IBM Cloud Docs
Adding connections to a VPN gateway

Adding connections to a VPN gateway

You can add connections when creating a VPN gateway, or after provisioning one. When you configure a VPN connection, you can choose to connect with auto-negotiation or use a pre-defined custom IKE or IPsec policy. For more information, see About policy negotiation.

The IKE Phase 1 and Phase 2 (IPsec) security options that you specify for the connection must be the same options that are set on the peer gateway for the network outside your VPC.

Adding a connection in the UI

To add a VPN connection to an existing VPN gateway, follow these steps:

  1. Highlight the row of the gateway you want to work with in the VPN gateways table, then click New connection from the Actions menu Actions menu.

    Alternatively, on the gateway's details page, you can click Create in the VPN connections section.

  2. Define a connection between this gateway and a network outside your VPC by specifying the following information:

    • VPN connection name - Enter a name for the connection, such as my-connection.

    • Peer gateway address - Specify the IP address of the VPN gateway for the network outside your VPC.

      After you provision the VPN connection, you cannot change the peer gateway address type from IP address to FQDN, or from FQDN to IP address.

    • Establish mode - Select either Bidirectional or Peer only.

      • Bidirectional mode initiates IKE protocol negotiations (or rekeying processes) from either side of the VPN gateway.
      • Peer only mode allows the peer to initiate IKE protocol negotiations for this VPN gateway connection. The peer is also responsible for initiating the rekeying process after the connection is established.

      If your peer device is behind a NAT device and doesn't have a public IP address, make sure to specify Peer only.

    • Preshared key - Specify the authentication key of the VPN gateway for the network outside your VPC. The preshared key is a string of hexadecimal digits, or a passphrase of printable ASCII characters. To be compatible with most peer gateway types, this string must follow these rules:

      • Can be a combination of digits, lower or uppercase characters, or the following special characters: - + & ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) . , :
      • The length of the string must be 6 - 128 characters.
      • Cannot start with 0x or 0s.
    • Local IBM CIDRs (Policy-based VPN only) - Specify one or more CIDRs in the VPC that you want to connect through the VPN tunnel.

    • Peer CIDRs (Policy-based VPN only) - Specify one or more CIDRs in the other network that you want to connect through the VPN tunnel. Subnet range overlap between local and peer subnets is not allowed.

  3. To configure how the VPN gateway sends messages to check that the peer gateway is active, specify the following information in the Dead peer detection section.

    • Action - The action to take if a peer gateway stops responding. For example, select Restart if you want the gateway to immediately renegotiate the connection.
    • Interval (secs) - How often to check that the peer gateway is active. By default, messages are sent every 2 seconds.
    • Timeout (secs) - How long to wait for a response from the peer gateway. By default, a peer gateway is considered inactive if a response isn't received within 10 seconds.
  4. In the Policies section, specify the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) and Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) options to use for Phase 1 and Phase 2 negotiation of the connection.

    • Select Auto if you want the gateway to try to automatically establish the connection.
    • Select or create custom policies if you need to enforce particular security requirements, or if the VPN gateway for the other network doesn't support the security proposals that are tried by auto-negotiation.
  5. In the Advanced options section, you can customize local and peer IKE identities instead of using the default IKE identity. One peer IKE identity can be specified at most.

    For policy-based VPN gateways, you can configure one local IKE identity at most. For route-based VPN gateways, if you want to configure a local IKE identity, you must provide two. You can provide values for the members or leave the input fields empty.

    • Local IKE identities - Select a type for the local IKE identity, then enter its value. For example, you can enter a single 4 octe IPv4 address (, a FQDN (, hostname (my-host), or base64-encoded key ID (MTIzNA==).

      • Static route mode consists of two members in active-active mode, where the first identity applies to the first member and the second identity applies to the second member. If you do not specify local IKE identities, then the type is an IPv4 address, and the value is the public IP address of the member’s VPN connection tunnel.

