IBM Cloud Docs
Agent policies

Agent policies

Agent (assignment) policies tell Schematics which agent to use to run workspace and action jobs in a specific network zone. Each agent has one or more policies associated with it to identify the workspace and action jobs that are run on the agent. For example agents may exist in and jobs can be executed in the following isolated zones:

  • cloud regions (region-1, region-2, region-3)
  • VPC zones for the application layer, data layer, management layer
  • cloud-vendors or on-premises
  • departmental zones in your organization such as HR, Finance, Manufacturing

Only a single policy can be associated with a workspace or action. Policy creation fails if there is an existing policy that targets the same workspaces or actions.

You can create, update, and delete an agent assignment policy by using the Schematics policy commands CLI.

The agent-assignment-policy for an agent is defined by using the following attributes of a workspace or action. The selection attributes can be a combination of the following flags:

  • tags – workspaces or actions with matching user tags are selected.
  • locations – workspaces or actions in the matching Schematics location are selected.
  • resource-groups - workspaces or actions with the matching resource-group are selected.

If the selection policy for agent-1 specified tags=[dev] and resource-group=[rg-2], Schematics automatically routes workspace jobs including Git download, Terraform plan, apply, destroy jobs for all workspaces that match the tags, and resource-group criteria, to execute on agent-1.

Creating an agent policy using the UI

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud.
  2. Access Schematics > Policies > Create policy.
    • In Create a policy section:
      • Enter unique Policy name.
      • Enter Description.
      • Select Policy type as Agent assignment policy.
      • Select Location, and Resource group from the drop down option.
      • Enter Tags for the agent.
      • Click Next.
    • In Policy parameters section:
      • Select your Agent from the drop down list.
      • In Define policy attributes section.
        • Select Object type as workspace or action.
        • Select Resource group.
        • Select Object location.
        • Enter Object tags.
        • Click Next.
      • In the Policy preview section:
        • Select the workspaces that needs to be part of your policy.
  3. Click Create.

Listing all policies using the UI

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud.
  2. Access Schematics > Policies.

Displaying a policy using the UI

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud.
  2. Access Schematics > Policies.
  3. Click your policy from the list to view the policy details.
  4. In the Assigned agent window, click Agent details to view your agent configurations.

Updating an agent policy using the UI

You can update an agent policy to change the selection tags, or description, by referencing the agent with the AGENT_ID.

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud.
  2. Access Schematics > Policies.
  3. Click your policy from the list to view the policy details.
  4. Click Actions > Edit policy to update the parameters.

Deleting a policy using the UI

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud.
  2. Access Schematics > Policies.
  3. Click your policy from the list to view the policy details.
  4. Click Actions > Delete policy to delete the parameters.

Creating an agent policy using the CLI

Create your agent policy using the CLI. For the complete list of agent policy options, see the policy commands doc.

Before you begin:

  • Install or update the Schematics plug-in version to be 1.12.12 or higher.
  • Select the IBM Cloud region where the agent is defined. Set the CLI region by running ibmcloud target -r <region> command.
  • Create an agent policy file

Defining a JSON policy file

A sample JSON policy file is provided here. Replace the <...> placeholders with your actual values.

  • The agent jobs are to be run on is defined by using the target block.
  • The attributes to select the workspace or actions to run on the agent are defined by the parameter block.

Policy JSON files can be edited in any editor or IDE. They must be valid JSON.

Policy JSON file syntax:

      "target": {
      "selector_kind": "ids",
      "selector_ids": [
        "<agent id>"
    "parameter": {
      "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": {
        "selector_kind": "scoped",
        "selector_scope": [{
          "kind": "workspace",
          "tags": [
          "resource_groups": [
          "locations": [


      "target": {
      "selector_kind": "ids",
      "selector_ids": [
    "parameter": {
      "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": {
        "selector_kind": "scoped",
        "selector_scope": [{
          "kind": "workspace",
          "tags": [
          "resource_groups": [
          "locations": [

Create agent policy


ibmcloud schematics policy create --name agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10 --kind agent_assignment_policy --location eu-de --resource-group Default --target-file policy.json


Creating policy...
ID               agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737   
Name             agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10-27   
Kind             agent_assignment_policy   
Location         eu-de   
Resource Group   aac37f57b20142dba1a435c70aeb12df   
Tags             [TAGS]   
                  - workspace-policy:prod

Listing all policies using the CLI

You can display the list of policies defined in your account using the policy list command.


ibmcloud schematics policy list


Retrieving policies...
Name                                          ID                                                     Description                                   Kind   Tags   
agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10               agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737                                                                    workspace-policy:prod   
policy-023e7204-c33d-49b8-a9f3-695ff085290d   policy-023e7204-c33d-49b8-a9f3-695ff085290d.gbP.8b3c   Created agent-assignment-policy for the ...             
policy-067dfb28-928b-4e90-ad2b-9d26343a1ceb   policy-067dfb28-928b-4e90-ad2b-9d26343a1ceb.deP.796d   Created agent-assignment-policy for 
Showing 1-3 of 3 items

