IBM Cloud Docs
Integrating with phone and Twilio Flex

Integrating with phone and Twilio Flex

IBM Cloud

You can use the phone integration to help your customers over the phone and transfer them to live agents inside of Twilio Flex. If, in the course of a conversation with your assistant, a customer asks to speak to a person, you can transfer the conversation directly to a Twilio Flex agent.

Before you begin

To use this integration pattern, you need:

  • watsonx Assistant Plus or Enterprise Plan (required for phone integration)
  • A Twilio account with the following products:
    • Twilio Flex
    • Twilio Voice with Programmable Voice API
    • Twilio Studio

Adding the watsonx Assistant phone integration

You can skip this section if you already added the phone integration to your assistant.

If you need to add the phone integration, follow these steps.

  1. In the Integrations section on the main page for your assistant under Essential Channels, you will see a tile for Phone.

  2. On the Phone tile, click Add.

  3. On the pop-up window, click Add again.

  4. Select Use an existing phone number with an external provider.

  5. Complete the phone integration setup process. (For more information, see Integrating with phone.)

For now, this is all you need to do. For more information about configuring the phone integration, see Integrating with phone.

Adding the Twilio Flex Project

A new or an existing Twilio Flex project is required.

If you need a Twilio Flex project, you can create one using these steps.

  1. From the project drop-down menu, click Create New Project. Specify a name for the project, and verify your account information.

  2. On the welcome page, select Flex as the Twilio product for your new project. Complete the questionnaire, and then click Get Started with Twilio.

    After your Flex project is provisioned, return to the Twilio console. Make sure you selected the correct project from the drop-down list.

  3. In the navigation menu, click the All Products & Services icon.

  4. Click Twilio Programmable Voice > Settings > General.

  5. Under Enhanced Programmable SIP Features, toggle the switch to Enabled.

Creating the call flow

After your phone integration and Twilio Flex project are configured, you must create a call-flow with Twilio Studio and provision (or port) the phone number you want your assistant to work with.

To create the call flow:

  1. In the navigation menu, click the All Products & Services icon.

  2. Click Studio.

  3. Click + to create a new flow.

  4. Name the new flow, and then click Next.

  5. Select Start From Scratch, and then click Next. A Trigger widget appears in your flow canvas.

  6. Click the Trigger widget.

  7. Make note of the value from the WEBHOOK URL field. You need this value in a subsequent step.

Configuring the phone number

  1. In the navigation menu, click the All Products & Services icon.

  2. Click Phone Numbers.

  3. Under Manage Numbers, configure the phone number you want your assistant to use. Select Buy a Number to buy a new number, or Port & Host to port an existing phone number.

  4. In the Active Numbers list, click the new phone number.

  5. Under Voice and Fax, configure these settings.

    • For CONFIGURE WITH field, select Webhook, TwiML Bins, Functions, Studio, or Proxy.

    • For A CALL COMES IN, select Studio Flow. Select your flow from the drop-down list.

    • For PRIMARY HANDLER FAILS, select Studio Flow. Select your flow from the drop-down list.

  6. Go to the watsonx Assistant user interface, and open the phone integration settings for your assistant.

  7. In the Phone number field, type the phone number that you configured in Flex Studio.

  8. Click Save and exit.

Test your phone number

You can now test that your phone number is connected to your flow by triggering a Say/Play widget in the Twilio Flex Flow editor.

  1. Drag a Say/Play widget onto your flow canvas.

  2. Configure the Say/Play widget with a simple phrase like I'm alive..

  3. Connect the Incoming call node on your Trigger widget to your Say/Play widget.

  4. Call your phone number. You should hear Twilio flow respond with your test phrase.

  5. Delete the Say/Play widget and continue to the next step.

  6. If this test did not work as expected, double-check your phone number configuration to ensure it is attached to your flow.

Creating a Twilio function to handle incoming calls

Now you need to configure the call-flow to direct inbound calls to the assistant by using a Twilio function. Follow these steps:

  1. In the navigation menu, click the All Products & Services icon.

  2. Click Services.

  3. Click Create Service. Specify a service name and then click Next.

  4. Click Add > Add Function to add a new function to your service. Name the new function /receive-call.

  5. Replace the template in your /receive-call function with this code:

    exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
      const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;  
      const response = new VoiceResponse();
      const dial = response.dial({
        answerOnBridge: "true",
        referUrl: "/refer-handler"
      const calledPhoneNumber = event.Called;
      return callback(null, response);
    • Replace {sip_uri_hostname} with the hostname portion of your assistant's phone integration SIP URI (everything that comes after sips:). Note: Twilio does not support SIPS URIs, but does support secure SIP trunking by appending ;secure=true to the SIP URI.
  6. Click Save.

  7. Click Deploy All.

Redirecting to the incoming call handler

Use a TwiML Redirect widget in your Studio Flow editor to call out to the /receive-call function created in the previous section.

  1. Add a TwiML Redirect widget to your Studio Flow canvas.

  2. Connect the Incoming Call trigger to your TwiML Redirect widget.

  3. Configure the TwiML Redirect widget with the URL for the /receive-call function that you created in the previous section.

