IBM Cloud API Docs


This is a new API for configuring IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets.

This API will evolve to cover the full suite of bucket configuration options provided today by extensions made to the modified S3 API. The COS Resource Configuration API now supports:

  • Viewing non-mutable bucket metadata (CRNs, timestamps, and usage info)
  • Viewing and setting IP address access filters.
  • Viewing and setting Activity Tracker events for object operations.

The Configuration API supports two request methods. The Get bucket configuration method reads a bucket's metadata, and returns an entity tag (ETag) header that identifies the current configuration. The tag is updated when some piece of mutable configuration metadata changes. Use the ETag with an if-match header in the Update bucket configuration method to ensure that you are overwriting the correct configuration.

PATCH operations can update multiple fields in the same request.

What is mutable configuration metadata? There's a lot of useful but non-mutable metadata associated with a bucket: its name, location, class, the service instance it belongs to, the number of objects it holds, and so on. None of those values can be directly edited by a user but are important for intelligent data management and are necessary for integration with other IBM Cloud services. In contrast, mutable bucket metadata adds functionality or alters behavior. In this initial version of the Configuration API, the only such metadata is a bucket's firewall, Activity Tracker, and Metrics Monitoring configurations.

In direct contrast to an S3 API, the Configuration API doesn't rely on separate methods to access different bucket parameters. For example, in an S3 API you might use these methods:

  1. Read the configuration of a bucket firewall by sending GET {endpoint}/{bucket}?firewall.
  2. Read the configuration location with GET {endpoint}/{bucket}?location.
  3. Check whether the configuration has Key Protect enabled by sending HEAD {endpoint}/{bucket} and reviewing the response headers.

Instead, the Configuration API uses a single JSON document to describe all aspects of a bucket's metadata and configuration with the Get the bucket configuration method. To update the configuration, the Configuration API uses JSON Merge Patch semantics to make updates directly to the bucket's metadata. Although you can only update a bucket's IP address access filter right now, the API might be updated to support making other updates. For example, you might be able to add a lifecycle rule, remove a firewall, and update a default retention period in a single request.

Some IDEs (such as PyCharm) may produce warnings about unused classes or methods. This is an artifact of the code generation tooling that allows for the passing of objects in named parameters, but generates a docstring that causes some linting tools to raise a warning.

JavaScript developers can use this SDK to interact with the Object Storage Resource Configuration API. For more information, see the COS Resource Configuration SDK for Java API Reference.

The SDK is supported on Java versions 1.6 and later.

JavaScript developers can use this SDK to interact with the Object Storage Resource Configuration API. For more information, see the COS Resource Configuration SDK for Java API Reference.

The SDK is supported on Node versions 8.x and later.

Python developers can use this SDK to interact with Object Storage Resource Configuration API. For more information, see the COS Resource Configuration SDK for Python API Reference.

Go developers can use this SDK to interact with Object Storage Resource Configuration API. For more information, see the COS Resource Configuration SDK for Go API Reference.

The SDK supports Go versions 1.12 and above.

The code examples on this tab use the Resource Configuration client library that is provided for Java.




The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Node.js.


npm install ibm-cos-sdk-config


The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Python.


pip install --upgrade ibm-cos-sdk-config


The code examples on this tab use the client library that is provided for Go.

go get -u


Endpoint URLs

Unlike the S3-compatible API for reading and writing data, the Configuration API uses a single, global service endpoint. Whether getting or updating metadata, for buckets located in the eu geo, us-south region, ams01 zone, or any other storage location, the request uses the same endpoint URL:

Note that the endpoint URL actually contains three parts: a protocol (https://), a host (, and a version (v1). The SDKs will construct this by default, but if sending requests using curl or any other REST API utility keep in mind that the endpoint requires both the protocol and version.

Error handling

This API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate whether a method completed successfully. A 200 response indicates success. A 400 type response indicates a failure, and a 500 type response indicates an internal system error.

Element Description
http_status_code HTTP status code for the response. Integer. Example: 200
code Error code. String. Example: AccessDenied
message Error message. String. Example: Access Denied
resource Target of the failed request. String. Example: Bucket123
ibm_cos_request_id Unique identifier for this request. String. Example: 5043294b-de39-4034-881a-92afbed1453d

Example error object:

  "http_status_code": 403,
  "code": "AccessDenied",
  "message": "Access Denied",
  "resource": "my-new-bucket",
  "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861"


To work with the API, authenticate your app or service by including your IBM Cloud IAM access token.

