuration files. However, you can also use the docker run --env command to specify the values.

Be aware that if you use --env with your API key, the API key is exposed to the container environment and is visible on the output of docker inspect command. You can secure your API key in a file and then use the file name in the environment variable. If you choose to use the file name, you must make sure that the file path that you specify in the environment variable is mounted to a file path in the container, as shown in the following example.

The file names shown in the following steps are examples and can be tailored for your environment.

  1. Create a directory for the configuration files, in this example ~/agent/env-files.

  2. Create a file in the ~/agent/env-files directory called apikey with a single line value of your IBM Cloud API Key that can access the Satellite Connector.

  3. Create a file in the ~/agent/env-files directory called env.txt with the following values. Modify the SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_ID variable with your Satellite Connector ID and the SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_REGION with the region of the Satellite Connector you created previously.

    SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_ID=<Your Satellite Connector ID>

    Example env.txt with populated parameters.

  4. At this point, your directory contains 2 files and looks similar to the following example.

    env-files$ ls
    apikey  env.txt
  5. Complete the steps in the following section to pull the agent image.

Step 2: Pulling the agent image

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud® Container Registry. Or log in to the repository directly from Docker with your API key.

    ibmcloud cr region-set
    docker login -u iamapikey -p <your apikey>
  2. Pull the latest version of the published image. You can find the list of published versions from IBM Satellite Connector Agent Release History.

    docker pull
  3. Complete the following steps to run the agent image.

Step 3: Running the agent image

  1. To view available versions of agent image, run the following command.

    ibmcloud cr images --include-ibm|grep connector

    Example output:    latest    5f4e42c8d53e   ibm         1 day ago       124 MB   -    v1.0.5    6eadd91be5c0   ibm         1 week ago      124 MB   -    v1.1.0    5f4e42c8d53e   ibm         1 day ago       124 MB   -
  2. Mount your env-files directory to the container's /agent-env-files directory by using the -v option. You can use the latest version or a specific version of the published image.

    If an environment variable is using a path to a file, that path must be a file path inside the container. To retrieve the file path, use the -v option on the docker run command. The -v option is specified by the local environment variable directory path, followed by the mounted path in the container and separated by :. For example, -v ~/agent/env-files:/agent-env-files, where ~/agent/env-files is your local path and /agent-env-files is a path in your container.

    docker run -d --env-file ~/agent/env-files/env.txt -v ~/agent/env-files:/agent-env-files

    Example command using version 1.1.0 of the image, run the following command.

    docker run -d --env-file ~/agent/env-files/env.txt -v ~/agent/env-files:/agent-env-files
  3. You can verify the tunnel gets established to your Connector by looking at the logs of the container.

    docker logs CONTAINER-ID

    Near the beginning of the log, you can find entries similar to the following examples.

    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:20.133Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"agentOps","msgid":"A02","msg":"Load SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_ID value from SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_ID environment variable."}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:20.138Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"agentOps","msgid":"A01","msg":"Load SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_IAM_APIKEY value from file /agent-env-files/apikey."}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:20.140Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"agentOps","msgid":"A02","msg":"Load SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_TAGS value from SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_TAGS environment variable."}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:20.141Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"agentOps","msgid":"A02","msg":"Load SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_REGION value from SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_REGION environment variable."}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:20.142Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"connector-agent","msgid":"LA2","msg":"Connector id: U2F0ZWxsaXRlQ29ubmVjdG9yOiJjaThzdWd1ZDFwZ2RrZmUxa3UxZyI, region: us-south, release info: 20230610-dd48822928d35a84b31029a996fa9abc9d29fc93_A."}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:20.392Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"tunneldns","msgid":"D04","msg":"DoTunnelDNSLookup DNS resolve to"}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:21.560Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"utilities","msg":"MakeLinkAPICall GET /v1/connectors/U2F0ZWxsaXRlQ29ubmVjdG9yOiJjaThzdWd1ZDFwZ2RrZmUxa3UxZyI status code 200"}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:21.563Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"agent_tunnel","msgid":"LAT03","msg":"Got configuration"}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:21.565Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"agent_tunnel","msgid":"LAT04-wss://","msg":"Connecting to wss://"}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:21.922Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"tunneldns","msgid":"D04","msg":"DoTunnelDNSLookup DNS resolve to"}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:22.294Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"TunnelCore","msgid":"TC24","msg":"Tunnel open","connector_id":"U2F0ZWxsaXRlQ29ubmVjdG9yOiJjaThzdWd1ZDFwZ2RrZmUxa3UxZyI"}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:22.299Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"connector_tunnel_base","msgid":"CTB26-U2F0ZWxsaXRlQ29ubmVjdG9yOiJjaThzdWd1ZDFwZ2RrZmUxa3UxZyI","msg":"Send connector information to tunnel server"}
    {"level":30,"time":"2023-06-20T16:12:22.307Z","pid":8,"hostname":"6b793f671c79","name":"connector_tunnel_base","msgid":"CTB27","msg":"Tunnel connected","connector_id":"U2F0ZWxsaXRlQ29ubmVjdG9yOiJjaThzdWd1ZDFwZ2RrZmUxa3UxZyI","cipher":{"name":"TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384","standardName":"TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384","version":"TLSv1.3"}}

