IBM Cloud Docs
About IBM Cloud Metrics Routing in IBM Cloud

About IBM Cloud Metrics Routing in IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud Metrics Routing is a platform service that you can use to configure the routing of platform metrics generated in your IBM Cloud account.

You can use IBM Cloud Metrics Routing, a platform service, to manage metrics at the account-level by configuring targets and routes that define where data points are routed. IBM Cloud Metrics Routing can only route metrics that are generated in supported regions by enabled services. Other regions, where IBM Cloud Metrics Routing is not available, continue to manage metrics by using Monitoring. For more information about IBM Cloud Metrics Routing, see About IBM Cloud Metrics Routing.

IBM Cloud Metrics Routing is an IBM Cloud platform service that enables the routing of platform metrics to appropriate backend storage and analysis systems based on compliance needs.

Use IBM Cloud Metrics Routing to combine platform metrics from many regions into one monitoring instance or to segment platform metrics into multiple monitoring instances within a region as dictated by your operational requirements.

A diagram that shows a sample IBM Cloud Metrics Routing architecture.
Figure 1. IBM Cloud Metrics Routing sample architecture

Configuring the account

To configure IBM Cloud Metrics Routing in your account, you must define where metrics are routed and stored. You must configure 1 or more targets, and 1 or more routes. You must also configure the account settings.

  • A target defines the resource and location where time series data is routed. For more information, see Targets.

  • A route defines the rules that indicate where time series data is routed in your account. For more information, see Routes.

  • The account settings configuration defines information such as default targets where metrics are collected in the account, type of endpoints that are allowed to manage the configuration, and allowed locations to store the data in the account. For more information, see Account settings.

You can configure the following types of targets:

Table 1. List of targets
Target Type When to use
IBM Cloud Monitoring sysdig-monitor Consolidate time series data to the region of your primary operations.

The following table outlines the locations where you can configure IBM Cloud Metrics Routing to collect and manage metrics:

Table 2. Supported locations
Geo Region IBM Cloud Metrics Routing
Asia Pacific Chennai (in-che) No
Asia Pacific Tokyo (jp-tok) Yes
Asia Pacific Sydney (au-syd) Yes
Asia Pacific Osaka (jp-osa) Yes
Europe Frankfurt (eu-de) Yes
Europe London (eu-gb) Yes
North America Dallas (us-south) Yes
North America Toronto (ca-tor) Yes
North America Washington DC (us-east) Yes
South America Sao Paulo (br-sao) Yes


  • Consolidate time series data to the region of your primary operations

  • Route time series data to one or multiple locations

  • Improve your data residency compliance stature, keeping data at-rest within certain regions