IBM Cloud Docs
Establishing service-to-service authorizations for Block Storage for VPC

Establishing service-to-service authorizations for Block Storage for VPC

You can use the Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create or remove an authorization that grants one service access to another service. For Block Storage for VPC, you need to create service-to-service authorization for configuring customer-managed encryption, and backups. You also need to specify user roles.


In an authorization, the source service is the service that is granted access to the target service. The roles that you select define the level of access for the source service. The target service is the service that you are granting permission to be accessed by the source service based on the roles that you assign. Generally, a source service can be in the same account where the authorization is created or in another account. The target service is always in the account where the authorization is created.

To be able to create an encrypted volume with customer-managed CRKs, you need to establish service-to-service authorization between the Block service and the Key Management Service of your choice.

If you want to create backup snapshots of your Block Storage for VPC volumes, the Backup service needs to be authorized to work with Block Storage for VPC, Snapshots for VPC, and Virtual Server for VPC services. For more information, see Establishing service-to-service authorizations for the Backup service.

For more information about authorizations, see Using authorizations to grant access between services.

Creating service-to-service authorization for customer-managed encryption in the console

  1. In the IBM Cloud console, go to Manage > Access (IAM). The Manage access and users page is displayed.
  2. From the side panel, select Authorizations.
  3. On the Manage authorizations page, click Create.
  4. In the Source section, select the Source account.
    • If the goal is to allow the use of a CRK by another account, select Specific account and enter the 32-character-long account ID. Then, click Next.
    • Otherwise, select This account. Then, click Next.
  5. For the source service, select Cloud Block Storage from the list. Click Next.
    1. Select the scope by clicking All resources.
    2. Click Next.
  6. For the target service, select Hyper Protect Crypto Services or KeyProtect from the list.
  7. Select the role Reader.
  8. Check the box to enable authorization to be delegated by source and dependent services.
  9. Click Review and inspect your choices.
  10. Click Authorize.

Creating service-to-service authorization for cross-account restore in the console


The following steps authorize the Block Storage service of one account to use a snapshot that is created by another account to restore volumes. The steps need to be performed by the account that owns the snapshot that is to be shared. The receiving account must ensure that their admin user has the SnapshotRemoteAccountRestorer role in IAM before they start a volume restoration with the CRN of the shared snapshot.

  1. On the Manage authorizations page, click Create.
  2. On the Grant a service authorization page, select the source account.
    1. Because the goal is to allow the use of a snapshot from another account, select a Specific account.
    2. Enter the 32-character account ID.
    3. Click Next.
  3. For the source service, select Cloud Block Storage from the list. Click Next.
    1. Select the scope by clicking All resources.
    2. Click Next.
  4. For the target service, select VPC Infrastructure Services from the list.
    1. Select the scope by clicking Specific resources.
    2. Click Select an attribute.
    3. From the list, select Resource type.
    4. In the next field, select Block Storage Snapshots for VPC.
    5. If you want to restrict the authorization to a specific snapshot, click Add a condition.
      1. Click Select an attribute and select Snapshot ID.
      2. Enter the ID of the snapshot. Click Next
  5. Select the role Snapshot Remote Account Restorer.
  6. Click Review and inspect your choices.
  7. Click Authorize.

Creating service-to-service authorization for customer-managed encryption from the CLI

Run the ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create command to create authorization policies for the Block service to interact with one or both Key Management Services (Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services). The source service is server-protect and the target service is either kms or hs-crypto. The role that you need to assign is Reader. The following example creates an authorization policy between the Block service and Key Protect.

$ ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create server-protect kms Reader
Creating authorization policy under account a1234567 as

To list the service authorizations that are already in place for the account, run the ibmcloud iam authorization-policies command. The following example shows that the Block service can be encrypted with a CRK that is stored in Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services.