After setting up an agent, you can create Endpoints and ACLs to manage access to those endpoints. For more information, see Creating and managing Connector endpoints.

Running the agent on Windows

Review the following steps to run a Connector agent on Windows.

Before you begin, review the Minimum requirements.

Step 1: Downloading the Connector agent files from the CLI

  1. From the CLI, run the following command to download the agent .zip file.

    ibmcloud sat agent attach --platform windows

    Example output.

    Downloading agent setup tools for windows...
    Satellite connector agent for windows was successfully returned /var/folders/17/y8wr4y_x1tb4yf__g3wr6g8m0000gp/T/
  2. Verify the sha512sum of the .zip by running the following command in PowerShell.

    Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA512 -Path c:\
  3. Run the following command in PowerShell to extract the .zip file contents.

    Expand-Archive -Path 'C:\path\to\' -DestinationPath ‘C:\path\to\extract'
  4. Complete the steps in the following section to update the configuration files that you extracted.

Step 2: Updating the config.json file

Configuration information is provided to the agent through the following environment variables in the config.json file that you extracted in the previous step. Review the following parameters for the agent image.

  1. Update the config.json that you extracted earlier with the appropriate values for each parameter.

    You must escape the slash in the file path.

    Example config.json.

    "SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_ID":"<Your Satellite Connector ID>",
    "SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_TAGS":"sample tag",
    "LOG_LEVEL": "info",
    "PRETTY_LOG": true

    Example config.json with populated values.

    "SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_TAGS":"sample tag",
    "LOG_LEVEL": "info",
    "PRETTY_LOG": true
  2. Save the file.

  3. Complete the steps in the following section to start the agent.

Step 3: Starting the agent

  1. Start the agent by running the install command in PowerShell.


    If you start the agent and receive a Windows Microsoft Defender SmartScreen error, make sure you completed the step to verify the sha512sum after you downloaded the agent. Complete the verification step and try again.

  2. Verify the agent is installed by running the Get-Service command in PowerShell.

    Get-Service 'Satellite Connector Service'
  3. View the agent logs by running the Get-Content command in PowerShell.

    Get-Content 'C:\path\to\extract\logs\{connector-agent-{{yyyy-mm-dd.n}}.log}'
  4. Optional: Stop the agent by running the uninstall command in PowerShell.


After setting up an agent, you can create Endpoints and ACLs to manage access to those endpoints. For more information, see Creating and managing Connector endpoints.

Updating the agent on Windows

You can use the update command in the agent package to apply configuration changes to your agent. When you run the command, the agent is stopped, uninstalled, and reinstalled. Complete the following steps to update your agent.

  1. Before updating, review the changes in the Connector Windows agent change log and check if the latest version is newer than your currently running agent.

    You can find your current version number in the version.txt file inside the agent package for your currently running agent. If no version.txt file is found or your current version number is less than the latest version number, there is a newer version available for update.

  2. If there is a newer agent version available and you would like to use it, download the latest version by following the instructions in Step 1: Downloading the Connector agent files from the CLI before proceeding to the following steps.

  3. Modify the configuration parameters in the config.json file.

    Example config.json.

    "SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_ID":"<Your Satellite Connector ID>",
    "LOG_LEVEL": "info",
    "PRETTY_LOG": true

    Example config.json with populated values.

    "SATELLITE_CONNECTOR_TAGS":"sample tag",
    "LOG_LEVEL": "info",
    "PRETTY_LOG": true
  4. Run the update command in PowerShell.

  5. Verify the agent is installed by running the Get-Service command in PowerShell.

    Get-Service 'Satellite Connector Service'
  6. View the agent logs by running the Get-Content command in PowerShell.

    Get-Content 'C:\path\to\extract\logs\{connector-agent-{{yyyy-mm-dd.n}}.log}'

Next steps

After creating a Connector agent, you can create endpoints to connect from the IBM Cloud private network to a resource running on your Location. You can also control access your endpoints by creating access control list rules. For more information, see Creating and managing Connector endpoints.