IBM Cloud Docs
Assigning hosts with host label auto assignment

Assigning hosts with host label auto assignment

Available hosts can be automatically assigned to worker pools in Satellite resources, such as a cluster or a Satellite-enabled IBM Cloud service when you use host labels. Host labels are used by worker pools to request compute capacity from available Satellite hosts with matching labels. You can disable and enable host auto assignment. Your host must be available before it can be assigned.

Host auto assignment is not available for the Satellite location control plane.

Host labels

Host auto assignment works by matching labels from worker pools in Satellite clusters to the host and zone labels on available Satellite hosts.

Keep in mind the following information about the host labels that are used for auto assignment.

Default host labels
When you attach a host to a Satellite location, the host automatically gets labels for cpu, os, and memory (in bytes). You cannot remove these labels. You can include additional host labels, or update the host metadata later. If the host does not include the os label, it is automatically assumed as RHEL7.
Hosts can have more labels than worker pools
For example, your host might have cpu, memory, and env host labels, but the requesting worker pool has only a cpu host label. Host auto assignment matches the cpu labels. Note that the reverse does not work. If a worker pool has more labels than a host, the host cannot be auto assigned to the worker pool.
Matching is exact
Host labels must equal (=) each other exactly. Even if the host label is a number, no less than (<), greater than (>), or other operators are used for matching.

Example scenario for host auto assignment

Say that you have a Satellite cluster with a default worker pool in us-east-1a and the following host labels.

  • cpu=4
  • env=prod
  • os=RHEL7

Your Satellite location has available (unassigned) hosts with host labels as follows.

  • Host A: cpu=4, memory=32, env=prod, zone=us-east-1b os=rhel
  • Host B: cpu=4, memory=32, zone=us-east-1a os=RHEL7
  • Host C: cpu=4, memory=64, env=prod os=RHEL7
  • Host D: cpu=4, memory=64, env=prod os=RHCOS

If you resize the default worker pool to request 3 more worker nodes, only Host C can be automatically assigned, but not Host A or Host B.

  • Host A meets the CPU and env=prod label requests, but can only be assigned in us-east-1b. Because the default worker pool is only in us-east-1a, Host A is not assigned.
  • Host B meets the CPU and zone requests. However, the host does not have the env=prod label, and so is not assigned.
  • Host C is automatically assigned because it matches the cpu=4 and env=prod host labels, and does not have any zone restrictions. The memory=64 host label is not considered, because the worker pool does not request a memory label.
  • Host D meets the CPU, zone, and env=prod label requests, but does not meet the os request of RHEL7, and so is not assigned.

Hosts must be assigned as worker nodes in each zone of the default worker pool in your cluster. If your default worker pool spans multiple zones, ensure that you have hosts with matching labels that can be assigned in each zone.

Automatically assigning hosts

IBM Cloud Satellite can automatically assign hosts to worker pools in Satellite clusters that request compute capacity by using host labels, such as cpu.

Before you begin, make sure that you create a Satellite cluster. If you create a cluster in the CLI, you must specify the --workers option with the number of hosts you want to automatically assign. Then, make sure that you attach hosts to your Satellite location, but do not assign the hosts to any resources.

  1. Review the host labels that the worker pools use to request compute capacity. You have several options.

    • Create a worker pool in a Satellite cluster with the host labels that you want to use for auto assignment.
    • Review existing worker pools for their host labels. Note that you cannot update the host labels that a worker pool has. You can review the Host labels by running the ibmcloud oc worker-pool get -c <cluster> --worker-pool <worker_pool> command.
    • Review the host labels that a Satellite-enabled IBM Cloud service cluster uses to request resources from the Satellite-enabled IBM Cloud service instance console.
  2. Review the host labels that your available hosts have. Remember that hosts automatically get cpu and memory labels when you attach the host to your Satellite location.

    1. Get the Satellite location name.
      ibmcloud sat location ls
    2. List the available (unassigned) hosts in your location, and note the IDs of the hosts that you want to check the labels for.
      ibmcloud sat host ls --location <location_name_or_ID> | grep unassigned
    3. For each host that you want to check, get the host details and note the Labels in the output.
      ibmcloud sat host get --location <location_name_or_ID> --host <host_name_or_ID>
      Example output
      app      webserver   
      cpu      4   
      memory   3874564
      os       RHCOS
  3. Update the labels of your available host to match all the labels of the worker pool that you want the host to be available for automatic assignment. You can optionally specify a zone to make sure that the host only gets automatically assigned to that zone.

    The cpu, os, and memory labels on the host are applied automatically and cannot be edited.

    ibmcloud sat host update --location <location_name_or_ID> --host <host_name_or_ID> -hl <key=value> [-hl <key=value>] [--zone <zone1>]

Disabling host auto assignment

The following actions disable host auto assignment for a worker pool. Later, you can reenable host auto assignment.

Re-enabling host auto assignment

If you disabled host auto assignment, you can re-enable auto assignment.

  1. Make sure that you have available hosts with labels that match the host labels of the worker pool.
  2. Resize the worker pool to set the requested size per zone, rebalance the worker pool, and enable auto assignment again.

For Satellite clusters, do not use the ibmcloud oc worker-pool rebalance command if you have manually assigned worker nodes to your worker pool. Rebalancing a pool with manually assigned worker nodes might remove more than the expected number of worker nodes.