      • Policy mode consists of two members in active-standby mode. The local IKE identity applies to the active member. If you do not specify a value, then the local IKE identity is the public IP address of the VPN gateway.

    • Peer IKE identity - Select a type for the peer IKE identity, then enter its value. For example, you can enter an IPv4 address (, a FQDN (, hostname (my-host), or base64-encoded key ID (MTIzNA==).

      The peer IKE identity applies to the active member. If you do not specify a value, then use the peer gateway's IPv4 address or FQDN.

  6. Review the Summary panel, then click Create VPN connection.

Adding a connection from the CLI

Before you begin, set up your CLI environment.

To create a VPN connection from the CLI, enter the following command:

ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create CONNECTION_NAME VPN_GATEWAY PEER PRESHARED_KEY
[--vpc VPC] [--admin-state-up true | false] [--dead-peer-detection-action restart | clear | hold | none]

[--dead-peer-detection-interval INTERVAL] [--dead-peer-detection-timeout TIMEOUT] [--ike-policy IKE_POLICY_ID]
[--ipsec-policy IPSEC_POLICY_ID] [--peer-cidr CIDR1 --peer-cidr CIDR2 ... --local-cidr CIDR1 --local-cidr CIDR2 ...]
[[--local-ike-identity-type fqdn | hostname | ipv4_address | key_id --local-ike-identity-value VALUE] |
[--peer-ike-identity-type fqdn | hostname | ipv4_address | key_id --peer-ike-identity-value VALUE]
[--establish-mode bidirectional | peer_only] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]
ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create CONNECTION_NAME VPN_GATEWAY PEER PRESHARED_KEY


The name of the connection.
The ID of the VPN gateway.
The IP address or FQDN of the peer VPN gateway.
The preshared key.
The ID or name of the VPC. This is only required to specify the unique resource by its name inside this VPC.
If set to false, the VPN gateway connection is shut down. This can be either true or false.
The dead peer detection action. This can be either restart, clear, hold, or none. (default: restart).
The dead peer detection interval in seconds (default: 2).
The dead peer detection timeout in seconds (default: 10).
The ID of the IKE policy.
The ID of the IPsec policy.
The type of local IKE identity. This can be either fqdn, hostname, ipv4_address or key_id.
The value of the local IKE identity.
The peer CIDRs for the resource.
The local CIDR for the resource.
The type of peer IKE identity. This can be either ipv4_address, fqdn, hostname, or key_id.
The value of the peer IKE identity.

Policy-based VPN gateways can only have one local IKE identity.

If a route-based VPN gateway has local IKE identities specified, then there must be at least two; the first identity applies to the first member of the VPN gateway, and the second identity applies to the second member.

This can be either bidirectional or peer_only. Bidirectional mode initiates IKE protocol negotiations (or rekeying processes) from either side of the VPN gateway. Peer only mode allows the peer to initiate IKE protocol negotiations for this VPN gateway connection. The peer is also responsible for initiating the rekeying process after the connection is established. If rekeying doesn't occur, the VPN gateway connection is removed after its lifetime expires.
Specifies that the output will be in JSON format.
-q, --quiet
Suppresses verbose output.

Command examples

  • Create a VPN connection for a specific gateway ID with its required configuration values: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create my-connection fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345 lkj14b1oi0alcniejkso --local-cidr --peer-cidr

  • Create a VPN connection with the same core parameters and specified DPD configurations: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create my-connection fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345 lkj14b1oi0alcniejkso --local-cidr --peer-cidr --dead-peer-detection-action clear --dead-peer-detection-interval 33 --dead-peer-detection-timeout 100

  • Create a VPN connection with the same core parameters and custom policies with specified IDs: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create my-connection fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345 lkj14b1oi0alcniejkso --local-cidr --peer-cidr --ipsec-policy 72251a2e-d6c5-42b4-97b0-b5f8e8d1f479 --ike-policy 72251a2e-d6c5-42b4-97b0-b5f8e8d1f480

