IBM Cloud Docs
Tuning performance

Tuning performance

If you have specific performance optimization requirements, you can change the default settings for some cluster components in Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud®.

If you choose to change the default settings, you are doing so at your own risk. You are responsible for running tests against any changed settings and for any potential disruptions caused by the changed settings in your environment.

Instead of tuning worker node performance with MachineConfig files in Red Hat OpenShift, you can modify the host with a daemonset file. For more information, see Changing the Calico MTU or Tuning performance for Red Hat CoreOS worker nodes.

Default worker node settings

By default, your worker nodes have the operating system and compute hardware of the worker node flavor that you choose when you create the worker pool.

Customizing the operating system

You can find a list of supported operating systems by cluster version in the Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud version information. Your cluster can't mix operating systems or use different operating systems.

To optimize your worker nodes, consider the following information.

  • Image and version updates: Worker node updates, such as security patches to the image or Red Hat OpenShift versions, are provided by IBM for you. However, you choose when to apply the updates to the worker nodes. For more information, see Updating clusters, worker nodes, and cluster components.
  • Temporary modifications: If you log in to a pod or use some other process to modify a worker node setting, the modifications are temporary. Worker node lifecycle operations, such as autorecovery, reloading, updating, or replacing a worker node, change any modifications back to the default settings.
  • Persistent modifications: For modifications to persist across worker node lifecycle operations, create a daemon set that uses an init container. For more information, see Modifying default worker node settings to optimize performance.

Modifications to the operating system are not supported. If you modify the default settings, you are responsible for debugging and resolving the issues that might occur.

Hardware changes

To change the compute hardware, such as the CPU and memory per worker node, choose among the following options.

Modifying worker node kernel settings to optimize performance

Cluster worker nodes are configured for a level of stability, optimization, and performance that is expected to meet the needs of most workloads. Usually, it is not recommended to change your worker node kernel settings, as such changes can create unusual and unintended issues. However, if your workload has highly unique performance optimization requirements that necessitate changes to your kernel settings, a custom Kubernetes daemonset can be applied to change the kernel configuration. Understand that these changes can have significant negative consequences and that you implement changes to the kernel settings configuration at your own risk.

If you change the configuration of your kernel settings, make sure you document and save the exact changes that you make. If you open a support ticket for any issues related to the cluster, you must specify these changes. These configuration changes might be responsible for the issue, and you might be asked to revert the changes as part of the issue investigation. In this case, you are responsible for reverting any kernel configuration changes you implement.

Changing the default kernel settings can have negative effects on your cluster. Make these changes at your own risk.

You can change the default kernel settings by applying a custom Kubernetes DaemonSet with an init Container to your cluster. The daemon set modifies the settings for all existing worker nodes and applies the settings to any new worker nodes that are provisioned in the cluster. The init container makes sure that these modifications occur before other pods are scheduled on the worker node. No pods are affected.

You must have the Manager IBM Cloud IAM service access role for all namespaces to run the sample privileged initContainer. After the containers for the deployments are initialized, the privileges are dropped.

Before you begin: Access your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

  1. Save the following daemon set in a file named worker-node-kernel-settings.yaml. In the spec.template.spec.initContainers section, add the fields and values for the sysctl parameters that you want to tune. This example daemon set changes the default maximum number of connections that are allowed in the environment via the net.core.somaxconn setting and the ephemeral port range via the net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range setting.

    Depending on the systctl settings that you try to change, you might want to configure the security context. For more information, see the Red Hat OpenShift documentation.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: DaemonSet
      name: kernel-optimization
      namespace: kube-system
        tier: management
        app: kernel-optimization
          name: kernel-optimization
            name: kernel-optimization
          hostNetwork: true
          hostPID: true
          hostIPC: true
            - command:
                - sh
                - -c
                - sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries="5"; sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout="15";
              imagePullPolicy: Always 
              name: sysctl
              resources: {}
                privileged: true
                    - NET_ADMIN
                - name: modifysys
                  mountPath: /sys
            - resources:
                  cpu: 0.01
              name: sleepforever
              command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
                - >
                  while true; do
                    sleep 100000;
            - name: modifysys
                path: /sys
  2. Apply the daemon set to your worker nodes. The changes are applied immediately.

    oc apply -f worker-node-kernel-settings.yaml

To revert your worker nodes sysctl parameters to the default values, follow these steps.

  1. Delete the daemon set. The initContainers that applied the custom settings are removed.
    oc delete ds kernel-optimization
  2. Reboot all worker nodes in the cluster. The worker nodes come back online with the default values applied.

Optimizing network keepalive sysctl settings

If a pod has long running TCP connections that are occasionally disconnected when they are idle for a period of time, it might help to change the sysctl keepalive settings for the pod.

These scenarios and suggested settings are also described in the Troubleshooting Outgoing Connection Issues with IBM VPC Public and Service Gateways blog.

There currently isn't a way to set these sysctl keepalive settings on all pods by default in a cluster. The best way to modify the settings on all pods is to use a privileged initContainer. Review the following example of how to set up an initContainer for a deployment in a test-ns namespace.

Allow privileged initContainers in the test-ns namespace:

```sh {: pre}
oc adm policy add-scc-to-groupl privileged system:serviceaccounts:test-ns

Deploy the following example initContainer. Remember to change the containers: section to your own application containers. The initContainer then sets the sysctl settings for all the regular containers in the pod because they all share the same network namespace.