To retrieve an access token:

curl -X POST \
  -H "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
  -H "accept: application/json" \
  -d "grant_type=urn%3Aibm%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Aapikey&apikey=<API_KEY>"

Replace <API_KEY> with your service credentials. Then use the full IAM token value, prefixed by the Bearer token type, to authenticate your API requests.

To retrieve an access token:

To be added

Replace <API_KEY> with your service credentials. Then use the full IAM token value, prefixed by the Bearer token type, to authenticate your API requests.

To create a client that will automatically handle token management:

const COS = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/resource-configuration/v1')
const IAMAUTHENTICATOR = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/auth');

clientInfo = new IamAuthenticator({
  apikey: 'apikey',

const client = new COS(clientInfo);

Replace apikey with an API key.

Now client is ready to make requests.

To create a client that will automatically handle token management:

from ibm_cos_sdk_config.resource_configuration_v1 import ResourceConfigurationV1
from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator

authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(
  apikey = 'apikey'

client = ResourceConfigurationV1(authenticator=api_key)

Replace api_key with a valid API key.

Now client is ready to make requests.

To retrieve an access token:

To be added

Replace <API_KEY> with your service credentials. Then use the full IAM token value, prefixed by the Bearer token type, to authenticate your API requests.

Additional headers

Request Parameter Description
authorization Required IBM Cloud IAM bearer token. String.
content-type The content type of the request body. String. Example: application/json.
Response Parameter Description
Date Timestamp of the response. String. Example: Sun, 13 Jan 2019 18:00:56 GMT
Content-Type All responses are of type application/json. Only returned if there is a response body (such as GET). String.
Content-Length Length in bytes of the response body. Integer. Only returned if there is a response body (such as GET). Example: 255
ETag Entity tag (per RFC 7232) of the current state of configuration. String. Example: "3ee236f6-0f8e-4171-8cec-050e4c87be48"
ibm-cos-config-api-ver The version of this API. String. Example: 1.0
ibm-cos-request-id Unique identifier for this request. String. Example: 5043294b-de39-4034-881a-92afbed1453d


Returns metadata for the specified bucket.

Returns metadata for the specified bucket.

GET /b/{bucket}


To call this method, you must be assigned one or more IAM access roles that include the following actions. You can check your access by going to Users > User > Access.

Allows reading of bucket metadata.

  • cloud-object-storage.bucket.list_bucket_crn

  • cloud-object-storage.bucket.get_firewall

  • cloud-object-storage.bucket.get_activity_tracking

  • cloud-object-storage.bucket.get_metrics_monitoring

  • cloud-object-storage.bucket.get_protection_management


Path Parameters

  • Name of a bucket.

  • curl   -H 'authorization: bearer $IAM_TOKEN'
  • import;
    public class GetMetadata {
        private static final String BUCKET_NAME = <BUCKET_NAME>;
        private static final String API_KEY = <API_KEY>;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator.Builder()
            ResourceConfiguration RC_CLIENT = new ResourceConfiguration("resource-configuration", authenticator);
            GetBucketConfigOptions bucketOptions = new GetBucketConfigOptions.Builder(BUCKET_NAME).build();
            Bucket bucket = RC_CLIENT.getBucketConfig(bucketOptions).execute().getResult();
            ActivityTracking activityTrackingResponse = bucket.getActivityTracking();
            MetricsMonitoring metricsMonitoringResponse = bucket.getMetricsMonitoring();
            Firewall firewallResponse = bucket.getFirewall();
            ProtectionManagementResponse protectionManagementResponse = bucket.getProtectionManagement();
  • from ibm_cos_sdk_config.resource_configuration_v1 import ResourceConfigurationV1
    from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
    api_key = '<API_KEY>'
    bucket_name = '<BUCKET_NAME>'
    authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(
    rc_client = ResourceConfigurationV1(authenticator=authenticator)
    config = rc_client.get_bucket_config(bucket_name)
  • const ResourceConfigurationV1 = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/resource-configuration/v1');
    const { IamAuthenticator } = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/auth');
    // Replace with your API key and bucket name
    const apiKey = 'api-key';
    const bucketName = 'bucket-name';
    const authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({
      apikey: apiKey
    const rcConfig = { authenticator: authenticator };
    const client = new ResourceConfigurationV1(rcConfig);
    function getBucketMetadata() {
        console.log('Getting bucket metadata...');
        const params = { bucket: bucketName };
            .then(response => {
                console.log('Bucket Metadata:', response.result);
            .catch(err => {
                console.error('Error retrieving bucket metadata:', err);
  • import (
      rc ""
    const (
      apiKey = '<API_KEY>'
      bucketName = '<BUCKET_NAME>'
    authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
          ApiKey:  apiKey,
    service, _ := rc.NewResourceConfigurationV1(&rc.ResourceConfigurationV1Options{
          Authenticator: authenticator,
    getBucketConfigOptions := &rc.GetBucketConfigOptions{
      Bucket: core.StringPtr(bucketName),
    result, response, _ := service.GetBucketConfig(getBucketConfigOptions)


