IBM Cloud Docs
About creating an image from a volume

About creating an image from a volume

You can create a custom image from a boot volume of a virtual server instance in the console, from the CLI, or with the API. The image is a full copy of the source volume. It includes the operating system and any user data. The image has the same capacity and contains identical data. The OS information for the custom image comes from the originating boot volume. Optionally, you can specify resource groups and tags for your image. You can use the custom image to create new virtual server instances.

The custom image that you create is regional, based on the location of the original boot volume. All custom images are private to the account in which they are created and labeled as custom.

The image also inherits the encryption type. If the original volume used provider-managed encryption, you can keep that or you can specify customer-managed encryption and provide your own root keys. If the original volume used customer-managed encryption, the image inherits the root key. However, you can change that root key if you want to use another key. You can't switch from customer-managed encryption to provider-managed encryption.

Custom images that are created from a volume are independent from the original volume. You can update the image and delete it as needed. You can delete the original volume and the custom image persists.

IAM permissions for creating an image from volume

With Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can securely authenticate users for platform services and control access to resources consistently across IBM Cloud®. The following table shows the roles that are required to create an image from a volume.

Table 1. IAM user permissions
Operation Action IAM access roles API method
Create an instance is.instance.instance.create Administrator, Editor POST /instances
List all instances is.instance.instance.list Administrator, Editor, Operator, Viewer GET /instances
Create an image from a boot volume is.image.image.create Administrator, Editor POST /images
List all images is.image.image.list Administrator, Editor, Operator, Viewer GET /images
Delete image is.image.image.delete Administrator, Editor DELETE /images
Schedule deprecation is.image.image.deprecate Administrator, Editor POST /images with deprecation_at value specified
Schedule obsolescence is.image.image.obsolete Administrator, Editor POST /images with obsolescence_at value specified

Volume requirements

To create an image from a volume, the volume must meet the following requirements:

  • The volume must be in the region where you want to create the custom image.
  • The volume must be a primary boot volume with 100 GB capacity. Data volumes are not supported.
  • The volume must be attached to an instance. Unattached boot volumes are not supported.
  • The instance must be in an available state.
  • The available, running instance must be stopped before you create the custom image. Creating an image from a running instance is not allowed.

Options for creating an image from a volume

You can create a custom image from a boot volume in several ways.

  • In the UI, you can create a custom image from any of the following pages.

    • The Custom images for VPC page
    • The list of instances on the Virtual server instances for VPC page
    • The Instance details page
    • The list of volumes on the Block Storage volumes for VPC page
    • The Volume details page
  • In the API, you can create a custom image at the same time as you create an instance, or you can create an image from an existing instance. With the regional API, you create an image by making a POST /images request with the boot volume ID.

  • From the CLI, you can create a custom image at the same time as you create an instance, or you can create an image from an existing instance. Issue the ibmcloud is image-create command and specify the boot volume's ID.

Custom image encryption

When you create an image from a volume, you have the following encryption choices.

  • If the volume uses the default IBM-managed encryption, then the image from that boot volume inherits the IBM-managed encryption. You can keep this encryption, or you can specify your own root key when you create the image.

  • If the volume uses a customer-managed encryption, then the image inherits the customer root key (CRK) from the volume. You can keep this encryption, or you can specify another CRK to be used for the image.

Custom image lifecycle

You can use the UI, CLI, API, and Terraform to manage the lifecycle of your custom images with three statuses. You can move the image back and forth through all the statuses and set dates to automatically change an image status. All status changes are tracked as an Activity Tracker event. You can filter your list of images based on status to aid in clean-up or tracking of your images. For more information about making status changes, see Managing custom images.

Table 1. Image lifecycle status
Image status Description
available The most current version of the stock operating system image is available. When a new version of an operating system is made available, the older version image of that guest operating system changes to deprecated. No stock operating system that reaches EOS has an available image.
deprecated Older versions of stock operating systems are deprecated. Also, any stock operating system that reached EOS is also deprecated. You can still provision an instance with these images. The UI doesn't display any deprecated images when you create an instance. These images are still visible in the CLI and API.
obsolete Images that are EOS as defined by the vendor are obsolete. You can't provision instances with these images. If you try to use an obsolete image to create an instance, you receive a message that states that you can't use the image to create an instance. This status allows a reversible disabling of an image before you delete the image.

Any image that is in deprecated or obsolete status is still billed. If you don't want to be billed for the image, you must delete it.

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