```sh {: pre}
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: test-sysctl
  namespace: test-ns
    run: test-sysctl
  replicas: 2
      run: test-sysctl
        run: test-sysctl
      - command:
        - sh
        - -c
        - sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=40; sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=15; sysctl -e -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=6;
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: sysctl-init
        resources: {}
          privileged: true
      - name: test-sysctl
        command: ["sleep", "2592000"]

Changing the Calico maximum transmission unit (MTU)

Increase or decrease the Calico plug-in maximum transmission unit (MTU) to meet the network throughput requirements of your environment.

All VPC workers nodes support jumbo frames. However, on classic infrastructure, only bare metal workers support jumbo frames.

By default, the Calico network plug-in in your Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster has an MTU of 1480 bytes. For most cases, this default MTU value provides sufficient throughput for packets that are sent and received in your network workloads. Review the following cases in which you might need to modify the default Calico MTU:

  • Jumbo frames have an MTU value in the range of 1500 to 9000. To ensure that your cluster's pod network can use this higher MTU value, you can increase the Calico MTU to 20 bytes less than the jumbo frame MTU. This 20 byte difference allows space for packet header on encapsulated packets. For example, if your worker nodes' jumbo frames are set to 9000, you can set the Calico MTU to 8980. Note that all worker nodes in the cluster must use the same Calico MTU, so to increase the Calico MTU, all worker nodes in the cluster must be bare metal and use jumbo frames.
  • If you have a VPN connection set up for your cluster, some VPN connections require a smaller Calico MTU than the default. Check with the VPN service provider to determine whether a smaller Calico MTU is required.
  • If your cluster's worker nodes exist on different subnets, increasing the MTU value for the worker nodes and for the Calico MTU can allow pods to use the full bandwidth capability of the worker nodes.
Before you begin
If your worker nodes still run the default MTU value, increase the MTU value for your worker nodes first before you increase the MTU value for the Calico plug-in. For example, you can apply the following daemon set to change the MTU for your worker nodes jumbo frames to 9000 bytes. Note the interface names that are used in the ip link command vary depending on the type of your worker nodes.
  • Example command for Bare Metal worker nodes: ip link set dev bond0 mtu 9000;ip link set dev bond1 mtu 9000;
  • Example command VPC Gen 2 worker nodes: ip link set dev ens3 mtu 9000;
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: jumbo-apply
  namespace: kube-system
    tier: management
    app: jumbo-apply
      name: jumbo-apply
        name: jumbo-apply
      hostNetwork: true
      hostPID: true
      hostIPC: true
      - operator: Exists
        - command:
            - sh
            - -c
            - ip link set dev bond0 mtu 9000;ip link set dev bond1 mtu 9000; # Update this command based on your worker node type.
          image: alpine:3.6
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
          name: iplink
          resources: {}
            privileged: true
                - NET_ADMIN
            - name: modifysys
              mountPath: /sys
        - resources:
              cpu: 0.01
          image: alpine:3.6
          name: sleepforever
          command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
            - >
              while true; do
                sleep 100000;
        - name: modifysys
             path: /sys

Updating the Calico installation

After applying the DaemonSet to increase the Calico plug-in MTU, complete the following steps to update the Calico installation.

To run your Red Hat OpenShift cluster, make sure that the MTU is equal to or greater than 1450 bytes.

  1. Edit the default Calico installation resource.

    oc edit installation default -n calico-system
  2. In the spec.calicoNetwork section, change the value of the mtu field.

        - cidr:
          encapsulation: IPIPCrossSubnet
          natOutgoing: Enabled
          nodeSelector: all()
        mtu: 8980
          interface: (^bond0$|^eth0$|^ens6$|^ens3$)
      kubernetesProvider: OpenShift
      variant: Calico
      variant: Calico

    To run your Red Hat OpenShift cluster, make sure that the MTU is equal to or greater than 1450 bytes.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Apply the MTU changes to your worker nodes by rebooting all worker nodes in your cluster.

Disabling the port map plug-in

The portmap plug-in for the Calico container network interface (CNI) enables you to use a hostPort to expose your app pods on a specific port on the worker node. Prevent iptables performance issues by removing the port map plug-in from your cluster's Calico CNI configuration.

When you have many services in your cluster, such as more than 500 services, or many ports on services, such as more than 50 ports per service for 10 or more services, many iptables rules are generated for the Calico and Kubernetes network policies for these services. Using many iptables rules can lead to performance issues for the port map plug-in, and might prevent future updates of iptables rules or cause the calico-node container to restart when no lock is received to make iptables rules updates within a specified time. To prevent these performance issues, you can disable the port map plug-in by removing it from your cluster's Calico CNI configuration.

If you must use hostPorts, don't disable the port map plug-in.

  1. Edit the default Calico installation resource.
    oc edit installation default -n calico-system
  2. In the spec.calicoNetwork section, change the value of hostPorts to Disabled.
        hostPorts: Disabled
        - cidr:
          encapsulation: IPIPCrossSubnet
          natOutgoing: Enabled
          nodeSelector: all()
        mtu: 1480
          interface: (^bond0$|^eth0$|^ens6$|^ens3$)
      kubernetesProvider: OpenShift
      variant: Calico
      variant: Calico
  3. Save and close the file. Your changes are automatically applied.