IBM Cloud Docs
IBM Cloud VPC monitoring dashboards

IBM Cloud VPC monitoring dashboards

You can monitor various aspects of VPC services with IBM Cloud® Monitoring dashboards. For more information about IBM Cloud Monitoring, see the IBM Cloud Monitoring Getting started tutorial.

VPC service metric definitions

Each monitoring dashboard has the relevant metrics for its associated service as defined in Table 1.

Table 1: VPC metric definitions
Dashboard name Metric definition dictionary
Virtual Server for VPC Overview VPC virtual server instances metrics definitions
VPC Gen 2 VPN Monitoring VPN for VPC metrics
VPC Gen 2 Load Balancer Monitoring Application Load Balancer for VPC metrics
VPC Gen 2 Load Balancer Monitoring Network Load Balancer for VPC metrics
Flow Logs for VPC Overview Monitoring flow logs for VPC metrics
VPC Infrastructure Service Resource Quota Overview VPC quota metrics definitions
File Storage for VPC Monitoring metrics for File Storage for VPC

To see a list of Cloud services outside of VPC that offer monitoring, see Cloud services.

View a specific monitoring dashboard

  1. To view a specific dashboard on the monitoring, first go to the monitoring UI. For more information, see Navigating to the web UI for Monitoring.
  2. In the Monitoring UI, select the instance that you want to view monitoring metrics for. Then, select Open Dashboard.
  3. Select the Dashboards tile, the Dashboards menu expands.
  4. Under DASHBOARD TEMPLATES, expand the IBM tab to select the dashboard you want to access. The names of available dashboards are detailed in Table 1.

Limitations of File Storage for VPC monitoring

The system queries file share information hourly. When you create a file share or increase its capacity, it can take up to an hour for this information to appear on the monitoring dashboards.