$ ibmcloud iam authorization-policies
Getting authorization policies under account a1234567 as
ID:                        1f722de4-c3e6-4765-b0d3-482ec77a04f8
Source service name:       server-protect
Source service instance:   All instances
Target service name:       kms
Target service instance:   51042d7f-f0df-4915-bd39-6a49957c9175
Roles:                     Reader
ID:                        605cb9b9-ba0d-456b-8c22-180abee66c47
Source service name:       server-protect
Source service instance:   All instances
Target service name:       hs-crypto
Target service instance:   All instances
Roles:                     Reader 

For more information about all of the parameters that are available for this command, see ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create.

Creating service-to-service authorization for cross-account encryption from the CLI

Run the ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create command to create authorization policies for the Block service of one account to interact with one or both Key Management Services (Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services) of another account. The source service is server-protect and the target service is either kms or hs-crypto. The role that you need to assign is Reader. The following example creates an authorization policy between the Block service and Key Protect.

  1. Create a JSON file with the following information for the authorization policies in your local Documents folder.
       "description":"Reader and Delegator role for HPCS service instance",
       "resources": [
       "roles": [
       "subjects": [
          {"attributes": [
             {"name":"Cloud Block Storage","value":"server-protect"},
  2. Then, use the JSON files to run the following CLI command.
    ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create --file ~/Documents/policy.json
    The cross-account authorization is one-way and specific to key and service. When Account A authorizes their key to be used by Account B's file service, Account B can use Account A's CRK to encrypt Account B's shares. However, Account A cannot use Account B's root keys to encrypt Account A's shares.

Creating service-to-service authorization for cross-account restore from the CLI


Run the ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create command to authorize the Block Storage service of one account to use a snapshot that was created by another account to restore volumes. This command needs to be issued by the account that owns the snapshot that is to be shared. The receiving account must ensure that their admin user has the SnapshotRemoteAccountRestorer role in IAM before they start a volume restoration with the CRN of the shared snapshot.

  1. Create a JSON file with the following information for the authorization policies in your local Documents folder.
         "description":"Providing the Block Storage service access to restore from a Snapshot of another account ",
         "subjects": [{"attributes": [
                 {"name":"Block Storage for VPC","value":"server-protect"},
         "roles": [{"role_id":"crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:SnapshotRemoteAccountRestorer"}],
         "resources": [{"attributes": [
  2. Then, use the JSON files to run the following CLI command.
    ibmcloud iam authorization-policy-create --file ~/Documents/policy.json

Creating service-to-service authorization for customer-managed encryption with the API

Make a request to the IAM Policy Management API to create the service-to-service authorization for the source volume's Block service to interact with a Key Management Service instance (Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services).

  • The following example shows how you can authorize the Block service is.server-protect (source) to interact with the Key Protect service kms (target) with the Reader role.

    curl -X POST '' -H 
    'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H 
    'Content-Type: application/json' -d 
      "description":"Reader role for the Block service to interact with the KeyProtect service.",
      "subjects": [{"attributes":[{"name":"Cloud Block Storage","value":"server-protect"}]}],
      "resources":[{"attributes": [{"name":"KeyProtect","value":"kms"}]}]
  • To create an authorization policy for Hyper Protect Crypto Services, replace kms with hs-crypto in the previous example.

Creating service-to-service authorization for cross-account encryption with the API

Make a request to the IAM Policy Management API to create the service-to-service authorization for the source account's Block Storage service to interact with a Key Management Service instance (Key Protect or Hyper Protect Crypto Services) of the target account. The request needs to be made from the account that owns the customer root key in their KMS.

  • The following example shows how you can authorize the Block service is.server-protect of one account (source) to interact with the Hyper Protect Crypto Services service hs-crypto of another account (target) with the Reader and Authorization Delegator roles.

    curl -X "POST" "" \
      -H "Authorization: <Auth Token>" \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
         "description":"Reader and Delegator access to HPCS service instance",
         "subjects": [
             {"name":"Cloud Block Storage","value":"server-protect"},
         "roles": [{"role_id":"crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:AuthorizationDelegator"},{"role_id":"crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Reader"}],
         "resources": [
  • To create an authorization policy for Key Protect, replace hs-crypto with kms in the previous example.