  • Create a VPN connection with peer FQDN and specify the local and peer IKE identity: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create my-connection fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345 lkj14b1oi0alcniejkso --local-cidr --peer-cidr --local-ike-identities '[{"type":"key_id","value":"MTIzNA=="}]' --peer-ike-identity-type fqdn --peer-ike-identity-value --establish-mode peer_only

  • Create a VPN connection that allows the peer to initiate IKE protocol negotiations for this VPN gateway connection: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create my-connection fee82deba12e4c0fb69c3b09d1f12345 lkj14b1oi0alcniejkso --establish-mode peer_only --local-ike-identities '[{type:ipv4_address,value:},{type:fqdn,}]' --peer-ike-identity-type key_id --peer-ike-identity-value MTIzNA==

  • Create a VPN connection using advanced configuration options: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-create to-prem ${gateway_id} test123 --local-cidr --peer-cidr --peer-ike-identity-type ipv4_address --peer-ike-identity-value --establish-mode peer_only

Adding a local CIDR to a VPN gateway connection from the CLI

Before you begin, set up your CLI environment.

To add a local CIDR to a VPN gateway connection from the CLI, enter the following command:

This command is only supported by policy mode VPN gateways.

ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-local-cidr-add VPN_GATEWAY CONNECTION PREFIX_ADDRESS PREFIX_LENGTH [--vpc VPC] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]


The ID of the VPN gateway.
The ID or name of the VPN connection.
The prefix address part of the CIDR.
The prefix length part of the CIDR.
--output value
The output in JSON format.
-q, --quiet
Suppresses verbose output.

Command example

Add a local CIDR for a specific connection name with required configuration values: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-local-cidr-add my-vpn-gateway my-connection

Adding a peer CIDR to a VPN gateway connection from the CLI

Before you begin, set up your CLI environment.

To add a peer CIDR to a VPN gateway connection from the CLI, enter the following command:

This command is only supported by policy mode VPN gateway.

ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-peer-cidr-add VPN_GATEWAY CONNECTION PREFIX_ADDRESS PREFIX_LENGTH [--vpc VPC] [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]


ID of the VPN gateway.
ID or name of the VPN connection.
Prefix address part of the CIDR.
Prefix length part of the CIDR.
--output value
Output in JSON format.
-q, --quiet
Suppress verbose output.

Command example

Add a peer CIDR for a specific connection name with its required configuration values: ibmcloud is vpn-gateway-connection-peer-cidr-add my-vpn-gateway my-connection

Adding a connection with the API

To create a VPN connection with the API, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your API environment with the right variables.

  2. Store any additional variables to be used in the API commands, for example:

    • vpnGatewayId - The VPN gateway identifier.

      export vpnGatewayId=<your_vpn_gateway_id>
    • ikePolicyId - The unique identifier for this IKE policy.

      export ikePolicyId=<your_ike_policy_id>
    • ipsecPolicyId - The unique identifier for this IPsec policy.

      export ipsecPolicyId=<your_ipsec_policy_id>
  3. When all variables are initiated, create the VPN gateway connection. For example:

       curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpn_gateways/$vpnGatewayId/connections?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
         -H "Authorization: $iam_token" \
         -d '{
             "name": "my-vpn-connection",
             "psk": "'$psk'",
             "dead_peer_detection": {
                 "action": "restart",
                 "interval": 2,
                 "timeout": 10
             "local": {
                 "cidrs": "'$localCidrs'"
             "peer": {
                 "cidrs": "'$remoteCidrs'",
                 "address": ""
             "ike_policy": {
                 "id": "'$ikePolicyId'"
             "ipsec_policy": {
                 "id": "'$ipsecPolicyId'"
  4. (Optional) To create a connection using advanced configuration options:

    curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpn_gateways/$vpnGatewayId/connections?version=$api_version&generation=2"  \
          -H "Authorization: $iam_token"      -d '{  \
          "name": "my-advanced-vpn-connection",
          "establish_mode": "peer_only",
          "psk": "'$psk'",
          "dead_peer_detection": {
              "action": "restart",
              "interval": 2,
              "timeout": 10
          "local": {
              "cidrs": "'$localCidrs'",
              "ike_identities": [
                      "type": "key_id",
                      "value": "dGVzdGtleQ=="
          "peer": {
              "cidrs": "'$remoteCidrs'",
              "ike_identity": {
                  "type": "hostname",
                  "value": "cisco-asa"
              "fqdn": ""
          "ike_policy": {
              "id": "'$ikePolicyId'"
          "ipsec_policy": {
              "id": "'$ipsecPolicyId'"