A bucket.

Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "name": "my-new-bucket",
      "crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/ 3bf0d9003abfb5d29761c3e97696b71c:xxxxxxx-6c4f-4a62-a165-696756d63903:bucket:my-new-bucket",
      "service_instance_id": "xxxxxxx-6c4f-4a62-a165-696756d63903",
      "service_instance_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/3bf0d9003abfb5d29761c3e97696b71c:xxxxxxx-6c4f-4a62-a165-696756d63903::",
      "time_created": "2018-03-26T16:23:36.980Z",
      "time_updated": "2018-10-17T19:29:10.117Z",
      "object_count": 764265234,
      "bytes_used": 28198745752445144
  • {
      "http_status_code": 400,
      "code": "InvalidRequest",
      "message": "The request contains invalid elements.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861"
  • {
      "code": "Unauthorized",
      "message": "The token provided is not valid.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 401
  • {
      "code": "AccessDenied",
      "message": "Access Denied",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 403
  • {
      "code": "NoSuchBucket",
      "message": "The specified bucket does not exist.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 404
  • {
      "code": "InternalError",
      "message": "Internal server error.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 500

Make changes to a bucket's configuration.

Updates a bucket using JSON Merge Patch. This request is used to add functionality (like an IP access filter) or to update existing parameters. Primitives are overwritten and replaced in their entirety. It is not possible to append a new (or to delete a specific) value to an array. Arrays can be cleared by updating the parameter with an empty array []. A PATCH operation only updates specified mutable fields. Please don't use PATCH trying to update the number of objects in a bucket, any timestamps, or other non-mutable fields.

PATCH /b/{bucket}


Custom Headers

  • An Etag previously returned in a header when fetching or updating a bucket's metadata. If this value does not match the active Etag, the request will fail.

Path Parameters

  • Name of a bucket.

An object containing new configuration metadata.

