IBM Cloud Docs
Creating public gateways

Creating public gateways

You can create and attach a public gateway to specific Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) subnets and virtual server instances. Before you begin, make sure to review the use cases that are listed in About public gateways.

Before you begin

Before you create a public gateway, you must satisfy the following prerequisites:

  1. Make sure that at least one VPC and subnet exist. For more information, see Creating a VPC and subnet.
  2. Attach any floating IP addresses to your virtual server instances (optional). For more information, see Reserving a floating IP address.

Attaching floating IP addresses to virtual server instances enables communication to and from that particular instance, independent of whether the subnet is attached to a public gateway.

Only one public gateway per zone is allowed in a VPC, but a public gateway can be attached to multiple subnets in a zone.

Creating a public gateway in the UI

To create a public gateway using the IBM Cloud console, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the IBM Cloud console and log in to your account.

  2. Select the Menu icon Menu icon, then click Infrastructure > Public gateways. The Public gateways for VPC page shows.

  3. Click Create to go to the Create public gateway page.

  4. Select the Edit location icon Edit location icon and enter values for the following fields:

    • Geography - Select a continent for your public gateway.
    • Region - Select a region for your public gateway.
    • Zone - Select a zone for your public gateway.
  5. Enter values for the following fields under details:

    • Public gateway name - Type a unique name for your public gateway.

    • Resource group - Select a resource group for your public gateway collector. You can use the default group for this public gateway, or select from the list (if defined). For more information, see Best practices for organizing resources in a resource group. After provisioning is complete, you cannot change the resource group.

    • VPC - Select a VPC. You can use the default VPC for this public gateway, or select from the list (if defined). For more information, see Getting started with Virtual Private Cloud.

    • Tags - Optionally, add user tags. User tags are visible account-wide. For more information, see Working with tags.

    • Access management tags - Optionally, add access management tags to help organize access control relationships. For more information, see Controlling access to resources by using tags.

  6. Copy a sample API call (optional).

  7. Click Create.

  8. If you don't have a paid account, Upgrade your account might appear instead of Create. If this option is shown, click to update your account to a paid account before creating your public gateway. For more information, see Upgrading your account.

Creating a public gateway from the CLI

Attach a public gateway to the subnet if you want to allow all attached resources to communicate with the public internet.

To create a public gateway, run the following command:

ibmcloud is public-gateway-create my-gateway $vpc us-south-3

From the output that's returned, save the ID in a variable so you can use it later, for example:


To attach the public gateway to your subnet, run the following command:

ibmcloud is subnet-update $subnet --public-gateway-id $gateway

Only one public gateway per zone is allowed in a VPC, but that public gateway can be attached to multiple subnets in the zone. To find the public gateway for a zone, run the ibmcloud is public-gateways command and look for the particular VPC and zone values.

Creating a public gateway with the API

Attach a public gateway to the subnet if you want to allow all attached resources to communicate with the public internet.

Create a public gateway for the zone:

curl -X POST "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/public_gateways?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
  -H "Authorization:$iam_token" \
  -d '{
        "name": "my-gateway",
        "zone": { "name": "us-south-2" },
        "vpc": { "id": "'$vpc'" }

Save the ID of the public gateway in a variable.


Attach the public gateway to your subnet.

curl -X PUT "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/subnets/$subnet/public_gateway?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
  -H "Authorization:$iam_token" \
  -d '{
        "id": "'$gateway'"

Only one public gateway per zone is allowed in a VPC, but that public gateway can be attached to multiple subnets in the zone. To find the public gateway for a zone, run the ibmcloud is public-gateways command and look for the particular VPC and zone values.

You can then retrieve and view the public gateway that is attached to the subnet by running the following command.

curl -X GET "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/subnets/$subnet/public_gateway?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
  -H "Authorization: $iam_token"

Next steps