Adding a local CIDR to a VPN gateway connection with the API

To add a local CIDR to a VPN gateway connection with the API, follow these steps:

This API is only supported by policy mode VPN gateways.

  1. Set up your API environment with the right variables.

  2. Store any additional variables to be used in the API commands, for example:

    • vpnGatewayId - The VPN gateway identifier.

      export vpnGatewayId=<your_vpn_gateway_id>
    • connectionId - The unique identifier for this VPN connection.

      export connectionId=<your_connection_id>
    • cidr_prefix - The prefix address part of the CIDR.

      export cidr_prefix=<your_cidr_prefix>
    • prefix_length - The prefix length part of the CIDR.

      export prefix_length=<your_prefix_length>
  3. When all variables are initiated, add a local CIDR to a VPN gateway connection. For example:

       curl -X PUT "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpn_gateways/$vpnGatewayId/connections/$connectionId/local_cidrs/${cidr_prefix}/${prefix_length}?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
         -H "Authorization: $iam_token"

Adding a peer CIDR to a VPN gateway connection with the API

To add a peer CIDR to a VPN gateway connection with the API, follow these steps:

This API is only supported by policy mode VPN gateways.

  1. Set up your API environment with the right variables.

  2. Store any additional variables to be used in the API commands, for example:

    • vpnGatewayId - The VPN gateway identifier

      export vpnGatewayId=<your_vpn_gateway_id>
    • connectionId - The unique identifier for this VPN connection

      export connectionId=<your_connection_id>
    • cidr_prefix - The prefix address part of the CIDR

      export cidr_prefix=<your_cidr_prefix>
    • prefix_length - The prefix length part of the CIDR.

      export prefix_length=<your_prefix_length>
  3. When all variables are initiated, add a peer CIDR to a VPN gateway connection. For example:

       curl -X PUT "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/vpn_gateways/$vpnGatewayId/connections/$connectionId/peer_cidrs/${cidr_prefix}/${prefix_length}?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
         -H "Authorization: $iam_token"

Adding a connection by using Terraform

To add a connection by using Terraform, run the following command:

   resource "ibm_is_vpn_gateway_connection" "is_vpn_gateway_connection" {
     name                 = "my-vpn-gateway-connection"
     vpn_gateway    =
     peer_address   =  ""
     preshared_key = var.presharedkey
     local_cidrs        = [var.localCIDR]
     peer_cidrs        = [var.peerCIDR]

The following Terraform example creates a VPN gateway connection:

resource "ibm_is_vpn_gateway_connection" "is_vpn_gateway_connection" {
  name           = "my-vpn-gateway-connection"
  vpn_gateway    =
  preshared_key  = "VPNDemoPassword"
  establish_mode = "bidirectional"
  peer {
    cidrs   = [var.peerCIDR]
    address = ""
  local {
    cidrs = [var.localCIDR]
  ike_policy   =
  ipsec_policy =

The following Terraform example creates a VPN connection using advanced configuration options:

resource "ibm_is_vpn_gateway_connection" "is_vpn_gateway_connection" {
  name           = "to-prem"
  vpn_gateway    =
  preshared_key  = "test123"
  establish_mode = "peer_only"
  peer {
    cidrs   = [""]
    ike_identity {
      type  = "ipv4_address"
      value = ""
    fqdn = ""
  local {
    cidrs = [""]

For more information, see the Terraform registry.

Next steps

To create a route-based VPN, first create a routing table, then create a route using the VPN connection type.