  • curl -X PATCH   -H 'authorization: bearer $IAM_TOKEN'   -d '{"firewall": {"allowed_ip": ["", ""]}}'
  • curl -X PATCH   -H 'authorization: bearer $IAM_TOKEN'   -d '{"activity_tracking": {           "read_data_events": true,           "write_data_events": true,           "management_events": true}'
  • curl -X PATCH   -H 'authorization: bearer $IAM_TOKEN'   -d '{"metrics_monitoring": {           "usage_metrics_enabled": true}'
  • curl -X PATCH   -H 'authorization: bearer $IAM_TOKEN'   -d '{"protection_management": {           "requested_state": "activate",           "protection_management_token": $PM_TOKEN}}'
  • import;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public class FirewallExample {
        private static final String BUCKET_NAME = <BUCKET_NAME>;
        private static final String API_KEY = <API_KEY>;
        private static List<String> IP_ARRAY = new ArrayList<String>();
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator.Builder()
            ResourceConfiguration RC_CLIENT = new ResourceConfiguration("resource-configuration", authenticator);
            Firewall firewallConfig = new Firewall.Builder().allowedIp(IP_ARRAY).build();
            BucketPatch bucketPatch = new BucketPatch.Builder().firewall(firewallConfig).build();
            UpdateBucketConfigOptions update = new UpdateBucketConfigOptions
            GetBucketConfigOptions bucketOptions = new GetBucketConfigOptions.Builder(BUCKET_NAME).build();
            Bucket bucket = RC_CLIENT.getBucketConfig(bucketOptions).execute().getResult();
            Firewall firewallResponse = bucket.getFirewall();
            for(String ip: firewallResponse.allowedIp()){
  • import;
    public class ActivityTrackerExample {
        private static final String BUCKET_NAME = <BUCKET_NAME>;
        private static final String API_KEY = <API_KEY>;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator.Builder()
            ResourceConfiguration RC_CLIENT = new ResourceConfiguration("resource-configuration", authenticator);
            ActivityTracking activityTrackingConfig = new ActivityTracking().Builder()
            BucketPatch bucketPatch = new BucketPatch.Builder().activityTracking(activityTrackingConfig).build();
            UpdateBucketConfigOptions update = new UpdateBucketConfigOptions
            GetBucketConfigOptions bucketOptions = new GetBucketConfigOptions.Builder(BUCKET_NAME).build();
            Bucket bucket = RC_CLIENT.getBucketConfig(bucketOptions).execute().getResult();
            ActivityTracking activityTrackingResponse = bucket.getActivityTracking();
            System.out.println("Read Data Events : " + activityTrackingResponse.readDataEvents());
            System.out.println("Write Data Events : " + activityTrackingResponse.writeDataEvents());
            System.out.println("Management Events : " + activityTrackingResponse.managementEvents());
  • import;
    public class MetricsMonitoringExample {
        private static final String BUCKET_NAME = <BUCKET_NAME>;
        private static final String API_KEY = <API_KEY>;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator.Builder()
            ResourceConfiguration RC_CLIENT = new ResourceConfiguration("resource-configuration", authenticator);
            MetricsMonitoring metricsMonitoringConfig = new MetricsMonitoring().Builder()
            BucketPatch bucketPatch = new BucketPatch.Builder().metricsMonitoring(metricsMonitoringConfig).build();
            UpdateBucketConfigOptions update = new UpdateBucketConfigOptions
            GetBucketConfigOptions bucketOptions = new GetBucketConfigOptions.Builder(BUCKET_NAME).build();
            Bucket bucket = RC_CLIENT.getBucketConfig(bucketOptions).execute().getResult();
            MetricsMonitoring metricsMonitoringResponse = bucket.getMetricsMonitoring();
            System.out.println("Usage Metrics Enabled  : " + metricsMonitoringResponse.usageMetricsEnabled());
            System.out.println("Request Metrics Enabled : " + metricsMonitoringResponse.requestMetricsEnabled());
  • import;
    public class ProtectionManagementExample {
        private static final String BUCKET_NAME = <BUCKET_NAME>;
        private static final String API_KEY = <API_KEY>;
        private static final String PM_TOKEN = <PM_TOKEN>;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            IamAuthenticator authenticator = new IamAuthenticator.Builder()
            ResourceConfiguration RC_CLIENT = new ResourceConfiguration("resource-configuration", authenticator);
            ProtectionManagement protectionManagementConfig = new ProtectionManagement.Builder()
            BucketPatch bucketPatch = new BucketPatch.Builder().protectionManagement(protectionManagementConfig).build();
            UpdateBucketConfigOptions update = new UpdateBucketConfigOptions
            GetBucketConfigOptions bucketOptions = new GetBucketConfigOptions.Builder(BUCKET_NAME).build();
            Bucket bucket = RC_CLIENT.getBucketConfig(bucketOptions).execute().getResult();
            ProtectionManagementResponse protectionManagementResponse = bucket.getProtectionManagement();