  4. Your flow should now redirect to watsonx Assistant when receiving an inbound call.

  5. If the redirect fails, make sure you deployed your /receive-call function.

Creating a Twilio function to handle transfers from assistant

You also need to configure the call-flow to handle calls transferred from the assistant back to Twilio Flex, for cases when customers ask to speak to an agent. Use a Say/Play after the TwiML Redirect widget to show that the call is transferred back to the flow from watsonx Assistant. Many options are possible at this point, such as queuing the call for a live agent, and are discussed in this section.

  1. Add a Say/Play widget to your canvas, and configure it with a phrase such as, Transfer from Watsom complete.

  2. Connect the Return node on the TwiML Redirect widget to your Say/Play widget.

  3. Click the Trigger widget.

  4. Copy the value from the WEBHOOK URL field. You need this value in a subsequent step.

  5. On the Twilio Functions page, click Add > Add Function to add another new function to your service. Name this new function /refer-handler.

  6. Replace the template in your /refer-handler function with the following code:

    exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
      // This function handler will handle the SIP REFER back from the Phone Integration.
      // Before handing the call back to Twilio, it will extract the session history key from the
      // User-to-User header that's part of the SIP REFER Refer-To header. This session history key
      // is a string that is used to load the agent application in order to share the transcripts of the caller
      // with the agent.
      // See
      const VoiceResponse = require('twilio').twiml.VoiceResponse;
      const STUDIO_WEBHOOK_URL = '{webhook_url}';
      let studioWebhookReturnUrl = `${STUDIO_WEBHOOK_URL}?FlowEvent=return`;
      const response = new VoiceResponse();
      console.log("ReferTransferTarget: " + event.ReferTransferTarget);
      const referToSipUriHeaders = event.ReferTransferTarget.split("?")[1];
      if (referToSipUriHeaders) {
        const sanitizedReferToSipUriHeaders = referToSipUriHeaders.replace(">", "");
        console.log("Custom Headers: " + sanitizedReferToSipUriHeaders);
        const sipHeadersList = sanitizedReferToSipUriHeaders.split("&");
        const sipHeaders = {};
        for (const sipHeaderSet of sipHeadersList) {
          const [name, value] = sipHeaderSet.split('=');
          sipHeaders[name] = value;
        const USER_TO_USER_HEADER = 'User-to-User';
        // Extracts the User-to-User header value
        const uuiData = sipHeaders[USER_TO_USER_HEADER];
        if (uuiData) {
          const decodedUUIData = decodeURIComponent(uuiData);
          const sessionHistoryKey = decodedUUIData.split(';')[0];
          // Passes the session history key back to Twilio Studio through a query parameter.
          studioWebhookReturnUrl = `${studioWebhookReturnUrl}&SessionHistoryKey=${sessionHistoryKey}`;
        { method: 'POST' },
      // This callback is what is returned in response to this function being invoked.
      // It's really important! E.g. you might respond with TWiML here for a voice or SMS response.
      // Or you might return JSON data to a studio flow. Don't forget it!
      return callback(null, response);

    Replace {webhook_url} with the WEBHOOK URL value that you copied from the Trigger widget in your Studio Flow.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Deploy All.

  9. After you create this refer-handler, copy the function URL back into the /receive-call handler's referUrl field.

Configuring the assistant to transfer calls to Twilio Flex

Now we need to configure the assistant to transfer calls to Twilio Flex when a customer asks to speak to an agent. Follow these steps:

  1. In the watsonx Assistant user interface, open the dialog skill of your assistant.

  2. Add a node with the condition that triggers your assistant to transfer customers to an agent.

  3. Add a text response to the node, and specify the text that you want your assistant to say before it transfers customers to an agent.

  4. Open the JSON editor for the response.

  5. In the JSON editor, add a connect_to_agent response, specifying your phone number as the sip.uri (replace {phone_number} with the phone number of your SIP trunk):

  "generic": [
        "response_type": "connect_to_agent",
        "transfer_info": {
          "target": {
            "service_desk": {
              "sip": {
                "uri": "sip:+{phone_number}",
                "transfer_headers_send_method": "refer_to_header"
        "agent_available": {
          "message": "Ok, I'm transferring you to an agent"
        "agent_unavailable": {
          "message": ""

This example does not show how to use the context that is passed from watsonx Assistant to Twilio Flex. You can reference the User-to-User information from within the Twilio Flex flow:

  "context": {
    "widgets": {
      "redirect_1": {
        "User-to-User": "value",

where redirect_1 is the name of your redirect widget. For example, if you set up multiple queues, you might want to use a Twilio Split widget to pick a queue based on the returned context.

Test your assistant

Your assistant should now be able to answer calls to your phone number and transfer calls back to your Twilio Flex flow. To test your assistant:

  1. Call your phone number. When the assistant responds, ask for an agent.

  2. You should hear the phrase configured in the Say/Play widget (such as, "Transfer from Watson complete").

  3. If the transfer fails, use the console log to follow the flow of the call as it moves from the flow to the /receive-call handler, to watsonx Assistant, to the refer-handler, and then back to your Twilio Flex flow.

Share the conversation history with service desk agents

To enable service desk agents to get a quick view of the conversation history between visitor and assistant, set up the watsonx Assistant Agent App app for your Twilio Flex environment. For more information, see documentation at the Twilio Flex watsonx Assistant Agent App.