Creating an advanced rules model
This tutorial describes how to use advanced rules workspaces to create and export advanced rules models.
The advanced rules workspace is Beta. The feature is in a trial stage of development and is not recommended for use in production environments.
Before you begin
- Install Knowledge Studio.
- Confirm you are using a supported browser.
Accessing tutorials from the advanced rules workspace
To view tutorials for creating extractors, click the Get Help button in the upper right corner of the center canvas. You might need to slide the documents bar to expose the icon if the icon is not visible.
Creating an advanced rules model
Advanced rules models are comprised of text extractors that you design in the advanced rules workspace. The advanced rules workspace provides sample text extractors that are ready to use.
Create an advanced rules workspace
- Launch the Knowledge Studio application.
- If you already have other workspaces, click Create workspace.
- Click Create advanced rules workspace. Enter a name for your workspace, then click Create. The advanced rules workspace will load after a few seconds.
Create a new project (optional)
- In the Projects tab of your workspace, click the New button.
- Enter a name for your project and click Create.
For more information, see Managing projects and extractors.
Add documents to your project
- Click the Add Documents button.
- Select the file type and language of your file.
- Click Choose File and select a file to upload.
- Click Add to add your file to the project.
Create an extractor
- Follow the tutorials from the Get Help menu for more information on how to create and run extractors. See Managing projects and extractors > Creating an extractor.
Run your extractors on documents
- Right-click the extractor on the canvas and click Run Selected from the menu.
- Alternatively, select the extractor and click Run Selected from the extractor toolbar.
- To run multiple extractors, select them and click Run Selected in the toolbar. When the extractor has finished running, click the Results pane to view the output. The results are highlighted in the Documents pane as well.
For more information, see Managing projects and extractors > Running an extractor.
Export your model
- Click Save to save your model.
- In the Extractors pane, right-click an extractor category, or right-click a single view under an extractor category. Click Export.
- If you want the model to be able to analyze HTML content and output spans over the HTML tags in Natural Language Understanding, select Enable Detagging.
- Enter the Name of file, then click OK.
Exporting a model from a Category, if multiple concepts internally use the same names for one or more output views, is expected to fail when deploying to Discovery or Natural Language Understanding.
Uploading an advanced rules model to other services
After you export an advanced rules model, you can upload it to Natural Language Understanding. See the following page for more details.
- Natural Language Understanding: Customizing > Analyzing text with advanced rules (Beta)
- Discovery for Cloud Pak for Data: Creating enrichments > Advanced rules models enrichment (Beta)