IBM Cloud Docs
Quotas and service limits

Quotas and service limits

The following information shows quotas and limits for IBM Cloud® Virtual Private Cloud and the resources available within it.


The following tables show the quotas for various VPC resources.

To increase a quota for a particular resource, contact support.

Compute resources

Table 1. Quotas for virtual server instances
Resource Quota
vCPU 200 per region
RAM 5600 GB per region
Bare metal servers 25 per account
Instance storage 18 TB per region
SSH keys 200 per region
GPU 16 per region
Dedicated host groups 100 per region
Storage optimized (ox2) instance storage 96 TB per region

When you provision virtual server instances dedicated hosts, the vCPU, RAM, and solid-state drives, which are associated with the instances count toward the vCPU, RAM, and instance storage quotas per region. Instances that are provisioned on dedicated hosts do not count against the vCPU quota. For more information, see About instance storage.

Reservations for virtual servers count against the vCPU, RAM, instance storage, Storage optimized (ox2) instance storage, and GPU quotas.

Bare metal servers use physical cores and don't count toward your vCPU quota.


Table 2. Quotas for the VPC service
Resource Quota
Virtual private clouds 10 per region
Subnets 100 per VPC
Address prefixes 25 per VPC

Access control lists

Table 3. Quotas for access control lists
Resource Quota
ACLs 100 per VPC
Rules 100 per ACL

Security groups

Table 4. Quotas for security groups
Resource Quota
Security groups 100 per VPC
Rules 250 per security group
Targets 1000 per security group

VPN gateways (site-to-site)

Table 5. Quotas for the site-to-site VPN gateway service
Resource Quota
VPN gateways 9 per region, 3 per zone
VPN connections 10 per VPN gateway
IKE policies 20 per region
IPsec policies 20 per region
Peer subnets 50 across all connections of a VPN gateway, 15 per individual VPN connection
Local subnets 50 across all connections of a VPN gateway, 15 per individual VPN connection
Route-based VPN gateway 1 per zone per VPC

VPN servers (client-to-site)

Table 6. Quotas for the client-to-site VPN server service
Resource Quota
Active connections per VPN server 2000
Active VPN servers 10 per region
Active routes per VPN server 50
Number of certificate revocations lists 20000
Number of VPN servers in a security group 10
Number of auth clients per second per VPN server 10

Application load balancers

Table 7. Quotas for load balancers
Resource Quota
Load balancers 50 per region
Listeners 10 per load balancer
Pools 10 per load balancer
Members 50 per pool
Policies 10 per listener
Rules 10 per policy
Subnets 15 per load balancer

Network load balancers

Table 8. Quotas for load balancers
Resource Quota
Load balancers 50 per region
Listeners 10 per load balancer
Pools 10 per load balancer
Members 50 per pool
Policies N/A
Rules N/A
Subnets 1 per load balancer

Private Path network load balancers

The beta release of IBM Cloud Private Path is available only to allowlisted users. Contact your IBM Support representative if you are interested in getting early access to this beta offering.

Table 8. Quotas for Private Path load balancers
Resource Quota
Load balancers 50 per region
Listeners 10 per load balancer
Pools 10 per load balancer
Members 150 per pool

Routing tables and routes

Table 9. Quotas for routing tables and routes
Resource Quota
Routing tables per VPC 50
Routes per routing table 200
Advertise routes per VPC 15

Each route has a destination property, which includes a prefix length (/24 in The number of unique prefix lengths that are supported per custom routing table is 14. Multiple routes with the same prefix count as only one unique prefix.

Reserved IP addresses

Table 10. Quotas for reserved IP addresses
Resource Quota
Reserved IP addresses 20,000 per region

Virtual network interfaces

Table 11. Quotas for virtual network interfaces
Resource Quota
IP addresses 8 per virtual network interface

Block Storage volumes and snapshots

Table 12. Quotas for Block Storage volumes and snapshots
Resource Quota
Boot and secondary volumes 300 total VPC volumes per region.
Snapshots and backup snapshots Up to 750 per volume in a region.

File shares and snapshots

Table 13. Quotas for file shares
Resource Quota
File shares 300 file shares per account, across all VPCs
Mount targets 256 per file share per account per zone
Accessor share bindings A file share can have maximum of 100 accessor bindings.

Share mount targets

10 per file share

Placement groups

Table 14. Quotas for placement groups
Resource Quota
Placement groups 100 placement groups per region
Instances (host_spread) 12 instances per placement group per region with host_spread placement group strategy.
Instances (power_spread) 4 instances per placement group per region with power_spread placement group strategy.

The quotas for placement groups are preset and can't be adjusted.

Service limits

The following table displays current VPC service limits. Unlike quotas, these limits can't be adjusted.

Table 15. Limits for VPC resources
Resource Limit
VPCs with classic access 1 per region
Network interfaces 5, 10, or 15 (depending on the size of the instance) per instance
PCI network interfaces for bare metal servers 8 per bare metal server
Public gateways 1 per zone per VPC
Security groups 5 per target
Rules targeting remote security groups 15 unique remote security groups across all rules per security group
Secondary volumes per instance Up to 12 secondary volumes
Image export jobs 5 active jobs per image, 10 total per image, 20 active jobs per account, per region
Instance groups for auto scale and more 200 per account
Instance group memberships 1000 per instance group