            List<ProtectionManagementResponseTokenEntry> ProtectionManagementResponseTokenEntries = protectionManagementResponse.tokenEntries();
            System.out.println("Token Applied Counter: " + protectionManagementResponse.tokenAppliedCounter());
            for(ProtectionManagementResponseTokenEntry tokenEntry: ProtectionManagementResponseTokenEntries) {
              System.out.println("Token Reference Id: " + tokenEntry.getTokenReferenceId());
  • from ibm_cos_sdk_config.resource_configuration_v1 import ResourceConfigurationV1
    from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
    api_key = "<API_KEY>"
    bucket_name = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    ip_array = ["x.x.x.x", "y.y.y.y"]
    authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(apikey=api_key)
    client = ResourceConfigurationV1(authenticator=authenticator)
    firewall_config = {'firewall': {"allowed_ip": ip_array}}
    client.update_bucket_config(bucket_name, bucket_patch=firewall_config)
  • from ibm_cos_sdk_config.resource_configuration_v1 import ResourceConfigurationV1
    from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
    api_key = "<API_KEY>"
    bucket_name = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(apikey=api_key)
    client = ResourceConfigurationV1(authenticator=authenticator)
    activity_tracking_config = {'activity_tracking':{'read_data_events':True, 'write_data_events':True, 'management_events':True}}
    client.update_bucket_config(bucket_name, bucket_patch=activity_tracking_config)
  • from ibm_cos_sdk_config.resource_configuration_v1 import ResourceConfigurationV1
    from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
    api_key = "<API_KEY>"
    bucket_name = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(apikey=api_key)
    client = ResourceConfigurationV1(authenticator=authenticator)
    metrics_monitoring_config = {'metrics_monitoring': {'request_metrics_enabled':True, 'usage_metrics_enabled':True}}
    client.update_bucket_config(bucket_name, bucket_patch=metrics_monitoring_config)
  • from ibm_cos_sdk_config.resource_configuration_v1 import ResourceConfigurationV1
    from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator
    api_key = "<API_KEY>"
    bucket_name = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    pm_token = "<PM_TOKEN>"
    authenticator = IAMAuthenticator(apikey=api_key)
    client = ResourceConfigurationV1(authenticator=authenticator)
    protection_management_config = {'protection_management': {'requested_state': 'activate', 'protection_management_token': pm_token}}
    client.update_bucket_config(bucket_name, bucket_patch=protection_management_config)
  • const ResourceConfigurationV1 = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/resource-configuration/v1');
    IamAuthenticator      = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/auth');
    var apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
    var bucketName = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    var allowedIP = [""]
    authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({apikey: apiKey})
    rcConfig = {authenticator: authenticator}
    const client = new ResourceConfigurationV1(rcConfig);
    function addFirewall() {
        console.log('Updating bucket metadata...');
        var params = {
            bucket: bucketName,
            firewall: {
                allowed_ip: allowedIP
        client.updateBucketConfig(params, function (err, response) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("ERROR: " + err);
            } else {
  • const ResourceConfigurationV1 = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/resource-configuration/v1');
    IamAuthenticator      = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/auth');
    var apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
    var bucketName = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({apikey: apiKey})
    rcConfig = {authenticator: authenticator}
    const client = new ResourceConfigurationV1(rcConfig);
    function addAT() {
        console.log('Updating bucket metadata...');
        var params = {
            bucket: bucketName,
            activityTracking: {
              "read_data_events": true,
              "write_data_events": true,
              "management_events": true
        client.updateBucketConfig(params, function (err, response) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("ERROR: " + err);
            } else {
  • const ResourceConfigurationV1 = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/resource-configuration/v1');
    IamAuthenticator      = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/auth');
    var apiKey = "<API_KEY>"
    var bucketName = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({apikey: apiKey})
    rcConfig = {authenticator: authenticator}
    const client = new ResourceConfigurationV1(rcConfig);
    function addMM() {
        console.log('Updating bucket metadata...');
        var params = {
            bucket: bucketName,
