Why am I receiving 5xx HTTP errors?
When you run a Schematics apply action, the action fails with 5xx HTTP errors such as in the following example:
Error: Request failed with status code: 500, ServerErrorResponse: {"incidentID":"11aa11aaaa11-IAD","code":"A0002","description":"Could not connect to a backend service. Try again later.","type":"Authentication"}
5xx HTTP errors indicate an issue with the IBM Cloud service that you try to create, update, or delete, and usually cannot be resolved by the user. These issues can include networking errors, timeouts, or the service temporarily unavailable.
Because this error does not originate within Schematics, wait a few minutes to rerun the Schematics apply action again. If the apply action continues to fail, note the incident ID and find more detailed logs for this incident ID in your IBM Cloud Log Analysis service instance. If you cannot resolve this issue, contact support by opening a support case for the service that you want to work with. Make sure to include the incident ID. For more information, see Using the Support Center.