IBM Cloud Docs
Use analytics to review your entire assistant at a glance

Use analytics to review your entire assistant at a glance

This feature is currently not available in the AI assistant builder of IBM watsonx Orchestrate.

The Analyze page provides a summary of the interactions between users and your assistant.

Analytics help you to understand the following things:

  • What do customers want help with today?
  • Is your assistant understanding and addressing customer needs?
  • How can you make your assistant better?

To see analytics information, select Analyze in the navigation bar.

Choosing the environment and date range

To get started, choose the environment and date range you want to analyze. All charts and cards reflect data based on the environment and the date range you select. When you change the environment or the date range, the charts and cards on the page update to reflect the new date range. You can also use Refresh to ensure the latest data is shown.

Time period

Unique users, conversations, and user requests

These three traffic metrics -- unique users, conversations, and user requests -- provide you with data about the volume of user engagements with your assistant.

Unique users, conversations, and user requests

Unique user is anyone who interacts with your assistant. User ID identifies each user, using a unique label to track the level of service usage. A unique user can have multiple conversations, but a conversation never has more than one unique user.

Conversation is a set of messages consisting of the messages that an individual user sends to your assistant, and the messages your assistant sends back. Conversations can have multiple requests within a single conversation, but a single request doesn't span more than 1 conversation.

Request is a root-level utterance, such as an initial question or request, that signals the start of a specific flow. A user can initiate multiple requests. Requests are meant to represent the core concepts or topics your users are asking about. A request can have multiple steps within it, for example I want to order a pizza is a request. Delivery/takeout, Small/Medium/Large, Cheese/Pepperoni/Mushrooms/Peppers are all steps within the request of ordering a pizza.

Completion and recognition

The completion and recognition charts provide information about the actions in your assistant.

Completion and recognition


Completion is the measurement of how often users are able to successfully get through all steps of an action.

Your assistant measures when someone reaches the final step of an action. The completion chart provides an overview of all the actions you have built and how many of these are being completed or not.

Completion is only applicable when a user question or request matched to an action, and the action starts.

One action can be triggered multiple times, so to better understand individual action performance, click Action completion to understand each action in more detail.


Recognition is the measurement of how many requests are being recognized by the assistant and routed into starting an action.

The recognition chart provides you with a view into how many requests are matched to actions. This helps you to understand where you may have content gaps, where you might want to build new actions, or how existing actions aren't matching properly to user requests.

Customer requests are considered unrecognized if:

  • The request triggers the No matches action
  • The assistant asks a clarifying question and the customer chooses None of the above

To get more detail, click on Unrecognized requests to review the requests that are not being recognized by the assistant, so you can create new actions that address questions and issues that aren't being answered.

Most frequent, least frequent, and least completed

These most/least cards help you to quickly identify specific actions that might need your attention. From these lists, you can click a specific action to do more analysis.

Most frequent, least frequent, and least completed

Most frequent actions shows the actions that have the most recognized requests matched with that action.

Least frequent actions is the exact opposite of most frequent. It can help you identify actions that possibly have poor training and are not matching well to actual requests from your users.

Least completed actions shows a list of actions with the lowest completion rate, by percentage. This measurement doesn't take traffic into account. This can be another good indication of actions where maybe the flow or content can be improved, and you can spend time investigating.