IBM Cloud Docs
Deleting an endpoint gateway

Deleting an endpoint gateway

You can delete an endpoint gateway by using the UI, the CLI, or the API.

Deleting an endpoint gateway in the UI

To delete an endpoint gateway, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the list of endpoint gateways for VPC. From the IBM Cloud® console, select the Navigation Menu menu icon, then click Infrastructure > Network > Virtual private endpoint gateways.

    The Virtual private endpoint gateways for VPC page shows all endpoint gateways for all VPCs in the region.

  2. Click the Actions menu Actions menu next to the endpoint gateway you want to delete, then click Delete. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.

If you previously selected the auto-delete option for attached IP addresses, any attached reserved IPs are also deleted.

Deleting an endpoint gateway from the CLI

Before you begin, set up your CLI environment.

To delete an endpoint gateway from the CLI, run the following command:

ibmcloud is endpoint-gateway-delete ENDPOINT_GATEWAY [-f, --force]


  • ENDPOINT_GATEWAY is the ID of the endpoint gateway.
  • -f, --force forces the operation without confirmation.

Deleting an endpoint gateway with the API

To delete an endpoint gateway with the API, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your API environment.

  2. Store your EndpointGatewayId in a variable to be used in the API command:

    export EndpointGatewayId=<endpoint_gateway_id>
  3. Delete the endpoint gateway:

    curl -X DELETE -sH "Authorization:${iam_token}"