            metricsMonitoring: {
              "request_metrics_enabled": true,
              "usage_metrics_enabled": true
        client.updateBucketConfig(params, function (err, response) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("ERROR: " + err);
            } else {
  • const ResourceConfigurationV1 = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/resource-configuration/v1');
    const { IamAuthenticator }    = require('ibm-cos-sdk-config/auth');
    var apiKey     = "<API_KEY>"
    var bucketName = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
    var pmToken    = "<PM_TOKEN>"
    const authenticator = new IamAuthenticator({apikey: apiKey})
    const rcConfig = {authenticator: authenticator}
    const client = new ResourceConfigurationV1(rcConfig);
    function addPM() {
        var params = {
            bucket: bucketName,
            protectionManagement: {
              "requested_state": "activate",
              "protection_management_token": pmToken
        client.updateBucketConfig(params, function (err, data) {
            if (err) {
                console.log("ERROR: " + err);
            } else {
  • import (
    rc ""
    apiKey := "<ApiKey>"
    bucketName := "<BucketName>"
    authenticator := new(core.IamAuthenticator)
    authenticator.ApiKey = apiKey
    optionsRC := new(rc.ResourceConfigurationV1Options)
    optionsRC.Authenticator = authenticator
    rcClient, _ := rc.NewResourceConfigurationV1(optionsRC)
    patchNameMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    patchNameMap["firewall"] = &rc.Firewall{
      AllowedIp:     []string{""}
    updateBucketConfigOptions := &rc.UpdateBucketConfigOptions{
      Bucket:      core.StringPtr(bucketName),
      BucketPatch: patchNameMap,
  • import (
    rc ""
    apiKey := "<ApiKey>"
    bucketName := "<BucketName>"
    authenticator := new(core.IamAuthenticator)
    authenticator.ApiKey = apiKey
    optionsRC := new(rc.ResourceConfigurationV1Options)
    optionsRC.Authenticator = authenticator
    rcClient, _ := rc.NewResourceConfigurationV1(optionsRC)
    patchNameMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    patchNameMap["activity_tracking"] = &rc.ActivityTracking{
      ReadDataEvents:     core.BoolPtr(true),
      WriteDataEvents:    core.BoolPtr(true),
      ManagementEvents:    core.BoolPtr(true)
    updateBucketConfigOptions := &rc.UpdateBucketConfigOptions{
      Bucket:      core.StringPtr(bucketName),
      BucketPatch: patchNameMap,
  • import (
    rc ""
    apiKey := "<ApiKey>"
    bucketName := "<BucketName>"
    authenticator := new(core.IamAuthenticator)
    authenticator.ApiKey = apiKey
    optionsRC := new(rc.ResourceConfigurationV1Options)
    optionsRC.Authenticator = authenticator
    rcClient, _ := rc.NewResourceConfigurationV1(optionsRC)
    patchNameMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    patchNameMap["metrics_monitoring"] = &rc.MetricsMonitoring{
      RequestMetricsEnabled:     core.BoolPtr(true),
      UsageMetricsEnabled:    core.BoolPtr(true)
    updateBucketConfigOptions := &rc.UpdateBucketConfigOptions{
      Bucket:      core.StringPtr(bucketName),
      BucketPatch: patchNameMap,
  • import (
    rc ""
    apiKey := "<ApiKey>"
    bucketName := "<BucketName>"
    pmToken := "<PMToken>"
    authenticator := new(core.IamAuthenticator)
    authenticator.ApiKey = apiKey
    optionsRC := new(rc.ResourceConfigurationV1Options)
    optionsRC.Authenticator = authenticator
    rcClient, _ := rc.NewResourceConfigurationV1(optionsRC)
    patchNameMap := make(map[string]interface{})
    patchNameMap["protection_management"] = &rc.ProtectionManagement{
      RequestedState:     core.StringPtr("activate"),
      ProtectionManagementToken:    core.StringPtr(pmToken),
    updateBucketConfigOptions := &rc.UpdateBucketConfigOptions{
      Bucket:      core.StringPtr(bucketName),
      BucketPatch: patchNameMap,


Status Code

  • Success

  • Bad Request

  • Unauthorized

  • Forbidden

  • Not Found

  • Precondition Failed

  • Internal Server Error

Example responses
  • {
      "code": "InvalidRequest",
      "message": "The request contains invalid elements.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 400
  • {
      "code": "Unauthorized",
      "message": "The token provided is not valid.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 401
  • {
      "code": "AccessDenied",
      "message": "Access Denied",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 403
  • {
      "code": "NoSuchBucket",
      "message": "The specified bucket does not exist.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861",
      "http_status_code": 404
  • {
      "http_status_code": 412,
      "code": "PreconditionFailed",
      "message": "At least one of the preconditions specified were not met.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861"
  • {
      "http_status_code": 500,
      "code": "InternalError",
      "message": "Internal server error.",
      "resource": "my-new-bucket",
      "ibm_cos_request_id": "9f39ff2e-55d1-461b-a6f1-2d0b75138861"