Displaying a policy using the CLI

You can view the configuration of an agent policy with the policy get command.


ibmcloud schematics policy get agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737


Retrieving policy...
ID               agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737   
Name             agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10  
Kind             agent_assignment_policy   
Location         eu-de   
Resource Group   aac37f57b20142dba1a435c70aeb12df   
Tags             [TAGS]   
                  - workspace-policy:prod

Updating an agent policy using the CLI

You can update an agent policy to change the selection tags, or description, by referencing the agent with the AGENT_ID input argument.

ibmcloud schematics policy update --id agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737 --kind agent_assignment_policy --resource-group Default --tags workspace-policy:prod --description testing-policy-cli --tags jobtag
Updating policy...
ID               agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737   
Name             agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10   
Description      testing-policy-cli   
Kind             agent_assignment_policy   
Location         eu-de   
Resource Group   Default   
Tags             [TAGS]   
                  - workspace-policy:prod	   
                  - jobtag

After updating, retrieve the policy to confirm the changes.


ibmcloud schematics policy get --id agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737


Retrieving policy...
ID               agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737   
Name             agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10   
Description      testing-policy-cli   
Kind             agent_assignment_policy   
Location         eu-de   
Resource Group   Default   
Tags             [TAGS]   
                  - workspace-policy:prod	   
                  - jobtag	   

Deleting a policy using the CLI

You can delete a policy, passing the AGENT_ID input argument.

ibmcloud schematics policy delete --id agent-policy-testing-cli-jan-10.deP.c737 
Do you really want to delete the policy? [y/N]> y
Initiating policy delete...

Agent policy creation using the API

Follow the steps to retrieve your IAM access token and authenticate with IBM Cloud Schematics by using the API. For more information about agent policy API, see agent policy APIs job status.

Example to create a policy using the API

POST /v2/settings/policies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>
    "name": "policy-1",
    "description": "Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1",
    "resource_group": "Default",
    "tags": [
    "location": "us-south",
    "kind": "agent_assignment_policy",
    "target": {
      "selector_kind": "ids",
      "selector_ids": [
    "parameter": {
      "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": {
        "selector_kind": "scoped",
        "selector_scope": [
            "kind": "workspace",
            "tags": [
            "resource_groups": [
            "locations": [

Example to get a policy using the API

GET /v2/settings/policies/<your policy_id> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>

Example to update a policy using the API

PATCH /v2/settings/policies/<your policy_id> HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>
    "name": "policy-1",
    "description": "updated Policy for job execution of secured workspaces on agent1",
    "resource_group": "Default",
    "tags": [
    "location": "us-south",
    "kind": "agent_assignment_policy",
    "target": {
      "selector_kind": "ids",
      "selector_ids": [
    "parameter": {
      "agent_assignment_policy_parameter": {
        "selector_kind": "scoped",
        "selector_scope": [
            "kind": "action",
            "tags": [
            "resource_groups": [
            "locations": [

Example to find policies using the API

POST /v2/settings/policies/search HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>
   "parameter": {
            "kind": "workspace",
            "tags": [
            "resource_groups": [
            "locations": [
    "target": "action" 

You can now use the agent to run Schematics Terraform or Ansible jobs. The agent executes any jobs for workspaces or actions that match the defined selection policy parameters:

  • resource group
  • location
  • tags

Note now, tags must be set at workspace or action create time. Any changes to tags performed through the Schematics UI do not detect or consider during policy evaluation.

After execution, the workspace or action job logs contain a header indicating the agent that the job was executed on.

2023/04/08 15:22:07 -----  New Workspace Action  -----
2023/04/08 15:22:07 Request: activitId=e3fcfdfdb13b07a1c60176e4b95c41ba, account=,, requestID=0a8a3428-b461-4dd0-8104-e859d68d35f6, OrchestratorID=orchestrator-5c8585dc74-6z9s5, agentID=agent-test-da.deA.e055, agentName=agent-test-da, jobRunnerID=jobrunner-5d99b5cfb7-p5xcz
2023/04/08 15:22:07 Related Workspace: name=myworkspace, agentID=agent-test-da.deA.e055 sourcerelease=(not specified), sourceurl=, branch=(not specified), folder=.
2023/04/08 15:22:07  --- Ready to execute the command on Agent agent-test-da.deA.e055 ---

Next steps

You can check out the agent FAQ for any common questions that are related to an agent.

When the agent is no longer required, it can be removed following the steps in delete an agent.