The cross-account authorization is one-way and specific to key and service. When Account A authorizes their key to be used by Account B's file service, Account B can use Account A's CRK to encrypt Account B's shares. However, Account A cannot use Account B's root keys to encrypt Account A's shares.

Creating service-to-service authorization for cross-account restore with the API


The following API request authorizes the Block Storage service of one account to use a snapshot that was created by another account to restore volumes. This call needs to be issued by the account that owns the snapshot that is to be shared. The receiving account must ensure that their admin user has the SnapshotRemoteAccountRestorer role in IAM before they start a volume restoration with the CRN of the shared snapshot.

curl -X "POST" ""\
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json\
   -d '{
        "description":"Providing the Block Storage service access to restore from a Snapshot of another account ",
        "subjects": [{"attributes": [
                {"name":"BCloud Block Storage","value":"server-protect"},
        "roles": [{"role_id":"crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::role:SnapshotRemoteAccountRestorer"}],
        "resources": [{"attributes": [

When you want to restrict the access to a specific snapshot, use the snapshot ID instead of * when you define your resources.

Creating service-to-service authorization for customer-managed encryption with Terraform

Create an authorization policy between the Block service and the key management services by using the ibm_iam_authorization_policy resource argument in your file.

The following example creates an authorization policy between the Block service and Key Protect when applied.

resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "mypolicy4keyprotect" {
  source_service_name  = "server-protect"
  target_service_name  = "kms"
  roles                = ["Reader"]

The following example creates an authorization policy between the Block service and Hyper Protect Crypto Services when applied.

resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "mypolicy4HPCS" {
  source_service_name  = "server-protect"
  target_service_name  = "hs-crypto"
  roles                = ["Reader"]

For more information about the arguments and attributes, see the Terraform documentation for authorization resources.

Creating service-to-service authorization for cross-account encryption with Terraform

  1. Terraform supports configuring two different accounts for IBM provider. The provider without an alias is considered the default provider. See the following example, where two IBM accounts are specified, and the second is given the alias team_account. That configuration must be referred to as ibm.team_account later.

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        ibm = {
          source = "IBM-Cloud/ibm"
          version = ">= 1.12.0"
    provider "ibm" {
      ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key
      region           = var.region
      ibmcloud_timeout = var.ibmcloud_timeout
    provider "ibm" {
      alias = "team_account"
      ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key_second_account
      region           = var.region
      ibmcloud_timeout = var.ibmcloud_timeout

    For more information about the arguments and attributes, see IBM Cloud provider.

  2. To create the IAM authorization between the key management service from one account to the Block storage service in a different account, use the resource ibm_iam_authorization_policy. The following example creates an authorization between Key Protect service and the file service of the two accounts. To create authorization to access Hyper Protect Crypto Services, specify hs-crypto as the value for target_service_name.

    resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "policy" {
        source_service_name = "server-protect"
        source_service_account = "<volume-account-id>"
        target_service_name = "kms"   
        target_resource_instance_id = ibm_kms_key.key.instance_id
        roles               = ["Reader", "Authorization Delegator"]
        description         = "Authorization Policy" 

    This terraform resource must also include the provider alias (in our example, ibm.team_account) with the account ibmcloud_api_key where the encryption key belongs.

    For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_iam_authorization_policy.

Creating service-to-service authorization for cross-account restore Terraform


  1. Configure the two IBM accounts for IBM provider. See the example in the previous section.

  2. To create the IAM authorization for the Block Storage service of one account to use a snapshot that was created by another account to restore volumes, use the resource ibm_iam_authorization_policy.

    resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "policy" {
        source_service_name = "server-protect"
        source_service_account = "<volume-account-id>"
        target_service_name = "ibm_is_snapshot"   
        target_resource_instance_id = ibm_is_snapshot.snapshot.instance_id
        target_service_account = "<snapshot-account-id>"
        roles               = ["SnapshotRemoteAccountRestorer"]
        description         = "Authorization Policy" 

    This terraform resource must also include the provider alias (in our example, ibm.team_account) with the account ibmcloud_api_key where the encryption key belongs.

    For more information about the arguments and attributes, see ibm_iam_authorization_policy.

Next Steps